Dancing Tutorial. Alberto Manuel Brand˜ao Sim˜oes
. Braga Geek
Nights. March 1st. Alberto Sim˜oes. Dancing Tutorial ...
Dancing Tutorial Alberto Manuel Brand˜ao Sim˜oes
[email protected]
Braga Geek Nights March 1st
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Part 0: Ballet
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
What’s Dancer?
A micro framework for writing web applications
So, Yet Another Web Framework?
Well, yes!
CGI.pm webapps are spaghetti
Catalyst is HUGE
Ruby introduced something different
We needed something similar in Perl
And they also imitated us!
Available at http://perldancer.org and in GitHub.
Part 1: Tango
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
$ sudo cpan Dancer
$ sudo cpan Task : : Dancer
or yet
$ cpanm −S Task : : Dancer
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Bootstrap application
$ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
dancer −a MyApp MyApp / bin / app . pl MyApp / config . yml MyApp / environments / development . yml MyApp / environments / production . yml MyApp / views / index . tt MyApp / views / layouts / main . tt MyApp / lib / MyApp . pm MyApp / public / javascripts / jquery . js MyApp / public / css / style . css MyApp / public / css / error . css MyApp / public / images / . . . MyApp / public / 5 0 0 . html MyApp / public / 4 0 4 . html MyApp / public / dispatch . fcgi MyApp / public / dispatch . cgi MyApp / Makefile . PL MyApp /t /002 _index_route . t MyApp /t /001 _base . t Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
What’s inside
+ MyApp / bin / app . pl
a standalone light server (starts server in port 3000); also used for fast-cgi or common cgi backends;
+ MyApp / config . yml + MyApp / environments / development . yml + MyApp / environments / production . yml
main configuration file (plugins, modules, etc); configuration files for production and development: defines what to report, where to report, etc.
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
What’s inside
+ MyApp / bin / app . pl
a standalone light server (starts server in port 3000); also used for fast-cgi or common cgi backends;
+ MyApp / config . yml + MyApp / environments / development . yml + MyApp / environments / production . yml
main configuration file (plugins, modules, etc); configuration files for production and development: defines what to report, where to report, etc.
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
What’s inside
+ MyApp / views / index . tt + MyApp / views / layouts / main . tt
Templates and layouts: templates are page portions/scraps; layouts are full page designs (they are automagically filled by the template);
+ + + +
MyApp / public / javascripts / jquery . js MyApp / public / css / style . css MyApp / public / css / error . css MyApp / public / images / . . .
public/static files: javascript (Dancer ships with jsquery); cascade style sheets; images (for default design); Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
What’s inside
+ MyApp / views / index . tt + MyApp / views / layouts / main . tt
Templates and layouts: templates are page portions/scraps; layouts are full page designs (they are automagically filled by the template);
+ + + +
MyApp / public / javascripts / jquery . js MyApp / public / css / style . css MyApp / public / css / error . css MyApp / public / images / . . .
public/static files: javascript (Dancer ships with jsquery); cascade style sheets; images (for default design); Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
What’s inside
+ MyApp / public / 5 0 0 . html + MyApp / public / 4 0 4 . html
pages for 500 and 404 errors;
+ MyApp / public / dispatch . fcgi + MyApp / public / dispatch . cgi
wrappers to configure fast-cgi and cgi backends; will be back on this later (future talk?);
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
What’s inside
+ MyApp / public / 5 0 0 . html + MyApp / public / 4 0 4 . html
pages for 500 and 404 errors;
+ MyApp / public / dispatch . fcgi + MyApp / public / dispatch . cgi
wrappers to configure fast-cgi and cgi backends; will be back on this later (future talk?);
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
What’s inside
+ MyApp / Makefile . PL + MyApp /t /002 _index_route . t + MyApp /t /001 _base . t
Main module Makefile: usefull to make module of your application
Your test suite;
+ MyApp / lib / MyApp . pm
Your application!
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
What’s inside
+ MyApp / Makefile . PL + MyApp /t /002 _index_route . t + MyApp /t /001 _base . t
Main module Makefile: usefull to make module of your application
Your test suite;
+ MyApp / lib / MyApp . pm
Your application!
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Part 2: Flamenco
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Traffic Control
Your MyApp/lib/MyApp.pm includes:
p a c k a g e MyApp ; u s e Dancer ’ : s y n t a x ’ ; our $VERSION = ’ 0 . 1 ’ ; get ’ / ’ => sub { template ’ i n d e x ’ ; }; true ;
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
How to test it? Start the standalone server,
[ ambs@rachmaninoff MyApp ] $ bin / app . pl
that shows debug info,
[ 9 3 8 7 ] core @0 .000017 > loading Dancer : : Handler : : Standalone handler in / opt / lib / perl5 / site_perl / 5 . 1 2 . 3 / Dancer / Handler . pm l . 39 [ 9 3 8 7 ] core @0 .000442 > loading handler ’ Dancer : : Handler : : Standalone ’ in / opt / l o c a l / lib / perl5 / site_perl / 5 . 1 2 . 3 / Dancer . pm l . 230 >> Dancer 1 . 3 0 1 1 server 9387 listening on http : / / 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 : 3 0 0 0 \ subsection { Entering the development dance floor . . . }
and open a browser in the specified port.
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
It Works!
Route Handlers
A Dancer app is a collection of route handlers; A route handler is, basically, a sub; It is bound to an http method; And to a path or a path pattern; Example get ’ / ’ => sub { . . .
post ’ / s u b m i t / : f i l e ’ => sub { . . . del ’ / r e s o u r c e /∗ ’ => sub { . . .
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Route Handlers
A Dancer app is a collection of route handlers; A route handler is, basically, a sub; It is bound to an http method; And to a path or a path pattern; Example get ’ / ’ => sub { . . .
post ’ / s u b m i t / : f i l e ’ => sub { . . . del ’ / r e s o u r c e /∗ ’ => sub { . . .
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Route Handlers Static patterns (paths):
get ’ / ’ => sub { . . .
get ’ / a b o u t ’ => sub { . . .
Patterns with named tokens:
get ’ / book / : i d ’ => sub { # do s o m e t h i n g w i t h params −>{i d } ... };
get ’ / u s e r / : g r o u p / : u i d ’ => sub { # u s e params −>{u i d } and params −>{g r o u p } h e r e };
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Route Handlers Static patterns (paths):
get ’ / ’ => sub { . . .
get ’ / a b o u t ’ => sub { . . .
Patterns with named tokens:
get ’ / book / : i d ’ => sub { # do s o m e t h i n g w i t h params −>{i d } ... };
get ’ / u s e r / : g r o u p / : u i d ’ => sub { # u s e params −>{u i d } and params −>{g r o u p } h e r e };
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Route Handlers Patterns with anonymous tokens:
get ’ / f i l e / ∗ . ∗ ’ => sub { my ( $file , $ext ) = splat ; ... }
get ’ / show /∗/∗ ’ => sub { my ( $cat , $subcat ) = splat ; };
Regular expressions:
get qr { post / ( \ d+)−(\d+)−(\d+)} => sub { my ( $year , $month , $day ) = splat ; }
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Route Handlers Patterns with anonymous tokens:
get ’ / f i l e / ∗ . ∗ ’ => sub { my ( $file , $ext ) = splat ; ... }
get ’ / show /∗/∗ ’ => sub { my ( $cat , $subcat ) = splat ; };
Regular expressions:
get qr { post / ( \ d+)−(\d+)−(\d+)} => sub { my ( $year , $month , $day ) = splat ; }
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Part 3: Mambo
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Dancer has plugins for most templating systems: Mason, Template Toolkit and others. Default is a Simple template system, built-in Dancer. Use the template inside the route:
get ’ / u s e r / : name ’ => sub { template ’ p r o f i l e ’ => { username => params−>{name } } ; };
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Dancer has plugins for most templating systems: Mason, Template Toolkit and others. Default is a Simple template system, built-in Dancer. Use the template inside the route:
get ’ / u s e r / : name ’ => sub { template ’ p r o f i l e ’ => { username => params−>{name } } ; };
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
You can reroute by: Passing the control to the next matching handler:
get ’ / l a z y ’ => sub { pass and r e t u r n false ; };
Redirecting to other URI:
get ’ / f o r b i d d e n ’ => sub { r e t u r n redirect ’ / b e t t e r / p l a c e ’ };
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
You can reroute by: Passing the control to the next matching handler:
get ’ / l a z y ’ => sub { pass and r e t u r n false ; };
Redirecting to other URI:
get ’ / f o r b i d d e n ’ => sub { r e t u r n redirect ’ / b e t t e r / p l a c e ’ };
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
You can reroute by: Passing the control to the next matching handler:
get ’ / l a z y ’ => sub { pass and r e t u r n false ; };
Redirecting to other URI:
get ’ / f o r b i d d e n ’ => sub { r e t u r n redirect ’ / b e t t e r / p l a c e ’ };
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Serving Files You can serve a static file:
get ’ / dowload / : f i l e ’ => sub { my $file = params−>{file } ; pass and r e t u r n false u n l e s s −f $file ; send_file $file ;
If the content is generated, just change content-type:
get ’ / readme . t x t ’ => sub { content_type ’ t e x t / p l a i n ’ ; return ’ this is plain text ’ };
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Serving Files You can serve a static file:
get ’ / dowload / : f i l e ’ => sub { my $file = params−>{file } ; pass and r e t u r n false u n l e s s −f $file ; send_file $file ;
If the content is generated, just change content-type:
get ’ / readme . t x t ’ => sub { content_type ’ t e x t / p l a i n ’ ; return ’ this is plain text ’ };
Alberto Sim˜ oes
Dancing Tutorial
Thanks to Alexis Sukrieh (I stole some slides)