Data Dictionary -

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Apr 4, 2015 - CSV, TSV and XML for Contracts, Assistance and Sub-awards data. In order to learn more about the data and


Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1 2 2.1 3 4 5

About Downloads Data Dictionary ................................................................................ 4 Downloading Data ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Filters .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Contracts Data Fields Dictionary ................................................................................................................. 4 Assistance Data Fields Dictionary ............................................................................................................. 16 Sub-awards Data Fields Dictionary ........................................................................................................... 19


Revision History Date





Initial version



About Downloads Data Dictionary This document provides information about the data fields, descriptions and their formats for the download files available from the downloads center. The downloads center provides data in three formats CSV, TSV and XML for Contracts, Assistance and Sub-awards data. In order to learn more about the data and the sources please go to the website by clicking on the following link 2 2.1

Downloading Data Filters allows the user to select various parameters to download the data as per their selections including:


Prime Awards, Sub-Awards

Type of Spending (Contracts, Grants, Loans, Other Financial Assistance)

Fiscal Year

Major Agency/ALL


Fiscal Year

Recipient State

Place of Performance State

Type of Output (CSV, TSV, XML)

Contracts Data Fields Dictionary

Field Name a76action account_title

Length string maxlength(10) string maxlength(300)

Description Indicates whether the contract action resulted from an A- 76/Fair Act competitive sourcing process.


string maxlength(25) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)

The description of the Program Source A code for the governmental agency or bureau that executed or is otherwise responsible for the transaction. Indicates whether the vendor is an American Indian Owned Business. The contractor's annual gross revenue, taken from an average of the last three years. Usually obtained from the CCR (Central Contractor Registry). Indicates whether the vendor is an Asian-Pacific American Owned Business. Indicates whether the vendor is a Black American Owned Business.



It is the mutually agreed upon total contract or order

agencyid aiobflag

annualrevenue apaobflag

string maxlength(500) string maxlength(50)




amount maxlength(8)


string maxlength(1) string maxlength(250)


string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(500)



string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(500)

contingencyhumanitarianpeacekeepingoperati on

string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(500)



value including all options (if any). For Indefinite Delivery Vehicles, the estimated value for all orders expected to be placed against the vehicle. For modifications, the change (positive or negative, if any) in the mutually agreed upon total contract value. The contract value for the base contract and any options that have been exercised. Indicates the reason a vendor/contractor not registered in the mandated CCR system may be used in The city of the contractor address. A claimant program number designates a grouping of supplies, construction, or other services. This data field may have a code from the DoD Procurement Coding Manual Section III, DoD Claimant Program Number. Indicates the funding office has certified that the information technology purchase meets the planning requirements in 40 USC 1422 and 1423. Indicates whether the solicitation used the special requirements for the acquisition of commercial items intended to more closely resemble those customarily used in the commercial marketplace as defined by FAR Part 12. Indicates whether the solicitation used Commercial Item Acquisition Procedures (FAR Part 12) and Simplified Acquisition Procedures (FAR Part 13.5) for acquisitions above the Simplified Acquisition Threshold and below 5000000 The designator for competitive solicitation procedures available pursuant to FAR 6.1 and 6.2, a code that represents the competitive nature of the contract and designator for solicitation procedures other than full and open competition pursuant to FAR 6.3. The Congressional district of the contractor, as derived from the Zip+4 in the contractor address. Indicates whether the contract is a consolidated contract. This is only required if the Funding Agency or the contracting agency is a DoD Agency. Data field exists in XML schema version 1.2 and later only. Indicates contract actions that exceed $200,000 and support a contingency operation, a humanitarian operation, or a peacekeeping operation. The type of award for this record. Types of awards include Purchase Orders (PO), Delivery Orders (DO), BPA Calls and Definitive Contracts. Indicates that the value of the contract, including all options, is expected to exceed $5M as a result of consolidating separate small contracts into


contractingofficeagencyid contractingofficeid

string maxlength(500) string maxlength(500) string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(500) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(500) string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(12)

contractingofficerbusinesssizedetermination costaccountingstandardsclause costorpricingdata


string maxlength(50) string maxlength(5000 ) string maxlength(100) string maxlength(100)


amount maxlength(8)


descriptionofcontractrequirement divisionname

dunsnumber educationalinstitutionflag

effectivedate emergingsmallbusinessflag

evaluatedpreference extentcompeted

string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(12) string maxlength(50)

string maxlength(500) string maxlength(500)


Type of financing used to effect payment (progress payments, advance payments, etc.). A code for the governmental agency or bureau that executed or is otherwise responsible for the transaction. The agency supplied code for the contracting office that executes the transaction. The Contracting Officer's determination of whether the selected contractor meets the small business size standard for award to a small business for the NAICS code that is applicable to the contract. Indicates whether the contract includes a Cost Accounting Standards clause. Indicates whether cost or pricing data was obtained, not obtained, or waived for DoD assigned contracts. Identifies the country of origin of the product. The current expected or scheduled contract completion date, based on the initial schedule, any options exercised at the time of the award, and any modifications made later. Indicates whether the transaction is subject to the Davis-Bacon Act (concerning the payment of prevailing wages on public works projects). A brief description of the goods or services bought (for an award) or that are available (for an IDV). Vendor's name of their business division Vendor's name of their business division code The net dollar amount that is obligated or deobligated by this transaction. If the net is a deobligation, the amount will be negative. The Dun & Bradstreet number of the vendor. This is used to link records to the Central Contractor Registry (CCR) and only exists for vendors in the CCR. Indicates whether the vendor is an Educational Institution. The date that the parties agree will be the starting date for the contract's requirements. Usually, this is the same as the date signed, but may be different. Description not available The type of preference determined for the contract action, reported when a contract was made pursuant to the socioeconomic program price evaluation preferences -- FAR 19.11 and FAR 19.13. Data field exists only in XML schema version 1.2 and later. A code that represents how the contract was competed.


string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(4)

faxno fedbizopps federalgovernmentflag


string maxlength(50) string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(500)



string maxlength(500) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(50)

gfe_gfp haobflag hbcuflag hospitalflag

The fax number of the contractor. Indicates whether the synopsis requirements of FAR Subpart 5.2. have been observed. Indicates whether the vendor is a Federal Government Organization. Indicates whether the vendor is an 8(a) Program Participant Organization. The federal government fiscal year (starting October 1), determined by the “Signed Date” provided by FPDS. Indicates that a foreign government, international organization, or foreign military organization bears some of the cost The agency provided code that identifies the agency that provided the preponderance of funds. The agency provided code that identifies the office that provided the preponderance of funds. If the Funding Agency is a DoD agency, the code is the DoD Activity Address Code Indicates whether Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) or Government Furnished Property (GFP) used for the contract, pursuant to FAR 45. Indicates whether the vendor is a Hispanic American Owned Business. Indicates whether the vendor is a Historically Black College or University.


string maxlength(50) string maxlength(500) string maxlength(500)

Indicates whether the vendor is a Hospital. Indicates whether the vendor is a Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Firm. This is a code for an agency, but it does not necessarily represent the agency that issued the contract. Instead, it serves as part of the unique identification for Federal Procurement Data System IDV records. For awards records, it partially identifies a linked IDV record. For IDV records, uniquely identifies the modification of the contract, agreement, or order. For awards records, it partially identifies a linked IDV record. When reporting orders under Indefinite Delivery Vehicles (IDV) such as a GWAC, IDC, FSS, BOA, or BPA, report the Procurement Instrument Identifier (Contract Number or Agreement Number) of the IDV. For the initial load of a BPA under a FSS, this is the FSS contract number. Note: BOAs and BPAs are with industry and not with other Federal A code that designates the commercial availability of an information technology product or service. Indicates whether the transaction is an Economy Act or Statutory Authority



Indicates whether the vendor is a 1862 Land Grant

idvpiid informationtechnologycommercialitemcategor y


is1890landgrantcollege is1994landgrantcollege isairportauthority isalaskannativeownedcorporationorfirm isarchitectureandengineering iscitylocalgovernment iscommunitydevelopedcorporationownedfirm iscommunitydevelopmentcorporation isconstructionfirm iscorporateentitynottaxexempt iscorporateentitytaxexempt iscouncilofgovernments iscountylocalgovernment isdomesticshelter isdotcertifieddisadvantagedbusinessenterprise

isecondisadvwomenownedsmallbusiness isfederalgovernmentagency isfederallyfundedresearchanddevelopmentcorp isforeigngovernment isforeignownedandlocated isforprofitorganization isfoundation ishispanicservicinginstitution ishousingauthoritiespublicortribal



string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)

Indicates whether the vendor is a 1890 Land Grant College. Indicates whether the vendor is a 1994 Land Grant College.

string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)


Indicates whether the vendor is an Airport Authority. Indicates whether the vendor is Alaskan Native Owned Corporation or Firm Indicates whether the vendor is a Architecture And Engineering. Indicates whether the vendor is a City Local Government. Indicates whether the vendor is a Community Developed Corporation Owned Firm. Indicates whether the vendor is a Community Development Corporation. Indicates whether the vendor is a Construction Firm. Indicates whether the vendor is a Corporate Entity Not Tax Exempt. Indicates whether the vendor is Corporate Entity, Tax Exempt Indicates whether the vendor is a Council of Governments. Indicates whether the vendor is a County Local Government. Indicates whether the vendor is a Domestic Shelter. Indicates whether the vendor is DoT Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise This code is reported for a Women Owned Small Business Set-Aside made pursuant to FAR 19.15. This code is only valid for actions signed on or after 04/01/2011. Indicates whether the vendor is a Federal Government Agency. Indicates whether the vendor is a Federally Funded Research and Development Corporation. Indicates whether the vendor is a Foreign Government. Indicates whether the vendor is Foreign Owned and Located. Indicates whether the vendor is is a Profit Organization or not Indicates whether the vendor is Foundation Indicates whether the vendor is Hispanic Servicing Institution Indicates whether the vendor is a Housing Authorities Public/Tribal.


string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)

isjointventureecondisadvwomenownedsmallb usiness

string maxlength(50)

isindiantribe isintermunicipallocalgovernment isinternationalorganization

isjointventurewomenownedsmallbusiness islaborsurplusareafirm islimitedliabilitycorporation islocalgovernmentowned ismanufacturerofgoods ismunicipalitylocalgovernment isnativehawaiianownedorganizationorfirm isotherbusinessororganization isotherminorityowned isothernotforprofitorganization ispartnershiporlimitedliabilitypartnership isplanningcommission isportauthority isprivateuniversityorcollege issbacertifiedsmalldisadvantagedbusiness isschooldistrictlocalgovernment isschoolofforestry isserviceprovider issmallagriculturalcooperative

string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)


Indicates whether the vendor is an Indian Tribe Indicates whether the vendor is a Inter Municipal Local Government. Indicates whether the vendor is a International Organization. Indicates whether the vendor is a Interstate Entity. This code is reported for a Women Owned Small Business Set-Aside made pursuant to FAR 19.15. This code is only valid for actions signed on or after 04/01/2011. This code is reported for a Women Owned Small Business Set-Aside made pursuant to FAR 19.15. This code is only valid for actions signed on or after 04/01/2011. Indicates whether the vendor is a Labor Surplus Area Firm. Indicates whether the vendor is a Limited Liability Corporation. Indicates whether the vendor is a Local Government Owned. Indicates whether the vendor is Manufacturer of Goods Indicates whether the vendor is a Municipality Local Government. Indicates whether the vendor is a Native Hawaiian Owned Organization Or Firm. Indicates whether the vendor is Other Business Or Organization. Indicates whether the vendor is a Other Minority Owned. Indicates whether the vendor is a Other Not For Profit Organization. Indicates whether the vendor is a Partnership Or Limited Liability Partnership. Indicates whether the vendor is a Planning Commission. Indicates whether the vendor is a Port Authority. Indicates whether the vendor is Private University or College Indicates whether the vendor is a Small Disadvantaged Business Organization Indicates whether the vendor is a School District Local Government. Indicates whether the vendor is School of Forestry Indicates whether the vendor is a Service Provider. Indicates whether the vendor is a Small Agricultural Cooperative.

issoleproprietorship isstatecontrolledinstitutionofhigherlearning issubchapterscorporation istownshiplocalgovernment istransitauthority istribalcollege istriballyownedfirm isveterinarycollege isveterinaryhospital

iswomenownedsmallbusiness last_modified_date lastdatetoorder lettercontract

string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)

string maxlength(50) string maxlength(12) string maxlength(12) string maxlength(100)


string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(10)


string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(50)



Indicates whether the vendor is a Sole Proprietorship. Indicates whether the vendor is State Controlled Institution of Higher Learning Indicates whether the vendor is a Subchapter S Corporation. Indicates whether the vendor is a Township Local Government. Indicates whether the vendor is a Transit Authority. Indicates whether the vendor is Tribal College Indicates whether the vendor is a Tribally Owned Firm. Indicates whether the vendor is a Veterinary College. Indicates whether the vendor is Veterinary Hospital The code is reported for a Women Owned Small Business Set-Aside made pursuant to FAR 19.15. This coder is only valid for actions signed on or after 4/01/2011 Last date the record was modified as reported by FPDS Late date on which an order may be placed against this indefinite delivery vehicle. Indicates whether the award is an Undefinitized Action. When awarding emergency response contracts during the term of a major disaster or emergency declaration by the President of the United States under the authority of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121, et seq.), preference shall be given, to the extent feasible and practicable, to local firms. Preference may be given through a local area set-aside Indicates whether the vendor is a Local Government Organization. The code from the combined FIPS Pub. 10 and FIPS Pub. 55 that identifies the place where the work is being performed. The combination of two leftmost characters of the contracting agency code representing major federal organizations and departments and its description. The combination of two leftmost characters of the funding agency code representing major federal organizations and departments and its description. The agency determined code for a major program within the agency. For an Indefinite Delivery Vehicle, this may be the name of a GWAC (e.g., ITOPS or COMMITS).


string maxlength(500) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(500) string maxlength(250) string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(500)

manufacturingorganizationtype minorityinstitutionflag minorityownedbusinessflag mod_agency mod_parent


string maxlength(500) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(500) string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(50)

multiyearcontract naobflag nationalinterestactioncode

numberofemployees numberofoffersreceived organizationaltype

string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(10) string maxlength(50)




Code that indicates vendor entity Indicates whether the vendor is a Minority Institution. Indicates whether the vendor is a Minority Owned Business. Not available The parent company for the vendor, as provided by D&B. An identifier that uniquely identifies a modification for a contract, agreement, or order. Indicates whether the contract is one of many that resulted from a single solicitation, all of the contracts are for the same or similar items, and contracting officers are required to compare their requirements with the offerings under more than one contract or are required to acquire the requirement competitively among the awardees. BPA "Multiple or Single Award IDV" value does not pull the "Multiple or Single Award IDV" value of the referenced FSS to the BPA. The "Multiple or Single Award IDV" value shall be required and selected by the user for all BPA bases created. Indicates whether this is a multi-year contract, a contract for the purchase of supplies or services for more than 1, but not more than 5, program years. Such contracts are issued under specific congressional Indicates whether the vendor is a Native American Owned Business. A code that represents the national interest for which the contract is created Indicates whether the vendor is a Nonprofit Organization. The number of actions that involved contract modifications for additional supplies or services. Can be reported for new contracts or contract modification transactions. The contractor's business size in terms of number of employees. Usually obtained from the CCR (Central Contractor Registry). The number of actual offers/bids received in response to the solicitation. A code for the type of organization of the vendor. Indicates whether the transaction is subject to other statutory authority (i.e., legislation other than the Economy Act). DUNS Number of the parent company Indicates whether the contract is a Performance-



phoneno piid

string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(500) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(2) string maxlength(100)


string maxlength(10)

placeofmanufacture placeofperformancecity placeofperformancecongressionaldistrict

pop_cd pop_state_code

priceevaluationpercentdifference prime_awardee_executive1 prime_awardee_executive1_compensation prime_awardee_executive2 prime_awardee_executive2_compensation prime_awardee_executive3 prime_awardee_executive3_compensation prime_awardee_executive4 prime_awardee_executive4_compensation prime_awardee_executive5 prime_awardee_executive5_compensation

string maxlength(4) string maxlength(40) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(100) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(100) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(100) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(100) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(100) amount maxlength(8)


Based Service Acquisition (PBSA) as defined by FAR 37.601. A PBSA describes the requirements in terms of results rather than the methods of performance of the work and has other detailed requirements. The phone number of the contractor. The unique identifier for each contract, agreement or order. Represents whether the end products procured by the contract are manufactured inside or outside the U.S. in accordance with the Buy American Act (see FAR 25.1) and any exceptions or reasons for waivers employed. The city that is the principal place where the work was / is performed. The Congressional district that is the principal place in which the work was / is performed. The country that is the principal place where the work was / is performed. The Zip code of the principal place where the work was / is performed. Data field exists only in XML schema version 1.2 and later. The combination of the Congressional district code and description for the principal place in which the work was / is performed. The two character state code for the principal place where the work was / is performed. Indicates the percent difference between the award price and the lowest priced offer from a responsive, responsible non-HUBZone or non-SDB The name of the Prime Awardee Executive The Prime Awardee Executive compensation value The name of the Prime Awardee Executive The Prime Awardee Executive compensation value The name of the Prime Awardee Executive The Prime Awardee Executive compensation value The name of the Prime Awardee Executive The Prime Awardee Executive compensation value The name of the Prime Awardee Executive The Prime Awardee Executive compensation value


string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(50)

purchasecardaspaymentmethod reasonformodification

reasonnotcompeted rec_flag receivescontracts receivescontractsandgrants receivesgrants

string maxlength(500) string maxlength(500) string maxlength(500) string maxlength(5) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(500) string maxlength(12) string maxlength(12)



recoveredmaterialclauses registrationdate

The principal North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code (used to designate major sectors of the economies of Mexico, Canada, and the United States) that indicates the industry in which the contractor does business. The code that best identifies the product or service procured. If more than one code applies, then the code that represents most of the ultimate contract value is reported. The short name or title used for a GWAC or other contracting program. Examples include COMMITS, ITOPS, SEWP. Account Code part (3rd to 6th characters) of Treasury Account Symbol (9 characters) assigned by U.S. Department of Treasury. Agency Code part (First 2 characters) of Treasury Account Symbol (9 characters) assigned by U.S. Department of Treasury. Sub-Account Code part (7th to 9th characters) of Treasury Account Symbol (9 characters) assigned by U.S. The major category that the Federal Procurement Data System Product or Service Code for the record falls within (see page 12 of codes.p Indicates whether the method of payment under an award is the Purchase Card. Agencies may issue formal contract documents and make payment using the Purchase Card. It is also Code for the type of modification to an award or IDV performed by this transaction. A code for the reason the contract was not competed -- i.e., solicitation procedures other than full and open competition pursuant to FAR 6.3. Identifies whether the Treasury Account Symbol is for Recovery. Indicates whether the vendor receives contracts Indicates whether the vendor receives Contracts and Grants. Indicates whether the vendor receives Grants. Indicates whether Recovered Material Certification and/or Estimate of Percentage of Recovered Material Content for EPA-Designated Products clauses were included in the contract. Description not available Description not available A code used when the contract was awarded as part



saaobflag sdbflag seatransportation

string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(12)


smallbusinesscompetitivenessdemonstrationpr ogram solicitationid

solicitationprocedures srdvobflag state statecode stategovernmentflag

string maxlength(500) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(500) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(250) string maxlength(250) string maxlength(250) string maxlength(250) string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(500)

statutoryexceptiontofairopportunity streetaddress streetaddress2 streetaddress3


of a Small Business Innovation Research or Small Technology Transfer Research Program. Data field exists only in XML schema version 1.2 and later. Indicates whether the vendor is a Subcontinent Asian (Asian-Indian) American Owned Business. Indicates whether the vendor is a Self-Certified Small Disadvantaged Business Organization. Indicates whether the contractor anticipates that some of the supplies may be transported by sea. Indicates whether the transaction is subject to the Service Contract Act (concerning payment of prevailing wage rates and fringe benefits to service employees). Indicates whether the vendor is a Sheltered Workshop (JWOD Provider) Organization. The date that a mutually binding agreement was reached. The date signed by the Contracting Officer or the Contractor, whichever is later. Indicates whether the contract was awarded to a U.S. business concern as a result of a solicitation issued on or after Jan 1, 1989 as part of the Small Business Competitiveness Program (FAR Part 19.10). Identifier used to link transactions to solicitation information. A code for the type of solicitation procedures used. Data field exists only in XML schema version 1.2 and later. Indicates whether the vendor is a Service-Related Disabled Veteran Owned Business. The state in the contractor address. The U.S. state that is the principal place where the work was / is performed. Indicates whether the vendor is a State Government Organization. A code indicating a statutory exception to Fair Opportunity, used awarding a non competitive task order or delivery order exceeding $2500.00 against an IDIQ contract. The first line of the street address for the contractor. The second line of the street address for the contractor. The third line of the street address for the contractor. Indicates whether a Subcontracting Plan was included in the contract Two codes that identify the program and weapons system or equipment purchased by a DoD agency. The first character is a number 1-4 that identifies the DoD component. The last 3 characters identify that component's program, system, or equipment.


string maxlength(6)


string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(500)


string maxlength(50)


string maxlength(500)

transactionnumber tribalgovernmentflag


string maxlength(12) string maxlength(16)


string maxlength(500)


vendor_cd vendor_state_code vendoralternatename vendoralternatesitecode vendorcountrycode vendordoingasbusinessname vendorenabled vendorlegalorganizationname vendorlocationdisableflag

vendorname vendorsitecode veteranownedflag

string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(250) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(400) string maxlength(250) string maxlength(250) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(250) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)


The status of the particular record, either ‘active’ or ‘inactive’. Unique identifier for each transaction for a contracting action or modification. There can be more than one in situations such as when an action includes more than one contract type. Indicates whether the vendor is a Tribal Government Organization. The type of contract as defined in FAR Part 16 that applies to this procurement. Can be fixed price, cost Identifies whether the IDC or Multi- Agency Contract is Indefinite Delivery/Requirements, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity, or Indefinite Delivery/Definite Quantity. A code for the type of set aside determined for the contract action. Data field exists only in XML schema version 1.2 and later. The estimated or scheduled completion date including the base contract or order and all options (if any) whether the options have been exercised or not. The unique identifying record id. Indicates whether EPA approved products with a minimum recovered material content were used, or whether an exception was made. The combination of the Congressional district code and description of the contractor, as derived from the Zip+4 in the contractor address. The two character state code in the contractor address Alternate name for vendor Alternate site code for vendor The country code in the contractor address. The doing as business name of the contractor address. Description not available Vendor legal name Description not available The name of the vendor awarded the contract as it appears in CCR or as entered by the user if CCR exception is selected. Vendor site code Indicates whether the vendor is a Veteran Owned Business.

string maxlength(500) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(50)

walshhealyact womenownedflag zipcode


Indicates whether the transaction is subject to the Walsh-Healy Act (passed in 1936, establishing overtime as hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week). Indicates whether the vendor is a Woman Owned Business. The zip code in the contractor address.

Assistance Data Fields Dictionary

This section covers the data fields for Grants, Loans and Other Financial Assistance. Field Name account_title action_type agency_code agency_name

assistance_type asst_cat_type

Length string maxlength(175) string maxlength(4003) string maxlength(156) string maxlength(72) string maxlength(154) string maxlength(5)


string maxlength(7) string maxlength(300)


string maxlength(303)


string maxlength(2)


duns_no ending_date exec1_amount exec1_fullname

string maxlength(9) string maxlength(20) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(500)

Description The description of the Program Source. The type of action for the record: whether it is a new assistance action, a continuation, a revision, or a funding adjustment. A code indicating which governmental agency or bureau provided the award. The name of the governmental agency or bureau that provided the award. The original Federal Assistance Awards Data System assistance type code, modified by into a set of broader categories (direct grants, loans, insurance, etc.) The type of assistance provided by the award: whether it is a grant, cooperative agreement, direct payment, loan, insurance, etc. The numeric code that indicates the program under which this award was funded within the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). Numbers that contain AAA, AAB etc. are pseudo-codes and are not in CFDA. The title of the program under which the award was funded, taken from the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). Indicates that the action record is either a correction of a record from a previous quarter or a late reported record from a previous quarter. The previous quarter is indicated in the Corrected Fiscal Year / Quarter data field. Optional data field to enter the D&B Confidence Code received for validated DUNS data (As provided to agencies by Dun & Bradstreet when obtaining DUNS). OMB encourages Agencies Unique nine-digit number issued by Dun & Bradstreet to the Agency. Followed by optional DUNS Plus 4 which allows an agency to submit different bank account data for a single DUNS The ending date for the award. The Prime Awardee Executive compensation value The name of the Prime Awardee Executive


exec2_amount exec2_fullname exec3_amount exec3_fullname exec4_amount exec4_fullname exec5_amount exec5_fullname face_loan_guran fed_funding_amount

federal_award_id federal_award_mod

fiscal_year Fyq

fyq_correction last_modified_date

amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(500) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(500) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(500) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(500) amount maxlength(8) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(16) string maxlength(4) string maxlength(4) string maxlength(5) string maxlength(25) string maxlength(10)


string maxlength(162) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(20) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(2)


string maxlength(7)

maj_agency_cat non_fed_funding_amo unt obligation_action_date orig_sub_guran principal_place_cc

The Prime Awardee Executive compensation value The name of the Prime Awardee Executive The Prime Awardee Executive compensation value The name of the Prime Awardee Executive The Prime Awardee Executive compensation value The name of the Prime Awardee Executive The Prime Awardee Executive compensation value The name of the Prime Awardee Executive

The face value of the direct loan or loan guarantee. Amount of federal government's obligation or contingent liability, in dollars. A negative number represents a decrease in funding. An agency-specific unique ID number for each individual assistance award. There may be more than one action record per assistance award, because of continuations, revisions, funding adjustments, corrections, etc. A modification number used to indicate action records that modify a previous action record with the same federal award ID. The fiscal year in which the award occurred. It may be different from the fiscal year of the award record if the record is a late filing or correction of an amount for a prior fiscal year. Data field added by The fiscal year and fiscal year quarter for this record, with the first four digits being the year, the fifth the quarter. The fiscal year (first four digits) and quarter (fifth digit) of the previous fiscal year and quarter that this record corrects, or which it is a late report for. The date the award was submitted or updated using the Award Submission Portal (ASP) The combination of two leftmost characters of the contracting agency code representing major federal organizations and departments and its description. Amount of non-federal funding, in dollars. A negative number represents a decrease in funding. Obligation or action date for the award. The original subsidy cost of the direct loan or loan guarantee. The city or county name of the principal place of performance for the award. The Congressional District of the principal place of performance for the award. A code for the principal place of performance for the award. The first two digits are the state FIPS code, the next five the county FIPS (three digits followed by **) or city FIPS code. 00***** = multi- state, 00FORGN = foreign country.


principal_place_countr y_code


string maxlength(7) string maxlength(50) string maxlength(5) string maxlength(9) string maxlength(4) string maxlength(2) string maxlength(3) string maxlength(149) string maxlength(3) string maxlength(70) string maxlength(70) string maxlength(70)


string maxlength(28)

principal_place_state principal_place_state_ code principal_place_zip progsrc_acnt_code progsrc_agen_code progsrc_subacnt_code project_description rec_flag receip_addr1 receip_addr2

recipient_cd recipient_city_code recipient_city_name recipient_country_cod e recipient_county_code recipient_county_nam e recipient_name recipient_state_code recipient_type recipient_zip record_type

string maxlength(2) string maxlength(5) string maxlength(42) string maxlength(3) string maxlength(3) string maxlength(42) string maxlength(90) string maxlength(2) string maxlength(154) string maxlength(9) string maxlength(1)

The country that is the principal place where the work was / is performed. The state or territory name of the principal place of performance for the award. The combination of two character state code and the state or territory name of the principal place of performance for the award. The 9 digit zip code (zip+4) of the principal place of performance for the award. Account Code part (3rd to 6th characters) of Treasury Account Symbol (9 characters) assigned by U.S. Department of Treasury. Agency Code part (First 2 characters) of Treasury Account Symbol (9 characters) assigned by U.S. Department of Treasury. Sub-Account Code part (7th to 9th characters) of Treasury Account Symbol (9 characters) assigned by U.S. Department of Treasury. The description of the project grants, loans, direct payments, insurance or other categories of grants. Identifies whether the Treasury Account Symbol is for Recovery Recipient 's Full address Line 1 Recipient 's Full address Line 2 Recipient 's Full address Line 3 The original Federal Assistance Awards Data System recipient type code, modified by into a set of broader categories (government, individual, nonprofit, for profit, higher ed, other). The Congressional district in which the address of the recipient of the award is located. 90 indicates district not known, 00 at- large or statewide, 98 nonvoting, 99 no representative. The five-digit FIPS city code for the city in the address of the recipient of the award. The city in which the address of the recipient of the award is located. The ISO or FIPS code for the country in which the recipient of the award is located. The three-digit FIPS county code or ANSI INCITS county code for the county in which the address for the recipient of the award is located. The county in which the address for the recipient of the award is located. The name of the recipient of the award. The two-digit FIPS or INCITS state code for the state or territory in which the address for the recipient of the award is located. The type of recipient (i.e., state government, local government, Indian tribe, individual, small business, for- profit, nonprofit, etc.) The ZIP code in the address of the recipient of the award. Federal Assistance Awards Data System record type: 1 = county aggregate record, 2 = individual action record.


sai_number starting_date total_funding_amount transaction_status unique_transaction_id Uri


string maxlength(20) string maxlength(20) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(10) string maxlength(16) string maxlength(70)

A number assigned by state (as opposed to federal) review agencies to the award during the grant application process. The starting date for the award. The total federal plus non-federal funding amount in dollars. A negative number represents a decrease in funding. The status of the particular record, either ‘active’ or ‘inactive’. The unique identifying record id. An agency defined identifier that is unique for every reported action.

Sub-awards Data Fields Dictionary

Field Name prime_award_agencyid

Length string maxlength(9)


amount maxlength(8)

prime_award_cfda_program_number_title_co des

string maxlength(606)


string maxlength(9)


string maxlength(67)


string maxlength(9) string maxlength(61) string maxlength(11) string maxlength(73)


string maxlength(12)


string maxlength(12)


string maxlength(21)

prime_award_contracting_major_agency_id prime_award_contracting_major_agency_nam e prime_award_contracting_office_id


Description Identifier used to link agency in FPDS-NG to award information The net dollar amount that is obligated or deobligated by the award, including modifications, for the Prime Awardee. If the net is a de- obligation, the amount will be negative. A comma separated list of the numbers and program titles associated with the published description of Federal assistance program in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) for the prime award A code for the governmental agency or bureau that executed or is otherwise responsible for the prime award. Agency name for the governmental agency or bureau that executed or is otherwise responsible for the prime award. The combination of two leftmost characters of the contracting agency code representing major federal organizations and departments The description for the contracting major agency The agency supplied code for the contracting office that executes the prime award. The agency supplied name for the contracting office that executes the prime award. The date that a mutually binding agreement was reached. The date signed by the Contracting Officer or the Contractor, whichever is later. The date when FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) Report was submitted for the prime award The award number or other identifying number assigned by the Federal awarding agency, such as the federal grant number.


string maxlength(4)


string maxlength(9)


string maxlength(68) string maxlength(9) string maxlength(61)


string maxlength(11)


string maxlength(79)


string maxlength(9)

prime_award_funding_agency_name prime_award_funding_major_agency_id

prime_award_idvpiid prime_award_piid

prime_award_principal_naics_code prime_award_principal_naics_desc prime_award_principal_place_city prime_award_principal_place_country

prime_award_principal_place_district prime_award_principal_place_state

string maxlength(29) string maxlength(42)

string maxlength(11) string maxlength(123) string maxlength(80) string maxlength(7) string maxlength(9) string maxlength(7)


The federal government fiscal year (starting October 1) A code for the agency that provided the preponderance of the funds obligated by this prime award. If left blank, defaults to Contracting Agency. Agency name for the agency that provided the preponderance of the funds obligated by this prime award. If left blank, defaults to Contracting Agency. The code for the funding major agency The description for the funding major agency The agency provided code that identifies the office that provided the preponderance of funds. If the Funding Agency is a DoD agency, the code is the DoD Activity Address Code (DODAAC). The agency provided name that identifies the office that provided the preponderance of funds. If the Funding Agency is a DoD agency, the code is the DoD Activity Address Code (DODAAC). This is a code for an agency, but it does not necessarily represent the agency that issued the contract. Instead, it serves as part of the unique When reporting orders under Indefinite Delivery Vehicles (IDV) such as a GWAC, IDC, FSS, BOA, or BPA, report the Procurement Instrument Identifier (Contract Number or Agreement Number) of the IDV. For the initial load of a BPA under a FSS, this is the FSS contract number. Note: BOAs and BPAs are with industry and not with other Federal Agencies. The unique identifier for each contract, agreement or order. The principal North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code (used to designate major sectors of the economies of Mexico, Canada, and the United States) that indicates the industry in which the contractor does business. The description for principal North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code The city name that is the principal place where the work was / is performed. The country that is the principal place where the work was / is performed. The combination of the Congressional district code and description for the principal place in which the work was / is performed. The U.S. state that is the principal place where the work was / is performed.


string maxlength(45) string maxlength(17)


string maxlength(9)


string maxlength(7)


prime_award_program_source_subaccount prime_award_program_title

prime_award_project_description prime_award_report_id prime_award_report_month prime_award_report_type prime_award_report_year prime_award_transaction_type prime_awardee_executive1

prime_awardee_executive1_compensation prime_awardee_executive2

prime_awardee_executive2_compensation prime_awardee_executive3

prime_awardee_executive3_compensation prime_awardee_executive4

prime_awardee_executive4_compensation prime_awardee_executive5

string maxlength(8) string maxlength(1064)

string maxlength(1064) string maxlength(38) string maxlength(7) string maxlength(12) string maxlength(9) string maxlength(31) string maxlength(65) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(65) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(65) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(55) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(65)


The street address of the principal place where the work was / is performed. The Zip code of the principal place where the work was / is performed. Account Code part (3rd to 6th characters) of Treasury Account Symbol (9 characters) assigned by U.S. Department of Treasury. Agency Code part (First 2 characters) of Treasury Account Symbol (9 characters) assigned by U.S. Department of Treasury. Sub-Account Code part (7th to 9th characters) of Treasury Account Symbol (9 characters) assigned by U.S. Department of Treasury. The description of the Program Source. Description of the overall purpose and expected outcomes, OR results of the prime award, including significant deliverables and, if appropriate, associated units of measure. The unique identifying record id. The FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) Report Period Month for the prime award The FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) Type of Report for the prime award The FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) Report Period Year for the prime award The type of transaction of the prime award The name of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the prime awardee organization The total compensation of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the prime awardee organization The name of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the prime awardee organization The total compensation of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the prime awardee organization The name of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the prime awardee organization The total compensation of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the prime awardee organization The name of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the prime awardee organization The total compensation of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the prime awardee organization The name of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the prime awardee organization


amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(91)


string maxlength(14)


string maxlength(6)


string maxlength(6)


amount maxlength(8)



string maxlength(608) string maxlength(12) string maxlength(9) string maxlength(68) string maxlength(9)


string maxlength(11)

subaward_cfda_program_number_title_codes subaward_date subaward_federal_agency_id subaward_federal_agency_name


The total compensation of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the prime awardee organization The parent company name for the vendor, as provided by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) The prime awardee parent organization’s 9-digit Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. This will be the same parent DUNS that appears in awardee’s Central Contractor Registration (CCR) profile, as applicable. True or false flag in response to FFATA question for the prime awardee: In your business or organization’s previous fiscal year, did your business or organization (including parent organization, all branches, and all affiliates worldwide) receive (1) 80 percent or more of your annual gross revenues in U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, and/or cooperative agreements; and (2) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, and/or cooperative agreements? True or false flag in response to FFATA question for the prime awardee: Does the public have access to information about the compensation of the senior executives in your business or organization (including parent organization, all branches, and all affiliates worldwide) through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m (a), 78o (d)) or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986? The net dollar amount that is obligated or deobligated by the sub- contract, including modifications, for the Sub Awardee. If the net is a de-obligation, the amount will be negative. A comma separated list of the numbers and program titles associated with the published description of Federal assistance program in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) for the sub-grant Date the sub-contract agreement was signed. A code indicating which governmental agency or bureau that provided the prime award. The name of the governmental agency or bureau that provided the prime award The federal government fiscal year (starting October 1) The agency provided code that identifies the office that provided the preponderance of funds. If the Funding Agency is a DoD agency, the code is the

DoD Activity Address Code (DODAAC).


string maxlength(79) string maxlength(9) string maxlength(61)


string maxlength(39)


string maxlength(11)

subaward_funding_office_name subaward_major_agency_id

subaward_principal_naics_desc subaward_principal_place_city subaward_principal_place_country

subaward_principal_place_district subaward_principal_place_state subaward_principal_place_street subaward_principal_place_zip

subaward_project_description subaward_report_month subaward_report_year

string maxlength(123) string maxlength(133) string maxlength(7) string maxlength(9) string maxlength(7) string maxlength(44) string maxlength(25)

string maxlength(4009) string maxlength(7) string maxlength(9)


string maxlength(255) string maxlength(34)


string maxlength(9)



The agency provided name that identifies the office that provided the preponderance of funds. If the Funding Agency is a DoD agency, the code is the DoD Activity Address Code (DODAAC). The code representing major federal organizations and departments for the prime award The name representing major federal organizations and departments for the prime award An identifying number assigned by the prime awardee organization to facilitate the tracking of its sub-contracts. The principal North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code (used to designate major sectors of the economies of Mexico, Canada, and the United States) that indicates the industry in which the sub-contractor does business. The description for principal North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the sub-contractor The city name that is the principal place where the work was / is performed for the sub-contract. The country that is the principal place where the work was / is performed for the sub-contract. The combination of the Congressional district code and description for the principal place in which the work was / is performed for the sub-contract. The U.S. state that is the principal place where the work was / is performed for the sub-contract. The street name that is the principal place where the work was / is performed for the sub-contract. The Zip code of the principal place where the work was / is performed for the sub-contract. Description of the overall purpose and expected outcomes, OR results of the sub-contract, including significant deliverables and, if appropriate, associated units of measure. The FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) Report Period Month for the sub-contract The FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) Report Period Year for the sub-contract Comma separated list representing sub-contractor business types pulled from FPDS-NG (Federal Procurement Data System - Next Generation) or Central Contract Registration (CCR) The city of the sub-contractor address. The Congressional district of the sub-contractor, as derived from the Zip+4 in the sub-contractor address.

subawardee_countrycode subawardee_dba_name subawardee_dunsnumber subawardee_executive1

subawardee_executive1_compensation subawardee_executive2

subawardee_executive2_compensation subawardee_executive3

subawardee_executive3_compensation subawardee_executive4

string maxlength(7) string maxlength(125) string maxlength(14) string maxlength(96) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(100) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(98) amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(78)


amount maxlength(8) string maxlength(100)


amount maxlength(8)


subawardee_name subawardee_parent_contractor_name subawardee_parent_duns

subawardee_recovery_model_q1 subawardee_recovery_model_q2

string maxlength(125) string maxlength(94) string maxlength(14)

string maxlength(6) string maxlength(6)


The country code in the sub-contractor address. The doing as business name of the sub-contractor The sub-contractor organization’s 9-digit Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. The name of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the sub-awardee organization The total compensation of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the sub-awardee organization The name of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the sub-awardee organization The total compensation of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the sub-awardee organization The name of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the sub-awardee organization The total compensation of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the sub-awardee organization The name of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the sub-awardee organization The total compensation of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the sub-awardee organization The name of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the sub-awardee organization The total compensation of Top 5 highly compensated officials of the sub-awardee organization The name of the sub-contractor who receives the sub-contract, as it appears in Central Contract Registration (CCR) The parent company name for the sub-contractor, as provided by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) The Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) number of the parent company of the sub- contractor. True or false flag in response to FFATA question for the sub-contractor: In your business or organization’s previous fiscal year, did your business or organization (including parent organization, all branches, and all affiliates worldwide) receive (1) 80 percent or more of your annual gross revenues in U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, and/or cooperative agreements; and (2) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, and/or cooperative agreements? True or false flag in response to FFATA question for the sub-contractor:

Does the public have access to information about the compensation of subawardee_state subawardee_street subawardee_zipcode type_of_spending

string maxlength(7) string maxlength(125) string maxlength(25) string maxlength(7)


The state in the sub-contractor address. The street address for the sub-contractor. The zip code in the sub-contractor address. The Type of Spending for the award