Dark Matter Direct Detection

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Apr 6, 2016 - 2) Community Input: 5-10 year Horizon for Direct Detection in Europe ..... searches for other dark matter
Dark Matter Direct Detection Laura Baudis, UZH Jocelyn Monroe, RHUL

Outline 1) 2) 3)

Scientific Context Community Input: 5-10 year Horizon for Direct Detection in Europe APPEC GA Considerations for Discussion

Financial Context: bottom line in SAC Report to APPEC GA (2014): funding: 9ME/yr currently, ~12ME/yr requested, 2017-21: 16-20 ME/yr for G3 experiment(s) construction effort: currently 450-500 scientists, 60-80 engineers Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 1

Standard Model of Cosmology

Dark Matter is ~30% of the energy density of the universe. Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 2

Searches for Dark Matter

χ χ ?

Indirect Detection Collider Production


χ Direct Detection

Jocelyn Monroe





χ χ




April 6, 2016 / p. 3

Model Space Wide range of parameters! Direct detection searches generally optimised for WIMP sensitivity...

Baer et al., arXiv:1407.0017 Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 4

Model Space Wide range of parameters! Direct detection searches generally optimised for WIMP sensitivity...

Baer et al., arXiv:1407.0017 Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 4

Model Space Wide range of parameters! Direct detection searches generally optimised for WIMP sensitivity... but starting to look for axions too!

axion model space dark matter = axions

Baer et al., arXiv:1407.0017 Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 4

The Low-Background Frontier: Prospects

1 event/ kg/day 1 event/ 100kg/day 1 event/ 100 kg/ 100 days

so far: ~3 years / order of magnitude Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 5

The Low-Background Frontier: Prospects

Low Mass, Large σ

1 event/ kg/day 1 event/ 100kg/day

Canonical MSSM Mass, σ > Neutrino Bound

High Mass, Tiny σ or Large # Events

1 event/ 100 kg/ 100 days

so far: ~3 years / order of magnitude Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 5

Prospects: Near Term to 10-Year Horizon* CRESST +EDELWEISS =EURECA annual modulation DAMIC + R&D efforts DEAP3600 XENON-1T LZ XENON-nT + others

DarkSide+ArDM=ARGO DARWIN R&D for direction sensitivity

Jocelyn Monroe

*=for projects with funding from, or planned for Europe

April 6, 2016 / p. 5

Low Mass, Large σ


(thanks to J. Gascon)


Largest operating cryogenic Ge array (20 kg) for Direct DM search"


Latest results: arXiv:1603.05120"


2017 goal @ LSM: optimizing sensitivity to 1-10 GeV WIMPs"


Beyond: completing the exploration of the low-WIMP mass region with a ~100 kg array of EDELWEISS detectors would require the environment projected for EURECA/ SuperCDMS"

Jocelyn Monroe

CRESST 2012!


in Su





April 6, 2016 / p. 6


(thanks to F. Petricca)

Low Mass, Large σ




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April 6, 2016 / p. 7

Low Mass, Large σ


(thanks to K. Eitel)

EURECA ¾ accomplish low mass goals of EDELWEISS-III and CRESST-III phase 1 by 2017-2018 ¾ common cryogenic infrastructure with SuperCDMS in SNOLAB by 2019 SuperCDMS@SNOLAB

¾ contribute detectors and tower integration ¾ CUTE project Queen´s test facility at SNOLAB by 2017 to test tower integration & bgd suppression SCDMS design

KIT mockup of tower


Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 8

Low Mass, Large σ

Annual Modulation Searches

(thanks to J. Villar)

DAMA (LNGS), DM-Ice (S. Pole, Boulby), ANAIS (Canfranc), ++

Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 9

MSSM Mass, σ > ν bound


(thanks to L. Baudis) • Ultra-low background and design sensitivity achieved • Background: ~ 5 x 10-3 events/(kg d keV) • No evidence for WIMP dark matter • Upper limits on SI, SD WIMP-nucleon cross sections (PRL 109, PRL 111) • Axion, ALPS searches (Phys. Rev. D 90, 062009 (2014)

• Annual modulation search excludes leptophilic DM explanation of DAMA/LIBRA (Science 349, 2015)


Jocelyn Monroe


April 6, 2016 / p. 10

MSSM Mass, σ > ν bound

XENON-1T / Xenon-nT

(thanks to E. Aprile)

continues from XENON-10, XENON-100 at LNGS

arXiv:1512.07501, accepted in JCAP

XENON-1T: 3.5 Tonnes LXe (1T fiducial). TPC installed Nov. 2015, 1st physics run: summer 2016. Sensitivity to 1E-47 cm2 in 2 Tonne-years. XENON-nT: upgrade to 7T LXe (total), using same infrastructure + new TPC, inner cryostat. From 2018. LZ: follow-on to LUX at SURF, 7T LXe (total). Passed CD-1/3a in 2015. Sensitivity to 2E-48 cm2. Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 11

MSSM Mass, σ > ν bound


(thanks to G. Fiorini)

LArTPC (50 kg active, 150kg total) 38 3” PMTs at LNGS

Liquid scintillator veto (30 tons) 110 PMTs

Water veto (1 ktons) 80 PMTs

Demonstrated: •

β/γ rejection capability better than 1÷107 with atmospheric argon

high-performance vetoing scheme and 39Ar suppression in underground argon by factor over 1,000 Zero background operation: ✦ 1,422 kg×d AAr (published) ✦ 2,616 kg×d UAr (published) ✦ 8,000 kg×d UAr (analysis ongoing)

Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 12

MSSM Mass, σ > ν bound

• • • • •


(thanks to A. Rubbia)

Ton-­‐scale  LAr  TPC  at  Canfranc  underground  Laboratory                                                                                     (LSC,  Spain)  @  2500  m.w.e. 850  kg  acFve  mass,  24  8”  PMTs,  low  background 1st  6-­‐month  run  in  single  phase  in  2015:  to  explore                                                                                       features  of  LAr  for  DM@ton-­‐scale Now  preparing  double  phase  Run  II  —  scheduled  for  2016 2017  and  beyond:  (a)  accumulate  staFsFcs  +  light  yield/hardware  upgrades                     (b)  depleted  argon  studies  with  sensiFvity  down  to  10-­‐5  together  with  DarkSide.   DemonstraFon  at  the  ton-­‐scale  is  a  necessary  step  towards  10-­‐tons  and  beyond. Pulse  shape  discriminaFon

Jocelyn Monroe

Low  BG  studies

April 6, 2016 / p. 13

MSSM Mass, σ > ν bound

DEAP-3600 Single Phase liquid Argon detector, a la neutrino detectors like SNO: self-shielding of target, detect scintillation only with 4π PMT coverage DEAP-3600: 3.6 T LAr at SNOLAB. Project 10x gain in QCD axion reach over current results


– Conceptual Design 2013 – Letter of Intent to SPSC 2014, received positive recommendation to develop TDR – TDR design and prototyping ongoing: – IAXO-D0: low background x-ray detectors prototypes, – IAXO-X0 : x-ray optics – IAXO-T0: superconducting magnet coil – Funding path for TDR (almost) clear. •Large toroidal 8-coil magnet L = ~20 m •8 bores: 600 mm diameter each •8 x-ray telescopes •Rotating platform

HB hint



io Ax



Discussion for funding path for IAXO underway Enhanced  axion  helioscope:  JCAP  1106:013,2011 Jocelyn Monroe

– – –

includes scenarios with IAXO in sites alternative to CERN Critical moment for the project, with first dedicated funding support from APPEC roadmap very important for the project April 6, 2016 / p. 17

dark matter identification, σ > ν bound

Directional Detection R&D towards DM recoil track direction to identify a signal with the galactic halo arXiv:1602.03781


MC fit template DMTPC n calibration data, DMTPC n calibration data, 50 keVr charge data, nuclear recoil150 keVr

anode grid

DRIFT: 1m3 MWPC, in Boulby since 2001 DMTPC: optical (CCD) and charge readout of CF4; commissioning 1m3 module. MIMAC: micromegas, in LSM. Low E focus. R&D: fine-grained emulsions ++ + projects outside Europe

time (s)


CYGNUS: global coordination towards a physics-scale directional experiment.

Directionality gains up to 10x in sensitivity in the presence of backgrounds (relative to 1D). and there is no neutrino bound for directional detectors. Phys.ReV.D90 (2014) 055018 Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 18

APPEC GA Considerations for Discussion Europe should: 1) support and closely follow the development/results of the “G2” experiments directly searching for WIMP DM in 1 GeV-10 TeV/c2 range. 2) APPEC should appoint a scientific and technical committee to work with the European DM community to recommend the technologies for noble-liquid “G3” direct detection experiments in synergy/ complementarity with similar detectors in other regions of the world 3) support the participation of European groups in an international large “G3” bolometric detector (e.g. EURECA). 4) support R&D and technology to build a directional detector. 5) support non-WIMP searches and R&D activities (e.g. axions: ADMX, IAXO; ALPS, hidden sector particles: SHIP, ++) 6) encourage the synergy with indirect searches (e.g. CTA, KM3NET) Jocelyn Monroe

April 6, 2016 / p. 19

My Comments Europe should: 1) increase the resources in this area. Fraction of the energy density of the universe: 30%. Fraction of astroparticle funding in Europe: