READING: DANCING RAINBOWS. Dancing Rainbows is a Native American story
about a boy and his grandfather. His grandfather is sharing his love for the ...
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W O R K I N G T O G E T H E R T O A C H I E V E O U T S T A N D I N G R E S U L T S • N O V E M B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2
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Having a positive outlook can make the difference between success and failure. A good leader not only displays the right attitude at all times, he does his best to encourage the right attitude in others. Example: Having the right attitude motivates other children to change their negative thinking when playing together at recess.
Dancing Rainbows is a Native American story about a boy and his grandfather. His grandfather is sharing his love for the tradition of dance from his culture. The grandfather is very well known and respected in the Indian community. The grandfather would like for his grandson to celebrate his love of dance with him. Reading Strategy: monitoring/clarifying Reading Skill: Main Idea and supporting details Fluency Passages: Dancing Rainbows pgs. 238-255 Questions to ask your child: Do you think Dancing Rainbows is a good title for this story? Why? Why does Curt respect his grandfather?
Writing Workshop: *Learning Standard: Uses writing to communicate ideas *Learning Standard: Uses correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
This quarter we will be searching for facts to create a research paper and write about one particular animal. Each child will be picking an animal and will be given a book and a short article from a website to find important facts and supporting details about their
This week’s Student of the Week was: Karlesha P.
animal. We will be doing most of the work in class. We will be writing what the animal looks like, where it lives and how it survives, its prey and predators, and any other interesting facts about the animal.
Word Knowledge Practice: Our word study for the week are long “i” words. They either have a “ight,” “ i alone,” “ild,” “ind,” and “ie” words. They all have the long “i” sound. wild bright die sight child pie fight lie tight tie might mind find kind sign fright
Word Wall words: Vocabulary Words:
high design delight slight
elders-people who are older and often wise; respected leaders in a group; honor-to show special respect; yelp-make a short, sharp yell; illegal-against the law, not allowed plaza-an open area in a town or city where people gather
Math Workshop:
We will begin Topic 7. In topic 7 we will be sharing and introducing the math skill of division. We will learn the meaning of division. It means to share and place into groups and divide something into equal groups. Like multiplication is a fast way of addition, division is a fast way to subtract. Be sure to look for the practice test coming home this following week. Don’t forget to practice the 2’s and 5’s for multiplication and division. They go hand in hand. Science:
This week will finish lesson 1 in science and begin lesson 2. Later in the month our class will soon
begin our adventure on the study of animals. We will explore how animals move, how they survive, and now we will discuss their predators and prey. Animals are an interesting subject to study.
6, 2012-Teacher Inservice-No School.
12, 2012-Veteran’s Day-No School.
Wednesday-November Thursday- November Friday-November
21, 2012-60 minute early dismissal
22, 2012-Thanksgiving Day-No School
23, 2012-Thanksgiving Break-No School