Regolith profile abbreviation in La Campana. (Al, Si, Mn, Fe)p ppm. Table S4. Pyrophosphate-soluble pedogenic oxides of Al, Si, Mn, and Fe. D t km-2 yr-1. W.
Data Supplement to Chemistry and Microbiology of the Critical Zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera. Ralf A. Oeser, Nicole Stroncik, Lisa-Marie Moskwa, Nadine Bernhard, Mirjam Schaller, Rafaella Canessa, Liesbeth van den Brink, Moritz Köster, Emanuel Brucker, Svenja Stock, Juan Pablo Fuentes, Roberto Godoy, Francisco Javier Matus, Rómulo Oses Pedraza, Pablo Osses McIntyre, Leandro Paulino, Oscar Seguel, Maaike Y. Bader, Jens Boy, Michaela Dippold, Todd A. Ehlers, Peter Kühn, Yakov Kuzyakov, Peter Leinweber, Thomas Scholten, Sandra Spielvogel, Marie Spohn, Kirstin Übernickel, Katja Tielbörger, Dirk Wagner, and Friedhelm von Blanckenburg These data are freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) open access license at GFZ data services. When using the data please cite: Oeser, Ralf A.; Stroncik, Nicole; Moskwa, Lisa-Marie; Bernhard, Nadine; Schaller, Mirjam; Canessa, Rafaella; van den Brink, Liesbeth; Köster, Moritz; Brucker, Emanuel; Stock, Svenja; Fuentes, Juan Pablo; Godoy, Roberto; Matus, Francisco Javier; Oses Pedraza, Rómulo; Osses McIntyre, Pablo; Paulino, Leandro; Seguel, Oscar; Bader, Maaike Y.; Boy, Jens; Dippold, Michaela A.; Ehlers, Todd A.; Kühn, Peter; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Leinweber, Peter; Scholten, Thomas; Spielvogel, Sandra; Spohn, Marie; Übernickel, Kirstin; Tielbörger, Katja; Wagner, Dirk; von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm (2018): Data supplement to: Chemistry and Microbiology of the Critical Zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera. GFZ Data Services. Sheets: Table S1 Table S2 Table S3 Table S4 Table S5 Table S6 Table S7 Table S8
Catena properties of the four primary EarthShape study areas. Major and selected trace element concentration for bedrock samples. Normative modal abundance of rock-forming minerals. Major and selected trace element concentration for regolith samples and dithionite and oxalate soluble pedogenic oxides. Weathering indices CDF and CIA, and the mass transfer coefficients (t) for major and trace elements along with volumetric strain (e). Chemical weathering and physical erosion rates. Relative microbial abundances in saprolite of the four study sites. Uncorrected major and trace element concentration.
Metric IGSN [X]rock, regolith CIPW CDFZr CIA t e MAP MAT ρ AZPED SGPED LCPED NAPED (Al, Si, Mn, Fe)o (Al, Si, Mn, Fe)d (Al, Si, Mn, Fe)p
Units link wt%, ppm no unit dimensionless dimensionless dimensionless dimensionless mm yr-1 °C g cm-3 no unit no unit no unit no unit ppm ppm ppm
Sheet Table S2, S4, S6, S7, S8 Table S2, S4, S8 Table S3 Table S5 Table S5 Table S5 Table S5 Table S1 Table S1 Table S2, S4 Table S1, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8 Table S1, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8 Table S1, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8 Table S1, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8 Table S4 Table S4 Table S4
Description International Geo Sample Number (, Link to sample description Raw and loss in ignition (LOI) corrected concentrations of bulk bedrock, bulk saprolite, and bulk soil samples Norm calculation to derive normative mineral abundances of igneous rocks based on bulk rock XRF analyses Chemical depletion fraction assuming immobile behavior of Zr upon chemical weathering Chemical index of alteration Mass transfer coefficient "tau" Volumetric strain "epsilon" Mean annual precipitation Mean annual temperature Density "rho" Regolith profile abbreviation in Pan de Azúcar Regolith profile abbreviation in Santa Gracia Regolith profile abbreviation in La Campana Regolith profile abbreviation in Nahuelbuta Oxalate-soluble pedogenic oxides of Al, Si, Mn, and Fe Dithionite-soluble pedogenic oxides of Al, Si, Mn, and Fe Pyrophosphate-soluble pedogenic oxides of Al, Si, Mn, and Fe
D W E [10Be]
t km-2 yr-1 t km-2 yr-1 t km-2 yr-1 104 atoms g-1
Table S6 Table S6 Table S6 Table S6
Denudation rate Chemical weathering rate Physial erosion rate 10 Be concentration in quartz
Ø DNA amount
µg g-1regolith
Table S7
DNA amount per gram regolith
Ø Bacterial gene copy numbers
Table S7
Bacterial gene copy numbers per gram regolith
Ø Archaeal gene copy numbers
Table S7
Archaeal gene copy numbers per gram regolith