His Majesty thinks of pirates! ..... An energetic woman of around 50 sits on a
folding table in ..... The PIRATES look to each other and search for the man, who.
(Dance With a Pirate) by (Zorba)
Zelo Productions, Inc. 3 South Newton St. Denver, CO 80219 Copyright 1997 Reg. WGAW 303-936-8995
Amidst the agitated 16th century throngs of a town square, a young woman races purposefully; pushing, shoving, and clawing at the backs of the masses. As people turn to see what hellcat is so determined to get to the head of the crowd, they break into taunts and jeers as they recognize her. EXT
A tawny man in the prime of his mid-life is led slowly up the steps to the gallows. His feet and hands are shackled, and he scans the crowd as he rises higher on the scaffold. EXT
The woman is more distressed, and seizes an oaf about the shoulders to pull herself above the rancorous sea of bodies. She sees something in the distance and gives a small cry before pushing on, harder than ever. EXT
The man is readied beneath the noose. The executioner approaches, black hood at the ready. The man spits in his face, then scans the crowd again. The hangman is about to strike when an officious looking sort stops him with a small move of his hand. He moves to the edge of the platform, faces the crowd, unrolls a document, and begins to read. EXT
The woman now bounds from one set of shoulders to the next, gaining a small glimpse with each elevation. She shouts towards the gallows, her voice fighting with the listing of the crimes. Cisco!!
More people in the crowd turn to her, laughing. CROWD GUY A bit late, ain't it now! CROWD GUY #2 And more than a bit short, too!!
2. Howls of derisive laughter from the crowd. The woman turns to them, rage straining her comely features. WOMAN Damn you all and out of my way! EXT
OFFICIAL [rerolling his screed] Therefore, let the order of the court be carried out, and let us see what His Majesty thinks of pirates! The hangman tightens the noose about CISCO'S neck and cinches the shackles tighter about his ankles. CISCO looks at the woman tearing through the crowd. The executioner grasps the trapdoor handle. The WOMAN closes her eyes. The official drops a finger. CISCO falls against the noose, his head back and away from the rope. The crowd issues its obligatory gasp. The WOMAN stops, looks at the hanged man, spinning slowly through the shadows of the gallows. She wipes her brow, sighs deeply, and purses her lips. WOMAN [exasperated] Shit! INT
CISCO, or least someone who looks a LOT like CISCO, minus the long hair, the beard, and some years, slowly spins in place, loud music and flashing colored lights throbbing all around him. His head is tilted back and away from a necktie held up, noose-like, by the same WOMAN from the SQUARE. The music stops, she drops the tie and throws her arms around the man's neck. She kisses him, and they walk off the dance floor of a VERY trendy nightspot to a table where another COUPLE awaits them. ERIC As a new dance sensation Don, I don't think it's going to make it. SYBIL But Sara, that thing with the tie, that's nice... I think you could run with that!
3. DON and SARA are now seated at the table and DON has his hand up, signalling a cocktail waitress. There are several empty glasses at the table. SARA Sybil! Be nice! What a thing to say in front a man facing first time matrimony! DON And without a prenuptial agreement, I might add. ERIC Say, buddy, isn't there something in the code of ethics against that sort of thing? SYBIL Now boys, don't start with the lawyer jokes. SARA Yeah, because Sybil couldn't talk me out of it, I'M going to marry one! DON I think what Eric is demonstrating is that we look better if we beat the rush and attack ourselves. ERIC A sort of gallows humor, as it were. SYBIL gets to her feet and grabs ERIC's arm, pulling him to his feet. SYBIL So, you want to hang, or dance, or what? ERIC stands to join her, then turns and motions for DON and SARA to join them. DON deals with the waitress before turning to SARA and urging her back to the floor. DON C'mon honey, I mean if we are to be social sensations, and dance craze starters, then we've got to keep at it!
4. SARA glides in a hip shifting arc up to him, seductively locking his eyes, as she pulls him by his lapels to the center of the floor. SARA Yes, sweetums- I like that part about 'keeping at it!' It's right up there with 'keeping it up!' They are very close to hear each other, as the music is hammering once again. SYBIL and ERIC gyrate and gimbal into their vicinity. SYBIL So let's see it again! I think I missed some of the moves! ERIC laughs and grabs his own throat, throws his head back, and begins to make disgusting choking sounds. SYBIL bumps and grinds against his hips as she reaches for his tie. ERIC can barely contain himself with his own self delight. DON laughs with him and begins to repeat his previous moves. He takes the tie into the air with his own hand. He cocks his head. DON You know, Sar, - you'll love this!we could call it the 'hanging man'! After one of your favorite Tarot cards! SARA's eyes freeze frame for a split second on DON's, and then she resumes her dance. SARA Don't be morbid, Don- it's not my favorite. She turns around into what would be a 'spoons' posture were they recumbent, and delivers a series of thrusts to his loins, her face turned sharply up to speak to him. SARA (CONT’D) Besides, that was just another cheap shot at one of my pursuits. DON closes on SARA, his body conforming more intimately with hers. DON I've got a pursuit going right here!
5. SARA pivots away from him, still dancing. SARA You know what I mean. The music ends and all four of the dancing friends and lovers return to their table. Each of them reaches for a new round of what they were drinking. DON addresses the table. DON Well, we have a problem already. Here we were set to become famous with a new dance, and Sara remembers that I'm insensitive to the New Age. ERIC does a small spitting reaction mixed with mirth at this last. SYBIL glares first at her husband, then at DON. DON. And frankly, I'm not sure they're related! SYBIL Only in the loosest sense, Don, but Sara has a point, regardless. Just because you're not familiar with something, is no reason to ridicule it. SARA lifts her glass of white wine to her friend in a salute. SARA Well put, my friend. And Don, you'll notice that my lips never moved, and that that was entirely unsolicited. ERIC is making eye-rolling, mouth-twisting, grimaces at this last exchange. ERIC Only in the loosest sense, Sara, my dear. SARA What do mean by that, Eric? ERIC [dryly, almost a barrister] Just that you girls have a touchy feely support group, and you will go to the mats automatically for any coconspirator. That's all.
6. The two women look to each other with not quite mock horror. SARA "You girls"?? How dated, Eric. How utterly retro! SYBIL You must forgive him, Sara, after a certain number of drinks, the worst attributes of both species crawl out. BOTH?!
SYBIL initiates a gathering of things at the table. SARA seconds her moves. SYBIL Men and lawyers, sweetie. She finishes her own drink, puts it down and crosses to embrace SARA. SYBIL (CONT’D) Thanks a lot, dear. Don't despair, they are trainable. DON stands and holds out SARA's coat to her. She graciously receives it without looking, and faces SYBIL. SARA How right you are! Talk to you tomorrow. She crosses to ERIC, kisses him on the cheek. SARA Goodnight Eric, take care of the trainer for us! The men shake hands and the two couples weave their way from the club. INT DON'S APT, DAY - EARLY MORNING DON and SARA share a very modern, upscale, Westside of LA apartment. The decor, colors, furniture, and artwork all call attention to themselves as being on the cusp of the cutting edge of high fashion. The place EXUDES 'with-it-ness'. The apartment is DON's, but the treatment is SARA's.
7. There are no family photos, or anything of the sort about, but lots of Teutonic posters and French paintings, fighting while no one looks on. The occupants are seated around the breakfast island in the KITCHEN. DON is reading the WSJ. SARA I was being spontaneously humorousthere was no need to attack me for it. DON looks up from his paper, sighs, folds it and sets it aside. He removes his glasses that we see for the first time. DON Sweetheart, I did NOT attack you! I mean it was just a silly remark on the Tarot card thing, okay? Take it easy! SARA calmly shoves the plates away from her, as she focuses on her fiance. SARA I would if I thought it was just a silly thing, rather than an expression of dismay. DON puts down his coffee, and reaches out to take SARA's hand. He strokes it as he speaks. DON Sara, sweetheart! It was in the middle of a dance floor- loud musicdrinking and looseness- an aside half delivered! How can you hold me responsible!? SARA pours some orange juice from the decanter for DON, and then herself, before continuing. SARA That's but one of my points. DON pushes the OJ away from him and rolls his eyes. DON Oh Christ, is this the 'sexist' rap again? SARA Sweetheart, I'm not complaining, I'm just noting a consistent behavior. (MORE)
8. SARA (CONT'D) I still love you, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to go blind for you.- You understand? DON fumbles among the fresh fruit, the oat bran, the hand strained cranberry juice, the fresh ground and roasted coffeeDON Sara, ...look- I know that you make a living- strike that: I know that you make money by knowing what is in and what is out. Pretty good money andI appreciate that. Weird money, and I am unsettled by that, but at least I am man enough to ad mit it, - how'm I doing so far? SARA seems more intent on creating a 'Town & Country' table, rather than listening to her beloved, but comes out of it and peers directly at her cohabitant near the pause of his piece. SARA Fine! Really, ..I'm still listeningdying to know, matter of fact, where you're going to go with this opening. DON pushes the last of the organized table away from him in a crude arc. DON Okay, I just need to know that you're with me, that's all. Ahhh, I guess that I feel that you're right to pur- sue your career, it's just that I don't think that you have to knock the legal profession on your way. SARA Don, we should know each other well enough to know that I'm not trashing your profession, I'm just curious as to your recognition of my studies. DON begins to load his papers into his briefcase. He looks back to SARA from down near his case. It is a deliberately exaggerated look. DON So they're studies, now?
9. She begins to react to this when he puts up a hand in mock defense. Okay, okay...I meant that by most standards in schools and universi- ties- they are not SARA That they don't award degrees in them- like they do in say, -LAW!! Why are you so afraid of New Age studies? DON stands, puts on his suitcoat , walks over to SARA, bends and kisses her. DON I'm not, sweetheart, and you can call me on that. SARA returns his embrace and kiss, smiles at him. SARA I plan on it, dear. Oh... did Brannan call you? Yes.
SARA And did you talk to him? DON Yes, I did. SARA And is this going to work? DON I think so. I'll let you know. INT
CENTURY CITY TOWER, UPPER FLOORS. DON's office is in one of many suites in a large upscale CC firm. There are few names in the firm title, but lots of people around the masthead. DON has an office view that stretches out toward downtown LA. DON's colleague and friend, BUDDY MARTIN, sits across from his desk, his feet on the edge.
10. BUDDY No, I'm serious- you were out with both Sara AND Sybil, and they didn't put the touchy feely drop on you? I mean those two together go into auto tag team! The intercom buzzes on DON's phone, but he punches a console button to silence it. DON We made a small agreement beforehand- but now I guess they think I broke it. BUDDY You didn't make fun of their crystals, did you? DON No! I made a vague reference to some tarot card- and it seems that served as enough of a breach. BUDDY Amazing how the sensitive types can be so touchy- even when partying. I mean don't they ever take a break? DON I don't think so... they don't want to look coarse. BUDDY Hmmm, well is this causing any PMS for you? DON frowns at his desk, then looks at his friend and mouths the words: 'P M S'. Pre marital stress? The big day is what- six months away? DON Just about that, yeah. BUDDY (Forced Mafioso accent) Don, buddy of mine, this is sounding like some kind of scary shityou know what I mean? DON As usual Buddy,
11. you're leaning to the melodramatic- but there is some little thing that I can't pin down... BUDDY jerks his feet off the desk and sits up. He begins to paw through the documents on DON's desk. DON reacts with dismay, and pushes him back. BUDDY Hey! Just thought I'd start looking for something to save you, buddy! There's got to be a form here somewhere that limits your exposure to sensitivity training! DON reorganizes his desk, perturbed at the mess. When it is sufficiently neat, he sits- adjusting his collar and tie. DON It must have been tough on you, Buddy, being turned down by the National Lampoon as you were. BUDDY I'm just helping you ask the right questions at the right time, pal. DON Really? Is this a warning? If it is, it seems odd coming from a fellow barrister married to an admitted 'free spirit'. BUDDY (suddenly serious) Odd or not Don, I still can't shake the weirdness I feel about Sara. And I know that I'm out on a limb on this, because on every knowable point the woman is a diamond amidst the dust...it's just As BUDDY hangs on the word, DON leaves his seat, concerned at last, to lean against the front of his desk, nearer his friend. DON This isn't like you- making vague, baseless, accusations. Absent evidentiary support, I might add. BUDDY bounds out of his chair and moves to the window wall, where he paces as he looks at the city distant.
12. BUDDY Screw that! I'm not speaking as cocounsel, I'm speaking as your friend! And as your friend, I don't want to see you get creamed, that's all. Don moves from the desk to the glass wall, where he stops BUDDY by placing himself in his path. DON You're serious. You really believe that I might be heading for grief? BUDDY I'm not laying this kind of shit on you just to weaken you for our racquetball game, alright? Yes, I am concerned. DON But you can't explain why. BUDDY No...I cannot. DON Screw you, man- I think I hear the harsh voice of jealousy! BUDDY Hey, suit yourself. I was just trying to do the right thing, you know? BUDDY shakes his head and then exits the room. DON pushes a button on his phone and MARLENE responds. DON Marlene- tell Evan that I'm ready to get with her on the Hamilton case. DON pulls some papers out of the briefcase that came with him, as EVAN enters, folder in hand. She is mid- thirties, professional and serious about her work, although in her field, her physical comeliness often works against her. DON never looks at her beauty.
13. EVAN I've got the basic boilerplate ready and we'll need the signoffs from the SBA, Hamilton S&L, and ......Brannan, of Brannan Development Corp. DON hands EVAN a paper from the briefcase group. DON I want you to insert this- it will replace 7f. EVAN scans it and then looks up at her boss with major concern. EVAN But this is a non-recourse clause. Do you think that the folks at Hamilton- much less the feds- will go along with this? DON It's a scary part of town, Evan. They're lucky they're getting anybody to do anything down therethis just comes with the territory. Don't worry about it.
EVAN collects her papers, stands and exits without further comment. DON is lost among the rest of the papers on his desk. INT. PSYCHIC'S SHOP - NIGHT SARA and DON are seated on one side of a small table, with an outrageously costumed Tarot card reader on the other. SARA holds DON's hand on the table as the reader turns the cards and views them with extreme interest. READER I see a great turning in your life...... turns a couple more cards) yes...big changes in your lifeSARA waxes glowing as the READER intones. The READER turns another card and her expression darkens.
14. READER (CONT’D) But there could be trouble in the changes. SARA What do you mean, trouble !? The READER is surprised by SARA's outburst and takes a beat to respond. READER The...the.... hanging man card......it can symbolize a , a, .... difficult transition. that's all, a difficult passage from one stage of life to another. But just maybe...okay? SARA beams to DON with this reading as DON smiles weakly. SARA You see, sweetheart? The changes we talked about are happening! INT. PALMIST'S OFFICE - NIGHT A weary DON proffers his palm to a GYPSY clad older woman, who takes it with an unctuous efficiency. PALMIST I see a life line that takes a sharp turn! DON Is there a rollover involved? PALMIST glaring with a bad humor) No. SARA is holding the hand that the PALMIST is not, and her attention is totally focused on DON. She squeezes the left hand as she speaks. SARA No! Honey!..what she means is that marriage is a big step in any soul's travels!
15. SARA turns to the PALMIST with a burning bearing of truth and light. SARA (CONT’D) Isn't that right?! The PALMIST is clearly uncomfortable, but manages some grace. PALMIST Well, yes, it could be. The lines never speak with a single tongue. DON What do you mean by that? PALMIST The palm does not rule the life of a seeker. It merely reflects, and I am but the mirror. SARA Honey, just relax and let the woman speak....ok? INT. CRYSTAL SHOP - NIGHT DON and SARA are waiting about the foyer of a severe New Age crystal shop. The stones, crystals, and signs are a bit much for DON. SARA is quite at home within the walls of the shop. The proprietor is handing a crystal with support text to SARA, with DON looking on. SARA Oh hon, this amethyst would be perfect for you! DON Why? Because it is hard edged and you can't see through it? SARA You promised you would work with me on this! DON Or is it because it has many fine lined cracks running through it? SARA is smiling as she whacks him with her purse. The proprietor is nonplussed but keeps his eye on the crystal.
16. INT. BODHI TREE BOOKSTORE - DAY DON and SARA are hunkered about a small table with a couple of volumes between them. SARA is doing a fair amount of pointing. DON is finally out of a suit and tie, but looks uncertain as to its appropriateness. DON Tell me again about that last partthe one where it says how Black Elk is the cousin of Ramtha? SARA drops her face into the open books. She looks up wearily. SARA I can tell this has to take a more personal turn for you to listen at all. INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT SARA and DON are power lounging in the living room, arrayed on the couch with snifters in hand, looking dangerously close to a yuppie brandy ad. DON Past life regression? What the hell is that? I get to be the bully in somebody else's childhood? SARA puts her glass down with deliberation, sidles closer to DON, and takes his hand. SARA You get to be the bully in your own childhood, if that's what happened. DON I get the feeling I'm about to learn more. SARA leans in to kiss him...beams. SARA That's one of the reasons I love you dear- you are so quick. Sopast life regression is where you trace your own spirit back in time to see what you have done in your previous lives. It helps you understand some of the things that you are going through in this life.
17. DON Hmmm, isn't that cheating? SARA Why sweetheart, you never told me you were a Calvinist! DON You know what I mean. SARA Or a Catholic! DON sits back into the couch, folds his hands and smiles at SARA. SARA (CONT) (CONT’D) Well, you work with a guide, who helps you into a state of relaxation where you can let go of your current maya Maya?
SARA You were paying attention, weren't you, dear? Maya is the illusion that is the day to day world that so busies our souls that we waste precious time pursuing shadows rather than the godhead. Right.
SARA Then I can take that as a yes? DON Yes to what? SARA Yes to your trying this. There's no knowledge like primary knowledge. DON Ah, which 'this' would that be? SARA Any of them! But we'll start slow and work up to a past life regression. Wouldn't want to scare you off now, would we?
18. INT. DON'S LAW OFFICE -DAY Don is working at his desk, with papers and files piled high. His phone rings. He answers. DON Put him through....How are you Ed? ...Good, good to hear.... So how's it looking?......Uh hunh.....that's good news of course, but when do we think we'll have a firm date. .... Will that be for the pilot and or just the pilot? ...... Yeah.....of course.......... You have the paperwork ready to sign?...........No, I'll pick it up. ....I'll call you. Right, bye. His secretary enters as he hangs up and piles more files on his desk. Confirms an appointment or two, leaves. BUDDY MARTIN enters without knocking, and commandeers a chair. DON (CONT’D) Was your case settled, or did your client just die? BUDDY Naw, between our crackerjack staff here and my reams of pointless motions, I find that I have time to check in on my partners. Perhaps see if I can render any advice and consent. DON's secretary enters again, drops more files and pauses at the corner of the desk. MARLENE Oh, and a Ms Akanda Ray called to confirm your 6:30 Wednesday appointment. Quite pleased with her own cleverness and timing, she offers a half eye roll to BUDDY before leaving. DON sighs and looks to his partner for the inevitable. BUDDY Akanda Ray! Very exotic, my friend! New personal trainer, or is this a deep tissue massage on the side? DON I suppose I knew this would slink out eventually.
19. BUDDY Oh God! It's worse! You're getting Rolfed! DON No....it's more personal than that, I think. BUDDY More personal than some geek taking nude Polaroids of you and then mocking your inner posture? DON Think so. I am being channeled- or having my chakras aligned, I'm not sure. BUDDY Whew...the young lady is making some serious progress on the Don Stewart rewrite project. DON No, I'm just doing something that you, as an attorney, would know nothing of: I'm meeting someone halfway. BUDDY Halfway here, or halfway there? I'd be wanting to see the tour maps on this one, pal. DON Hey- it's a few hundred bucks and a few hours here and there to demonstrate that I'm big minded. That I can look at other systems without fear. And I do believe that of myself. BUDDY gets up and messes some papers on DON's desk as he moves to the door. BUDDY Oh man, the big tent theory of personal relationships. Have you thought about just starting off with a quick, clean divorce?
20. DON I'll give you this, man: you ARE consistent. INT. AKANDA'S DREAM SHOP - NIGHT DON and SARA are among a small group of fellow seekers. AKANDA sits on a low cushion in front of them. Her eyes are closed and she is at first motionless- then thrashes about before speaking in a voice not her own. AKANDA Why do you petition me? A woman in the front row- who may or may not be a shill- speaks up immediately. WOMAN We seek clarity of vision, Kamar. AKANDA It is good that you seek. Over the droning pithiness of AKANDA, DON looks about the room to see if he is the only one about to laugh. The answer's yes, as SARA seems to be in a semi trance state herself. He refocuses his attention on 'Kamar'. EXT. TENNIS COURTS - DAY BUDDY and DON are playing two other firm members. They are ALL in Wimbledon whites and take the game seriously. DON is playing the net and misses an easy lob. Shit!!
LAWYER 1 Does this mean you didn't spend any time at Wimbledon in a previous life, Don? LAWYER 2 Or does the tennis chakra get aligned at a later session, hmm? The game continues as DON speaks sotto voce to BUDDY.
21. DON Why do I get the feeling that someone couldn't wait to share some news with the entire firm? BUDDY hits a scoring drive and bounds up to DON at mid court. BUDDY You talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me? The other LAWYERS are laughing as they approach. BUDDY has a wide grin on his face that he shares with them. DON is not happy. INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT DON and SARA sit at the dinner table, the dishes pushed aside. SARA You're saying that because the boys at the firm are tweaking you about it- admit it! DON No, I'm saying it because that spastic, side-talking, Gypsywannabe sat there and blew everyone's dress up about how 'aware and sensitive' they were! What's not to like? SARA Honey! What I'm hearing is not just the conventional wisdom- but the bitterness that goes with it. You're bigger than that. We agreed on that, didn't we? She goes to him, has him move his chair out and sits on his lap. She caresses his face. DON Yeah.....guess we did. SARA Besides, there's nothing at all wrong with being more aware. (kisses him) Or more sensitive.
22. INT. PLR WORKSHOP - NIGHT An energetic woman of around 50 sits on a folding table in front of a half dozen people in overstuffed armchairs. DON and SARA fill the two chairs farthest from the woman. They are holding hands. ANGELIQUE I know that some of you have never done this before- that you may be a little nervous about digging into your past. Well, I want to reassure you that there is nothing to worry about. You are always in control. If you find yourself somewhere that is threatening or makes you uncomfortable-just close your eyes harder and back up. You are the tour director- I am just the guide, okay? Several small nervous assents from the chairs. ANGELIQUE(CONT) (CONT’D) Now I want you to get very comfortable...release every muscle...get that breathing deep and even. You hear nothing but the sound of my voice.... you're concentrating on your fingertipsfeeling the tingling buzz that's starting there- almost like a mild electric shock, but it's not jarring- that's right now feel it go up your arms- tingling every muscle and joint as it goes- up your neck- you're more relaxed than you have ever been... Close on SARA- she is smooth and relaxed. DON's eyes are closed, but he is still twitching- holding those eyelids down. ANGELIQUE(CONT) (CONT’D) you're letting go now, drifting down the hall to the elevator we're getting into the elevator, we feel it going down, farther and farther down. Now we're at the train station and we're getting on the train. (MORE)
23. ANGELIQUE(CONT) (CONT’D) We jerk forward a little as it starts, and we're going back, back, way back on the train. The train is going down a hill and it goes into a tunnel- it's totally black...and now- now it's getting light, you look around....you trust your- selfyou know you are safe. DON has crossed a threshold- he appears totally relaxed. His jaw goes slack- his mouth opens. EXT. 16TH CENTURY SPANISH VILLAGE - DAY DON emerges from a pool of darkness into a narrow street of cobblestones and carts. He looks around in amazement- holding up his hands in front of him. There is an edge to the scene around him- a visual cue of 'otherness'. He is wearing the clothes of a seaman, or buccaneer, of the period. He walks down the street towards an intersection. CLOSE on a doorway as DON passes. A full SKIRT fills it. DON is drawn to a square by the sounds of activity. CLOSE on DON's back as he rounds a corner and enters the square. We hold -as the wide shot is filled by the back of a dark haired woman, wearing the SKIRT. She enters the square at a different angle. DON sticks to the edges of the square, looking about carefully as he wanders. He is attracted to an outdoor cafe / pub, where a group of boisterous rowdies are carrying on. He sidles closer to them. There is one who is the obvious leaderstanding and regaling his cohorts about something. He turns to grab some food and DON sees that it is himself- CISCO bearded, older, long-haired and 180 degrees away in comportment, but it is the same man. INT. 16TH C SHOP - DAY Through a window we see the frozen DON staring at the group of rowdies. In the window we see a swirl of the SKIRT approach. Rack focus reveals SARA looking out the window at the scene. She smiles. INT. PLR WORKSHOP - NIGHT DON snaps upright in his chair with great force. His eyes open very wide.
24. DON Jesus H Christ!! He is panicked, with heaving chest and dry mouth. The rest of the group is sitting up and staring at him. ANGELIQUE is at his side comforting him. SARA is just coming back. ANGELIQUE It's okay, Don...it's okay. We're right here...we're all right here now, and everything is fine...we're all right here now. DON is embarrassed at having taken ANGELIQUE'S hand. He is calming down and looking for SARA as she takes his other hand. SARA Hey, babe! I'm here- it's alright. Where ever it was you were dear- it was safe. It was your place. DON has regained most of his composure and is mortified at having been the center of inappropriate attention. He tries to sink deeper into his chair. ANGELIQUE looks to her watch and goes to the table. ANGELIQUE Well, that was a pretty good session I think. I hope it was for the rest of you, too! But given the time, I think we have to wrap it up for tonight, okay? INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT DON is pacing about the living room, armed with a Scotch. SARA tracks him from the sofa. DON I mean he didn't look exactly like me- you know how you don't really know how you look? I know every line of your face- not that you have any of course, dear- but not my own, right? But I knew- I mean I KNEW it was me! And how can that be? A man can't meet himself. Right?
25. SARA reaches out and snags his free hand on one of his circuits. She pulls him down to her on the sofa. SARA Honey? Honey?....that's the point. DON That you meet yourself? SARA No! That you see yourself in another life. As you did. You didn't meet the guy, did you? DON Well,...no, not really. SARA Not really, my ass. You were blown out because you have never given any of my interests any credence, and you were caught unawares- big time. Admit it. DON Ah....well.....yes. I was shocked. SARA looks into his eyes and nods her head at DON. DON (CONT) (CONT’D) And I then realized that you have been right all along, and that I have just been a typical male in my refusal to acknowledge that what you have been doing is valid. How's that for groveling? SARA It's a start. She takes him into her arms and kisses him, slow and deep. INT. DON'S BEDROOM - NIGHT DON rolls off SARA and flops on his back. She reaches over him and kisses him. She flops back to her side of the bed. He takes her hand. DON G'night, babe.
DON rapidly drops off. SARA is motionless but for her eyes, which are fixed on DON. She closes her eyes. EXT. 16TH C PUB - DAY DON is seated at a table, his head resting on his folded arm. A goblet is in front of him. He snaps awake and is terrified to see CISCO staring straight at him. His fellow rogues surround him, but pay little attention to DON.
CISCO You? You're the one? This must be some kind of joke! INT. DON'S BEDROOM - NIGHT DON spasms awake but says nothing. His breath is fast and shallow as he looks about the room. Satisfied that he's in his own world, he looks to his fiancee, who is sleeping peacefully with a trace of a smile on her lips. INT. ERIC/SYBIL'S HOUSE - NIGHT A large party is in progress, with all of the usual suspects present. Several women, including SYBIL and SARA, are in a group. BUDDY sticks his head in. WOMAN 1 Last week was my 31st session, and I was in the court of Ramses. WOMAN 2 No! Really? WOMAN 1 Yes, I swear. I seemed to be the consort of a physician to the pharoah- at any rate we never seemed to stray too far from his side.
27. BUDDY So that means....that you could have been his dope dealers as well, or- instead of! SYBIL Excuse us, Buddy- we were having an adult conversation here. BUDDY Oh forgive me, Sybil- I didn't mean to muddy the waters with any unwarranted levity. DON and ERIC return with two drinks each. They hand off one to their mates. ERIC Oh, we're sorry- we didn't mean to run off and leave Buddy without a monitor. We trust he didn't say anything to offend. SARA Not at all, Eric. Some of us were just sharing our previous life experiences and Buddy was good enough to mesh that with drug addictions of the past. DON Quite a talent he has that way. The firm could not survive without it, trust me. BUDDY does a low bow and shalom as SYBIL fixes DON in her sights. SYBIL Don, do tell us of your experiences. Of your lives. We are all very impressed that you have been doing past life regressions, and we think that if you spoke of it in front of certain colleagues, it might do some good. WOMAN 1 Yes, Don, I am pretty darn surprised that you, of all people, have done this. Do tell.
28. DON What do you mean, "of all people?" Guffaws and titters. SARA Just tell them about the village, honey. DON Well, yes, I tried this thing- and I admit that I was surprised to find that I found myself somewhere else. I was in a Spanish village in maybe the early 1600's, and I saw a sailor type that looked a lot like me. SARA stares at him. DON (CONT’D) Um, well, it maybe ...was me. I had that feeling. WOMAN 2 What about your other lives, Don? You've done this more than once, I hear. DON Yes. Yes, I have. And?
DON And the sailor guy is the only one that has shown up. WOMAN 1 Ever? You always go to the same place? Yes.
WOMAN 2 I'd try a different guide if I were you, Don. INT. DAVE'S HOUSE - DAY DON is visiting with couple- SALLIE & DAVE. They are seated around a dining table strewn with books, kids' drawings, coffee cups and beer bottles.
29. SALLIE Don, I think it's great that you've done this for her and all, but I'm little concerned that you seem to...to DAVE Take this seriously. C'mon Donthis is feel good footage from the church of what's happening now. And if this makes you a snag to Sarawell then, fine. I guess. DON Snag? You guess? DAVE Sorry- sensitive new age guy. Well, how much of this are you doing to be part of her world, and how much are you doing be- cause you want to? SALLIE Don, there's the polite feigned interest in your spouse's pursuits, and there's- I don't know....a wholesale card carrying acceptance that's got to be a little difficultdon't you think? DON You're saying that I'm over doing it? DAVE C'mon man...you are who you are. Unless that's changing, and you're becoming someone you're notSALLIE And if that's the case, I'd look at love real close. And I'm a big fan of love....look! SALLIE leans over and embraces her husband, as children race through the room.
30. INT. DON'S MOM'S HOUSE - NIGHT DON walks into his childhood home, looks around at the neatness, the walls of family photos, the memories. He walks to the back. He carries a box. DON Mom! Mom, where are you? He enters the kitchen and finds his MOTHER-a silver haired woman of 65 or so, reading the LA TIMES, with the TV on (CNN), as she kneads dough at the kitchen table. She looks up. MOM Markowitz isn't going to run for the fifth district. Can you imagine that? Fifty six years old and he still has no balls. DON crosses to her, kisses her cheek and sits across from her at the table. DON Glad to see you're in your regular high spirits, Mom. So what
MOM about you?
DON Well, I am getting pretty booked up with all of the details of the wedding and all. MOM Does that include the touchy feely stuff with Sara? DON God! Did I miss the news on my own story, or what! MOM I talk to your brother- just like you do. I worry, that's all. It's what mothers do. DON What are you concerned about?
31. MOM Trying new things is fine, dear. Trying to become someone else to please another- that's not so fine. And here I thought you knew that. DON What is everybody after me about? Okay, so I'm looking into some things that Sara takes more seriously that I do...big deal. I'm trying to be open to the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. MOM Donnie, Donnie, Donnie.....you still playing catch-up? DON What's that supposed to mean? MOM Just what I said. You were always trying to catch up to your brotherthen you were always trying to catch up with that crowd at Stanford. Now I'm afraid you're doing it with your future wife, and that worries me. MOM tosses the dough into a pan and cleans her hands. She crosses to DON and puts her hands on his shoulders. MOM (CONT) (CONT’D) You're a fine man Donnie- just as you are. Stop trying so hard to be somebody you're not for someone else. DON Take it easy Mom. I think you, and Danny, and several of my friends are taking this whole new age cram course thing way too seriously. Okay? MOM Okay. Just checking. DON I brought some more stuff for the kids. (MORE)
32. DON (CONT'D) Tell Danny when he comes by next time. MOM hugs DON. DON hugs MOM. INT. NEW AGE OFFICE - NIGHT DON is on his back on a padded table. A pony-tailed and balding man in his early fifties -AURA- has his hands together over DON's crotch. SARA looks on, beaming. AURA Yes, it's a strong orange vortexvery good....very good.. AURA moves his hands higher, stopping over DON's stomach, then heart, throat, nose, and head. AURA (CONT’D) the yellow needs a little worklet's bring this up...there. The green is okay, yes a strong heartthe blue is quite developed, no problem there.... Hmmmm...weak indigo, too much blue bleeding in we'll have to work on that.... SARA That blue doesn't surprise me! AURA turns his attention from SARA to DON. AURA You say you're an attorney? DON Yes, I am. Dewey, Cheatham, & Howe. AURA looks back to SARA. AURA (laughing) Blue! Oh that's rich! ) SARA tries to hide outright laughter. DON's colors, whatever they are, turn darker at the moment.
33. INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT DON and SARA are getting undressed around the bed. They are not looking at each other. DON Trust me- it's as if the two of you made a joke in Serbo- Croation and then laughed at it. No difference. None. SARA is near the closet as she takes off the last of her clothes. She pulls on a silk nothing and glides next to DON in his boxers on the bed. DON (CONT’D) continuing) I try yet another metaphysical nostrum of yours, and you laugh at me. SARA is working her will on him as he speaks. She explores him with her hands and tongue. DON (CONT’D) continuing) I'm serious Sar- this is bullshit, and I don't plan on He loses the ability to speak as her tongue fills his mouth. When she pulls away- about an inch... SARA The blue thing is about the voice speaking - the lawyer thingtalking....it's a ten year old's joke and I'm a very, very, verrry, naughty girl. Additional non-verbal communication on SARA's part. She rolls over DON to hit the lights. SARA (CONT’D) (continuing) I think I might need some discipline. INT. DON'S BEDROOM LATER - NIGHT DON and SARA are flesh, thrown silk, and sheets as they are splayed out on the bed.
34. CLOSE on DON as he hears a sound. His eye haltingly opens- he focuses his brain...which tells him that something is moving clothes in the closet. He gets REAL awake, opens his eye adrenaline wide, and snaps up and around. There is nothing. SARA is still out. He quietly gets off the bed, puts his shorts on, and checks out the entire house, moving with that hyper concentration of the cop movie. Nothing. In the kitchen he drinks deeply from the milk carton and does hand checks over the sink. He fails. INT. DON'S BEDROOM MORNING - DAY DON slowly awakens to the sound of SARA imploring him to get up. She streams through the room from the bathroom, wrapped in a robe. DON crawls out of bed and faces the mirror next to the closet. He stretches, and at the bottom of the stretch sees a muddy boot print on the virgin carpet in front of his side of the closet. INT. DON'S APT KITCHEN - DAY They are both dressed in their respective power garb, noshing, drinking coffee, looking at papers, and having an occasional eye on the TV news. DON can't seem to focus on any one of them. SARA What's the matter, Hon? You look...um- elsewhere. (crosses to him) Did I send you into deep space last night? (kisses him) Hello? DON Yes...yes you did, and I can't recall that I have ever had such a good time with such a bad girl. SARA Well, then what's the problem? DON I don't know that it's a problem, I just- Did you hear anything last night? Late? Maybe or so?
35. SARA No. Why? What should I have heard? DON I'm not saying that... I could have sworn I heard someone going through my closet. SARA Oh, honey- homies from the hood breaking in to go through your Brooks Brothers suits? I don't think so. Maybe a subliminal need for excitement in your life? DON I don't think you're taking me very seriously on this. I heard something. SARA Sure it wasn't me moaning and twisting the sheets? (kisses him) Did Brannan call? DON Yes. I think we have a deal. SARA (hugging him excitedly) Great! How much of a deal? DON Pilot and six. Or so he claims. SARA For that- I'll take the first shift of guard duty tonight. Love ya. SARA collects her briefcase and exits. DON begins to do the same, when he stops, kills the TV and becomes very still before heading back to the bedroom. INT. DON'S APT BEDROOM - DAY DON bursts in and scans the room. He goes to the closet, opens it, and examines it carefully. He looks down and the boot print hasn't moved.
36. He looks about and finds a small plastic envelope. He scrapes up some of the mud and places it inside. INT. DON'S LAW OFFICE - DAY DON has the envelope on the desk in front of him. A man who's a likely GQ subscriber sits across from him: PAUL DRAKE, consulting investigator for the firm. DRAKE (picking up dirt) So what do you want to know, Don? I don't know that there's a lot I can tell you from this, but you know we'll do our best to impress. DON I want to know where it comes fromand by extension, where it doesn't come from. I'll bring in another sample tomorrow for you to compare. The sound of DON's door opening prompts DRAKE to pocket the dirt. He stands and heads for the door. DRAKE I'll get back to you soon. The door opens and BUDDY breezes in, looks to DRAKE nods, and takes the seat just vacated as DRAKE closes the door behind him. BUDDY looks to his back, and then to DON. BUDDY You've got Drake on the Wells Fargo case? DON No...of course not. There are no problems with BUDDY Then what was he doing here? What case that you have open would warrant his services? I work here you know. I'm a partner? DON straightens his desk as he searches for a line for his friend. Who brightens as he concludes:
37. BUDDY (CONT’D) (continuing) Damn! You plucky devil you! You took my advice! DON What the hell are talking about? BUDDY You're having Sara checked out! DON buries his face in his hands for a moment. DON How long have we known each other, Buddy?
MARLENE's knock and voice at his door intrude. She enters carrying a large vase of flowers. She places them on his desk with a satisfied smile. MARLENE When somebody loves you..... As she exits. DON reads the card and smiles. BUDDY I was wrong again....Sara's having you checked out. Or I was right and she just blocked your attempt to check her out- what's the deal, pal? INT. SARA'S OFFICE - DAY (PRIMARY AUDIO CONTINUES FROM PREVIOUS SCENE) SARA has an assistant picking up some papers and heading out of the office. She locks the door behind her. SARA goes to an inner office, takes off her shoes and reclines on a couch. We follow her with a very slow push in as she folds her hands on her chest, closes her eyes and begins deep, rhythmic breathing. DON I've been doing this past life regression thing, and a few nights ago I had a dream- but it was not really a dream. (MORE)
38. DON (CONT'D) It was something else- I saw mebut if it was me, then I was threatening me. BUDDY Christ, Don- most guys just find out that they were a prince or some crap like that. You go back in time to beat yourself up? DON No! It wasn't me. And then last night, I had this weird panicattack wake up call that somebody was going through my clothes. There was nothing of course- but in the morning I found a muddy print- and that's what Drake has. BUDDY Oh, shit. You don't need this. EXT. STREET DON'S LAW FIRM - DAY DON stands on the sidewalk. SARA pulls up in her JAG, with her license plate ONTHE$. DON jumps in. INT. SARA'S CAR - DAY SARA's sparkling and DON is frumping as he tosses his briefcase in the back. SARA What's the matter, dear? Lose the pool again? Somebody from Washington delivering indictments to the partners? DON (brightening) No.....no, just some more of the usual corporate crap. And I have to deal with Buddy, too. SARA Gold star, babe. Now, I have some news! Angelique has agreed to work with you one to one!
39. DON (tightening) This is good news? SARA Absolutely! She is very good- she hardly ever gives single sessions these days. You should feel honored! DON Suppose I should. INT. PLR WORKSHOP - NIGHT ANGELIQUE is cross-legged on the table, imported water squeeze bottle in her hand. DON and SARA are in the two front stuffed chairs. The light is low. ANGELIQUE I wouldn't be alarmed about it, Don. This figure is obviously very important to your lifeline, and I think you need to run with it until the lesson from this life is learned. It's very impressive that you are so focused to come back to this time over and over. DON Well, but why? Why do I have this feeling that he recognizes me? SARA Oh, honey, I doubt that- you're an observer in this other time. ANGELIQUE She's right, Don. I don't think I have heard of a case where the regressee participated in the past life. That's not the point. DON And just what is? SARA Hon...to learn about our present from what we did in the past.
40. ANGELIQUE Absolutely. Our life force is constant, but the missteps we make are all over the place, metaphysically speaking. We watch and we learn. DON Okay, then- let's go learn something. SARA I'll be here for you, Hon. DON settles back in the chair and closes his eyes as ANGELIQUE begins her rap. SARA, sitting cross-leg on the table, closes her eyes once DON starts his slow breathing. EXT. 16TH C SPANISH VILLAGE STREET - DAY DON is a regular resident now, looking about through the 'otherness' of the village, as he heads for the square. He looks about, spinning as he goes, scanning, looking for familiar anything. DON I am a regular guy, having a little nap in a chair in Santa Monica. I'm going to go find my avatar, learn a few life lessons, and then wake up. Jeez, what a guy won't do for love. EXT. 16 C VILLAGE SQUARE - DAY DON wanders over to where he first saw CISCO, but it is deserted on the outside. He ponders until two MEN, who look vaguely like some of the cohorts last seen with CISCO, exit the pub and head across the square. DON follows them, trying as best he can to 'shadow' them. He is not particularly adept at this. SARA is however, and for that reason, he never sees her, in the same garb as she first wore, following him as he follows them. DON loses them and SARA is disgusted that she has to hurry ahead of him, letting him see the back of her as she rushes after them. He has a momentary snap of recognition- and then dismisses it. As he hurries after her, she disappears, but he reconnects with the trail of the two MEN.
41. EXT. 16C WHARF AREA - DAY The MEN head to a galleon at dockside, where there's a hubbub of activity as provisions are loaded on board, and sails and rigging are repaired and packed. DON finds that he's walking right toward them when he's jolted by the sight of CISCO coming down the gang plank. He dodges behind some barrels nearby to observe. CISCO is talking to the two MEN, when a ruckus erupts below decks. They watch as three MEN emerge on deck with another man in their grasp. They wrangle him down to the dock and present him to CISCO. CISCO What do we have here? A stowaway? A volunteer? PIRATE We caught him in the storeroom- had some hardtack, some mapsPIRATE 2 And my sword! CISCO A sword! Some maps! So you want to be a brigand, eh? Steal our goods from our ship- that's quite brazen of you. You must be quite a fighter. to PIRATE 2) Give him your sword! Give him some room. The thief turns pale as the PIRATES form a semi-circle about him, with CISCO on the other side. CISCO toys with him for a few strokes before running him through, and walking his impaled body to the edge and letting it slide off his blade into the harbor. DON's eyes are extremely open and his jaw is heading south. He ducks back deeper behind his cover. CISCO (CONT’D) Who had the watch? The PIRATES look to each other and search for the man, who is on deck. As their eyes find him, he turns and runs at full clip to the fantail, where he dives into the water. Four barrels away, SARA stands, shrieks, and runs away, drawing some of the men onto a path that will lead them right by the hiding DON, who bolts in the opposite direction. CISCO sees him.
After him!
DON runs far faster than he'd ever thought himself capable. He finds a dark alley, makes a high speed ninety and ducks into a deep shadow. He closes his eyes very tight. DON I'm on the train now. I'm backing up...the train is going forward...we're coming out of the tunnel, into the light, INT. PLR WORKSHOP - NIGHT SARA opens her eyes and stands next to DON's chair, where ANGELIQUE is watching his twitching face. Shit!
SARA Easy, Hon! It's okay. You're here now...it's okay. ANGELIQUE Don, was there more trauma for you? DON For me? No- I was too busy stabbing and keelhauling and chasing me to have any trauma going on. ANGELIQUE The character you recognized as yourself, pursued you? DON Not exactly- he ordered his band of cutthroats to do it. ANGELIQUE But you felt as though they saw you, and were coming after you? DON Angie- this wasn't a feeling- this wasn't through some gauzy haze of perception...this was some bad guys after me.
43. SARA Was it the same man you saw before? DON Yes, but this time it almost seemed as though there was someone else involved- but I'm not sure if it was accidental or not. ANGELIQUE Another aspect of your life force, most likely. You must meditate on this, and see how it fits into your life now. DON Yes, I guess I must. You say you don't have many folks that do this chased by their previous selves? ANGELIQUE No, we don't. You might be the first, I think. Do you get along with your father? INT. DON'S APARTMENT - NIGHT DON and SARA are laid back on the sofa- feet up and watching a fire. DON stares over his drink into the flames. DON I don't mind telling you Sar- I was terrified. The whole knowledge that this was not happening was right out the window. This shit was real! Forget the question of whether I'm watching the early version of me or not- I saw a man kill a guy! And for what? The equivalent of pilfering office supplies? For what somebody at the office would have written a memo or had a word or two with somebody- this guy runs a sword through this poor sot just to let the other guys know he's still top dog around the water cooler. It's enough to make you think kindly of management training workshops, for Christ's sakes. SARA You're surprised, aren't you?
44. DON That I killed a guy for violating the honor policy at the snack box? SARA No- for having this happen to you. You thought you would go to a few of these weird gatherings with me, close your eyes, roll around for a while and that would be that. Sara would be happy and end of that story, right? DON That's a bit harsh, babe. I was trying these things at your suggestion, yes- but I didn't set any rules one way or the other. Yes I'm surprised. No that's way too mild. I'm stunned by this stuff. And not a little scared. SARA Oh, Hon, there's nothing to be scared of- it's just you, you know. DON Then why am I threatening me? What do the books say about that? SARA I don't know. Maybe there's some unresolved conflict going on now, or some anxiety that's clouding you at work or something, and this is just your way of dealing with it. SARA takes his drink and puts it on the table. She guides his arm around her as she snuggles to him. SARA (CONT’D) (continuing) You know, most guys just have dreams and that takes care of it. DON How can I dream properly when I have to defend my closet at night? No, Hon, this is something new and definitely weird. And I can't let go- not yet.
45. SARA You can't just learn some lessons from the behavior of this pirate self from the bounding main, or wherever? DON Hmmm...maybe it's the Jesuit training- maybe it's the law school. I don't know, but I would have a hard time writing this off as some moderately interesting life insights. I've got to find out more about this whole process. SARA Oh shit! This isn't going to become a 'case' is it? DON Don't know yet. Besides, why would that bother you? As long as your case is being handled? SARA (mock outrage) I-am-not-acase! How's it coming? Are we there yet? DON Almost. He wants to see some more quid pro quo. He's sharp, I'll give him that. SARA But it's no big deal, is it? I mean, he'd get the loan anyway, wouldn't he? It's more smoke and mirrors, right? DON Right. And speaking of mirrors... DON kisses her and nuzzles her neck. She squeals and jumps to her feet, and takes off for the bedroom, with the intrepid time traveler in hot pursuit.
46. INT. DON'S LAW OFFICE - DAY DON is at his sideboard in front of his computer screen. He is on the Internet, running a search on "past life regression". We see the screen as he types in the search parameters: past-life; regression; reincarnation. A whole screen load of URLs appears- DON punches the print button, and clicks on the screen. His phone buzzes and MADELINE announces EVAN, who then enters with her files. EVAN Hamilton S&L? DON Yes, Evan, what about it? EVAN Looks as though there could be a default on the horizon. DON Anything specific? Why are you bringing this up? EVAN It's Brannan Development Corporation. DON has been splitting his attention between his junior colleague and the screen, but with this he comes to his desk and full attention. DON What's the problem? EVAN Seems that the CRA made some attendant promises about the project- re: minority hires; minority sub-contracts, etc, and the locals claim they've not been met, and there's a general strike in place against the project and Brannan is stating that given this, he'll never be able to make the loan schedule. DON He's giving advance notice of default!?
47. EVAN It would seem so, yes. DON What the hell is that asshole thinking!?! EVAN Can't tell you that, but I do have a copy of his letter to the board of Hamilton.
She passes it to DON, who grabs it and speed reads even as his skin tone fades. His breathing gets into that unhip shallow range. DON Why didn't he just tape this to a goddamn brick through their window? EVAN offers her clean hands to DON's dilemma. EVAN The Hamilton people want to know if this will be standard procedure as far as filing with the feds- shall I tell them to go ahead? DON No. Not yet. Let me have the file so I can look this over before we talk to them. Maybe we can finesse this a little instead of running right off to the SBA. EVAN Sure thing. Maybe you can help Brannan have an attitude adjustment. Good luck.
EVAN puts the rest of the file on his desk and leaves. The computer has finished its 'go-bot' mission in the meantime, and the screen is flashing in garish graphics: "Past Life Bulletin!!" DON angrily hits a couple of keys and the machine says 'Goodbye' in a distorted electronic voice.
48. INT. DOWNTOWN BAR - NIGHT DON and BUDDY are at the bar of a tony crystal and brass joint. It's the far side of the happy hour crowd. BUDDY My very own best friend -a cold blooded killer- and a pirate to boot. You should have been a prince. You'd be much better off now, thinking about how cool you were and how everyone loved you. Instead of a blue bearded, black hearted, DON The beard is reddish blonde, just like mine would be. And I guess I am pretty damn curious about what's going on here- and whether or not this avatar, dream figure, hallucination is showing up in my apartment, rifling the place. BUDDY Well, you do have some very nice stuff, man. Really. If only he'd wipe his feet. Show a little class. DON You think I have gone off the deep end on this shit, don't you? BUDDY Mixed feelings, pal. On the one hand, I'd say you're over-amped on this New Age crap, and it's just spilling over. On the other, more disturbing hand, it reinforces my previous concerns about Sara. Something strange that I can't put my finger on, but you being chased by a murderous 400 year old thug, well- maybe that's a start. DON It's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me, or seemed to happen to me, but I don't know that I can hold Sara responsible for this.
49. BUDDY Oh right! Somehow I just knew that you- a rock ribbed, middle class, Jesuit, Republican lawyer would go running off to learn valuable life lessons from the last half dozen axe murderers that you happened to have been over the last nine hundred freakin' years! BUDDY has wound out on this last delivery, to the point where many have turned to look at this over wrought speech. The barkeep is embarrassed for them. BARKEEP Can I get you fellas something? Another round? Some Xanax? The boys order another round, and BUDDY glares at the other patrons until they return to their own pedestrian affairs. BUDDY And what worries me, is that you're doing this while you have some real situations brewing. Ah.. problems in the present world. DON What scandal are we talking about now? And how did you hear about it? BUDDY What were you thinking with that sweetheart deal for Brannan Development? I mean Hamilton might not give a shit, but there are others involved, and in the case of the feds and bad S&L deals, well there happens to be more than a little residual ill will out there. DON It's a tough neighborhood, we had to do it to close the deal. The whole PC crowd was behind it, and I didn't think it would be a problem. I'm amazed that this crap was pulled.
50. BUDDY I'm afraid that everybody else is amazed at the crap that Brannan is pulling. DON Did you see the letter? BUDDY I didn't see squat, pal. But I am a partner, and I make it my business to stay informed, okay? I don't want this to reflect poorly on the firm, and I don't want your ass hanging out to dry. DON I'm already scheduled to talk to the people at Hamilton- see if we can't agree to be patient on this. BUDDY That's great, but don't go getting killed by some whacko pirate, or it could still turn ugly. INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT DON and SARA are on the couch. DON is fixated on the fire and has furrowed brows. SARA watches him. SARA I don't know much about real estate deals- why is this threat of Brannan not making the payments such a big deal? Maybe he's just positioning himself for better terms from the bank. DON I don't think so. And if he's really this much of a flake, maybe you should be rethinking the "Crystal Vision" deal. SARA I don't want to think about any deals. I want us to get some sleep. C'mon, I'll rub your back and cast some spells to prevent dangerous dreams.
51. DON Unless you could get the pirate to go after Brannan.
SARA has taken DON by the hand and they head down the hall, weariness in their steps. SARA There's a thought...... INT. DON'S APT BEDROOM - NIGHT DON is face down with his eyes closed as SARA works his back with glistening hands. He is out. She finishes with a gentle temple rub, and then leans in to kiss his cheek. SARA Sweet dreams, babe. She reaches over him to kill the lights and settles in. EXT. PCH - DAY CISCO and SARA are cruising along in DON's notop BEEMER. Stunning visuals abound, and the two are having a prime experience, laughing and enjoying each other greatly. SARA pulls out a camera and leans out of the fast moving car to get some wide angle self portraits of the happy couple. DON grabs his phone. CISCO Yeah- to go. A large with sun dried tomatoes, peppers, and - what the hell, pepperoni. Uh, hunh. squints at a mileage marker) Mile 44 southbound PCH, a really good looking couple in a top down black beemer. Figure a mile a minutecan't miss us. What the hell do you mean- you don't deliver to moving addresses? What kind of pussy outfit is this? He slams the phone down and turns the stereo higher as he laughs. SARA leans over and endangers them both with a major tongue twister. They are both laughing.
52. EXT. PCH SCENIC VIEW ROADSIDE - DAY The concupiscent couple is standing at a coin operated telescope. DON has it pointed at another car in the parking lot, as a family is getting out. Tourists, their image jarred and extreme in CISCO's POV. They approach the same vantage point. CISCO Easy pickings, if I have ever seen them! SARA (smacking him) You can't talk that way!! INT. DON'S APT BEDROOM - NIGHT DON is still in the same position. He's asleep and there is a slight smile on his face. CISCO (OS) And why not? SARA (OS) Because you can't talk about people in front of them like that! They can hear you. It's very rude and it just isn't done.
DON opens his eyes abruptly. His dream just crashed. CISCO (OS) The hell you say. I do it. They're not people- they're sheep. We're people. DON reaches across the bed for SARA but finds empty sheets. He quietly gets out of bed and heads for the hallway. He strains to hear, but there is only some clanking from the kitchen. He sprints the last few yards and bursts into the open area. INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT SARA is standing with a glass of milk and a cookie in her hand. She stares blankly at DON.
53. SARA You were thinking it was the homies again, hon? DON looks about the room in panic, breathing hard and trying to force it down in front of SARA. But the panic lingers in his eyes. INT. DON'S LAW OFFICE - DAY The computer screen shows an abstract from a book on past life regression as DON reviews documents from BRANNAN BROADCAST. They show Brannan producing several episodes of a TV show starring SARA HOWARD. The agreement is between BB and CRYSTAL VISIONS, INC. wholly owned by SARA HOWARD. They state that BB will pay CV $400K for the shows and exercise all efforts to secure a broadcast deal, and failing that, the shows will air on a regional cable channel, partly owned by BB. The buzzer sounds and MARLENE is on the speaker. MARLENE (OS) Evan is here. She has files. She's not smiling but says she has to see you anyway. DON covers the papers he was working on as EVAN enters. She takes her seat and opens her files. She stares at him. EVAN The attitude thing didn't work, obviously. I received this from head counsel at Hamilton today.
She hands him a letter which he scans quickly. DON I'm a little behind on my homework. I'll have to do some catch up on this. EVAN What do you want me to do?
54. DON Find out who's sitting this session of the district court. Get a look at the calendar- give me a feel for the time frame. EVAN Okay. You want me to see who is heading this district for the SBA?
DON Ah, yes. Yes of course. Thanks, Evan. EVAN nods, closes her folder and stands. She pauses. EVAN You sure you still want to play defense? DON nods and turns back to his papers, as EVAN exits. INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT DON is at his computer, as SARA brews some tea in the kitchen. SARA comes to DON with a cup. SARA Here you go babe, some sleepytime special. DON Thanks, hon. I'm going to knock off soon and crash. I'm really exhausted and I'm going to try and get caught up. SARA A hell of an idea, if I do say so myself. I've got to check out some cutting edge Rim trends, so I'll be late, okay? You know how tedious it is going to clubs so hip that they don't even open until midnight?
55. DON I can just imagine. Do your best, babe. SARA kisses DON, scrambles his keyboard, laughs at his mock outrage, and leaves. INT. NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT Near closing time, and ERIC and SYBIL and another couple are getting ready to leave when SYBIL grabs ERIC'S arm and they all sit down again. She points to the entrance, where SARA and CISCO have just entered. They are laughing and carrying on in a grand fashion. SARA goes to the bar, gets a couple of drinks, and joins CISCO at a table. They down some of the drinks and head to the dance floor where they execute some torrid moves, but not without the tutorial from SARA. FRIEND MALE It's none of my business and all, but isn't that your friend, Sara Howard? ERIC Yes, it is. FRIEND FEMALE And isn't she engaged to your friend Don Stewart? ERIC Yes, she is. SYBIL And that is not he. ERIC Nope. But Syb, isn't it uncanny how much he looks like Don? In a weird kind of way? CISCO is a quick study within his own parameters, but his exuberance on the dance floor has SARA's attention. Pacing himself to the music, CISCO picks up some abandoned glasses and smashes them into the walls to accent crescendos in the music. He kicks chairs out of his way as he waxes enthusiastic.
56. The bartender is on his way over to them; SARA takes CISCO aside and whispers intently into his ear. She shoves him back away from her as the bartender leans into her ear. BARTENDER Look lady, fun's fun, but you and your friend are out of here as soon as you pay for the damages, you understand? SARA Oh I am so sorry! My friend has just arrived from, ... from Greece and he doesn't quite understand American ways. We're very sorry if this has caused any problem. How much for your glasses? ERIC and SYBIL and company glide out of the bar as SARA does her soft shoe on the dance floor. ERIC stops at the doorway and stares at both SARA and CISCO. They do not see him. INT. DOWNTOWN LUNCH JOINT - DAY ERIC, BUDDY, and DON are sitting over lunch. They are joking and chatting. BUDDY So Eric, you have an unusual story to tell Don, didn't you? ERIC Yes. Yes I do, but I don't want you thinking ill of me Don. Okay? DON's attitude chills fast, as he puts his beer down and looks to both of his friends. DON What is this guys? If this is the black spot note, don't you know that that's Evan's job these days?
57. ERIC I appreciate your attitude, Don. But the other night Sybil and I were at the Club Four with some friends and were about to leave when Sara came in with a guy and they proceeded to knock back a row of drinks and burn down the dance floor. DON is stunned. BUDDY prompts ERIC. ERIC (CONT’D) (continuing) Oh, and the guy she was with got so out of it that he began to tear the place up a bit- throwing chairs, smashing glasses. She kept grabbing him and yelling in his ear, trying to control him. She had to grease the bartender to keep him from calling the cops. Wild stuff. DON When was this? ERIC Wednesday night- late. Must have been around 1:30 or so. And here's the kicker man- this guy, he DON Looked a hell of a lot like me. Had a red beard and long blonde hairdown to his shoulders. But he looked older. DON's two best friends are now stunned. They look to each other in total bewilderment. BUDDY What the hell is going on, here? You knew about this? Christ, this is outta control.
58. ERIC Yeah Don- have you two gone kinky on us? The firm doesn't look kindly on that French shit, you know.
DON picks up his cold beer and slowly drags it across his forehead. His eyes are closed. DON This is the guy that's been threatening me, chasing me, wandering around my place when I'm asleep. This is the guy that left his Spanish mud on my bedroom carpet. ERIC Christ, Don- I heard some shit about the Hamilton thing, and that's not great- but to hear this from you- now I know we have a real bonafide class one felony level problem. Officers of the court do not have their ladies squired about the clubs of LA by 400 year old pirates, okay? BUDDY Yeah, pal, we have to agree on that or we all have to admit that we have a much bigger problem here. DON dunks a napkin in his water glass and then wipes his face with it. He is anxious and pale as he looks to his two friends. DON Look I know how this sounds, and right now I can't really explain it, but there was no doubt whatsoever as to who it was with Sara. None. I knew there was a problem when he showed up in my dreams instead of just this past life stuff. Then a couple of nights ago he finished off a dream of mine. BUDDY Oh I hate to ask....
59. DON Sara and I were in this great dream and- you know how a sound in your dream and a real sound can merge when you're waking? Nods of assent, but worried looks as well between ERIC and BUDDY. DON (CONT’D) (continuing) The sound was my voice- and I heard it in the kitchen- after I was very much awake. ERIC And when you burst into the kitchen with an Uzi in your hand you found? BUDDY Your dictaphone running. DON Sara having a glass of milk. BUDDY takes out his daytimer and flips some pages. He motions to DON, who then takes out his daytimer. BUDDY grabs it and writes something on the next day. BUDDY For the sake of your friends who love you and the firm that values you, call this man this afternoon. Tell him that I told you to callmake an appoint - ment and make it soon. See him, talk to him. ERIC I trust that he can prescribe something of sufficient gravity to eliminate this current unpleasantness. BUDDY Watch it pal, that was my line! back to DON) How 'bout it buddy of mine? Will you do this? I do not ask lightly, my friend. DON pockets the pad, checks his watch, and stands.
60. DON Yes I will. And do we all remember the better part of valor? The men both nod, as they toss cash on the table and walk out with their friend. INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT SARA sits at the dining room table, looking over scripts for episodes of CRYSTAL VISION. The door opens and an agitated DON enters. He joins her at the table. She reaches across to kiss him. DON Love of my life...were I more musically inclined, I might attempt a verse or two of 'It's a Small World After All'. SARA And why would you do this thing, my love? DON I would do this in an attempt to dissipate my fears and apprehensions. SARA Babe, what the hell are you talking about? DON Some mutual friends of ours saw your and your dancing fool at Club Four the other night. SARA And that bothered you? DON Yes, it bothered me! And I'm surprised that you're surprised that it did! What the hell is going on here? Are you seeing someone else? Are you SARA Honey! You're shocking me with this! (MORE)
61. SARA (CONT'D) You know that sometimes clients come through town and I have to show some respect- humor them as it were. Well, that night Vasco and Vanya were in town and you remember them- he does that internet video thing from Sardinia?- and she was tired but he wanted to see some LA nightlife. So, I obliged him. It wasn't pretty, I admit, but I managed my way out of it, nobody went to jail and I still have a major client who is very happy with Crystal Visions, Inc. Now, who was it and what were they telling you about what they thought went on? DON I.... I...I'm protecting my sources at the moment. But what about what this guy- who's Vasco? I've never met these people. The guy you were with seemed to look a lot like the guy that I've been seeing. SARA You're seeing someone else? Let's put all our cards, no matter how ugly, on the table. DON Don't be cute. You know what I mean. SARA No I do not, Hon. And I am very concerned about your thoughts on this. What 'guy' that you have been seeing? DON The pirate. SARA Oh, Hon. You're worrying me now. Please don't do this to me. This past life stuff is an intriguing, fun way to look at our lives- to get a glimpse of who we are. It's all within us. It's not real, it's not someone else 'out there' that can have any impact on us. On our lives. The pause is filled with both of them looking at the scripts.
62. DON They described him. Very accurately. Sounded just like him. The actions as well as the appearance. Don't you think we look a lot alike ? SARA Well... yeah, I guess you do in a way. I mean he's many years older, has shoulder length hair and a beard...but yes, there is a resemblance, I suppose. DON What color is the beard? SARA Reddish blonde. Why? what is this? DON It still sounds like him. SARA Don you are talking nonsense. Think about what you are saying. This is not the man I know and love. Do you want to meet this Vasco? Would that do it for you? Have you built up some sort of weird paranoid construct that there is someone out there that wants to do us in? You're making me nervous, but I will call him on some sort of pretense and try and get us together if that's what it will take for you to get over this kinky obsession. SARA stands and goes around to DON, rubbing his neck, bending down to kiss him. SARA (CONT’D) continuing) And I feel terrible knowing that I encouraged you to do this in the first place. I mean, my God, Don it was just a way for us to know some of the same experiences, so we could talk the same talk on some different things. I never ever wanted it to become anything more than that.
63. DON Okay. Okay... There have been some bumps in the road at the office lately. Maybe that's had more of an effect on me than I was willing to let on. Damn, Hon, I wasn't trying to play gangbusters on you. Forgive me? SARA Of course I do, babe. I never want you to forget how much I appreciate you, and how much I value all that you do for me. And for us. She kisses him again as he stands and visibly drains a bunch of the emotional tension that he brought to the table. DON I was going to take a sauna, want to join me? SARA Sounds good. Go ahead and fire it up, I want to check the rest of these scripts, and then I'll meet you inside, okay? 'Kay.
DON exits the room and SARA brings the papers in closer, staring at the hallway where DON just left. She breathes a deep, brow clearing, 'whew'. INT. DON'S LAW OFFICE - DAY DON pulls out his daytimer, pauses,then pulls a folder from his briefcase and dials a number. He has folders marked: "HAMILTON S&L -BRANNAN" before him. The speakerphone announces: VOICE (OS) Small Business Administrationcollections. DON Don Stewart for Stan Lasher-
64. DON sorts the papers, shaking his head slightly as he looks at them. DON (CONT’D) continuing) Stan, how ya doin'? Yeah, I know you have the papers, but what I'm saying is that perhaps they want to be at the bottom of the hopper for a bit.- No, of course not, I'm just saying that I'd like a little time to talk to my client and the folks at Brannan to see if we can't work something out to the point where you're no longer involved.- Yes, wouldn't that be a switch?- Thanks, Stan. I'll get back to you as soon as I can get these two knuckleheads to talk some sense.
DON makes some notes and punches another number. VOICE (OS
Hamilton Savings & Loan. DON (CONT’D) Don Stewart for Ed Meyers.- Yes I know it was, Ed. We thought it was necessary.- We both know you don't have any exposure on this Ed, and besides, you & Hamilton looked good in the Times' piece and who had a hand in getting that ink, huh?Thank you, Ed..... A little time, a week or two for me to talk to the Brannan people.- No I haven't forgotten the letter, but I want to talk to them and see if there isn't some agenda of theirs that we can work out elsewhere. Right. Absolutely. You'll be the first, Ed. Take care.
DON hangs up and makes some more notes on the files. He does some neck rolls and stretches before punching in another number. VOICE (OS) Brannan Development, may I help you?
65. DON Don Stewart for Ed Brannan. VOICE (OS) One moment please. DON looks at the daytimer page. It has "Dr. Patrick Lancaster, cf: Buddy- 310 555-8626" VOICE (CONT’D) (continuing) I'm sorry sir, he's not available. DON Not available? VOICE (OS) That's right sir. I'll have him call you as soon as he's free. DON Do you have my cell number? VOICE (OS) Yes sir, I have all of them, and I will tell him to call you as soon as possible. DON hangs up and he is pissed. And then nervous. Once more to the keypad. VOICE (OS) (CONT’D) Dr. Lancaster's office. DON I'd like to speak to the Dr. I'm a friend of Buddy Martin's. VOICE (OS) One moment, sir. LANCASTER (OS) This is Patrick Lancaster. DON Yes...Dr. I'm a friend of Buddy Martin's, and I was wondering if perhaps you might have some time to see me... he thought you might be a good person to talk to about some of these things
66. LANCASTER (OS) How about at 5:30 today? DON That would be fine. INT. LANCASTER'S OFFICE - DAY DON enters the Doc's inner office and takes a seat on a couch. He avoids the overstuffed chair. LANCASTER takes another chair opposite him. LANCASTER So, Don- tell me what has brought you here. What is going in your life that has you asking these questions? DON It's not the questions that I'm asking. Well, I mean it is- but they come from somewhere else. I mean they're not my questions. LANCASTER Start from the last place or time you were in control, Don. DON The last place or time that I was in control? That's a pretty good question all by itself, isn't it? INT. DON'S APT - DAY SARA arrives and throws off her daily LA accoutrements and heads directly to the bedroom, where she stretches out on the bed and begins her deep breathing routine. EXT. 16C WHARF AREA - DAY CISCO comes down the gangplank and heads towards the town square. He is suddenly joined by SARA as she emerges from behind the barrels. CISCO 'Zounds! But you are the sprite lightly seen of late! He takes her in his arms and kisses her deeply.
67. CISCO (CONT’D) continuing) And you have been confusing me mightily as well in this same time. What of this strangeness, now? SARA Cisco my love, have ever I led you to harm? CISCO Nay, not the once. SARA Then hear me well, I beg you. Upon my lead I will take you to this other place many more times- but you must attend my counsel carefully, for this will all to our benefit redound.
CISCO looks at her quizzically, then laughs heartily. CISCO My Sara, you delight as always, and I've not been shy in following, so lead on, for my ears are yours. INT. LANCASTER'S OFFICE - NIGHT DON is sitting on the edge of the couch, holding his head. DON So now I'm growing leery of sleepin a nutshell. When it was just the past life stuff, I thought, okay, fine, we can not schedule this again, but with this dream thing I'm getting very damn nervous. I mean how can this be that even my dreams are being co-opted? Where are the lines? I figure that I know who I am - but then there's this guy- who figures otherwise. So what the hell is this? Whose life is it, after all? (MORE)
68. DON (CONT'D) And then this weird stress thing has caused me to lose a little of my normal grip at work, and that's taking it's toll, and between them, I guess you could say that I am worried. Or I could say that I am worried. I'm worried. LANCASTER Don, I want you to know that I realize what it took on your part to come in here today and share this. I suspect that you never thought that you would be doing this, and I want to let you know that this is okay, that's there's nothing wrong in looking for the answers to the questions that keep us up at night. Or the thought that there's something after us at night. It's just you, Don, so I don't want you having any panic attacks about somebody stalking you, okay? Your being here is the greatest tool we have to start the process. I want you to know that starting with that tool we can get to the source of the problem and work this out, okay? DON Okay. Fine. That's good. I'm looking forward to it. Soon. LANCASTER As am I, Don. Let's set up a regular time to deal with this, and if we both commit to it, I'm certain that we can make some real progress. LANCASTER stands. DON stands. They walk to the office door. DON shakes the Doctor's hand. DON So this wasn't the wackiest thing you've heard? LANCASTER No. What do want to hear Don? That you're not nuts? You're not nuts.
69. DON Geez, I feel better already! LANCASTER See- it's good to deal with your unconscious issues, otherwise they'll turn up later in your life and you'll be tempted to call them fate. DON Hmmmm... better a frontal assault than being blindsided later, yes? Well, thanks again, Doctor. Patrick.
DON (sheepishly) Patrick. INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT DON enters and sees SARA reading at the kitchen table. He sheds his stuff, makes a drink, and joins her. SARA How's it going? Have you retired all the crises yet? DON Not quite. Some seem to have a life of their own. Never thought I could think of a simple loan file as having vampiric teeth, but I'm close. SARA leans over and strokes his neck. Kisses him. SARA Oh, Hon...even at the worst- and you are talking about the Brannan deal- they'll foreclose and that will be the end of it. DON Yeah... I suppose. How's it going on your side? SARA Pretty good. I'm finishing the fourth script. (MORE)
70. SARA (CONT'D) I think it's going well, I mean I'm excited about how this is opening up as I....Hon, where are you? What?
SARA I said, where are you? DON I'm here... I'm just... I don't know about this. SARA About what? You're speaking a little elliptically, Hon. DON This pirate thing has been getting to me. SARA But it's just you, babe. We've been through this. Are you still nervous about this? What's the deal? DON Well, it's made me nervous enough to see somebody. Somebody?
DON A therapist. Buddy's guy. SARA Buddy's therapist...why does this sound like an oxymoron, or a non sequitur....or... DON It's serious enough that I felt that I had to talk to someone who was not involved in any way. SARA And how did it go? What did he say?
71. DON Just that it's not real, that all of this is coming out of me, or some part of me, and that I need to look at these parts and figure out that they mean. SARA Well Hon, he's saying the same things that I've been saying- do I get any credit now? Does he get any more credit because he's a western doctor? DON No! It's just that I needed a sounding board that had some objectivity here. SARA I'm sorry, Hon. I didn't mean to sound like I was whining. I'm glad you're doing this, and I hope that he can help you. This is going to be fine, you know. You might even stumble across some things that you didn't know before. INT. DON'S APT BEDROOM - NIGHT Stout candles burn on either side of the bed. DON and SARA are motionless, asleep. DON begins to have REM's, and then twitches spasmodically, as we push in closeEXT. 16C WHARF AREA - DAY DON is sitting behind the barrels again as he opens his eyes and almost goes slack with disgust and resignation at the realization. He stands and checks out CISCO's ship, which appears to be STILL loading. He moves in closer, acting nonchalant as he wander nears the quay, but is spotted by some crew members of CISCO's ship. PIRATE Look there! It's the man who got away! There's a hubbub on board and several more PIRATES
72. scramble down the gangplank and after DON, who takes off at high speed down the quay. CLOSE on DON as he tears along, with PIRATES in pursuit, shouting a name and pointing at DON. REVERSE ANGLE showing the name and friend coming out to intercept DON, who zags right, hits a hawser and takes a hard fall into the harbor. CLOSE on DON underwater, panicking- eyes and mouth open. INT. CISCO'S CABIN - DAY CLOSE on DON's face as he opens his eyes wide in shock, as he sees CISCO's face in his own, peering curiously. CISCO My men say that you bear a very strong resemblance to me. I spend no time with looking glasses, so I know not. CISCO backs away, and DON bolts upright and looks around the cramped room. DON I cannot be here. I am not here. CISCO Such odd thoughts from the recently saved. Perhaps you thought you died in the water. You nearly did. Are you running from something, lad? CISCO shakes his head and goes to the cabin door, opens it. CISCO (CONT’D) continuing) You're exhausted- rest now. He leaves and DON falls back down. He IS exhausted, and he closes his eyes. INT. DON'S APT BEDROOM - DAY DON wakes up slowly. He has a bad case of morning hair. SARA is not there, but he hears the shower.
73. He gets up, and notices pain in his right ankle, which has a red mark. He sits back down, and assesses the aches and pains. INT. DON'S APT
SARA and DON finish off their morning routine. SARA Sleep okay, Hon? Anybody bother you? Besides me, of course? DON No. Pretty quiet night once I was asleep. Nice not to wake up exhausted. Maybe the pirate's on vacation. SARA Maybe the therapist is very insightful and you're a quick study. DON Maybe that. I'll call you laterperhaps we can do lunch. SARA Are you sure you're feeling okay? Your voice sounds - different. Getting a cold? DON Don't think so- but I seem to have some fluid build up. Water in my ears or something.
SARA nods quizzically, kisses him, and is out the door. INT. DON'S LAW FIRM - DAY DON is on the phone, tapping a pencil as he waits. DON Patrick, it's Don Stewart. ( INTERCUT with LANCASTER at his office )
74. LANCASTER Don, good to hear from you. How's it going? DON Well, not as good as we'd hoped, which is why I'd like to see you again. LANCASTER Well, we're scheduled for ah, let's see, Thursday at 5:30. DON No before then, today if you have any slots. LANCASTER You are stressed Don. What's happened. How are you feeling about what's happened? DON I went back there last night, and this time I nearly died. I was running away from them when I fell into the water and nearly drowned and then the me guy tries to be my savior, LANCASTER Slow down, Don. Slow down. No one is after you. Stop running- you can believe me on this; there is no bogeyman under your bed. Not a pirate, not a one armed man, not an IRS agent. Alright? DON (faint chuckle) Yes. Okay. It seems so real. It's flat out scary, Patrick. LANCASTER I know that, Don. Truly I do. Now, are you currently taking any medications? No.
LANCASTER Do you drink any alcohol before bed?
75. DON Yes, two or three drinks usually. LANCASTER Any allergies? DON No, none that I know of. LANCASTER Alright, I'm going to phone in a prescription to the pharmacy nearest your building. Dot will call you with the specifics, but I want you to follow the instructions and get some sleep for starters, and then we'll get back to work on Thursday, okay, Don? DON Yes, thank you Doctor- Patrick. LANCASTER Don, you've got some major issues that are coming to the surface at once, fighting for your attention, and that's why this seems so alarming to you. But it's just you we're dealing with, alright? We'll be fine. See you Thursday, then? DON Yes, thanks again, Patrick. The phone is barely down when it buzzes. DON (CONT’D) (continuing) Marlene, you are buzzing to tell me that it's those pesky PCH people with a three foot check and a camera crew, right? MARLENE Not quite. It's Evan and she has even more folders. But she's much prettier than the PCH crowd. DON Oh alright then.
76. EVAN enters and takes her seat. She is not smiling. EVAN We have bad news and we have worse news. Which would you like first? DON We'll go with worst, which has to be in regard to Brannan, who has gone seriously sideways on me of late. EVAN Got a call from Tony Abramson. Said to talk to him in all future Hamilton related Brannan matters, as he would be talking to us re: same. DON is near shock, staring at EVAN. EVAN (CONT’D) continuing) Let me cheer you up with the better news. Hamilton formally instructed us to begin foreclosure on the property, which means we have to CC the feds with the newer, more serious papers. DON Brannan is about to do something vile that will at least embarrass us and at the worst, hurt us badly. EVAN How are you so certain? DON He's hired a man who took the proceeds of his code-stretching first case and had talons grafted onto his fingers. Go ahead and prepare the papers for the court and send copies to Stan Lasher at the SBA. EVAN Oh, he called and said that he's being reassigned. A man named Steve Paretti will be handling this.
DON is blindsided again, the shock evident.
77. EVAN (CONT’D) (continuing) More bad news? DON Paretti is a caped crusader, defending the sacred public trust against rapacious businessmen and their ilk. Did I mention that he's never met a camera that he didn't like, and that he sees himself in Congress within six years? EVAN Ohhh, that cold clammy feeling that comes with knowing that you have just become...ilk. DON Who's sitting at the moment, Roy Bean? EVAN Ernest Tyrell, the right honorable. DON One for three. Almost sounds like good news. Relatively speaking, of course. Go ahead with the court papers. After that I'm afraid that we won't have long to wait for a brick through our window. EVAN With our names on it. DON That'll not be forgotten, Evan. But I think my name will be all alone on this. INT. SARA'S OFFICE - DAY SARA glances at a wall clock as she finishes a phone call. She pushes a button on the phone. SARA Nina, I'm going down for a bit. No calls, no nothing, 'till I get back to you. She goes to the door, locks it, and goes to the inner
78. office as before. She quickly reaches a trance state. EXT. 16C WHARF AREA - DAY Dressed as she was before. SARA hurries up the gangplank of CISCO's galleon. INT. CISCO'S CABIN - DAY CISCO is at his desk reading when SARA bustles in. He stands and wraps himself around her. She pulls him down onto the bunk. CISCO You have more news for me? What manner of strangeness are we upon now? SARA My dearest I am exploring the means to safeguard our being together, but there is much that I need to know yet. CISCO And these be matters of which I know not? SARA Yes, they would. CISCO How odd. How unlikely. SARA Indeed, my dear. But again I must beg your indulgence in this, since I do not yet know all the roads we must travel. CISCO What is this talk of roads? We would not abandon the seas, surely? SARA No, of course not. Have you seen again this strange man who looks so like you? CISCO Aye! Was just this day that he was snooping about. (MORE)
79. CISCO (CONT'D) The men spotted him and gave chase, but the fool went headover. We fished him out but he just yammered about not being here, and when I came back to check on him he was gone. The strangest thing, I swear, for there was a good man on the door. SARA No matter. But I needs must know your mind in other realms. Do you wish us together, my love? CISCO Aye, you know that I do. SARA I must be certain, before I marry this course of action. If you indeed wish us together for many 'morrows then I know my way. It will seem strange at times to you, Cisco, but you must trust me, even as I do, 'though the ground we both tread be soft. Agreed? CISCO Aye, agreed we are, but whence this baleful talk of such a dark future from one so bright? SARA I have seen some things that I cannot explain, my love, and I cannot make their sense known to you, but their import is as clear as it is dark. The one thing I need know is that I have your faith. CISCO As I live and breath. SARA My heart sings, Cisco, since you do it so far better than any other man!
SARA pulls him back down to the bunk, and envelops him.
80. INT. DON'S LAW OFFICE - DAY DON closes a large law book, rubs his eyes, and looks to the omnipresent clock on his desk. He punches some buttons on his phone. DON Hi, this is Don for Sara. NINA Hi Don. I'm sorry, but she's in a session and she's not to be disturbed. DON What sort of session? What do you mean? This is her fiancee! NINA Yes, Mr. Stewart, and this is her employee, and she said, "no calls". I have a good working knowledge of 'no', Mr. Stewart. DON We were to have lunch; buzz her and let her know I'm on the line. NINA No way, Mr. Stewart. No offense and all, but these are the standing orders, and I obey them. I can have her call you, if you'd like. INT. DON'S MOM'S HOUSE - NIGHT DON and his MOM are seated at the dining room table, with a meal between them. DON So...what do you think, Mom? MOM About you never bringing your brideto-be to dinner? Or was there another question before us? DON No...I was referring to my going to a therapist. Still love that refined subtlety, Mom.
81. MOM What do you want me to say? That I am happy that you're seeing a shrink? That makes me feel pretty great as a mother, I've got to tell you. DON Mom! That's adversarial if I've ever heard it! Does this sound like the kind of relationship that we're trying to have? I thought that I could share this with you without a flip out on your part. Maybe I was wrong. MOM pauses, takes his hand, squeezes it. MOM No. You're right, and I'm sorry about that little attack. Got to look into where that came from. If you're going to see someone, it means you're asking some big questions, and that never hurts. But you're still dodging. DON Dodging! How can you say that? I'm laying myself open to a technician, and I'm looking for a little feedback here. MOM Cut the bullshit, Donnie. You're scared and out of control. You figure that by going to this guy and telling me about it, that things should pretty much fall into place. They haven't. Are you going to tell me about it? Or do I have to go through the process of elimination? DON Okay...what do you remember about my early years? Was I abused by Uncle Teddy or kidnapped by bikers, or what? I'm a grown man, Mom, so it's okay to talk about these things. I need to know.
82. MOM You need to know things you don't want to hear from me. DON Mom, what the hell are you talking about? MOM I'm talking about you facing some of these things in your life, instead of looking to some therapist to make it all make sense. Not a bad thing to talk to him, don't misunderstand me, dear, but you do that a few times, and then you come here looking for some strokes, and I don't think you have confronted the real issue. DON And that would have to be Sara, wouldn't it?! MOM No. It would be have to be you. DON lets out a long slow breath. Pushes his dish away, and fixes his MOM with an intense, shaky look. MOM (CONT’D) continuing) Honey, I'm your mother and I love you and I want the best for you. I did some good things and some bad things in being your mom, and I can't change any of that, but what I can hope to do is ask you to see your life on your own termsnot somebody else's. You give up the lead role in your own play and you're a dead man. DON (sotto vocce) The Hanging Man. MOM What was that, Honey?
83. DON Nothing, Mom. Just that I'm glad that we could talk like this...I don't recall that we ever have. Have we? MOM Don't know that we have, but it's one of those things that it's never too late to start. Right up there with asking the right questions and making the right choices. DON You never let up, do you? MOM At being a mother? No. Never. It's in the contract, you could check it out. INT. DON'S APT BEDROOM - NIGHT DON unspoons from SARA and rolls to his side, thrashing quietly beneath the sheets. SARA is immobile in the flickering light of the candles. CLOSE on DON's face as that tell-tale Rapid-Eye-Movement works its' wiles upon him. EXT. 16C VILLAGE SQUARE - DAY DON awakens with a jolt and a grimace as he realizes where he is. He stands and looks about, moving as he does to find some cover. This action is rudely interrupted as two of CISCO's men intercept him- literally picking him off his feet and walking him, laughingly, to the PUB, where he's deposited onto a bench. The noise causes CISCO to emerge from inside. CISCO Well, well...we meet again. Does this not intrigue you mightily?...for it surely does me. I would have thought that by now you would have marked off elements of control within yourself....but then I see that I have erred in making such rash assumptions. How unlike me. DON Who are you?
84. CISCO I am Cisco. Who are you? DON I'm Don Stewart, an attorney from Santa Monica, California and I'm truly irritated at once again having my sleep dis- turbed by serial B-movie memories from my childhood. CISCO I know not the genesis of these memories of yours, but is it not so that one man's intrigue is another's irritation? Aye, but you're the living proof, if indeed you are living. Are you now? DON I am... why do keep showing up in my dreams? What the hell is this? CISCO This be no dream, man. You've wandered once again into my home port, and I have asked the same questions without answers. But this much I know for truth- that in some manner we both are known to a very spirited woman, a woman who belongs to me. A real woman who seizes life 'twixt her nails and her smile, and makes it her own. And I cannot fathom how you fit into all of this. Are you a real person, or a dream that I keep having? Do you know? INT. DON'S APT KITCHEN - NIGHT CISCO paces about the room, looking all around trying to make sense of this place. SARA emerges from the bedroom, wrapping a robe about her. CISCO My questions grow, dear Sara, and you needs must address them. Who is this odd man that seems to hover about like a lost albatross, and why?
85. SARA Yes, my love, I shall. The answers may be hard to believe, but I pray you trust me. I have endeavored to bring you to this place and time because I want us to be together and that could not be where we were. His majesty was close on your heels, and he was to win. I had no control over what was to happen there, so I did the best I could, tracking a part of you here. Now I am trying to put the pieces back together. Do you want to be with me, Cisco, in this new place? It would mean that we leave the life we had, behind. CISCO But this would be our new life? Yes. Yes, let us do it, for new opportunities abound and we are just the very ones to make our mark upon them! SARA Agreed, then, that there is no turning back, and that you will fight for the spirit that still resides in the visitor. His core wanes as you wax stronger, but he is wary, and of a keen mind, and he cannot be taken for granted. CISCO I fought Sir Francis Drake to a draw; I have no fear of besting a clerk. Who are the Drakes of your world? Have you men we can pit ourselves against? SARA Indeed we do, love, and more sheep than you can count! CISCO grabs her and whirls her about as gracefully as if he were on the deck of a ship. He kisses her. CISCO T'will be a glorious thing to have once again the wind at our backs love! (MORE)
86. CISCO (CONT'D) 'Tis going to be a wonderful life! When shall it begin? Is he here, can I handle this now? SARA Nay, not yet my love, for the balance of spirit has not yet changed. You cannot both be in the same waking yet- but you must keep focused, even as he dissipates what little strength he has. You must trust me as to the timing, Cisco.
She leads him to the couch. He stretches out, and she strokes his temples, easing him into a fast deep sleep. She walks into the bathroom. INT. DON'S APT BATHROOM - NIGHT She flits through the medicine cabinet until she finds the Rx from LANCASTER. She checks the quantity, and takes a few out, puts them into a pill box that she stashes underneath the counter. INT. DON'S APT. BEDROOM - NIGHT DON is calm but goes back to facial ticks and REM's as SARA settles in next to him. INT. DON'S APT - DAY DON snaps violently awake, his eyes bright and wide. The bed is empty and the sound of TV news is heard from the kitchen. He jumps out of bed, checks his closet, and then runs out of the room. INT. DON'S APT - DAY CLOSE on DON as he quickly searches the remaining rooms of his apartment, ending on... INT. DON'S APT KITCHEN - DAY SARA watches him as he looks around the room.
87. SARA Oh, hon, I'm afraid to ask what you're looking for. DON tries to settle his breath as he pours himself a cup of coffee. His hands have that adrenaline tremble. DON Just checking to see if my alter ego was waiting to finish me off on my way to work. SARA You're not laughing...I'm not laughing. Babe, I thought that you were sleeping okay, that the pills were helping you. DON Well, either I'm developing a very fast intolerance or the pirate is getting stronger. SARA holding him) You've got to stop talking as if there's another person involved, hon. It's just you, and you have a very vibrant soul- you just have to calm down and listen to what it's saying. This seems so real to you 'cause maybe you're not listening. So the louder it gets, to get your attention. DON breaking away) My attention has definitely been gotten. I'm running late, (kisses her) See you later, babe. DON heads for the showers, as SARA watches him, then gathers her daily stuff and exits the apartment. INT. DON'S LAW OFFICE - DAY EVAN and PAUL GORDON, another firm suit, sit in front of DON's desk talking quietly as the door opens and DON enters his office. His face falls when he sees the two of them. They say nothing as he takes his seat and looks at the papers on the desk before him.
88. DON As much as I'd like to say it's nice to see you, Paul, it is not. GORDON House counsel has never been a glamour job, Don, but I'm paying my dues. I think the phrase, "a lawyer's lawyer" has a certain resonance to it, don't you? EVAN gives GORDON a withering look- he stops the grandstanding at once. EVAN As you can see, we're DON being sued, along with Hamilton S&L, by Abramson for absent due diligence on the development loan. GORDON That would be the easy section: 'You are guilty of loaning money to someone who was an obvious idiot'. DON And let's see- we're being sued by Mr. Paretti, for..... There's a very uncomfortable silence as DON continues to read. GORDON The same thing plus where we as well as with the additional converting the loan recourse note based gain considerations
the ugly part, you are charged element of to a nonon personal on your part.
EVAN There's a fax from Paretti saying that a subpoena will be forthcoming concerning a contract between Brannan Broadcast and Crystal Visions. Do you want me to pull that?
89. DON No, don't bother with that yet. Evan, could Paul and I have a moment? GORDON Ev, I'll get with you later this afternoon to review our status, okay? EVAN Sure. I'll wait for your call. EVAN collects her files, looks to both, and exits. GORDON What's our exposure on this, Don? DON Perhaps mistakes were made, but I think I can straighten most of this out with a few days' time. GORDON Not to be cold about this, but from what I can tell so far, you've been using that line on everyone involved, and that alone could be the basis for additional charges or at the least, censure from the state bar association. The partners are most distressed, and what genie are you going to pull out of what bottle in the next few days? DON I can talk to people. I'm pretty good at that, and I'd like to give it a last shot before we all jump into a litigation feeding frenzy. GORDON Okay, we have that. But make it good Don. I really don't want to represent you. He stands, collects his files, reaches over to shake hands with his colleague, and heads for the door- pauses.
90. GORDON (CONT’D) (continuing) There won't be any bricks with Crystal Visions wrapped around them through our windows, right? DON Three days. GORDON's jaw tightens, but he leaves without further comment. DON goes to his rolodex, finds a number, punches it in. DON (CONT’D) Don Stewart for The Judge.- Your Honor! How're you doing?- Great, thanks. Say listen, I have a situation here, and although this is highly unusual, I was wondering if I could stop by this evening to discuss it? - That's great. I really appreciate this your Honor! Ernie, right. Thanks again, and yeah, eight would be fine.
He hangs up and pulls his face tight; gets his daytimer and punches in another number. DON (CONT’D) continuing) Patrick?!- Yes, this is Don - Right, yes I am, but I was wondering if you have any time after that? - Well, what I mean is, could I have the next hour as well?Good, that's great. See you then. DON punches another number from memory. DON (CONT’D) continuing) This is Tony Abramson for Ed Brannan. - Thank you- Ed, you mind giving me even the smallest hint at what's behind this three ring royal fucking that you're trying to pull off?- Ed?
91. Puts the phone down hard enough to mask the sound of his door opening and is thus startled when he looks up and sees BUDDY sitting down across from him. BUDDY Bad phone day? DON Bad office day- they're far worse. BUDDY That's what I hear. Sweetheart deal went sour. What's up with that? DON Just trying a little research along that very line. No luck so far. BUDDY How about with your other thing? You sleeping at night yet? DON Well, I wanted to talk to you about that. Ah....no. I've seen your guy, he gave me some pills, and they helped for a while, but he's back with a vengeance. Lancaster?
DON No! The pirate! And now he's talking to me more, and he keeps on talking about Sara. I mean we all agreed that this couldn't be happening, right? BUDDY Right. No way. And this gets messy here pal, 'cause I'm talking as your friend but also as your partner when I say that you can't be obsessing about this New Age crap, when there seems to be a full on legal crisis brewing under your butt! You understand me on this? DON Yeah, of course I do, Buddy, and I'm taking steps to handle that...it'll be okay.
92. BUDDY Maybe once things settle down you may want to look at this whole situation with the pirate and Sara and all. Maybe she is a shape shifter from another world; what do I know about this shit? But I sure as hell wouldn't marry one. INT. LANCASTER'S OFFICE - NIGHT DON rolls his tie up and down as he sits on the couch facing LANCASTER. DON I hate to sound like a child, but when does it get better? Am I there yet? I don't think so. Not so far. LANCASTER You've hit on something there, Don. Whining?
LANCASTER No, sounding like a child. It's the child perhaps, that is making all this persistent racket in your dream life. The you that never got to be a child when you were young. The dream elements often represent split off parts of ourselves; and the current adult self's attempts to find a home for these elementsto place them in their proper hierarchy in the self. DON (incredulously) I'm trying to audition the pirate? LANCASTER In a sense. It's more than just seeing where they belong, because there is the possibility that they fail the audition- that you want to reject them rather than integrate them into your present life. That's a decision you must still make, even in your dreams.
93. DON I'm trying to see this side of it Patrick, but you do under- stand, that I still fear for my life because of this character? LANCASTER Yes, I do. I hear you Don, but I also hear someone else deep inside of you, and it's that person that I wish would come out more and talk to both of us. DON That person is creating this pirate storyline to illustrate unresolved issues in my life? LANCASTER Something like that, yes. How does this person feel about these confrontations? - Beyond threatened? DON Feel? uh....he, I , I think maybe, a little...oh, envious. LANCASTER Of what? What's he got that you don't have. What's he got that you want? A life?
LANCASTER How do you value your own life, Don? DON My life? My life is good. I'm successful in my work, relatively debt free, and my prospects at the firm are LANCASTER I asked about value, Don, not a financial statement. DON Shit, I don't know. Pretty thin- or I wouldn't be here. (MORE)
94. DON (CONT'D) Pretty thin or I wouldn't be chased by my fiancee's ex-lovers from a different time. I did all the right things well; this shouldn't happen to me. LANCASTER I understand that feeling Don, and I want you to explore it- to feel the feelings of giving up yourself to someone else's agenda. We'll talk about that next week, okay? DON (checking his watch) Right! That was two hours? Well, thank you, Patrick. LANCASTER The pirate is you, Don, and you will not kill you, okay? The two men stand and move to the doorway. DON Okay. I'll work on the rest. INT. DON'S BMW - NIGHT DON drives west along Wilshire, with the radio on. He pushes the buttons until he lands on a Gospel station that is playing "What a Friend We have In Jesus". He grips the wheel with unwarranted force as tears head south across his face. INT. JUDGE'S HOUSE - NIGHT We track through an upscale home to the sound of dialogue between DON and Judge Ernest Tyrell. They sit facing each other in a den lined with books and awards. Each has a drink before him. A gas-log fire silently does its shadow work in the background. DON ...and so, Ernie, I have been trying to get these people to talk to one another about this for some time. I truly don't know what Brannan is trying to accomplish besides the 2.5 mil of the loan. (MORE)
95. DON (CONT'D) This crap against me and the firm and the 3 mil damages is a juris jihad as far as I can see. I mean he played all that affirmative action rebuild crap to the hilt when this deal was being put together, and now he wants himself included in the victim listings. TYRELL Go figure. Well, he certainly would not be the first to try and have his name painted on both sides of the fence. DON Exactly. So you see how I thought that a conference of counsel might be efficacious in resolving some of these more outrageous charges? TYRELL Yes, I do. Tell you what. Let me call the interested parties for a little chat in my chambers tomorrow. I assume you're free? DON Yes, indeed I am, sir. INT. JUDGE'S CHAMBERS - DAY The JUDGE, ABRAMSON, PARETTI, DON, and a COURT REPORTER, and a CLERK are present. TYRELL I'd like to thank you all for appearing on such short notice, and I would like to propose that this hearing be held off the record, in order that we might cover as much ground as possible in the limited time we have available.
PARETTI does a fair imitation of a king cobra in attack mode at these words. He stands, overwhelmed by the transformation. PARETTI Your Honor, it occurs to me that
96. TYRELL Therefore, without further objection, I will dismiss the court officers. He nods to the two functionaries that were hanging aboutthe COURT REPORTER and the CLERK. They look to the JUDGE and then to DON, before they exit. PARETTI Your Honor, this is most unusual, and I must reserve the right to counterfile at some future time, but I do not see TYRELL No, of course you don't. That's not your job, and I am not unaware of that, Counsel. ABRAMSON Your Honor, I must join my colleague, Mr. Paretti, in saying that TYRELL Was someone speaking to you, counsel? Now, in the all of the years that I have been in the field, this surely represents INT. WIDE WORLD TOURS - DAY SARA walks in all smiles, and proceeds to her agent, SANDI Hey Sara, where are we going? SARA I'm thinking that in two weeks I should in Lisbon- say in a hotel near the harbor, with a harbor view of course.
SANDI pokes around her desk and comes up with some glossies for SARA to look over, and turns to her terminal. SANDI Is this business, or are we taking the significant other?
Both, but blank for I'll look to you on
SARA leave the second ticket now. All first class, and these over and get back the hotel.
SANDI Fine. I'll plug in a few tentative itineraries and fax them to your office. SARA That would great. Thanks a bunch as usual, Sandi. INT. JUDGE'S CHAMBERS - DAY ABRAMSON and PARETTI are still listening tight-jawed as JUDGE TYRELL wraps his long harangue. DON is listening with rapt attention. TYRELL and so, after a thorough review of all the salient materials in this case, the court finds the charges against Mr. Stewart- an upstanding member of the bar for many years, and a credit to the once honorable term, 'lawyer'- without merit. Not only are they without merit, but they appear to the court to be based upon certain and specific political gains by some involved parties. Therefore the suits against him and his firm are hereunto dismissed. And Mr. Paretti, your motion for a personal asset freeze upon Mr. Stewart is hereby denied. Any questions? ABRAMSON and PARETTI look to one another and the JUDGE, but say nothing. TYRELL (CONT’D) continuing) Fine, then. Let us move on. The JUDGE stands on that, and walks out of the room.
98. PARETTI You'd better hope you've got some strong glue on this one, Stewart, or I'm going to take it apart like a D-9 to subsidized housing. The two men stand and walk to the door, open it, and ABRAMSON pausesDitto.
INT. DON'S LAW FIRM CONF - DAY Several of the men whose names are in brass out front, are seated at an elaborate conference table. The door opens and DON enters. He walks to the head of the table and nods to the men. DON Gentlemen... I know that you have been concerned lately about some potential fallout from the Hamilton S&L loan to Brannan Development. There have been spurious suits filed against the firm and me. It has always been my belief that they were baseless and meant only to further the political and career goals of the two attorneys involved. This was never a complicated process, and it so remains. Judge Tyrell, in whose court these cases would have been heard, apparently agrees with me, for they were both dismissed as of this morning.
Widespread approval breaks out among the men and spreads as they stand and shake DON's hand, offering congratulations and other evidence of their long- standing trust in him. INT. DON'S LAW OFFICE - DAY DON enters his office, takes off his coat, and collapses into his chair, breathing one long sigh of relief. His peace is interrupted as usual, by BUDDY.
99. BUDDY Sorry I had to miss your grandstand play, my friend, but I just wanted you to know that it's getting rave reviews around the office. DON Yeah, folks are usually pretty happy when one of their own looks as though he's not going to burn the place to the ground after all. BUDDY I don't know what you did, and I don't want to know who you did it to to pull this off, Don, but I am really happy for you. But yet, there is something that tells me that you aren't as happy about it as I feel you should be. Why is this? DON This will sound strange, perhaps, but I wish I could say that averting a career-ending fuckup would make me a happy man. As it is, I believe I have larger problems. BUDDY Oh Christ, Don! What the hell is going on here? I thought this was under control. You are not a nutcase. You are a mature, rational, clear-thinking, welleducated, and did I mention cool?guy. And as such it is simply infucking-conceivable that you would have life threatening fears based on your dreams! This cannot be! DON But it is, Buddy, and it is scaring the living hell out of me! I know that it can't be, and you know it, and Lancaster knows it- and we all know this can't happen. So of course I'm flipping out when it still is happening!
100. BUDDY Okay, so maybe we're being too mature here. DON What do you mean? BUDDY I mean we blow out of here and do a road trip to Baja. We grab our scuba gear, a case of tequila, some beer and ice, and we regress to DON Nice try, Mr. law partner. Maybe I could deal with Paretti and Abramson by cellular fax? BUDDY Okay, maybe not....but what the hell can we do? DON I'm thinking along a 'fire with fire' theme, but just stand by me, regardless of how weird it gets, okay?
BUDDY goes around to his friend, and in an awkward gesture, puts his hands on his shoulders, then pats him on the back. You know EXT. NEWSTAND
BUDDY I will.
DON hurriedly searches the racks until he finds a copy of the WHOLE LIFE TIMES. He opens it and quickly scans the ads in the back. He pulls out his cell phone. DON Hello, yes I'm looking for a reading.- Now.- Yes, that's fine. He pulls pen out and writes on the paper. DON (CONT’D) (continuing) I'll be there in about fifteen minutes.
101. INT. READER'S - DAY DON enters the minuscule shop and sits before a wizened old Gypsy man. He takes out a $100 bill and places it on the table before him. The man's eyes open appreciatively. DON I'm not here for parlor entertainment or to see if I'm ever going to win the lottery. I'm a believer and I'm looking for the truth. Do we understand each other? We do.
DON places his hand into the gnarled hands of the gypsy, who peers closely, turns the hand, peers some more. He swallows and looks up at DON. GYPSY (CONT’D) continuing) One very close to you, your heart has blinded your mind, is a black hand about to fall upon you. But the line crosses itself- I have never seen this before- which means that in part, the black hand is your own, but that cannot be!
The GYPSY looks in wide-eyed wonder commingled with terror as DON pulls his hand away, and bolts from the room. INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT DON enters and drops his stuff on the kitchen table. He is exhausted and emotionally wired out at the same time. SARA enters and is soft and supporting. SARA Oh, babe, you look whipped! Was there a problem at the conference today? The Judge didn't change his mind, did he?
102. DON No, it all went as planned. The firm heaved a large collec- tive sigh of relief, and then I was lauded as a hero. SARA Not a bad day, I'd say. So why the long face? DON Hon, it was very, very draining having two hyenas like Abramson and Paretti pacing around you with their fangs bared. SARA undoes his tie as he speaks. She then moves to fix him a drink. SARA I can imagine! But my hero took care of it. And speaking of hero worship, I have a treat for dinner! Really?
SARA Yes, grilled swordfish on a bed of rice with asparagus spears. Go soak while I finish dinner. INT. DON'S APT BATHROOM - NIGHT DON is wasted as he sits in the white noise of the jet tub. INT. DON'S APT KITCHEN - NIGHT SARA finishes off the dinner and reaches for a bottle of Stag's Leap '92, which she uses to crush two of DON's pills against the granite counter. She picks ups the powder and mixes it into a small container of orange juice. SARA Dinner's ready, hon! DON enters wearing a robe. He sits at the table as SARA serves him dinner.
103. INT. DON'S APT BEDROOM - NIGHT SARA is finishing a backrub, as she stands and pauses next to the bed. SARA Want to take your pill now, hon? DON Sure, I could use the sleep. SARA I'll get you some juice. CLOSE on DON glass of OJ, and returns. it down with
as awaits SARA's return. She reappears with a sets it down, goes to the bathroom, gets a pill She hands him the pill. He takes it, and washes the glass of OJ.
SARA (CONT’D) I've got a little work to finish up, but then I'll be in with you, okay, babe? DON Sure, see you in a bit.
They kiss deeply and then SARA is out the door. DON sits up and works his tongue around his mouth before bringing up the pill. He takes it out and jams it behind the bed frame, before reclining in genuine exhaustion. INT. SARA'S JAG - NIGHT SARA and CISCO are cruising the Westside, with CISCO staring in wonderment at all the neon and action surrounding him. SARA The surface has changed a goodly amount as you can see, my love. CISCO Aye! Much brighter- with much more sparkle to it! But still, it is but a new coat on the same man, 'tis it not?
104. SARA Of course. Men still do the same things for the same reasons- after all, they are men! CISCO gives her a devilish look and grins in the same manner. SARA (CONT’D) (continuing) And I would not have it any other way! CISCO 'Zounds but this brings the blood to the surface, does it not!? SARA It does. But we must begin your education even now. CISCO You are to explain the mechanics of these wondrous means and machines I see? SARA No, you must learn modern speech and manners, 'ere it cause us pain and problems. CISCO Hmmm? Oh, yes- as a spy in a foreign land must master the tongueI am in agreement. But what of these strange carriages? Let me have the helm. EXT. STREET - NIGHT We hear the frantic and funny interior dialogue as the JAG leaps, swerves, and jam stops amidst panicked traffic. INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT SARA and CISCO enter laughing, with CISCO making hand gestures indicating other cars crashing as he drove. SARA gestures to him to be quiet. She leads him to the couch, rubs his temples, kisses him, leans in close: SARA Remember your task, love.
SARA undresses and slips in next to a mouth breathing and twitching DON. She smiles and closes her eyes. INT. CISCO'S CABIN - DAY DON snaps to in CISCO's bunk once again and is nauseated at the knowledge. He focuses as the door opens and CISCO enters. CISCO We meet again. DON Could I kill you? Would that help? CISCO I doubt it. In all senses. DON Well then why are we always running into each other? CISCO In my case it is to learn about you and your world, for it is that world that I am about to enter. I have before me a whole new life, one that is strange but exciting, and I am now impatient to enter it. You seem to be the last obstacle. Perhaps it is that we share the same spirit somehow, I know not the mechanics of this, for that is the realm of Sara. But this much I do know- that I am destined to rule this spirit, for it is mine by nature and divine right. DON But how can this be? I have my life. It's mine and I control it. CISCO Do you now? I have seen you here in my time and learned much about you in your own, and it is clear to me that have squandered your life, since it meant so little to you. DON IT - IS -STILL- MY- LIFE!!
106. CISCO Then prove it now! Take it back! INT. DON'S APT KITCHEN - DAY SARA is blending up a smoothie as DON walks in, dressed for work but ready for war. DON Can we talk? SARA Babe, what is going on with you? DON I'm being sandbagged, bigtime- and I'm just now catching on. That's what's going on, and that's why I'm upset. Do you want to talk to me about it? Because I've just spent the night with a pirate who claims that he's about to take over my life so that he can be with his own true love. And that person sounds a lot like you. What's up with that? SARA goes to him and embraces him, but for the first time, DON resists. SARA Oh honey, what is going on with you? If this is a reaction to the whole regression thing, I am deeply sorry. I've said that before and I still mean it. You have got to know that, because this can't be real, and you know that, babe. Listen, I want to go with you to your next session with Lancaster, okay? I want to work with you to get this monkey off your back. Will you let me do that for you? DON is looking at SARA, his face a screen with a hundred messages fighting for control. DON I... I guess, maybe... I'll have to talk to Patrick. Let's talk later, okay?
SARA goes to him to hug once again, but there is a stiffness in DON. She backs away. SARA Oh, hon, I love you so deeply, that this pains me- to see you suffering at the hands of some nightscape ghost. Please let me do what I can to help you get rid of this thing? DON Yeah, okay. Let's ...uh... let's talk about this later, since I've got to go now. SARA Yeah, sure- call me, okay? DON (kissing her) Yeah, talk to you then. INT. DON'S LAW OFFICE - DAY DON walks into his office to see EVAN and GORDON waiting for him. They are not smiling. DON Well, I know this isn't a cheering squad, so let's hear it. EVAN and GORDON look to each other, and then GORDON looks to his papers. EVAN It's been a frantic morning with phone calls coming in over the transom. Then they started coming in for real. DON Who's in line?
108. EVAN The Judge's secretary talked to some people about your call to her on the 19th, which somehow connected with the long time but dismissed court reporter from your meeting on the 20th, who talked to people on the 23rd. DON And these people would be? EVAN PI's attached to Paretti. DON Our tax dollars at work. Any paper yet? GORDON No, but I expect it no later than tomorrow. You realize the potential here? DON Yes, Paul, I do. For all my afflictions and infirmities, dementia has not surged to the fore. Yet. Evan, any collateral damage on the horizon? EVAN Um,....'Fraid so, the SBA PIO released a story to the Times today that details a lot of the buildup to the Brannan case. And then goes on to imply huge chunks of the Tyrell aspect. DON (to GORDON) What do you need from me? GORDON We'll need access to your computers, your E-mail logs, and your hard copy correspon- dence. For openers. DON Okay. I need some time now, so perhaps you can get back to me later on the updates.
109. The two attorneys look to their papers in unison, before standing and muttering their assents, and leaving. They are brushed by BUDDY as he enters at high speed, slamming the door behind him. BUDDY What the fuck were you thinking? DON Is this the support part of our friendship? BUDDY Don't give me that shit! Talking to a judge - a judge known to be a personal friend of yours- ex parte! Jesus Christ, Don!, why not just hand them a grenade with the pin pulled? It's about the same goddamned thing! DON I don't mean to discount you, Buddy, but I really do have bigger fish that are trying to fry me. BUDDY You're losing it, you truly are! This is killing me, and I don't know what the fuck to do! If you were a Moonie I could find a deprogrammer and pay him, and we'd be home by now, having drinks on the patio. Dammit, Don tell me how to help you! DON Buddy, I trust you like a brother, and this is the scary part- I don't know that you or anyone can do that. That scares the shit out of me. BUDDY Me too, Don. I'm afraid as a partner in the firm, and that embarrasses me, before it scares me that you are in trouble as a friend. This is some ugly shit. DON Yeah. And it doesn't seem to get any better. (MORE)
110. DON (CONT'D) I need to run, I'll be in touch, okay? Really? Is that okay that I still call on you? BUDDY Absolutely, man. I'm crushed enough that I acted like a corporate asshole. INT. DON'S BEEMER - NIGHT As DON drives he pulls out a file and notes a number next to a name. He punches it into his cell phone. DON Hello, Brad, how you doing? BRAD Who is this? DON This is a friend of Carl's calling in a favor Brad. Does it matter who this is? BRAD No, no ... not at all, man, we're all friends here. DON Good, then I can come over and see you now, right? BRAD Yeah, sure, man, door's open. You know where the door is? DON Yes I do, Brad, and I'll see you in a few minutes. INT. BRAD'S PLACE - NIGHT DON is buzzed through the doors and enters the apartment gingerly. BRAD So what can I do for you, counselor? DON A small favor quickly.
111. BRAD Not a problem for a friend of the family. Is this a wahoo thing, or a stay awake thing? DON A stay awake thing, big time. BRAD disappears briefly, then hands DON a ziplock bag with a half inch of white powder in it. DON reaches into his coat, but is stopped by BRAD. BRAD Friend of Carl's is a friend of mine. DON Thanks. Uh....what do I do with this? BRAD looks at him strangely. DON (CONT’D) (continuing) I mean do I smoke it, put it in my coffee..... BRAD Traditionally, you sniff it. INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT DON is surrounded by files, yellow pads, a notebook computer soda cans, glasses, and room service detritus. There is a Lexis screen showing on the notebook, and several of the files indicate that he is looking for ways to staunch the legal bleeding. He goes to a table where he pulls some of the white powder out with a nail file, rolls up a dollar bill, and snorts two lines. He has a strong reaction to the impact of the drug. He has some beard showing, and generally looks hammered. The phone rings. Hello?
112. [AUDIO INTERCUT ONLY] LANCASTER Don, are you alright? People have been worried about you. DON Patrick, I have been worried about me. Still am. I'm trying to make some sense of this- looking for a new angle. Something has to make sense, doesn't it? LANCASTER Yes, it does, Don. But why the drama of hiding out? Your friends and your fiancee are very worried. Buddy has been all over me, and I was glad that you finally called. This isn't about what happened at work, is it? DON No. I'm just trying to stay alive, and that means staying awake, with cat naps and wake up calls every 20 minutes. LANCASTER You can't go on that way Don. DON No, but it's keeping me alive while I look for an answer. LANCASTER Don, I don't think you can find any answers while you beat yourself up with sleep dep- rivation. But I hear you on the seriousness of thisso let me find a place for you to check in. I'll monitor you, we'll get you rested and clear, and then DON And then it'll be too late, Patrick. I need a light- not a big one, just enough to show the path this guy is using to get to me. Can you see that light in me,
113. INT. LANCASTER'S OFFICE - NIGHT LANCASTER and SARA sit around the phone. DON is on the speakerphone, and SARA has red eyes and tears running down her cheeks as she listens. LANCASTER is moved. DON continuing) Patrick? I'm seeing some lights, but then I'm beginning to hallucinate, too, so it makes it even harder to decide what's validwhat's real. Big downside here, you know- what if I am the dream, and he is the reality? Shit, I'm still thinking- I'll call again. The line goes dead. SARA sobs and LANCASTER agitates. He opens some drawers in his desk, looking. Finds some sample pills and hands them to SARA. LANCASTER Alright. Go get him and make sure that he takes two of these. The Bonaventure, room 2812. Call me as soon as you get him to bed. SARA Thank you Doctor, thank you. INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT DON makes a drink and carves a couple more white lines on the table. He moves back to the bed, the phone rings, and he stumbles awkwardly as he reaches for it. He ends up on his knees next to the bed. Thank you.
He hangs up and shoves the phone away. He is turned towards the bed. He stops and looks at his own posture. DON (CONT’D) continuing) What an unfamiliar place we find ourselves in. And for a former altarboy, too. He puts his hands together and looks up- the penitent supplicant.
114. DON (CONT’D) continuing) I never thought I'd make this pitch- the one where I promise to never fail you if you just bail me out of this one. But here it is: Get me out of this one, Lord, and I will do my level best to do right from here on out, so help me, you. A knock on the door startles DON almost completely to his feet. He moves warily and not a little unsteadily to the door. DON (CONT’D) (continuing) Yes? SARA Don, please let me in. DON slumps against the wall. After a long pause, he opens the door. SARA enters, looks at him, then hugs him, sobbing. They walk into the room, and she sees the baggie on the table. SARA (CONT’D) continuing) Oh, babe- what are you doing to yourself? This is what's keeping you safe? DON is numb as he looks at the bag, then to SARA. DON I needed some time alone to think this through. At least I haven't been chased or threatened. SARA Hon, you have many people who love you and care deeply about you. You're not making it very easy for us to help you. I had to jump through hoops just to find Dr. Lancaster. DON And what did he tell you?
115. SARA He asked me to see if I couldn't get you to take two of these and get some sleep. You're edging into a type of psychosis that's caused by a lack of it. He genuinely likes and cares for you hon, as do Buddy, and Eric, and a host of others, but we can't help if you jump off a cliff. SARA's tears are streaming down her face. SARA (CONT’D) continuing) There is an answer to this, babe, but we're not going to find it this way. Give me a chance to help you, give Patrick another chance. Please. DON looks to her, looks around the room, still numb. He nods. Sara hugs him, crying. SARA (CONT’D) continuing) Thank, babe, thank you.
She stands, goes to the bathroom, gets some water, hands the glass and the pills to DON, who takes them. INT. DON'S APT BEDROOM - NIGHT DON is in bed, with SARA sitting at the edge. She is rubbing his temples, stroking him. CLOSE on DON as his eyes twitch, and a deep sleep seizes him. SARA smiles and walks into the living room. INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT CISCO walks to her, wraps his arms around her, and they kiss. CISCO It's about time, lass! SARA Yes it is, my love. Did I tell you I have been working on this for quite a long time? Come, I have packed some things for us.
116. INT. DON'S APT BEDROOM - NIGHT SARA and CISCO enter, and she opens both closets. There is a large suitcase standing ready in each one. She pulls a garment bag from DON's now depleted side and hands it to him. SARA You'll want to keep this one close. CISCO Some current fashions, no doubt.
The all too familiar voice jolts DON to almost break free. CLOSE on him as one eye half opens, sees the two of them together. DON's POV as his eye opens all the way for a brief moment. NO!!
They turn to him, just as his eye closes. INT. 16C DUNGEON - DAY DON is wearing the same clothes as CISCO in the first scene. His hair is longer, he's bearded and appears older. His hands and feet are shackled. NOOOOO!!
INT. DON'S APT - NIGHT SARA and CISCO get their final trip materials assembled. CISCO And where are we off to, love? Not that it matters greatly. SARA I have a special treat for us! We're going to visit a place we both know well, but will seems as though we have been gone a very long time. It'll be fun! C'mon!
117. She kisses him, opens the door, picks up the first suitcase and walks out. CISCO grabs the second and follows her. He does not close the door, and neither of them looks back. INT. DUNGEON - DAY DON is on his back with his eyes closed. DON I'm on the train, and the train is backing. We're entering the tunnel again, and Let's go!
DON is jolted badly by this, as the door opens with a loud creaking and groaning. The JAILERS enter, pull him to his feet and drag him away. EXT. TOWN SQUARE - DAY DON is being dragged through a jeering crowd to a gallows. DON SARA!! SARA!! I trusted you!! DON frantically scans the crowd, looking for any familiar faces. DON (CONT’D) This isn't funny anymore, Sara!
At the top of the gallows, the noose is tighten around DON's neck. He leans slightly against the rope. DON (CONT’D) continuing) I'm coming into the station now, back home, the train is back home, and I'm getting off the train
WS of the square as an official steps forth, reads a list of crimes, steps away and drops a finger. The trapdoor falls. The End