PRACTICAL: 4. Aim: To install and test HTTP server using Windows Server 2003 operating system. Procedure: 1. In server 2
Data Communication and Networking
PRACTICAL: 4 Aim: To install and test HTTP server using Windows Server 2003 operating system. Procedure: 1. In server 2003: Apply IP address: Control Panel > Network and Internet Connection > Network Connection > Properties > IPV4 Properties Give IP address of and Subnet Mask : 2. Now, install HTTP service on 2003 OS. Go to Control Panel and open Add or Remove Programmes Now click on Add of Remove Windows Component Click on Application Server
Click Details and select the checkbox for Internet Information Services (IIS):
Data Communication and Networking
Click Details and select the checkbox for HTTP Services
Click OK twice and then Next to install the HTTP service. During installation you will need to insert your Windows Server 2003 product CD or browse to a network distribution point where the Windows Server 2003 setup files are located. Click Finish when the wizard is done. 3. Go to Start menu > Admin Tools > IIS Manager, in which default HTTP site available. 4. Select Default HTTP Sites > Right-click on Default HTTP Site and select Properties > Assign IP Address to Default site.
Data Communication and Networking
5. Now HTTP site is ready to use. It can be accessed by Browser. It will allow user to access all data from default location that is C:\Intpub\wwwroot. This folder can be changed from Home Directory tab available in HTTP site properties. Default port number of http site is 80. That can also be changed
Conclusion: HTTP is protocol that allows all the users to access data centrally. For security purpose, username and password can also be configured. Port number can also be changed for security.