Danish Syntactic Noun Incorporation: A Case Study in Grammatical Interfaces HPSG99, Edinburgh, August 4th , 1999 Ash Asudeh Line Hove Mikkelsen Stanford University University of California Santa Cruz Department of Linguistics Department of Linguistics Margaret Jacks Hall, Bldg. 460 Stevenson College Stanford, CA 94305-2150 Santa Cruz, CA 95064
[email protected] [email protected]
Syntactic noun incorporation (SNI) in Danish is a phenomenon that has reflexes in phonology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Although there is a large body of descriptive work on this topic (see Rischel and Basbøll (1995) and references cited there), there has been little attempt to give a formal analysis of the phenomenon. As an information-theoretic, sign-based framework, HPSG is especially well-suited for a formal treatment of SNI that simultaneously captures generalizations in all four areas as well as interactions between them. Building on work by Abeill´e and Godard (1998), Bird and Klein (1994), and Meurers (1995), we propose a lexical account of SNI which introduces non-trivial extensions to HPSG phonology.
The Data
The (a) sentences below are examples of SNI, while the (b) and (c) show contrasts with full object DPs.1 (1)
Min nabo My neighbour
[p købte "hus] sidste a˚ r.
bought house last
My neighbour did house-buying last year. My neighbour bought a house last year. b.
Min nabo My neighbour
[p "købte] [p et "hus] sidste a˚r. bought
a house last
Min nabo My neighbour
[p "købte] [p "hus.et] bought
My neighbour bought the house last year.
Har du [p "redt] [p din "seng]? Have you
your bed
Did you make your bed?
sidste a˚r.
house.DEF last
made bed
Did you bed-make? Did you make your bed?
My neighbour bought a house last year. c.
Har du [p redt "seng]? Have you
Har du [p "redt] [p "seng.en]? Have you
Did you make the bed?
There are two things to note here. First, the main purpose of the prosodic bracketing is to show that in the SNI cases, (1a) and (2a), the verb and its object are part of the same phonological phrase, whereas in the other cases they are in separate phrases. Second, the semantic differences between the (a) and (b) sentences do not readily translate into English. We have attempted to indicate the relevant distinctions by giving two translations for the (a) cases. We will return to this in more detail in section 2.3 below.
The standard phonological characterization of Danish SNI is in terms of “unit accentuation” (Jespersen, 1934; Rischel, 1983). As the term indicates, the verb and its incorporated element form a single stress group, whose main stress falls on the incorporated noun. In our analysis, we analyze this property as the result of phonological phrasing and concommitant destressing of the verb. The exact degree of stress loss, and the number of stress levels in Danish generally, has been extensively debated in the literature (Fischer-Jørgensen, 1983; Basbøll, 1995); we remain agnostic about these issues here.2 1 Following Thomsen (1992), we use to indicate reduced stress and " to indicate a word with regular word stress. For simplicity we indicate stress at the left edge of a word. Phonological phrasing isindicated using square brackets. 2 One further complication is due to contrastive stress. which may override the normal SNI destressing of the verb:
i. A: Købte Peter "hus sidste a˚ r? B:Nej, han "solgte "hus sidste a˚ r. A: Did Peter buy a house last year? B: No, he sold a house last year.
There are two essential syntactic properties of SNI, both of which set it apart from morphological noun incorporation. First, the incorporated element is a phrase, not a word. In particular, we argue that it is a special kind of unsaturated noun phrase (of the type lite; Abeill´e and Godard 1998). Second, there is no adjacency requirement on the linearization of the verb and the incorporated phrase. That the incorporated element is a phrase and not a word (though a phrase may consist of only a single word) is supported by the fact that it can take adjectival modification and can be a conjunction. (3)
Min nabo
[p købte "nyt "hus] sidste a˚r.
bought new house last year [p købte (b˚ade) "hus og "bil] sidste a˚r. Min nabo My neighbour bought (both) house and car last year My neighbour
However, the incorporated element cannot be a full noun phrase. In particular, it may not contain a specifier (article, numeral, or quantifier) or a relative clause (restrictive or nonrestrictive, extraposed or not).3 (4)
a. * Min nabo b. c.
[p købte et "hus / hus.et
/ to hus.e
/ nogle hus.e]
sidste a˚ r.
bought a house / house.DEF / two house.PLU / some house.PLU last * Min nabo [p købte "hus som kostede over en million] sidste a˚ r. My neighbour bought house which cost over one million last year * Min nabo [p købte "hus] sidste a˚ r som kostede over en million. over one million My neighbour bought house last year which cost My neighbour
There are two qualifications to this characterization of incorporable noun phrases. Modification of plural nouns is usually better; this may be related to the fact that bare plurals are generally available. Also, adjectival modification is only allowed insofar as it does not interfere with the pragmatic restriction on the institutionalized interpretation of the SNI construction (see the next section). The second syntactic characteristic is that adjacency of the verb and the incorporated element is neither necessary nor sufficient for SNI. Nonadjacency occurs in interrogative subject verb inversion (see the example in footnote 2 above) and when adverbials intervene between the verb and the incorporated element, as in the following example (Herslund, to appear: 7, (10d)). Julie [p læser "fandeme ogs˚a "altid "amerikanske "tegneserier].
also always American
Julie always freakin’ reads American cartoons. And, even when adjacency is respected, a noun carrying the definite suffix cannot be incorporated (see (4a) above). Finally, it should be noted that the incorporated object saturates an argument slot of the verb, such that the result of incorporating an object cannot take another object argument. This is parallel to the case of compounding, morphological incorporation (Gerdts, 1998: 88–89).
Semantics and pragmatics
The basic characterization of the semantics of SNI, going back to Jespersen (1934), is that the resulting, incorporated predicate has “semantic and conceptual unity” (Thomsen, 1995: 151). The incorporated nominal also has a different (more restricted) semantics than an unincorporated object, as the incorporated element is usually interpreted as nonspecific in reference. This is illustrated in (1a) above, which cannot mean that there is a certain house such that John bought it last year. However, what appears to be a specific reading may arise in certain cases, due to conversational implicature. This is exemplified in (2a), where the question is taken as asking whether the addressee made his/her own bed. A final, pragmatic restriction on SNI is that the resulting predicate must denote an action that is “institutionalized” (Rischel, 1983). In other words, the denotation of the incorporated verb phrase must be an action or event which is conventionally associated with a certain structure or set of activities. A similar point is made by Mithun (1984), with respect to morphological incorporation. Contrast (1a) above with (6) below: (6)
# Min nabo My neighbour
[p købte "blyant] ig˚ar.
bought pencil
Formal Analysis
Following Abeill´e and Godard (1998), we use a Koenig-style type hierarchy (Koenig, 1999) to cross-classify the type sign for weight and phrasality.4 3 The
status of other postnominal modifiers and complements is not entirely clear, so we leave them aside here. term weight does not refer to phonological weight per se, but rather to a property of words and phrases that influences both word order and combinatorial syntax (e.g. a lite modifier may only combine with a lite head). See Abeill´e and Godard (1998) for further clarification. 4 The
sign WEIGHT lite
phrase hd-ph
hd-adj-ph nyt hus
coord-ph hd-spr-ph
hus som er nyt
et hus
Adjectives and common nouns are specified as lite in the lexicon. Clausal postnominal modifiers are non-lite. Phrases of type hd-adj-ph and coord-ph inherit their weight values from their daughters in the following manner (Abeill´e and Godard, 1998). (8)
hd-adj-ph 6HEAD - DTR 6
6 4 b.
2 6 4
coord-ph NON - HD - DTRS
7 7 i7 5
) [WEIGHT (( 1 = 2 ) _ non-lite)] 3
i , ...,
i7 5
) [WEIGHT (( 1 =, . . . , = n ) _ non-lite)]
The constraints are stated in such a way that these phrases are lite just in case all of their daughters are lite. Together with the restriction that incorporated elements must be lite, introduced in (9) below, this accounts for the ban on relative clauses in SNI. We use a derivational type (Meurers, 1995) to state the lexical relationship between normal transitive verbs and SNI verbs. For readability, we further articulate the structure of the incorporated element, 1 , in (11) below. (9)
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6RESULT 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6SOURCE 6 6 6 6 6 4
2 3 6 6 metrical-grid 6 6WORD - LEVEL elist7 6 7 6PHON j STRESS 6 4FOOT- LEVEL 4 5 6 6 6 5 SYL - LEVEL 6 2 h 6 i 6 6 1 noun ^ lite 2 ,. . . COMPS 6 6 6 6 6CONT 6 3 6 6 82 6 6 > 6SYNSEM j LOCAL 6 institutionalized-rel > 6 > 6 > 6 6 4 > 4 > 4 > : PARTICIPANT 2 2
2 3 7 6 metrical-grid 6 7 6 7 WORD - LEVEL nelist7 7 6PHON j STRESS 6 6 7 6 4FOOT- LEVEL 4 5 7 6 7 6 7 5 SYL - LEVEL 6 7 6 2 D E37 6 7 6 7 4SYNSEM j LOCAL 4COMPS NP 2 ,. . . 55 CONT
3 37 7 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 7 37 77 77 7 7 77 7 777 777 777 7 397 77 77 > > 7 77 > 7> 77 =7 7 7 777 7 77 2 5>777 > 557 > > ; 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5
This rule captures three of the SNI facts lexically. First, the stress reduction on the verb is indicated in the value of the STRESS feature. We cannot go into the details of our representation here, but the basic idea is as follows. The three prosodic levels, syllable, foot, and word, are represented as lists of element of the appropriate prosodic type. Following Bird and Klein (1994: 62), we assume the partition for phon to be: (10)
phon ) utterance _ phrase _ pword _ foot _ syl _ segment
We have introduced the type pword. For example, if a syllable is stressed, it is structure shared with an element on the SYL - LEVEL list, which is of type list(syl). Since the SNI verb is unstressed at the word level, the rule indicates that its WORD - LEVEL stress feature is an empty list. As indicated by coindexing the values in SOURCE and RESULT , the foot and syllable level stress remain the same (Fischer-Jørgensen, 1983). Second, we introduce a new kind of relation, institutionalized-rel, to capture the pragmatic restrictions on SNI discussed above. Since the “institutionalized reference” restriction never applies to the subject (i.e. the subject is free to vary), the restriction must be imposed only on the verb plus its incorporated, direct object. This is not easily stated in standard HPSG. In our analysis we achieve the required effect by treating the content of the verb as the value of the RELN feature of institutionalized-rel and having a PARTICIPANT feature that is coindexed with the undergoer. The pragmatic restriction can then apply to the undergoer relative to the verb’s relation. Third, the derivational type captures the special subcategorization requirements of incorporating verbs, namely that the incorporated nominal must be of type lite. Furthermore, we propose that nonspecific reference of the incorporated nominal arises as a consequence of the nominal being both lite and predicative, as illustrated in (11). This move is supported by the ocurrence of lite, predicative nouns in other syntactic configurations in Danish. For example, nominal complements of copulas and predicative nominals in resultative constructions are never specific in reference.
3 2 h i37 HEAD PRD + 7 57 4 7 7 SPR h[]i 7 7 2 3 7 content 7 6SPECIFIC - 7 7 4 5 5
lite ^ noun
6 6 6CAT 6 6 16 6 6 6 6 4CONT
Hun er lærer. She is teacher.
She is a teacher. b.
Han blev valgt He
til president.
was elected to president.
He was elected president.
It is important to note that using derivational types in this manner will allow the standard linearization principles of Danish to apply. In particular, subject verb inversion in interrogatives and adverb placement will occur as usual. To account for the conditions on phonological phrasing, we propose a general mechanism for calculating phrasing in parallel with syntactic combination. Following the string-based approach of Bird and Klein (1994) we assume a SEGMENTS feature in the phonology which has the value list. Using the value of this feature for individual words, we augment the combinatorial schemas to add phrasing information to the SEGMENTS value of phrasal categories. Crucially, words do not have phrasing information. We introduce the special boundary segments [ and ]. Although these will be on the SEGMENTS list, they are in effect the phonological representation of pauses, and are not phonemes. We envisage that prosodic bracketing will allow certain domain restrictions on phonological processes to be stated directly on the SEGMENTS list. For purposes of illustration, consider the augmented hd-comp-ph schema in (13), based on Sag (1997): (13)
6PHON j SEGMENTS h[i 1 2 . . . n h]i 6 6 hi 6COMPS 6 3 2 6 1 PHON j SEGMENTS 6 D E5 6HD - DTR 4 6 3 m COMPS , . . . , 6 6 *" # " 6 6 2 PHON j SEGMENTS PHON 4NON - HD - DTRS , ..., SYNSEM
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 #+7 7 n 7 5
The effect of the segment concatenation operation, represented by the infixed operator is illustrated in (14) below. Crucially, we assume that the various schemas differ in how they affect phonological phrasing. In particular, hd-subj-ph and hd-comp-ph introduce bracketing, as illustrated in (13), whereas hd-adj-ph does not introduce bracketing. This is a hypothesis that is motivated by the SNI data. Ultimately, we hope to find further, independent support for this hypothesis. One important factor that we have not said anything about is the effect of focus, and more generally information structure, on phonological phrasing.
a. [Jørgen [købte [et hus]]] (hd-subj-ph) Jørgen
[købte [et hus]] (hd-comp-ph) købte
[et hus] (hd-spr-ph) et
b. [Jørgen [købte hus]] (hd-subj-ph) [købte hus] (hd-comp-ph) købte
c. [Jørgen [ købte nyt hus ]] (hd-subj-ph) Jørgen
[ købte nyt hus ] (hd-comp-ph) købte
nyt hus (hd-adj-ph) nyt
In this paper, we have presented a formal treatment of grammatical interfaces using derivational types in the lexicon and phonologically augmented constraints on phrasal types in the syntax. The empirical motivation for this analysis came from syntactic noun incorporation in Danish, but we believe the core ideas can be extended to other domains. Throughout, the lexicon and syntax have played a crucial role in tying together the restrictions on SNI in various grammatical domains. The analysis shows how Abeill´e and Godard’s lite/non-lite distinction is relevant for Danish and how cross-classification of types (Koenig, 1999) is necessary to capture the correct restrictions on the nominal elements that may incorporate in Danish (i.e. the incorporated phrase can consist of one or more words, as long as it is lite). We have extended the HPSG treatment of phonology to deal with (word) stress and phrasing, though the relationship between the two remains an empirical question. Our analysis also shows how phonological phrasing can be built up in parallel with syntactic combination. This supports the core HPSG notion of parallelism in information encoding. The bracketing conventions introduced may also serve to state domain restrictions on phonological processes, such as assimilation, deletion, etc. We end by considering the following question from Bird and Klein (1994: 57): [D]o natural language grammars require the kind of interaction between phonology and other levels of grammar which are made possible by constraint-based formalisms? We believe that the answer to this question is “Yes”.
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