Dating of sediments from Lake Zurich (Switzerland) with

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21~ and 137Cs-measurements, and varve counting have been used to date sediment cores from Lake Zurich. (Switzerland). Two cores from different water ...
Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 47/1, 1985

0036-7842/85/010005-0751.50 + 0.20/0 9 1985 Birkhiiuser Verlag, Basel

Dating of sediments from Lake Zurich (Switzerland) with Zl~ and 137Cs By H. N . E r t e n * , H. R. v o n G u n t e n * * , E. R 6 s s l e r * a n d M . S t u r m * * * * Eidg. Institut f/Jr Reaktorforschung, CH-5303 Wfirenlingen, Switzerland ** Eidg. Institut fiir Reaktorforschung and Anorg.-chemisches Institut, UniversitS.t Bern, CH-3000 Bern 9, Switzerland *** Swiss Federal Institute for Water Resources and Water Pollution Control (EAWAG/ETH), CH-8600 D/ibendoff, Switzerland Manuscript received on 30 Juli 1985

ABSTRACT 21~ and 137Cs-measurements, and varve counting have been used to date sediment cores from Lake Zurich (Switzerland). Two cores from different water depths were dated with 21~176 and revealed sediment accumulation rates of (0.055 + 0.015) -l and (0.09 :k 0.03) g-cm-2.y -I, respectively. A comparable rate of (0.07 + 0.01) g. cm-2. y-i has been obtained from t37Cs measurements. These rates were confirmed by annual layer (varve)-counts which lead to rates of 0.07 -2. y-i. Constant 21~ activities were observed in the top 6 cm of the sediment cores. This constancy is generally explained in the literature by mixing processes caused by bioturbation and by distortion during coring operations of the uppermost water-rich fluffy sediments. However the distinct t37Cs.maxima and the regular and undisturbed varve lamination of the top sediment observed in the cores of Lake Zurich contradict this assumption. In addition, measurements of 7Be at the water/sediment interfaces proved complete sediment core recovery and mechanically undisturbed sediments. Remobilization processes are assumed to cause the observed constant 21~ activities. Remobilization may also be the reason for an incomplete 2t~ inventory in the sediments which contain only about 50 % of the fallout from atmosphere. The results of the 21~ dating should therefore be considered with some care. If existent, varve counting represents the easiest and most reliable means for dating lake sediments.

1. Introduction T h e s e d i m e n t s o f a lake c o n t a i n t h e i n f o r m a t i o n o n its h i s t o r y . D a t i n g o f s e d i m e n t s combined with other measurements allow to study the impact of nature and man on a l a k e a n d its e n v i r o n m e n t . G o l d b e r g [1] w a s t h e first t o use 21~ t o d a t e t h e s e d i m e n t a r y r e c o r d o f t h e last 100 years. Since t h e n t h i s m e t h o d h a s b e e n r e f i n e d a n d h a s b e e n u s e d i n m a n y g e o c h r o n o l o g i c a l studies (cf, r e f e r e n c e s i n [2]). ZZ~Rn, a n o b l e gas i n t h e d e c a y c h a i n o f 23su, is e m a n a t i n g f r o m the e a r t h ' s s u r f a c e a n d f r o m a i r b o r n e d u s t i n t o t h e a t m o s p h e r e . D e c a y p r o d u c t s o f Z22Rn, i n c l u d i n g 21~ are r e m o v e d b y d r y f a l l o u t a n d w e t p r e c i p i t a t i o n , t h u s p r o v i d i n g a c o n t i n u o u s flux o f 2t~ o n t o l a n d a n d w a t e r . I n l a k e s o r in t h e m a r i n e e n v i r o n m e n t 2~~ is s c a v e n g e d b y p a r t i c l e s a n d is a c c u m u l a t e d i n t h e s e d i m e n t s . H e r e it d e c a y s w i t h a half-life o f 22.3 y e a r s a n d c a n b e u s e d f o r d a t i n g . Besides t h i s

Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 47/1, 1985

"unsupported" 2~~ there is always a fraction of 2~~ in the sediments which is in radioactive secular equilibrium with 226Ra. This "supported" :'~ causes a background activity which limits the sensitivity of the method, and causes additional uncertainties. Extensive testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere between 1954-1963 caused a significant enhancement of the radioactive fall-out. The maximum fall-out in 1963 is usually well preserved in sediments of lakes and other depositional basins and can thus be used as a time marker. Among other nuclear fission products '37Cs can easily be detected in the sediments by ),-ray spectroscopy [3]. This method requires complete recovery of the topmost sediment layers in order to obtain correct rates for the sediment accumulation since 1963. A prove for a complete core is the presence of TBe in the uppermost layer. 7Be (half-life 53 days) is produced in the atmosphere by cosmic ray interactions and is carried to the sediments by particles. The observation of well conserved annual layers (varves) proves the recovery of an undisturbed sediment profile. Likewise, varve counting represents an excellent and simple additional method to determine the age of a sediment [4].

2. Experimental Sediment cores from Lake Zurich were recovered using a gravity corer with transparent PVC-tubes (inner diameter 6.3 cm). The cores were continuously sampled in 0.5 cm and 1 cm intervals immediatly after recovery. Varve counting was performed on photographs of cores which were sliced lengthwise with an electro-osmotic blade [5]. Two cores (no. I and II) were taken in August 1979 in the northern part of Lake Zurich in 61 m and 28 m








Figure 1 : M a p of the northern ~art of Lake Zurich showing the locations of the studied sediment cores (water depths are given in meters). Cores I and II were taken on August 21, 1979 at 61 m and 28 m water depths, respectively, core III was taken on December 21, 1981 at same location as core I.

Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 47/1, 1985

water depth, respectively (fig. I) and were used for 2t~ and 137Csdating. An additional core (no. III) was sampled in December 1981 at the same location as core no. I to perform 7Be-measurements and recheck porosity data. The measured water content of the three cores and an average sediment density of 2.65 g. cm -3 was used for the correction of compaction with depth. Parallel cores from each location were analyzed for their sedimentary structures and were used for varve counting. For the determination of 137Csand 7Be the samples were freeze-dried and homogenized, and were measured simultaneously in a calibrated well-type 7-ray Ge(Li) detector. Lead-210 was determined through its daughter 2~~ (half-life 138 days) which was at the moment of measurement in radioactive equilibrium with its parent. About one gram of dry sample was used. A known amount of 2~ was added to the sample as yield tracer following the procedure of [6] and [7]. Coating of one side of a silver disc (diameter 1.5 cm) with R U T E X liquid rubber provided deposition of the activity on one side only. An almost quantitative plating was achieved in approximately 7 hours. The overall chemical yield was (90 :t: 10)% based on the 2~ tracer. The samples were positioned in a vacuum chamber at a distance of 1 mm from a Si surface-barrier detector (ORTEC 300 m m 2) with an c~-energy resolution of about 20 keV full-width at half maximum (FWHM). The


Pb-210 A c t i v i t y ( d p m / 9 )

10 -1

101 1979

10 0 i







a I

1970 1



1960 1950

2 -



(J% t~



3 -


K3. t"t "O :3"


4 -


Uo rt


5 -


Core I




















Figure 2: Activities of "unsupported" 2l~ (see text) and 1 3 7 C s from core no. I. Note constant 21~ activity in the uppermost 6 cm (1.5 g-cm- 2). These values have not been used for the least squares fit of the 2t~ curve. The significant peak of t37Cs (units in dpm-g -l) rules out mixing of the top of the sediments.


Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 47/I, 1985 dP

efficiency for the 5.3 MeV alpha-line of 2~~ was determined to be (18 • 2)%. The 2~~ activities were converted into 2~~ activities applying corrections for the decay of 2~~ during the time between sampling and separation of 2~~ and for the decay of 2~~ since its separation. 3. Results and discussion

The results of the ~t~ measurements from core I and II are shown in tables I and II. Total activities consist of a nearly constant "supported" fraction of 21~ which is assumed to be in radioactive equilibrium with ~26Ra, and an "unsupported" (excess-) activity which decreases with depth. Mean "supported" activities of (2.11 + 0.28) dpm-g -~ and (1.86 + 0.25) dpm.g -I for cores I and II, respectively, were obtained from the deepest sediment samples. These contain no or only negligible amounts of "unsupported" 2~~ The mean "supported" activities were substracted from the measured total activities of the respective core to yield the "unsupported" 2~~ The "supported" activities agreed to • 20 % with activities of 226Ra determined in some of the samples by "/-ray counting 2t4Bi on a Ge (Li) detector. Errors (l~r) in the activities include counting statistics, uncertainties in the detector efficiency calibration and in the determination of the chemical yields. Errors in the "unsupported" 2~~ activities, in addition, include the_ uncertainty in the value of "supported" 2~~ Z is the actual sediment sample depth below the sediment/water interface which is converted into mass-depth using the measured water content and a sediment density of 2.65 g-cm -3. Figure 2 shows a graphical presentation of the results from core I. One observes a nearly constant 2~~ activity within about 6 cm (1.5 g. cm -2) below the sediment/water interface, a range which contains the sediment accumulation of about 25 years. Equally constant 2~~ activities near the water/sediment interface have been reported in sediments from Lake Michigan [8], from Lake Huron [9] and from other deposits [6, 10]. In order to explain this constant activity Robbins et al. developed a steady state rapid mixing model [9]. Its basic assumption is that sediments within this region are mixed at a rate much larger than the rate of deposition of sediments. The results from Lake Zurich contradict a fast mixing of the topmost layers of sediment. First, the distribution of "7Cs in the cores shows a distinct maximum in activity at about 6 cm sediment depth which is assumed to correspond to the year 1963. The ~37Cs distribution in core I is shown in figur 2. Its pronounced peak and the observed fine structure of the curve prove that physical mixing could not have been occured within this part of the sedimentary record. Second, 7Be was measured [(0.5 • 0.1) dps-g-'] in the uppermost sediment sample of core III, thus demonstrating the completeness of our core recovery. Since deeper samples contained no measurable 7Be activity (lack of 7-ray peak at 478 keV), the assumption of mixing of the topmost centimeters cannot be valid for these sediments. Third, texture analysis of the sediment cores showed well developed annual layers, as described by [11] and [12], exhibiting an undisturbed succession of distinct light (summer) and black (winter) laminations since about 100 years. Therefore mixing or bioturbation did not occur during the last decades at least not for the solid parts of the sediment. A possibility to explain the constant values of 2~~ in our cores as well as in the sediments described in the literature could be pore water remobilization of 21~ and/or 21~ from the top layers of the sediment. Preliminary results of 2~~

Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 47/1, 1985 Table 1. Total activities ofel~ (sum of "supported" and "unsupported" activities, see text) of sediment core I. Z is the actual sample depth below the water/sediment interface, while mass-depth describes sediment depth below the water/sediment interface corrected for compaction using the measured water content of the cores (porosity) and an average sediment density of 2.65 -3.

z (cm)

porosity p = 2.65

mass-depth total 2t~ ( -2) activity (dpm. g-l)

0-1 1-2 2-3 3-3.5 3.5-4 4-4.5 4.5-5 5-5.5 5.5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18

0,97 0,94 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.87

0.08 0.24 0.45 0.57 0.70 0.85 0.99 1.14 1.30 1.62 1.93 2.28 2.62 2.97 3.31 3.68 4.08 4.48 4.88 5.22 5.56

Table 2. Total activites of :l~ table I).

8.37 5:0.84 9.69 5:0.97 8.63 5:0.86 8.89 5:0.89 8.15 5:0.82 7.95 5:0.80 8.26 5:0.83 9.12 5:0,91 8.58 5:0,86 6.79 + 0,68 8.04 5:0,80 6.73 5:0,67 4.94 5:0.49 4.70 5:0.47 4.03 5:0.40 4.51 5:0.45 3.69 5:0.37 3.46 4- 0.35 2.80 5:0.28 3.05 5:0.31 2.58 + 0.26

z (cm)

porosity p = 2.65

mass-depth total 21~ (g. cm -2) activity (dpm. g-t)

18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25 25-26 26-28 28-30 30-32 32-34 34-36 36-38 38--40 40--42 42-44 44-46 46-48 48-50

0.87 0.85 0.85 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82

5.91 6.31 6.70 7.13 7.55 7.98 8.40 8.82 9.67 10.52 11.42 12.32 13.22 14.12 15.02 15.93 16.88 17.83 18.79 19.74

2.34 5:0.23 2.33 + 0.23 2.27 4- 0.23 2.18 5:0.22 2.22 5:0.22 2.04 5:0.20 2.66 5:0.27 2.30 + 0.23 2.29 5:0.23 1.90 5:0.19 1.66 + 0.17 1.59 5:0.16 1.68 -4- 0.17 1.89 4- 0.19 1.88 5:0.19 1.92 5:0.19 2.48 + 0.25 2.11 5:0.21 2.15 5:0.22 2.40 4- 0.24

(sum of "supported" and "'unsupported" activites) of sediment core II (cf.

z (cm)

1-2 2-3 3-3.5 3.5-4 4-4.5 6.50 11.50 16.50 21.50 27.00 37.00 43.00 47.00

mass-depth (g. cm -2)

total 21~ activity (dpm. g-l)

0.24 0.45 0.57 0.70 0.85 1.62 3.31 5.22 7.13 9.67

6.61 5:0.66 6.05 + 0.61 7.86 • 0.79 7.05 4- 0.71 7.33 -4- 0.73 6.96 4- 0.70 4.03 + 0.40 3.04 4- 0.30 2.18 4- 0.22 2.36 4- 0.24 1.91 4- 0.19 1.81 4- 0.18 1.79 5:0.18


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measurements in the interstitial water [13] seem, indeed, to support the remobilization hypothesis. This remobilization process could also explain the significant deficit in the :~~ inventory o f the sediments o f Lake Zurich. The expected inventory in the sediments was calculated for an atmospheric input o f a b o u t 0.75 d p m m -2. y-% which is obtained using a transfer velocity for :~~ of 0.9 cm. s-' [14] and a 2~~ concentration in the air o f Switzerland o f 12 fCi. m -3 [15]. The measured inventory o f the two sediment cores shows a deficit which a m o u n t s to almost 50% o f the calculated 2~~ fall-out. Using 2~~ for the determination o f sedimentation rates a constant flux o f 2~~ into the sediments was assumed. This assumption was justified by measurements o f :~~ in m o n t h l y air samples at F r i b o u r g (Switzerland) during the last 13 years, which proved constant average yearly concentrations o f 2'~ o f (11.9 + 0.4) f C i - m -3 [16]. It was further assumed that the sedimentation rate within the studied sediment range remained constant and that no postdepositional mobilisation a n d migration o f 2~~ had occured. The latter assumption is in contradiction with the observed constant activities in the top centimeters o f the cores and with the 2'~ inventory, but holds p r o b a b l y more or less for the deeper parts o f the sediment. Finally it was assumed that the " s u p p o r t e d " 2~~ values do not vary within the sediment. These assumptions correspond to the Constant Initial Concentration (C.I.C.) model which leads to sedimentation rates o f (0.055 + 0.014 g. cm -~. y-t for core I and (0.09 -4- 0.03) g. cm -2- y-t for core II. Samples from the uppermost sediment, which showed constant 2'~ activities were not used in this calculation. Due to a limited n u m b e r o f measured samples in core II this result is less accurate. The results are in agreement with rates for sediment accumulation derived from 137Csmeasurements in core I, which show a rate o f (0.071 + 0.01) g. cm -2. yr' for the last 16 years. Counting o f annual layers in cores I and III showed values o f 0.07 g. cm -2. y-' for the last 30 years. It should be noted that the errors in the 21~ dating m e t h o d are rather large, if they are taken realistically. But even so, they do not include the additional uncertainties which m a y be caused by the possible remobilization of 2'~ Nevertheless, the results prove the applicability o f these methods for dating recent lake sediments and support dating results o f Lake Zurich sediments from other authors [11, 17]. One should, however, strongly point to the fact that varve counting in sediments is, if applicable, much simpler and more accurate than nuclear dating methods. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank A. Griitter, E. Christensen, D. Imboden and especiallyP. Santschi for many helpful discussions and valuable suggestionsand F. Wegmfillerfor the chemicalanalysis. One of us (H.N.E.) thanks the Eidg. Institut ffir Reaktorforschung for making his stay in Switzerlandpossible. Preparation of the figures by H. Bolligerand typing of the manuscript by A. Widmerand Th. Wipfliis gratefully acknowledged.The work was partly supported by the SwissNational ScienceFoundation and by the EAWAG/ETH grant nr. 25-037.

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Sedimente aus dem Z/irichseewurden mit Hilfe yon drei unabh/ingigen Methoden datiert. Ffir 21~ ergaben sich Sedimentationsraten yon 0.055 bzw. 0.09 g'cm-2y-j. Die 137Cs-Datierungund die Ausz/ihlungyon Jahreslagen (Varven) ergab 0.07 )~hnlich wie in anderen Seen wurden auch im Zfirichsee in den obersten 6 cm aller untersuchten Kerne konstante 21~ festgestellt.Dies wird in der Literatur in der Regel auf Bioturbation oder auf sekundfireDurchrnischungder stark wassergesfittigtenSedimentebei der Proben-

Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 47/1, 1985


nahme zur/ickgef/ihrt. Im Z/irichsee widersprechen die Erhaltung von millimeterm/ichtigen Jahreslagen, das Auftreten eines ausgepr/igten 137Cs-Maximums und ganzj~ihrig anoxische Bedingungen an der Sediment/WassergrenzflS,che solchen Deutungsversuchen. Auch das Vorhandensein des kurzlebigen Isotopes 7Be (HWZ 53 Tage) in den obersten Sedimentschichten beweist eine komplette und ungestrrte Probennahme. F/Jr die beobachtete konstante 2t~ werden daher Remobilisationsprozesse nach der Ablagerung der Sedimente verantwortlich gemacht. Nachtrfigliche Remobilisierung krnnte auch die Ursache f/Jr das beobachtete unvolls~ndige 21~ in den Sedimenten sein, das nur ca. 50% des atmosph/irischen Ausfalls betrCigt. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Ergebnisse der 21~ in diesem eutrophen See mit Vorsicht interpretiert werden miissen und dass die Ausz/ihlung yon Jahreslagen - falls vorhanden - die am wenigsten aufwendige und genaueste Methode zur Datierung von Seesedimenten darstellt.

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Addresses of the authors: 1) H.N. Erten, Dept. of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey 2) H.R. von Gunten, EIR, CH-5303 W6renlingen and Anorg.-chemisches Institut, Universit/it Bern, CH-3000 Bern 9, Switzerland 3) E. R6ssler, EIR; CH-5303 W/irenlingen, Switzerland 4) M. Sturm, EAWAG, CH-8600 Diibendorf, Switzerland* *) EAWAG-Contribution Nr. 1099