fleet often had a frag- mented management structure and this shared re- sponsibility led ... across devices and systems,
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n Thought-leadership series in association with Datapac
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n Commercial Profile: Leadership series with Datapac
Datapac leads way for managed print services H istorically, the print fleet often had a fragmented management structure and this shared responsibility led to opportunities being missed. With the continued evolvement of managed print services (MPS), more and more organisations are seeing the cost savings and additional benefits this service can bring in Ireland. Cost savings is still the number one benefit of MPS, with upwards of 60 per cent possible compared with the traditional fleet model. However, companies are now looking for more than just cost savings. Better performance, reporting, improved uptime, higher quality output, enhanced security, better integration across devices and systems, and an overall improvement in document workflow are all essential parts of an effective MPS. Growing trends like BYOD (bring your own device) printing are also increasingly in demand at present and adding extra pressures on the IT department. People are using their own devices inside and outside the office to store and print important business information. While
flexibility and productivity are often improved, there have to be systems and procedures in place to manage this effectively and securely. To make MPS a real success, it’s about the convergence of hardware, supplies and maintenance in a complete solution. This type of solution focuses heavily on enabling the customer to pay for what they use, rather than what they have. It offers flexibility to scale up or down as needed. Organisations should have a clear understanding of their own requirements and all the options available to them. Changing the print culture in an organisation can be challenging. However, with the right partner, this can be done to optimum effect for everyone involved. Datapac offers managed print services which are flexible and allow the organisation to enlist its experience to manage and fulfil their print requirements without sacrificing control over cost, document quality or performance. By working closely with its customers, Datapac creates a bespoke plan centred on their print needs. These are transformed into tan-
The Sunday Business Post
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Patrick Kickham, director, Datapac
gible print and document infrastructures. Datapac continues to monitor the resulting solution, through regular reporting, account management and continuous print optimisation actions. Patrick Kickham, director at Datapac, explained how organisations can take steps to reap all of these benefits. “Firstly, Datapac can provide an in-depth audit of an or-
ganisation’s existing print solution and procedures,” he said. Typically, this will highlight the true costs and inefficiencies that arise from the existing infrastructure. A comprehensive usage study determines how each device is being used and by whom. On almost all occasions, cost savings and efficiencies will be identified.” “The customer will typically want to benefit from
these savings quickly so we will work closely with them to achieve their goals. This often begins by removing ageing and less effective printers and copiers, and consolidating printer, copier, fax and scanners into smaller multi-functional devices and centralised print stations. Users can then begin to take advantage of a wide range of improved print features, including increased speeds and capacity, the use of web-based tools, energy efficiencies and duplex printing as standard. These all ensure that the print function becomes more cost effective, user-friendly and environmentally sound.” In addition to the benefits highlighted, Datapac’s managed print service allows organisations to transfer expenses from CAPEX to OPEX spend, which is preferred for most businesses today. Also, regular reports will provide highly transparent and integrated views of all costs and performance updates associated with the entire
print fleet. Kickham concluded: “Our best-in-class managed print service ensures that cost savings are achieved quickly and painlessly, with further positive outcomes delivered such as improved document quality, reduced IT complexity, enhanced staff productivity and a wide range of environmental benefits. This is a truly beneficial partnership.” Datapac is the largest indigenous ICT and print provider in Ireland. Its managed print offering is highly flexible and tailored to each customer’s unique set of needs. With more than 30 years of print experience in Ireland and highly successful partnerships with world-leading vendors like HP and SafeCom, Datapac is the obvious choice to manage, improve and reduce the cost of your print infrastructure.
For information on how Datapac can help you protect your business, visit datapac.com today.