Data and Microdata Dissemination Policy

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collecting, processing, analyzing and disseminating of data in Puntland. ... The Puntland Constitution and the Statistics Act have granted the right access of ...
Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Puntland Statistics Department

Data and Microdata Dissemination Policy

October 2017

Table of Contents Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................................. ii Foreword ................................................................................................................................................................. iii Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................................................... iv 1

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1


Objectives ........................................................................................................................................................ 2


Scope of the policy ....................................................................................................................................... 2


Law governing statistical dissemination............................................................................................. 2


Principles of data dissemination ............................................................................................................ 2


Target groups................................................................................................................................................. 3


Dissemination channels ............................................................................................................................. 4


Process and procedures for data access .............................................................................................. 6 8.1 Obligations of the Department of Statistics .................................................................................... 6 8.2 Obligations of data users ........................................................................................................................ 6


Process and procedures for microdata access .................................................................................. 6 9.1 Anonymization of Micro Data Files .................................................................................................... 7 9.2

Microdata Access ................................................................................................................................. 7


Advance Release Calendar.................................................................................................................... 8


Correcting data errors............................................................................................................................ 8


Regular monitoring and evaluation of the policy ........................................................................ 8


Revision of the policy ............................................................................................................................. 8


Implementation plan .............................................................................................................................. 8

References ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 Annexes: ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Annex 1: Definitions of key concepts ..................................................................................................... 10 Annex 2: Standard request forms for accessing microdata .......................................................... 11 A2.1 Application for Access to a Public Use Dataset .................................................................... 11 A2.2 Application for Access to a Licensed Dataset ....................................................................... 12 Annex 3: Standard template of Advance Release Calendar.......................................................... 16 Annex 4: Standard template for the policy monitoring and evaluation ................................... 16 Annex 5: Implementation plan of the policy ....................................................................................... 17 i

Acronyms CD

Compact Disk


Consumer Price Index


Digital video- Disk


Geographic Information System


Geographic Information System


Information and Communication Technology


Monitoring and evaluation


Management information system


National Statistics System


Puntland Statistics Department


Public Use Files


Strategic Plan for the Development of National Statistics



The Puntland Statistics Department (PSD) under the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation keeps on the prime statistical institution since its establishment in 1998. The Statistics ACT - 7/2013 has mandated the department the responsibility of responsible for collecting, processing, analyzing and disseminating of data in Puntland. PSD is the coordinating of statistical activities for the entire National Statistics System (NSS). Therefore, it’s necessary to develop all legal frameworks including data dissemination Policy to facilitate smooth implementation of statistical activities related to data production and dissemination. The Puntland Constitution and the Statistics Act have granted the right access of information to every citizen. Consequently, to respond the obligations mentioned above, the department has developed this policy document that describes the processes and procedures related to data and micro data dissemination. This policy document provides an outline for dissemination of official statistics information to the public in response to the right of citizens. Given the importance of data in decision making, policy formulation, planning and monitoring evaluation process, PSD and the NSS are to disseminate both data micro data to various data users through user-friendly dissemination channels to be able to meet various data needs. In addition, the policy provides the format and standard approaches to be followed when accessing the data. In this regard, the policy justifies the real importance of data in socio-economic development of the country in the sense that data shows the areas that need more intervention than the others to improve living conditions of the citizens. The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation requests all data producers and users to follow the guidelines provided in this policy for effective and supportive data and micro data dissemination.

Shire Haji Farah Minister Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation



Since 2013 the Puntland Statistics Department has been demanding to set up all legal frameworks and effective administrative management system aligned with the fundamental principles of official statistics production and strengthen the department mandate. It’s a great pleasure to address the obligations of data producers and users in this policy framework that describes the responsibilities of each party on how data and micro data should be compiled, disseminated, and used by respecting the principle of confidentiality and data privacy as dated in the Statistics ACT (2013). This concerns all members of National Statistics System in Puntland. On this note, I would like to express my gratitude to Statistics Sweden and World Bank for their technical and financial assistance that made this policy successfully developed. Special thanks go to PSD staff who tirelessly worked on this important document until its publication. I would also want to thank Abdiaziz Mohamed Ali, Mohamed Said Samantar, Ifrah Abbdullahi Faarax, Suad Nour Salah as a core team for their efforts in developing this policy that will guide the customers in accessing statistical information.

Abdinasir Ali Dahir Director of Puntland Statistics Department


1.0 Introduction

This document contains the main rules and guidelines for the dissemination of statistics by the Puntland statistics department of Ministry of planning and international cooperation (MoPIC) of Puntland. It also outlines the channels through which results and information will be communicated to the stakeholders and key audiences taking the consideration of the department’s dissemination principles by indicating the Process for dissemination of statistical results and identifying the Monitoring and evaluation of the dissemination policy. The Puntland statistics department from Puntland Ministry of planning and international cooperation is the centre of statistical data activity in the state which is responsible for collection, processing and dissemination of statistical data through periodic publications. The information produced by MoPIC Puntland Statistics Department is intended to satisfy the diverse information requirements of all categories of users locally and externally. Official Statistics shall be presented in a way that they can be understood by the different users, even those without any expert statistics knowledge. MoPIC Puntland Statistics Department mission is to produce, coordinate, supervise and disseminate quality statistics for national statistical system. The communication unit of the statistics department has responsibility to ensure that the policy is effectively implemented However, this dissemination policy will be updated in full or in part every three years for the sake of improvement of the policy. In addition to that, the policy should be validated using the feedbacks from the stakeholders. This data dissemination policy came from the demand of users and is based on the following factors among others: o Official statistics is a common property of the society, so it should be disseminated autonomously, transparent and without interference from political navigation; o Dissemination formats and channels to be user friendly and made it easy with a help of the latest technology and innovation; o Data files structures that insure confidentially of respondent should be used all the time. And released according to advance release calendar.


1.1 Objectives The main objective of the policy is to provide users with reliable and objective micro, meta, and macro data set on the social, demographic, GIS related data, administrative, economic and environmental situation and trends in the state. 1.2 Scope of the policy The information disseminated by MoPIC Puntland Statistics Department is intended to satisfy the diverse information (micro, meta, macro, administrative, and GIS related data) to all categories of users locally and externally. 2 Law governing statistical dissemination Puntland statistics dissemination policy is framed in accordance with provisions of Puntland Strategic Plan for Statistics Development (2017 -2019) and Puntland Statistics Act 2013 under article 8 which indicates: o “The Office may make arrangements with other public authorities and persons for the collection, compilation, extraction or dissemination of information for statistical purposes”; o “The Office shall maintain close and regular contact with the principal users and suppliers of statistics”.

3 Principles of data dissemination MoPIC Puntland Statistics Department aims to be open about all aspects of statistics through the statistical dissemination, users are alerted about all upcoming statistical releases and analyses of the data. The principles of statistics data are central to dissemination, and these principles are based on Puntland statistical Act Under article 7 “dissemination of official statistics is one of the mandates of the statistics department”. This policy will be implemented under the following principles: 1. Official statistics shall be relevant and accurate. 2. Statistics is updated and published frequently on time. 3. Statistics are easily accessible to users and in the standard format that meet users’ requirement. 4. Disseminate statistics should be comparable using common standards, definitions classifications and methodologies. 5. Statistics should be consisted and coherent. 6. Coordination of National Statistical System should be strengthened. 7. All users are treated equally.


4 Target groups Statistical data disseminated are available via media targets, all segments of local and global audience. Accurate statistical data are indispensable for public policy, planning and programmes aiming to achieve sound empirical and sustainable development. In the Puntland case the targeted users of statistics and their intended priorities can be summarized as follows: (i)

Government agencies

Government agencies are frequently users of the statistics’ website. They need data for planning and decision making, such as economic and social statistics in order to know the situation of the country at a high level. (ii)

International agencies

The international agencies need information for planning and decision making such as economic statistics. They are interested in finding older surveys as well as for comparison and they preferably use the English part of the website. (iii)

Research and academic institutions

To be able to plan their work the researchers need to know the dates for upcoming publications. They often need time series and preferably gets them from a database so that they can find it in one place. They are interested in the documentations and methods about the surveys so that their secondary data analysis’ reports to be reliable. They often write their reports in English. They sometimes need micro-data. (iv)


Enterprises need surveys about the fields they do business, therefore they need data on a quite low regional level. They are interested in Price statistics such as CPI & Forex so that they can follow the inflation. They want to know in advance when the new release will be published. (v)

Local agencies

Local agencies want to use information from the statistics’ website to keep their own websites updated. They need to know when next publication is done. For statistics trust purposes, they need to access methods and documentation. They preferably look for economic and financial statistics (CPI & Forex).




Media is interested in Census data and time series. The media needs to understand statistics properly and used it correctly in the press releases. Therefore, it is important that data is published on time and according to advances in the calendar to allow media access updated information consistently. With this we hope that in the future the media will use in storytelling. (vii)

Public users

Public users often look for facts and figures, population, living conditions and social statistics at a regional level. It is important that the statistics is easy to understand and find. Public users like to make comparisons and with this they help making awareness of data producers in the country. 5 Dissemination channels The channels used to release statistical data are many. The modern technology has made statistical data dissemination easier. This technology includes the on-line data dissemination tools, Websites, mobile applications, data archive systems. Al these tools are used to disseminate both Micro and macro data. However, the following channels will be used for micro and macro data dissemination. (i)


The statistics department has a website in which all statistical data are presented in the form of summary reports, tables, charts and graphs and easily accessible by any one and the website is ( ). In addition, other data can be found and accessible on the webpage of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation ( (ii)

Printing Publications

Hard copies are another widely used dissemination channel. Under this channel hard copies of statistical reports are printed and distributed to various data users. For example, the Puntland Facts & Figures booklets, the gender statistics booklets and the Consumer Price Index, etc. (iii)


These comprise data files and digital storage media (e.g. DVDs and USB devises) and will be used to disseminate data and metadata as well as softcopies of reports. DDI and web based database cataloging system shall be linked to the Puntland Statistics Department website online data base such as NADA. 4


Social media

Social-media is another emerging data dissemination channel that PSD Will Capitalize on especially for young people. These include Facebook, twitter, E-mail etc. (v)

The mass media

Radios, TVs and newspapers are good data dissemination specially when targeting the general public. The PSD will engage the Media industry to access and use data in their work. (vi)

The library

Library is an important channel to reach by the public and its stored different documents and collections of books. The resource centre is the permanent repository of the PSD products and preserves published information for current use and future generation references. The resource centre shall work to ensure that information is available and accessible to all decision makers, planners, researchers and the public as a whole. Therefore, i.

The resource centre shall provide an access to all suitable information updates of official statistics reports and other relevant collections of assessment, project, programs and survey reports. Subject matter book collection of statistics, planning, monitoring/evaluation, development studies and research methodology.


The PSD shall maintain regulations that guide the users on how to use and benefit the facilities in addition to keeping them properly. Some of these materials include: Routine Collection of documents, books, CDs and journals.


The PSD shall maintain a comprehensive, well-structured identification or classification system that provides effective means for organizing, cataloguing and locating information as required by the users.


The PSD shall keep shelves clean, arrangement of documents in a systematic order, binding books, photo copying of documents and scanning documents.


The launch of fora

Various seminars, workshops and events like the annual African statistics day and Puntland Statistics day are other dissemination channels that PSD will be using disseminate official statistics from surveys, census and other data sources.


6 Process and procedures for data access The produced statistics is disseminated by the technical team in the Department. This is obviously done after feedbacks are received from the proofreaders with the approval of the Director of Puntland Statistics Department. 6.1 Obligations of the Department of Statistics The obligation of PSD shall include the following: (i) The Director General shall coordinate the overall distribution of data to external agencies through the use of either data sharing agreements or other dissemination modes; (ii) PSD shall release data or grant access to data when it is satisfied that all reasonable steps have been taken into account to safeguard confidential issues; (iii) PSD shall classify data by their level of sensitivity and risk, taking into account the country’s legal framework on freedom of information and data protection, contractual agreements, ethical considerations; (iv) PSD shall not share data/information to individuals or institutions before official release.

6.2 Obligations of data users User obligation shall include the following: (i) Any individual or entity may submit a request for data as collected and archived in the PSD database. Other than for published data, researchers shall disclose the nature and objective of their intended use; (ii) Users of data shall utilize it in a manner consistent with the PSD requirements for security and confidentiality, as well as the provisions of the Statistics Act; (iii) Users shall comply with all requirements as provided by PSD from time to time.

7 Process and procedures for microdata access This policy aims to support the needs of specialized researchers and students by providing anonymized microdata files to be used strictly for research/statistical purposes. The output from such research forms the basis for decision-making about policies and programmes. The release of the data for research purposes substantially enhances the analytic value of the data that have been collected through various censuses and surveys conducted by the organization.


7.1 Anonymization of Micro Data Files Direct and indirect identifiers shall be removed from files prior to dissemination through various anonymization procedures. Two main types of anonymized files will be produced under the terms of this policy. The major differences among these files are the levels of geographic and characteristic details. (i)

Public Use Files (PUFs): Microdata files are disseminated by PSD for general public use. These files shall be made available for downloading, from the Statistics website through NADA, to individuals who identify themselves by name, provide their email addresses and other detail information as per request form and agree to abide by the set terms and conditions defined by PSD. Such data files shall be made available to users free of charge.


Licensed files: To permit users to access data files that are less highly anonymized and/or more sensitive than PUFs, the users shall have a signed agreement with PSD. For these files, all individual identifiers shall be removed and some characteristic details may be collapsed or removed. Licensing agreements shall only be entered into with users working for registered organizations, and unidentified individuals. The primary and secondary researchers shall be identified by name and the institution. Such files shall be available free of charge.


Data Enclave Files: are used for particularly sensitive data or for more detailed data for which sufficient anonymization to release them outside the PSD premises is not possible.

7.2 Microdata Access (i) Public Use Files (PUFs): These can be accessed freely through the website once the users have registered online and agreed to the terms and conditions of use to the data set provided in the registration form. (ii) Licensed files: These require an agreement between users and PSD to permit them to access data that is more detailed. The files may be transferred to user’s online methods or through DVDs, hard-drive, etc. (iii) Data Enclave Files: PSD shall, in some cases, permit users to work on-site within the PSD premises to access sensitive data which could not be adequately anonymised for release outside of the organisation.


All data to be shared, shall be reviewed by an officer of PSD to ensure that confidentiality is not breached. When requesting for this data, researchers shall be asked to outline their research objectives, for permission to be accorded.

8. Advance Release Calendar The PSD shall publish and release data of various statistical reports on the website according to advance release calendar. The advanced release calendar will show the dates of major statistical outputs to be released in particular year. This calendar will be published at beginning of each year. The template to be used is added in the annex 3. 9. Correcting data errors If the data users detected the errors, they shall report directly to PSD which will be responsible to address them and provide feedback on the website. In this case the steps below will be followed : a.

Writing an explanatory note with revised statistics and publishing it through different dissemination channels.

b. If the error that had major impact on the country’s economy, then the director of statistics will give a public apology. 10. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the policy The public relations-documentation and data implementation section will be responsible for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of this policy. The M&E from (see annex 4) will be used to get opinions of various data users regarding different aspects of data production, quality, dissemination practices, etc, for the PSD to know where the improvement are needed. 11. Revision of the policy This policy shall be revised on a three-year basis. However, if need arises the Director of Puntland Statistics Department shall authorize its revision. Changes necessitating revision shall include changes in technology, statutory regulations and any other reasons as may be determined from time to time.

12. Implementation plan The policy is expected to be effective from 30 December 2017 onwards as shown in annex 5, and it will be monitored regularly using the standard template shown in annex 4. This 8

regular monitoring will allow the PSD to know what users’ needs and how and adjust the statistical products accordingly.

References KNBS, KNBS Data Dissemination and Access Policy, November 2012 NISR, Rwanda Microdata Dissemination Policy, August 2012 Statistics Botswana, Data Dissemination Policy, October 2016 Olivier Dupriez and Ernie Boyko, IHSN Dissemination of Microdata Files. Principles, Procedures and Practices, IHSN Working Paper No 005, August 2010


Annexes: Annex 1: Definitions of key concepts Official Statistics: Data compiled and produced by National Statistics Offices and based on the scope of UN- fundamental principles of official statistics. Dissemination: Data dissemination is the release of data obtained from a statistical activity to users through various media. It includes sharing, releasing, accessing, distributing and publishing of such data and statistical information. Micro-data: In conducting surveys or censuses or collecting administrative data, the gathered information for each individual unit. Such units can be persons, households, firms or enterprises, agricultural holdings or other service delivery units. In the context of this Policy refers the electronic data files containing the information about each unit of observation. Macro data: Macro data or aggregated data provides a summarized version of this statistical information in the form of means, ratios, frequencies or other summary statistics. Metadata: Data about data or structured information that describes, explains, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, use, or manage an information resource. This is a data that serves to provide context or additional information about other data. It may also describe the conditions under which data stored in a database was acquired, its accuracy, date, time, method of compilation and processing, etc Dissemination channels: Are channels used to release through official statistics. Here at this stage the office uses as dissemination channels the Website, Printing Publications, Massmedia and Social media. Anonymization: The process of removing any information that uniquely identifies a data collection entity such as a person, household and establishment. Direct identification: Identification of the respondent variables (statistical unit) that clearly points from their formal identifiers (name, address, ID number and phone numbers etc). Indirect identification: These are variables that may be used respondent’s identity by a combination of variables or characteristics (e.g. age, gender, date of births and detailed occupational titles etc). 10

Shape files: A specific format used to store data consisting of a single feature geometry type. It is referred to as a feature class or dataset. Roads. Annex 2: Standard request forms for accessing microdata A2.1 Application for Access to a Public Use Dataset Fields marked with * are mandatory. The information provided on this page will be kept confidential and will be used for internal purposes only. First name Last name Organization E-mail Dataset requested * Intended use of the data: Please provide a short description of your research project (project question, objectives, methods, expected outputs, partners)

Terms and conditions 1. The data and other materials provided by the National Data Archive will not be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions, or organizations without the written agreement of the National Data Archive. 2. The data will be used for statistical and scientific research purposes only. They will be used solely for reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations. 3. No attempt will be made to re-identify respondents, and no use will be made of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently. Any such discovery would immediately be reported to the National Data Archive. 4. No attempt will be made to produce links among datasets provided by the National Data Archive, or among data from the National Data Archive and other datasets that could identify individuals or organizations. 5. Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports, or other publications that employ data obtained from the National Data Archive will cite the source of data in accordance with the Citation Requirement provided with each dataset. 11

6. An electronic copy of all reports and publications based on the requested data will be sent to the National Data Archive. 7. The original collector of the data, the National Data Archive, and the relevant funding agencies bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses. By continuing past this point to the data retrieval process, you signify your agreement to comply with the above-stated terms and conditions and give your assurance that the use of statistical data obtained from the National Data Archive will conform to widely-accepted standards of practice and legal restrictions that are intended to protect the confidentiality of respondents. I agree

A2.2 Application for Access to a Licensed Dataset Fields marked with * are mandatory. The information provided on this page will be kept confidential and will be used for internal purposes only. First Name: Last Name: Organization: Email: Dataset requested: This form must be filled and submitted by the Lead Researcher. Lead Researcher refers to the person who serves as the main point of contact for all communications involving this agreement. Access to licensed datasets will only be granted when the Lead Researcher is an employee of a legally registered receiving agency (university, company, research centre, national or international organization, etc.) on behalf of which access to the data is requested. The Lead Researcher assumes all responsibility for compliance with all terms of this Data Access Agreement by employees of the receiving organization. This request will be reviewed by a data release committee, who may decide to approve the request, to deny access to the data, or to request additional information from the Lead Researcher. A signed copy of this request form may also be requested. This request is submitted on behalf of: * Receiving organization name


* Telephone (with country code) * Intended use of the data: Please provide a short description of your research project (project question, objectives, methods, expected outputs, partners)

* List of expected output(s) and dissemination policy

* Expected completion date (DD-MM-YYYY) of the research project: * Research team members (other than the Lead Researcher) Provide names, titles, and affiliations of any other members of the research team who will have access to the restricted data.

* Identification of data files and variables needed The Data Archive provides detailed metadata on its website, including a description of data files and variables for each dataset. Researchers who do not need access to the whole dataset may indicate which subset of variables or cases they are interested in. As this reduces the disclosure risk, providing us with such information may increase the probability that the data will be provided. * This request if submitted to access: The whole dataset (all files, all cases) A subset of variables and/or cases as described below (note that variables such as the sample weighting coefficients and records identifiers will always be included in subsets): Data access agreement The representative of the Receiving Organization agrees to comply with the following conditions: 13

1. Access to the restricted data will be limited to the Lead Researcher and other members of the research team listed in this request. 2. Copies of the restricted data or any data created on the basis of the original data will not be copied or made available to anyone other than those mentioned in this Data Access Agreement, unless formally authorized by the Data Archive. 3. The data will only be processed for the stated statistical and research purpose. They will be used for solely for reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations. Data will not in any way be used for any administrative, proprietary or law enforcement purposes. 4. The Lead Researcher must state if it is their intention to match the restricted microdata with any other micro-dataset. If any matching is to take place, details must be provided of the datasets to be matched and of the reasons for the matching. Any datasets created as a result of matching will be considered to be restricted and must comply with the terms of this Data Access Agreement. 5. The Lead Researcher undertakes that no attempt will be made to identify any individual person, family, business, enterprise or organization. If such a unique disclosure is made inadvertently, no use will be made of the identity of any person or establishment discovered and full details will be reported to the Data Archive. The identification will not be revealed to any other person not included in the Data Access Agreement. 6. The Lead Researcher will implement security measures to prevent unauthorized access to licensed microdata acquired from the Data Archive. The microdata must be destroyed upon the completion of this research, unless the Data Archive obtains satisfactory guarantee that the data can be secured and provides written authorization to the Receiving Organization to retain them. Destruction of the microdata will be confirmed in writing by the Lead Researcher to the Data Archive. 7. Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports, or other publications that employ data obtained from the Data Archive will cite the source of data in accordance with the citation requirement provided with the dataset. 8. An electronic copy of all reports and publications based on the requested data will be sent to the Data Archive. 9. The original collector of the data, the Data Archive, and the relevant funding agencies bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses. 10. This agreement will come into force on the date that approval is given for access to the restricted dataset and remain in force until the completion date of the project or an earlier date if the project is completed ahead of time. 11. If there are any changes to the project specification, security arrangements, personnel or organization detailed in this application form, it is the responsibility of the Lead Researcher to seek the agreement of the Data Archive to these changes. Where there is a change to the employer organization of the Lead Researcher this will involve a new application being made and termination of the original project. 14

12. Breaches of the agreement will be taken seriously and the Data Archive will take action against those responsible for the lapse if willful or accidental. Failure to comply with the directions of the Data Archive will be deemed to be a major breach of the agreement and may involve recourse to legal proceedings. The Data Archive will maintain and share with partner data archives a register of those individuals and organizations which are responsible for breaching the terms of the Data Access Agreement and will impose sanctions on release of future data to these parties. I have read and agree with the conditions


Annex 3: Standard template of Advance Release Calendar

Type of Frequency statistics Economic statistics Consumer Price Monthly Index GDP Annual Social Statistics Puntland Facts Annual & Figures Gender Booklet Annual













Time Jul 10











Surveys High frequency Survey DHS Budget Household Survey Demographic Statistics Population Estimation Survey Population & Housing census

Annex 4: Standard template for the policy monitoring and evaluation

Key questions

Very Poor

How do you see the methodology used by DNS in data production? How do You asses the quality available data? How do you judge the timelines of data release? How do you appreciate the format of statistical publication? How easy is for you to access the data? How easy is for you to access the Micro data?





Very good

Annex 5: Implementation plan of the policy




Handover the final draft of data disseminination policy to directorate of national stattistics and the DG

Deparment of Sip & seniot advisor

01-08 November 2017

DG will make briefing about dissemination policy to the minister

Director Genaral

09-19 November 2017

Present the final draft of the policy to the deparment staff, consultansts, managers and members from other government institions

Head of ICT & data processing

20-22 November 2017

Transalation of the document in to somali langouge & print 500 Hard copies in both langouges

World Bank

27 November– 10 December 2017

Publishing policy on the website and Adoption Head of ICT & Data of the Data dissemination policy processing


15- 30 December 2017