Danfoss customer letter - GBC Series ball valves: Standard bi-flow 45 ...

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We have been made aware that a customer has been using our standard bi-flow 45bar GBC series ball valves. (code nos. beg
Danfoss A/S Refrigeration & Air Conditioning DK-6430 Nordborg Denmark CVR No.: 20 16 57 15 Telephone: +45 7488 2222 Telefax: +45 7449 0949 E-mail: [email protected] Homepage: www.danfoss.com

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Product note

GBC Series ball valves: Standard bi-flow 45bar GBC (009G70xx) are not to be used in CO2 applications Dear Customer, We have been made aware that a customer has been using our standard bi-flow 45bar GBC series ball valves (code nos. beginning with 009G70xx) in CO2 applications after November 2009, which they are not approved for and which consequently can pose a safety risk. Danfoss is aware of two cases where these valves were applied in CO2 Food Retail installations which have reportedly failed. In one case, a potentially dangerous situation occurred during service as the spindle was ejected at high speed upon removal of the valve cap. In order to avoid any potential safety risks, Danfoss would like to stress the importance of using ONLY CO2 approved GBC series valves in CO2 installations. Proper valves can be identified as code numbers beginning with 009G73xx, 009G74xx or 009G75xx. Should you have CO2 installations where standard GBC ball valves may have been used or you are unsure, we ask that you immediately survey your CO2 installations and if you identify any 45bar bi-flow GBC in your CO2 systems, Danfoss strongly recommends replacing them immediately with the CO2 series GBC. During the survey, replacement or any servicing of CO2 systems where suspected standard GBC series valves have been applied, please use extra caution. Extra caution includes, but is not limited to:


Wear suitable safety glasses and a helmet before operating the standard GBC during service When removing the cap of the standard GBC ball valve, ensure that you do not occupy the area in front of the spindle to avoid any potential danger of being hit by the spindle.

Best regards, Danfoss Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

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