Page 3 of 77. DAV Ahmedabad Children's Magazine 3. Whoopee! Haiku/Limericks. Tongue Twisters. Onomatopoeia. I'm a Poem.
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DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Inside this issue: Currency Market
Whoopee! Haiku/Limericks
The Gift of Nile
Tongue Twisters
Political Parties in India
Bermuda Triangle
I‘m a Poem
Nalanda University Battle of Haldighati
Acrostic Poem
Fingerprint Identification
Rapunzel‘s Shampoo Ad
Sea Animals
Once upon a time...
Rocket Incredible Quotations One of the Earth's rarest mammals
Palindromes Idioms Illustrated
Incredible Quotation Idiom Story
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
For a world that uses as much money in our day-to-day lives as we do, it is sometimes easy to overlook some of the more interesting aspects of currency and even the idea of currency itself. As our world has grown and developed over the thousands of years, so has our currency. Although paper money has been around for thousands of years (some of the earliest being found in China and written about by Marco Polo), some of the earliest forms of currency come in the form of shards of obsidian used in ancient Turkey as far back as 12,000 B.C.
In 1923, hyperinflation caused German currency to lose almost all of its Value. It became so worthless that people gave it to children to play with or used it as wallpaper.
Sher Shah Suri introduced the first rupee.
After the independence of India the first coins were introduced in 1950. In 1964 aluminum coins were first introduced for up to 20 paisa. Stainless steel coins (10, 25, and 50) were first introduced in 1988. The World's First Paper Money was created in China 1,400 years ago.
75, 100, 1000 rupees coin were first made in 2010. It was only for the commemorative purposes. They were made to celebrate 75 years of Reserve Bank of India, 100 years of Rabindranath Tagore and 1000 years of Brihadeeswarar temple.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
More monopoly money is printed every year than real money.
500 rupees note was introduced in 1987 and 1000 rupee note was introduced in 2000.
What is Forex Trading? Forex Trading is trading currencies from different countries against each other. Forex is acronym of Foreign Exchange. For example, in Europe the currency in circulation is called the Euro (EUR) and in the United States the currency in circulation is called the US Dollar (USD). An example of a forex trade is to buy the Euro while simultaneously selling US Dollar. This is called going long on the EUR/USD.
Why the world need foreign exchange? Well, we need money to measure value of things. Let's say you are a farmer making vegetables and I am a craftsman making tools. I need to eat tomatoes from your farm to live. You need some tools from me to cultivate your tomatoes and make a living. But to exchange one tomato for one tool wouldn't be fair. We have different costs of making these goods. So this is how money appear. Instead of exchanging the products themselves, we exchange products for money, so that each product's value is measured and converting the products you make into products you need is much easier. The currency market measures the value of a currency by comparing it to another onethis being the currency pair
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
you're trading every day, INR/USD for example. Now, the currency itself measures the value of different products.
Can hear whistling of winds,
Topic explored by :
dry leaves are blowing
Dhruv Mulani and
A beautiful bridge
E. Badhri Srinivasan
With red flowers falling on it. Bhavya Shah
6 (D)
Vansh Doshi 2 (I)
―The key to happiness is spending your money on experiences rather than possessions.‖ DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Importance of trees Brown stem and green leaves
The Vain Mouse Silvasa thought that she was the prettiest mouse in the world. All day long she looked at herself in the river.‖ oh! Such a great combination, such beautiful whiskers and what a fine looking tail I have‖ she would exclaim. One fine day, a leaf fell in the river creating ripples. Unable to see herself silvasa ran into a stable where she found a horse drinking water from a bucket. When the horse has finished silvasa jumped onto the bucket. Seeing a mouse on his bucket the horse gave it a kick and Silvasa fell into the bucket. Terribly frightened she jumped out and fled inside the farmer‘s house. Here she found a bowl of water and again began preening herself. Seeing a dirty drenched mouse the farmer‘s wife shrieked, she ran with a broom to kill it. Silvasa ran ran for her life and swore never to be so vain. Vipra Prajapati 5 A
Oh! How majestic are these trees Useful in many ways Trees pose their own grave Trees provide timber & wood which do the man, much good Paper & furniture are made from them trees are valuable gem
Trees bring down rain drops Necessary for the growth of crops Makes the Earth green & bright Oh! What a beautiful sight
But still man does not understand Cutting & uprooting trees, destroying his own life Stabbing his own heart With his own knife If you want to survive. Oh! Greedy man
I am ….
I touch toys
I am a boy
I worry about my mother
I wonder about God
I cry for toys
I hear music
I am six years old
Plant trees to increase Earth‘s life span As trees are your basic needs Planting trees, is thus the best deed.
I see paintings I want to be a policeman
Jivian Agarwal I F)
I am a child I pretend to sleep I feel happy
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
I am …. I am little princess
He is not like a shadow,
I wonder to see the stars
Who leaves you behind in the darkness
I hear songs
He is like the Sun
I see with my eyes
Who waves the darkness away
I want to read books
He is the one who‘s always with you
I pretend to be happy even when I am sad
He is the one who cares for you.
I feel elated when I play I want to touch butterfly
In every laugh and every cry
I worry when my mother is ill
In every do and every die
I cry when I fall
He never leaves you alone
I am a little fairy
He is the one who worries for you He is the one who cares for you.
Not for money and not for gain He is there for sharing your pain He will never let you struggle alone He will be forever with you He is the one who cares for you He is the one who cares for you. Birds are flying definitely enjoying Insects are lying awkwardly crawling
Kaushal Hastwala & Manan Chhajed XB
Oh! I am not enjoying I feel like crying
Khushi Shah 6 (B)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
- The gift of the NileAround 5000 years ago the ancient Egyptians established an extraordinary and enduring civilisation.
The Nile is the lifeline of this North-African country. The Nile flows from South to North the country was divided into two parts– northern and southern. Southern part was Upper Egypt and northern part was Lower Egypt. More than three thousand years ago, King Menes of the Upper Egypt
conquered Lower Egypt and made both the parts one country and made Memphis his capital. That is the reason the pharaoh wore the double crown of two colours—white and red. White colour stood for the southern part and red colour, for the northern part.
Once upon a time, a girl dressed in red She was very happy all of a sudden a Cockroach climbed on her hand, she was very afraid Then, her mother came and threw the cockroach out of window on busy road. Luckily, cockroach escaped in a hole near footpath. Tithi Patel
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
3 (H)
The Great Pyramid The pyramids are the stone tombs of Egypt's kings - the Pharaohs and one of the world's greatest historical mysteries. They have stood for thousands of years, filled with many hidden secrets: clues about what life (and death) was like in Ancient Egypt.
Built during a time when Egypt was one of the richest and most powerful civilizations in the world, the pyramids—especially the Great Pyramids of Giza—are some of the most magnificent man-made structures in history. Their massive scale reflects the unique role that the pharaoh, or king, played in ancient Egyptian society. Though pyramids were built from the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the close of the Ptolemaic period in the fourth century A.D.,
I am a boy I am wonderful boy I hear my parents I see my books I want a bicycle I am Ashmit
I pretend to sleep I feel hot I touch my toy I worry for my exams I cry sometimes to play computer game I am Ashmit
Ashmit 1 H
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Egyptian Mummies
The Ancient Egyptians believed that people‘s spirits could only survive after death if their bodies survived as well. So they preserved dead bodies by removing the innards, drying the flesh and bones with chemicals, then wrapping the remains in bandages. Wealthy families also paid for fine painted mummy cases or for stone caskets, called sarcophagi. Finished mummies were buried in tombs decorated with pictures of the dead person and their family enjoying life in the world of the dead. Mummified bodies often looked black and sticky because they were coated in resin—not tar, but scented gum from trees.
How were mummies made? It took a very long time, from start to finish, it took about 70 days to embalm a body. The priest in charge would wear the mask of a jackal representing the god Anubis. 1.
The body was washed and purified.
Organs were removed. Only the heart remained.
The body was filled with stuffing.
The body was dried by covering it with a substance called na tron*. This substance absorbed all the moisture from the body.
After 40 - 50 days the stuffing was removed and replaced with linen or sawdust.
The body was wrapped in strands of linen and covered in a sheet called a shroud.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
The body was placed in a stone coffin called a sarcophagus.
The mummy was now ready for its journey to the afterlife. (*Natron is a natural salt, composed of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate with traces of sodium chloride and sodium sulfate. It was used by the ancient egyptians to dry out the bodies.) The Bee
Topic: Egypt explored by- 8 (B)
Buzzing in the spring
Nabodita Sarma, Somya Gupta,
Hovering over flowers
K. Jayashree, Ashlesha Soman
Honey is its trade Khushi Raval
6 (B)
Diva K Shah
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
2 (D)
Around Me ‗Tweet‘ Tweet‘ the Bird goes up,
‗Woof‘ Woof‘ the dog Barks on me, ‗Yummmm so tasty Cake made by mum, ‗Aaaaaaaa‘ my sister Shouts on me Yet I am Happy Of my life that I got From the God. Hansik Sarma 6 (D)
I am …. I am girl I wonder how beautiful nature is? ats are cunning
I hear music I see butterfly I want flower
nd if, it crosses path it is considered as bad omen
I am girl I pretend I can fly I feel happy
herefore, I trained my cat to be always behind me. ilently it put its talon on floor to catch its prey
I touch butterfly I am girl I cry when butterfly fly away I am girl. Aarya G
1 (H)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
―And if your tongue is getting queasy don‘t give up. The next one is EASY.‖
Grade:2 Fresh, Fresher, Freshest,
Bed Spreaders spread spreads on beds. Bread Spreaders spread butters on breads. And that Bed Spreader better Watch out how he‘s spreading…. Or that Bread Spreader‘s Sure going to butter his bedding.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
If you like to eat potato chips And chew pork chops on clipper ships, I suggest that you chew A few chips and a chop At Skipper Zipp‘s Clipper Ship Chip Chop shop.
―The storm starts when the drops start dropping. When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping.‖
But if your daddy‘s name is Dwight And he likes to look at birds at night, The gift for Dwight that might be right Is a Bright Dwight Bird-Flight Night-Sight Light.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.
I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit. Chintu‘s chilled chubby cheeks filled with chocolates
Ten tiny teddy bears tried to take toy truck
I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
India is the largest
democracy in the world.
India has the biggest number of people with franchise rights and the largest number of political parties, which take part in election campaign. Elections are held at different levels. The two major election levels are at national level, after which the national government is established and at state level after which the state government is established. Elections are also held for city, town and village councils.
Political parties in India India has a multi-party system with a predominance of small regional parties. Political parties that wish to contest local, state or national elections are required to be registered by the Election Commission of India (EC).
In order to gain recognition in a state, the party must have had political activity for at least five continuous years, and send at least 4% of the state's quota to the Lok Sabha (India's Lower house), or 3.33% of members to that state's assembly.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
The Indian political parties are categorized into two main types. National level parties and state level parties. National parties are political parties which, participate in different elections all over India.
If a party is rec-
State parties or regional parties are political
ognised in four
parties which, participate in different elec-
or more states, it
tions but only within one state. For example
is declared as a
Shiv Sena participates only in Maharash-
"National party"
tra, Telegu Desam in Andra Pradesh, Akali
by the EC. Oth-
Dal in Punjab, Dravida Munnetra Ka-
erwise, it is
zagham (DMK) in Tamil Nadu and there
known as a
are other such state parties.
Snow is falling Cows are mooing
"State Party."
ainy day ong boot and umbrella
Caterpillars are gnawing Worms are coughing Peter is sking.
I n this season children make paper boat oisy day
Aditya Raj
Bhavya Shah
6 (D)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Take a look at the party symbols of the biggest political parties, their meanings and a little bit of the party history.
The Indian National Congress: The hand is a connotation for strength, energy and unity. The party speaks of secularism and the hand is a reflection of the same.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): The symbol holds many prominent connotations with respect to Hindu sentiments. The Lotus is the national flower of the country and a symbol of the Hindu Goddess Saraswati, Goddess of Learning. The color Saffron in the backdrop, as represented in the Indian tri-color stands for courage and sacrifice and the color green portrays faith and prosperity. Thus the symbol broadly stand for the growth and prosperity of its electorate.
Samajwadi Party: red stand for struggle, green refers to the humble and rooted moralities of the party. The bicycle is again a humble mode of transport, something frequently used by the general masses of the country. Thus the symbol and flag of the party, stands as a direct connotation of the party's principles.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Bahujan Samaj Party: The elephant facing left denotes will power and physical strength. The party has this as their symbol in all the states except Asssam and Sikkim, where BSP must choose another symbol. The peaceful animal signifies that the lower class will be empowered to fight against the higher strata of society.
Janata Dal (U): The arrow signifies unity,focus and aim.
All India Trinamool Congress: The symbol signifies that the party stands for the undertrodden sections of society. The AITC is the sixth largest party in the Lok Sabha.
Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam: The symbol is a connotation for the rise of the Dravidians in the country, indicating that they rose as the magnificent sun. DMK holds democratic and socialism in high esteem.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Biju Janata Dal: The conch is a connotation for prosperity and equality. It also stands for sovereignty and power. The party aims strengthen the well being of its electorate by bringing in new reforms and development.
Shiv Sena: The bow and arrow have held an importance in the Hindu traditional epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata. This ancient tool that was used to kill enemies is a revered icon of Hinduism.
The Communist Party of India (Marxist) : The red color of the flag signifies the communist color of struggle where as the sickle and hammer signify the agricultural community in the country.
Nationalist Congress Party: The aqua colored clock strikes 10:10. A clock generally denotes timeliness, punctuality, truthfulness (to time) and a fighters spirit, I have dreams thus adopting a To flow in streams symbol which I won‘t cry shows their will to work 'round the clock' for the But always try. society. Sasmit Yewale
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
6 (D)
Rashtriya Janata Dal: The lamp signifies progress, light and enlightenment.
Aam Admi Party (AAP): The broom signifies dignity of labour and its a basic tool used to 'clean' spaces. In this case the party aims to 'sweep' corruption away from the system.
ance rejuvenates me
Topic explored by 8 B P. Siddharth
ppreciation for my performance motivates me ew forms of dance makes me more creative andle dance I wish to master Stars are nice veryday I look forward to learn new style
Lights the night Don‘t touch it They are hot
Sakanshi Nagar 3 F
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Khushi Modi
6 (C)
Bermuda Tri-
More than 1000 ships and planes have disappeared in the triangle area over the past five centuries and continue to do so. And all these happen when apparently there are no human errors, equipment failures or even natural disasters. Strangely, the ships and aircraft just vanish when everything seems to be okay. Many believe that Devil is at play here and therefore call the area also as Devil's Triangle. Bermuda Triangle is located off the South-Eastern coast of the United States and in the Atlantic Ocean. The three corners of the triangle are: Miami (in Florida); San Juan (in Puerto Rico); and Bermuda (a north-Atlantic island). So the next question is why the name "Bermuda Triangle"? At the time of coining the term, the first name that came up was "Miami Triangle". But Florida objected saying that they would lose visitors to
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Miami with such name as people would fear to come there. So the next name taken up was "Puerto Rico Triangle". Puerto Rico too raised objections. Then it was the turn for the 21 square mile tiny island Bermuda which forms the third corner of the triangle. And no one seems to have bothered. Bermuda was then also known as the "Isle of the Devils" which fitted to the triangle concept quite well and therefore the final name "Bermuda Triangle" was coined.
Topic explored by-Ananya, Nishma,Yashika, and Henil Grade: 6A
I am …. weet and sensible
I am a baby I wonder how birds can fly I hear my didi‘s voice
ell-adjusted wise girl
I see my Papa‘s smiling face I want a doll I am a baby I pretend to be sick
dmired and adorable ough and thoughtful
I feel tired I touch mummy‘s hand
appy and honest
I worry of my exam I cry because of my wound I am a baby Konkona Saha 1 (H)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
ncredibly intelligent Nandini Goyal C
Nalanda was one of the world's first residential universities, i.e., it had dormitories for students. In its heyday, it accommodated over 10,000 students and 2,000 teachers. The university was considered an architectural masterpiece, The subjects taught at Nalanda University covered every field of learning, and it attracted pupils and scholars from Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia, Persia andTurkey. The Tang Dynasty Chinese pilgrim Xuanzang left detailed accounts of the university in the 7th century. He described how the regularly laid-out towers, forest of pavilions, and temples seemed to "soar above the mists in the sky" so that from their cells the monks "might witness the birth of the winds and clouds." The pilgrim states: "An azure pool winds around the monasteries, adorned with the full-blown cups of the blue lotus; the dazzling red flowers of the lovely kanaka hang here and there, and outside groves of mango trees offer the inhabitants their dense and protective shade." Decline and end Evidence in literature suggests that in 1193, the Nalanda University was ransacked by Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turk. The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri,
Flowers are colourful, Is a factor of food for bees, And is beautiful in nature. Suhani Bhatnagar 6 (D)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
reported that thousands of monks were burned alive and thousands beheaded as Khilji tried his best to uproot Buddhism. The burning of the library continued for several months and "smoke from the burning manuscripts hung for days like a dark pall over the low hills." olcanoes are in some countries The last throne-holder of Nalanda, Shakyashribhadra, fled to Tibet in 1204 at the invitation of the Tibetan translator Tropu Lotsawa (Khro-phu Lo-tsa-ba Byams-pa dpal). In Tibet, he started an ordination lineage of the Mulasarvastivada lineage to complement the two existing ones. Topic explored by : 7 B
r may be everywhere ava comes out of them an be dangerous for everyone nd can reach upto 1200 drgree celsius
o one can stop it
Bhagya Panchal
r make it disappear Vedant Khandelwal
3 (G)
The dog is walking The car is moving The Earth is rotating But I am standing. Harsh Satam 6 (C)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
On June 21,
1576 (June 18
by other calculations), the two armies met at Haldighati, near the town of Gogunda in present-day Rajasthan. While accounts vary as to the exact strength of the two armies, all sources concur that the Mughal forces greatly outnumbered Pratap's men. The battle of Haldighati, a historic event in the annals of Rajputana, lasted only four hours. In this short period, Pratap's men essayed many brave exploits on the field. However, the numerical superiority of the Mughal army and their artillery finally began to tell. Seeing that the battle was lost, Pratap's generals prevailed upon him to flee the field so as to be able to fight another day. To facilitate Pratap's escape, one of his lieutenants, Jhala Maansingh , donned Pratap's distinctive garments and took his place in the battlefield. He was soon killed. Meanwhile, riding his trusty steed Chetak, Pratap made good his escape to the hills. But Chetak was critically wounded on his left thigh by a Mardana (Elephant Trunk Sword) while Pratap had attempted to nail down Man Singh. Chetak was bleeding heavily and he collapsed after jumping over a small brook few kilometres away from the battle field.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
While Pratap‘s General donned Pratap‘s clothing and armour, it went unnoticed thanks to the chaos of the war but for two Turk knights from the Mughal army. They could not communicate it with others in their group, due to linguistic barrier. They immediately followed Pratap without wasting time. The moment they started chasing him Pratap‘s younger brother Shaktisingh who was fighting from the Mughal side (he had some disputes with Pratap at the time of Pratap‘s coronation; hence he had defected and gone over to Akbar‘s court) realized that his own brother was under threat. Prataps' general's sacrifice had already been discovered by him. He could not help but react against a threat to his own brother. He followed the Turks, engaged them in single combat and killed them. In the meanwhile, Chetak collapsed and Pratap saw his brother Shaktisingh killing the two Mughal Greed
Brighter the Sun shines
Saddned by the loss of his beloved general Denser getting the times and horse, he embraced his brother and You run to grab your needs broke into tears.
People getting blind to fulfil their holy deeds. Remove the lens of greed from your eyes And then you‘ll catch the lies. Sure if you bend Your future would never end Best is to reuse As future generation needs it to use Lesser will be the fuels World end up with duels. Rashi Trivedi
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
The impact of the battle on the Mughal army was also significant. In terms of numbers the Mughal army suffered heavier losses. This was also because of the intensive arrow showers by the Bhil tribes of the surrounding mountains who had aided with Pratap, under the leadership of Rana Poonja . The battle of Haldighat is considered to be the first Major breakthrough of Rajputs against the Mughals since the Second Battle of Khanwa in 1527, which was fought between Rana Sanga grandfather of Maharana Pratap, and the Mughal Babur grandfather of Akbar.
ella is a beautiful girl nd of the story is wonderful ast week I saw Bella‘s movie ast year I went to the Disney land nd I saw Bella Aishwarya Seth 3 F
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Maharana Pratap (May 9, 1540-January 29, 1597) was a ruler of Mewar, a state in north-western India. He belonged to the Sisodia clan of Suryavanshi Rajputs. The epitome of fiery Rajput pride and self-respect, Pratap has for centuries exemplified the qualities that Rajputs aspire to. Pratap, was born at Kumbhalgarh on Sunday the May 9, 1540 to Maharana Udai Singh II and Maharani Javanta Bai Songara (Chauhan). Polygamy and maximum children were social necessity of the period owing to higher female population and high battle casualties. Rana Pratap had 17 sons and five daughters. The male-line descendants of Udai Singh II bear the patronymic "Ranawat". Maharana Pratap was Born in Pali-Marwar. His birth place known as Juni Kacheri.
Shanaya 7 B
YoungTurk :
A young person who rebels against authority or societal ex-
Krisha Shah 3 D
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Fingerprint Identification is the method of identification using the impressions made by the minute ridge formations or patterns found on the fingertips. No two persons have exactly the same arrangement of ridge patterns, and the patterns of any one individual remain unchanged throughout life. Fingerprints offer an infallible means of personal identification. Other personal characteristics may change, but fingerprints do not. Fingerprints can be recorded on a standard fingerprint card or can be recorded digitally and transmitted electronically to the FBI for comparison. By comparing fingerprints at the scene of a crime with the fingerprint record of suspected persons, officials can establish absolute proof of the presence or identity of a person.
CAN YOUR FINGERPRINTS BE CHANGED -- OR STOLEN? A minor scrape, scratch or even burn won't affect the structure of the ridges in your fingerprints -- new skin reforms in its original pattern as it grows over the wound. But each ridge is also connected to the inner skin by small projections called papillae. If these papillae are damaged, the ridges are wiped out and the fingerprint destroyed. Some criminals have tried to evade capture by tampering with their own fingerprints. Chicago bank robber John Dillinger reportedly burned his fingertips with acid in the 1930s.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Recently, a man in Lawrence, Mass., tried to hide his identity by cutting and stitching up all ten of his fingertips (fortunately, a police officer recognized his face). But as fingerprint technology becomes a common form of authentication from bank vaults to luxury cars, law enforcement officials worry that would-be criminals might try to steal entire fingers for the prints. In one case, robbers in Malaysia cut off a man's fingers so they could steal his Mercedes. Companies that make biometrics security equipment realize the potential dangers of this system, and are now creating scanners that detect blood flow to make sure the finger is still alive.
A fat boy was eating an ice-cream Slurp..Slurp..Slurp After eating it, he gave a big burp, achoo, ding, eeyow! He stood up and created sound
And went to play….and accidently stepped on a dog‘s tail. With anger it looked at him grrr….grrr…grrr…. To frighten he flung a coin cling….cling….cling…. And threw it into a beehive which came out buzz… Soon they ran away and stood to breathe huf...huf...huf After a few seconds he ran home and slept zz...zz..zz.. In his dream he saw a train yelling chaga chaga choo choo!!! Then he suddenly woke up hearing a loud pop! Today it is his B‘day and got a pet rabbit which jumped hop...hop...hop
Suhani Bhatnagar 6(D) DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Dusting for fingerprints You will need: Hand lotion Baby powder ( you can also use corn starch or cocoa powder) Scotch tape Small brush (a makeup brush or paint brush will work well) Black construction paper
Make your prints Rub a small amount of lotion onto your hands ( this will make your fingerprints easier to find) Find a small surface area in the kitchen ( a section of countertop, for example): press your fingers to the surface, leaving behind your prints.
Powder and dust Sprinkle a small amount of powder onto the surface that you touched. Using a brush, gently brush away the excess powder, being careful to leave the exposed fingerprint(s) intact.
Capture on paper Place a piece of scotch tape on top of the powdery print, then lift the tape (the fingerprint should have stuck to it) and place it onto a piece of black construction paper to see it more clearly.
Before dusting, prerecord the fingerprints of each family member by having them rub pencil or washable marker on their fingers and pressing them onto a piece of white paper. Label each set of prints and use them to compare against those that you find in the kitchen. Have everyone in your family touch a surface in the kitchen and challenge yourself to find out who touched what by dusting for their fingerprints.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Sea Animals
live in different
zones or area in the sea. Some zones are deeper than other. Most animals and plants live in the top zone where it is warm. Here, there is enough sunlight to grow. Not many animals are able to live in the bottom zone as it is dark and cold so no creature is able to live.
Top Zone Consists of animals like: Jellyfish, dolphins, sea horses, crabs, octopus, fishes etc. Jelly fish: Jellyfish have tiny stinging cells in their tentacles to stun or paralyze their prey before they eat them. Some jellyfish are clear, but others are in vibrant colors such as pink, yellow, blue, and purple, and often are luminescent. Dolphins: Dolphins are cetacean mammals closely related to whales and porpoises. They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves
Middle Zone Consists of animals like: Whales, Sword fish, Squid, Eels Whales: This includes the sperm whale, killer whale, pilot whale, and beluga whale. Squid: Squid are cephalopods of the order Teuthida, which comprises around 300 species. Like all other cephalopods, squid have a distinct head, bilateral symmetry, a mantle, and arms.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Sword fish: Swordfish are large, highly migratory, predatory fish characterized by a long, flat bill. These fish are found widely in tropical and temperate parts of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.
Bottom Zone
I am ….
It consists of Humpback fish, bristle mouths, an-
I am a girl
glerfish, viperfish.
I wonder about princess
Humpback anglerfish:
I hear stories
The humpback anglerfish or common black devil is a deep sea anglerfish found in tropical to temperate parts of all oceans. Bristle mouths: It is a relatively small family, containing only
I see cartoons I want to teach I am a girl I pretend like a princess I feel good I touch flower
eight known genera and 32 species. However,
I love skating
bristle mouths make up for their lack of diversity
I am a girl.
with numbers.
Trisha Madhu 1 (I)
Viperfish: It is a saltwater fish in the genus Chauliodus, with long, needle-like teeth and hinged lower jaws. Angler fish: The angry-looking deep sea anglerfish is quite possibly the ugliest animal on the
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
planet, and it lives in what is easily Earth's most inhospitable habitat: the lonely, lightless bottom of the sea. Topic explored by : 8 (A) Dhvani Mulani
A bird‘s eye view—A view from a very high place which allow us to see a large area. Shaurya 3 A
Birds in the air Me, sitting on chair And talking with friends. Aryan 6 (C)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Have you noticed what happens if you let the air out of a balloon? The air goes one way and the balloon moves in the opposite direction. Rockets work in much the same way. Exhaust gases coming out of the engine nozzle at high speed push the rocket forward. Most modern launchers are very complicated and weigh hundreds of tonnes at liftoff. Most of this weight is fuel, such as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. Rockets need so much fuel in order to overcome Earth‘s gravity. Only when they reach a speed of 28 000 km/h are they travelling fast enough to enter orbit. Most rockets are made up of two or three stages. When a stage has used up all of its fuel, it is separated to get rid of the dead weight. It then falls back (usually into the ocean and far from populated areas) or burns up in the atmosphere. Large launchers often get an extra boost from rockets strapped onto the first stage. These may use solid or liquid fuel. They, too, are usually thrown away.
The first rockets Everything on Earth – including us – is held down by the force of gravity. Without gravity, we would all float off into space. In order to reach space, we use a rocket-powered launcher to overcome the pull of Earth‘s gravity. Other ideas have been put forward from time to time. In 1865, the science fiction writer Jules Verne suggested using a powerful gun to send people to the Moon. More recently, scientists have been studying the use of powerful magnets to send a spacecraft into orbit.
On childhood Crawling across the floor Trapped behind closed doors Never wanting more.
Ayush Chaudhary 6 (D)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Rockets have been around a long time. They were invented in China, more than 800 years ago. In 1232, the Chinese used these 'fire arrows' to defeat the invading Mongol army.
Rocket Engines and Their Propellants All rockets used some form of solid or powdered propellant up until the 20th century, when liquid rockets and hybrid rockets offered more efficient and controllable alternatives. Most rockets today operate with either solid or liquid propellants. The word propellant does not mean simply fuel, as you might think; it means both fuel and oxidizer. The fuel is the chemical rockets burn but, for burning to take place, an oxidizer (oxygen) must be present. Jet engines draw oxygen into their engines from the surrounding air. Rockets do not have the luxury that jet planes have; they must carry oxygen with them into space, where there is no air.
Solid rocket propellants, which are dry to the touch, contain both the fuel and oxidizer combined together in the chemical itself. Liquid propellants, which are often gases that have been chilled until they turn into liquids, are kept in separate containers, one for the fuel and the other for the oxidizer. Then, when the engine fires, the fuel and oxidizer are mixed together in the engine. Hybrid rockets exhibit advantages over both liquid rockets and solid rockets especially in terms of simplicity, safety, and cost. Because it is nearly impossible for the fuel and oxidizer to be mixed intimately (being different states of matter), hybrid rockets tend to fail more benignly than liquids or solids. Like liquid rocket motors, but unlike solid rocket motors, hybrid rocket motors can be shut down easily and the thrust can be controlled with a simple throttle.
Hitarth and Nandan 8A
Flowers in the field Sunlight mixing shades of colours Chocolate coloured dirt
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
6 (B)
I am …. I am a dragon I wonder how it happened I hear change of voice I see my wings I want to fly I am very happy I pretend to be in the sky I feel crazy I touch the cloud I worry about my kid I cry to get my kid I am a dragon.
Look outside see the trees Watch flowers in the breeze Things won‘t be like this year again If pollution we all do, who will care.
Simoni Agarwal Std: 6
Shriyansh 1 (I)
Sun is here I get fear Hot hot heat I want to sleep Khushi Modi 6 (C)
Once upon a time……… Yesterday evening I had gone to Mcdonald‘s with my parents. I saw a cute little girl with her family. She was celebrating her 1st birthday she was wearing a red beautiful frock. It had beautiful flowers. She was fair and was wearing hairband which had bow on it, she was looking like a princess. I wished her birthday with a lovely hug and kiss and said good bye. Falak Dhanwani
3 (D)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Pavani Shah 2 (G)
I am …. I am my mommy‘s little angel I wonder what would I do without her? I hear her sing I see her love
Love the moon
I am my mom‘s little angel
Feel the wind
I want to see her smile.
Aim for stars Use telescope to see planets
I feel happy when she is happy. I touch her soft hair
This is the secret to enjoy night
I worry when she is angry
I cry when she cries.
6 (C)
I am my mom‘s little angel. Bishakha
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
1 (D)
Shreshth Lal 2 C
Once upon a time… Once upon a time there was a girl dressed in red. She was seeing flowers. All of a sudden, it rained. Luckily she had an umbrella Kavya 3 (C)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Prashil Bhatt 2 G
The clouds are white
And the sun is bright The stars are light And I am so delight
I am a girl
I worry about my fever
I hear song
I am a teacher
To watch the day and night
I see nature
Sasmit Yewale 6 (D)
I want game
Yana Jain
I am a good girl
1 (I)
I pretend I am grown up I feel happy I touch the tree
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Mann K 2 F
I am ….
I am girl I wonder how beautiful nature is? I hear music I see butterfly
Birds chirping
I want flower
Nature in mood
I am girl I pretend I can fly
Flowers bloom
I feel happy
Bees fly everywhere
I touch butterfly I am girl
R Rakshit
6 (D)
I cry when butterfly fly away I am girl. Aarya G
1 (H)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
I am ….
I am a girl
I am a boy
I wonder beauty
I wonder to see natural scene
I hear music
I hear music
I see birds
I see trees, birds, animals
I want to play
I want chocolates
I am happy
I am a good boy
I pretend sleepy
I pretend crying for new game
I feel good
I feel happy
I touch my friends
I touch butterfly
I worry less
I worry about my studies
I cry sometimes
I cry if I lose something
I am Krisha
I am Pranshul. Pranshul Shah 1 (H)
Krisha Shah
I will take a break As my uncle gave me a cake
The old leafy tree
Made with lots of cream for its sake
Strong breeze comes
If you are hungry take, take, take
Leaf fly high.
Mohammed Hadeen S Kureshi 6 (B)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Dhruv Shah 6 (C)
eacock is my favourite bird pple is my favourite fruit Very sunny day abbit is my favourite animal
So hot I‘m melting Like an ice-cream
oys are my favourite thing Hansik Sarma 6 (D) atch is my favourite water transportation. Prarthi Shah
The sky is full of stars
irls are cute
Moon is shining bright And the dogs are barking.
Tanishka Gupta 6 (D)
ntelligent ainbows of life
Ovely dolls
I saw a little puppy
Tithi Patel
Playing in the garden With some children Looking very happy Shravanee Bakre 6 ( D)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
abbit is my favourite animal
aturday and Sunday we have holiday
mpty is opposite of full
nique experiences make me think
rum is a musical instrument Misha Mehta
aughty boy take our things and never give back Jihan
Tree A beautiful tree With rainbow as crown Look ant is climbing to reach the crown But earthworm under the ground!
I am an eraser I nicely rub rub
Grishma Jadhav
So don‘t scrub scrub Think and write But if you do a mistake I am here to make it right Study hard. Sit tight
Sit near the window
Because I am here to make you feel bright
See the beautiful greenery
So write write
See the birds are flying See the tall buildings. Moli
6 (C)
As I will correct what you forget Don‘t be scared just write as I the eraser is here to make it right. Ank Bhandari
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
unday is holiday
airies are magical mbrella is useful in rains
nd they are very kind
othing is impossible in life Prachi Thakkar
want to be a fairy ose is beautiful and I guess fairies love its smell
The wind was blowing The leaf pile rustled And flew to the Sun
ippeee yipeee! I made a poem on fairy Diya Soni
Ishan Mishra 6 (C)
What is this life if full of care. We have no time to stand and stare No time to stand beneath the bough And stare as long as sheep grazes. Aditya
Falling to the ground I watch a leaf settle down In a bread of brown. Dhruvansh Shah
6 (B)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Night has come
airies are beautiful like butterlfy
All are sleeping
ll day they have fun
And all are well Ritika Sinha 6 (C) love fairies so much ain drops looks beautiful on fairy cheek
Whole day I played Ya, I know I have potential to become a fairy!
Forgot to complete my work Nobody understood my excitement
Sanji 3 G
Punished me for my incomplete work
Vrundha Shep 6 (C)
T iger is our National animal H owrah bridge is in Kolkatta O range is a source for vitamin ‗C‘ U mbrella is used in rainy season G oat is a domestic animal
I saw a bird flying above the nest The wind came and flew the nest away And crashed it like a dry leaf.
H ow Are you? T rees gives us shades, fruits, medicine
Inshrah Shaikh
Vidhi Popat
6 (B)
3H The Sun is on The wind is on The fan is on But I am off Gauri Chauhan
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
6 (C)
We had great fun Yipee!
tars shine
We burst balloons
hey are uncountable We played in water, Splash! Tanishka Gupta
6 (D)
star is priceless
emember stars are really huge M ilk is good for health O ctopus is a sea creature
Aarya Mehta 3 G
T rees are our best friends H orse lives in stable E lephant is a wild animal R ose is a beautiful flower Pragati Joshi 3 F
Viha Vyas 3 B
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Colours of the rainbow are so pretty in the sky
tars are tiny
That I feel like flying up so high iny enough to hold them in fist
ll I want to play with stars eaching them through Spaceship one day, Alas! I dream Arushi
I‘d like to stay near the clouds bit grey Where the world looks for him to pray
Anudeep Surla
6 (C)
At the eleventh hour— Be too late
Hardil Desai 3 C
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Vanshika Gupta
ancing in rhythm of
The wind is blowing
ock & Role, an
And weather is fine The birds are flying And the Sun so shine
mart alented
Arin Khandelwal 6 (D)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
ndividual Akshita 4D
Feelings Politeness is a light green colour (colour) It tastes like ripe sweet mango It smells like Lily
( smell)
It is soft as a Bunny
It sounds like a poetry
Kindness is a shiny twinkling star (see) Rayyan
3 F
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
-One of the Earth's rarest mammals SaolaThe Saola, is one of the world's rarest mammals, a forest-dwelling bovine found only in the Annamite Range of Vietnam and Laos. Cousin to cattle, goats, and antelopes, Soala is so rare that most thought that these species are extinct. But hidden cameras in their habitats proved that these animals are still alive. Saolas stay in mountain forests during the wet seasons, when water in streams and rivers is abundant, and move down to the lowlands in winter. They are shy and never enter cultivated fields or come close to villages. Till date, all known captive saolas have died, leading to the belief that this species can never live in captivity. An adult saola stands at about 80–90 cm at the shoulder, with its entire body length measuring around 150 cm (the tail measures additionally out to about 25 cm) and weighs 90–100 kg. Its hair is straight, short, soft and of a medium chocolate brown color. Also its tail is tricolored and splits evenly into three horizontal bands of medium brown, cream, and black, The Saolas are reported to eat small leafy plants, especially fig leaves and stems, along rivers. While little is known about the full range of their diet, saolas in captivity generally subsist on a diet of leafy plants such as a Asplenium fern species , broad dark-green plants of the Homalomena genus, .
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Due to the saola being critically endangered, a group of scientists from the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology in central Hanoi, within the Institute of Biotechnology, has looked into a last resort effort of conserving the species by cloning. This can prove Utopia : the dream world to be quite difficult because cloning even the most well-known mammal can be difficult. It Once I went to a place would be even more so with a mammal about which researchers know little to nothing, such as With lots of empty space the saola. The place was called utopia Anoushka Banerjee 7 (B)
The environment was sepia.
There animals walked around busily And humans crawled down miserably Thinking of it as a dream
I am …. I am a pencil I wonder who would use me I hear someone coming I see Diti on the door I want her to use me.
I am a soft toy I pretend to be a kid I feel joyous I touch heart of kids I worry not to break their heart I cry when they throw me.
I went to sleep imagining a huge icecream
In the morning While I was yawning I saw myself in zoo With many humas too
Animals came to see us Many of them created fuss Mom said get up and go to school My dream was funny but it was cool… Aditi Baldha
Diti Agarwal 1(C)
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
A Britisher’s visit to India Working in the office was a great pleasure, cool wind of the AC touched my face. As a star I twinkled in my office. My name was as cool as my personality, Aaron. When I started working in the company, I was like a breath of fresh air for them. The reason of my progress was that I burned the candle from both the ends. My boss was a little rude but had heart in the right place. When I went to the office I saw an envelope with a ―transfer letter‖ heading on it. I was hot under the collar ―It must be one of the green eyed monster,‖ I said to myself. I talked to my boss about it, he read the riot act. When I was in the flight to Mumbai, I decided that I had to roll with the punches. While I stepped on the land once called golden bird by the rest of the world, I felt little hot and humid as if I was in the doghouse but the AC taxi made me feel relieved and relaxed. There the company provided me with a car and accommodation and my only task was to look out for a servant, about which I talked to my neighbors and strolled around to nearby places. I wanted to purchase some grocery items which vendor could not understand because of language difference and there a person named Harivansh acted as a translator and helped me to complete my purchasing. In the meanwhile I came to know that he just lived a stones throw away from my place and we decided to meet for jogging at 6:30 am in the nearby garden. Next morning along with Harivansh I took ten round of garden which wasroughly 6 km. We sat on nearby bench to relax a bit before moving on for our work, suddenly we heard a loud scream for help, we rushed towards the sound direction and we saw a man lying black and blue.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
As I was new to the country so I had a worm’s eye view but on Harivansh‘s suggestion we took man to the nearby hospital, then we moved for our work. In the evening when I was about to wind up for the day, Police came searching for me and I was directly taken to police station from there. Reaching there I was informed that the man whom we admitted in hospital in the morning had died and the eyewitness of the incident accused me of the killing. I tried to convince Police and told him to call Mr Harivansh who was there with me to clear all doubt and everything ended in smoke once Police informed me that it is Mr Harivansh who is alleging me of murder. Now as cards are stacked against without a doubt I understood that Mr Harivansh had been a snake in the grass. Now I have to work fingers to the bone to find escape from the doghouse.
Rithvik Dave & Prithviraj Kapil 7 C
alloons are shaped like crown
yes are brown nd land is beautiful hart is print full of hands
ip– hip hurray
Sunday the day of sun Full of burn But the day of fun. Sasmit Yewale 6 (D)
Manya Patel 4 A
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Evil rats on no star live.
No ‗x‘ in ‗Nixon‘ A dog! A panic in a pagoda! A tin mug for a jar of gum, Nita. Borrow or rob?
Evil, a sin, is alive. Hey, Roy! Am I mayor? Yeh! I did, did I? Don‘t nod.
Devil never even lived.
Do nine men interpret? Nine men. I nod.
I‘m a fool; aloof am I.
No sir! Away! A papaya war is on.
In word salad, alas, drown I.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
If I had a hi-fi… Ma is as selfless as I am. Never odd or even. Race fast, safe car!
No devil lived on. Never odd or even. No lemon, no melon. My gym.
Pull up, Eva, we‘re here! Wave! Pull up!
Late metal.
Cigar? Toss it in a can. It is so tragic. ―Rum… rum…‖ I murmur. Rise to vote sir. Sir, I‘m Iris.
Live no evil! Live on evil! Now I won. Nurses run.
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
I‘m a tune nut, am I? Drawn, I sit; serene rest is inward.
Exploring Indian States with Grade 1 Asmi Jiya Vidit Arya Jadhav Saumya Krisha Nani
Yash Nayonika
Drashti Bansi
Vrushanki Rishikesh
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Jammu & Kashmir
Himachal Pradesh
Capital: Srinagar (summer), Jammu (winter)
Capital: Shimla
State Bird: Black necked Crane
State Bird: Monal
State Animal: Hangul
State Animal: Musk Deer
State Tree: Chinar
State Tree: Deodar
State flower: Lotus
State flower: Rhododendron
Capital: Dehradun Capital: Chandigarh
State Bird: Himalayan Monal
State Bird: Baz
State Animal: Musk Deer
State Animal: Blackbuck
State Tree: Burans
State Tree: Sheesham
State flower: Brahm Kamal
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Capital: Jaipur
Capital: Chandigarh
State Bird: Indian Bustard
State Bird: Black Francolin
State Animal: Chinkara
State Animal: Blackbuck
State Tree: Khejri
State Tree: Peepal
State flower: Rohira
State flower: Lotus
Uttar Pradesh
Capital: Lucknow
Capital: Patna
State Bird: Sarus Crane
State Bird: Indian Roller
State Animal: Swamp DeerState Tree: Ashok
State Animal: Gaur
State flower: Brahm Kamal
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
State Tree: Peepal State flower: Kachnar
West Bengal
Capital: Kolkata
Capital: Gangtok
State Bird: White-throated King Fisher
State Bird: Blood Pheasant
State Animal: Fishing cat
State Animal: Red Panda
State Tree: Chatian
State Tree: Rhododendron
State flower: Shephali
State flower: Nobile Orchid
Capital: Ranchi State Bird: Koel State Animal: Elephant
State Tree: Sal State flower: Palash
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Capital: Raipur State Bird: Hill Mynah State Animal: Wild buffalo
Madhya Pradesh
Capital: Bhopal State Bird: Paradise Fly Catcher
Capital: Gandhinagar
State Animal: Barasingha
State Bird: Greater Flamingo
State flower: Lotus
State Animal: Asiatic lion
Capital: Mumbai
Capital: Bhubaneswar
State Bird: Green Pigeon
State Bird: Blue Jay
State Animal: Shekaru
State Animal: Sambar
State Tree: Queen‘s flower
State Tree: Aswatha
State flower: Jarul
State flower: Ashoka
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Andhra Pradesh
Capital: Bengaluru Capital: Hyderabad State Bird: Indian Roller
State Bird: Indian Roller State Animal: Elephant
State Animal: Blackbuck
State Tree: Sandalwood
State Tree: Neem
State flower: Lotus
Capital: Thiruvananthapuram State Bird: Great Indian Hornbill Capital: Panaji State Bird: Black crested Bulbul State Animal: Gaur
State Animal: Elephant
State Tree: Coconut State flower: Golden Shower
State Tree: Asna
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Tamil Nadu
Capital: Chennai State Bird: Emerald Dove State Animal: Nilgiri Tahr
State Tree: Palm tree State flower: Gloriossa lily
Arunachal Pradesh
Capital: Itanagar State Bird: Hornbill State Animal: Mithun
State Tree: Hollong State flower: Lady Slipper Orchid
Capital: Dispur
Capital: Shillong
State Bird: White winged wood duck
State Bird: Hill Myna
State Animal: One horned Rhino
State Animal: Clouded Leopard
State Tree: Hollong
State Tree: Gamar
State flower: Fox-tailed Orchid
State flower: Lady Slipper Orchid
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Capital: Imphal Capital: Kohima
State Bird: Nongin
State Bird: Tragopan
State Animal: Sangai (Brow Antlered Deer)
State Animal: Mithun (wild buffalo)
State Tree: Uningthou
State fish: Chocolate mahaseer
State flower: Siroy Lily Orchid
Capital: Aizawl
Capital: Agartala
State Bird: Mrs. Hume's Pheasant
State Bird: Green Imperial Pigeon
State Animal: Hillock Gibbon
State Animal: Phayre's Langur
State Tree: Iron Wood
State Tree: Agar
State flower: Red Vanada
State flower: Nageshwar
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Quotes “You win one day, you lose the next day, You lose the next day, you don‘t take it personally you get up everyday & go‖ -Hillary Rodham Clinton (First day, lawyer,& advocate for children‘s rights) ( What do you think about Hillary Clinton‘s point of view? Have you ever felt like pulling up the covers & not getting out of bed because you were disappointed about something? What made you get out of bed?)
I think Hillary Clinton‘s point of view is correct. As whatever the situation may be we may feel happy/sad at that time. Then life goes on. It can‘t be stopped. We may feel disappointed about it but it is no use crying overspilt milk. Like the spilt milk has to be wiped out of the floor, the same way the memories about that thing has to be wiped out of our mind. Many people in India can‘t erase the memories & usually face many problems like stress & depression. So this quote of Hillary Clinton proves to be right with many people. Life is not a fairytale where everything goes correct. Life can‘t be always correct for you. There is a moment when you feel left down. Yes, sometimes I feel like pulling up the covers & not getting out of the bed. But life has to move on. We can‘t pause and resume our life in between. But usually we get up from the bed thinking in a positive manner that there will be a precious time only made for us. So, whatever may be your problem, Get up! There is a moment made for you so be patient & wait for the moment. Gayathri P
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Greatness is a zigzag streak of lightning in the brain -H. H. Asquith (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1908 – 1916)
Greatness. How do we accomplish it? How have the revolutionaries of this world achieved it? They say that hard work is the root of success and no matter how severe the failure is, the fruit of your labour at the end will be infinitesimally sweet. We just have to persevere until that point arrives at which all our tidings will change. But to do so, to achieve that zenith of greatness we need that spark, which enables us to invent something. That spark is an idea. The inception of an idea is quite a unique phenomenon. It may occur at any point in our life, whether you are a little 12 year old or a burly 36 year old. It may occur when you‘re day dreaming in class or when you‘re furiously typing away on your computer in the office. That little spark, as fast as bolt of lighting, changes our life forever when it strikes. All that is needed from our side is the recognition and utilization of that idea. Once the seed of an idea is planted in our mind, it does not wither away after some time. It keeps on growing in the recesses of the mind. Greatness is but a lightning fast streak of an idea in you mind. It is upto you to capture that idea and nurture it. Do so and you will be quite simply, a legend.
Abhiram K
I am …
I am a student I wonder to see a lion I hear songs I see pictures I want a paper I am a good girl I pretend to be a teacher I feel very cold I touch a deer I worry when my mother comes late I cry to see a caterpillar I am a teacher Srestha Roy
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Supporting mother
Brighter the Sun shines Denser getting the mines
My mother, a wall, an ocean and a desert which supports me in any condition.
You run to gape your needs She is the best, lives for me, dies People getting blind to fulfill their holy
for me and wishes the best for me.
deeds. She can do anything, she struggles Remove the lens of greed from your eyes
for me and in the hard conditions supports me at all.
And then you‘ll catch the lies
Dear mother you are pillar and eve-
Sure if you bend
rything for me and struggled for me
Your future would never end
Your soul is in my mind and can‘t
Best is to reuse
be removed anytime.
As next generation needs it to use Lesser will be the fuels
Aditya Sharma
World will end up with duels. Rashi
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Krisha Vyas 3 D
Urvi 3 H
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Niharika Vatsa
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
3 A
3 C
Saakshi M Shelat 2 C
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Black and blue– full of bruises Himanshu 3 C
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
English language is full of fun stuff I'd like to put a bug in your ear about something that just has me rolling in the aisles. It's been a month of Sundays since I heard it through the grapevine but if I don't dish the dirt on this soon I'll be beside myself. One day when it was raining cats and dogs, my best bud stuck her foot in her mouth and spilled the beans about her main squeeze. She's always had loose lips but this time she really talked my arm off about her sugar daddy. It seems he'd had his nose to the grindstone for months till he finally popped a cork and went on the lam from work. He hot-footed it to the local watering hole and really tied one on. In two shakes of a lamb's tail he wound up three sheets to the wind. I mean drunk as a skunk. The next thing you know, someone ticked him off and like a bull in a china shop he wiped the floor with the guy - totally cleaned his clock. Of course, he didn't know the guy from a hole in the wall, but it turns out the guy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and is all but_ joined at the hip with the son of Sugar Daddy's boss. Are you getting the big picture here? At this point in time, I'm about to blow off- the whole shootin' match cause I just can't quite get my arms around this- walk in the park. But my girlfriend is becoming a real basket case over the whole can of worms. So even though it sounds all out of whack, I let her rattle on bending my ear with this cock and bull story. Well, to make a long story short, Sugar Daddy finds his heart in his mouth when he sees what a pickle he's in. So he grabs his cell phone and calls his flavor of the month (my friend) and starts crying in his beer about how he's going to be toast if she doesn't hustle her bustle over there and help him put some lipstick on the pig before the police throw him in the pokey. Now, I have to admit, she's a little wet behind the ears, otherwise she would have known that he was feeding her a line. But no, she swallows it hook, line and sinker. She throws caution to the wind and lays rubber all the way across town to rescue a drunk who's dumber than a stump. When she walked in the bar, the victim was still out cold and she actually thought he had kicked the bucket you know, bought the farm. But she got him on his feet and paid through the nose for a cab to take him home. Then she and Sugar Daddy took a powder before the cavalry arrived. But here's the icing on the cake. The next day, Sugar Daddy hands my friend the green weenie! That's right. He says he needs some space, wants to consider his options, and thinks they should cool it. Well, I tried to soft peddle it for my friend's sake, but she really kissed the pooch on this one. I should have just put my cards on the table and told her that's what happens when you wear your heart on your sleeve. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
Vanaalika Mohapatra 2 D
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
I saw butterfly with wings Sitting on flower Searching of seas.
Shining but a single blue star Let me see how much is it far Shining but a silver white moon Let me see if my wishes bloom Yashvardhan
Aditi Mishra 6 (D)
6 (B)
I sa wa Mo Wh vie ere ‗Ba ng peo B an ple g‘ wer e fi ght ing
I am a poem... I am a girl I wonder beauty I hear sound
Wh ile w ing atc the h ate mo vie pop I cor n
I see cars I want to eat I am happy
Oo pps ! bu ddy I re aliz afte ed rw tha Ha atc tIh nsi hin ave kS g th arm em wat che a ovi e d th 6 (D is m ) ovi ee ar
lier . Rain All a gives drink
I like griculture d ing water epe nds New rain on
I pretend sleepy I feel bad I touch cat I worry less I cry at times I am Reeti
Reeti Shah
rain cro ps eT dev hak elo pa kar fter mo 3( nso H) on
Rim e
DAV Ahmedabad Children’s Magazine
I am a Poem... I am a pretty princess
play with my unicorn
I wonder to have a pink unicorn as my friend
I worry I will fall down from my unicorn
I hear unicorn‘s neigh...neigh in my castle
I cry sometime because I don‘t have real unicorn.
I see pink unicorn is flying in the sky
I am a pretty princess .
I want to fly on my unicorn I am a pretty princess I pretend sometime that I have my real unicorn and playing and flying with him I feel happy when I pretend to
Yana Bahera 1 (I)
Once upon a time………………. Once upon a time there was a girl dressed in red. She was picking the fruits from the different fruit trees. All of a sudden she saw that flowers were beautiful and grew up faster. Then, she saw a very colourful butterfly on the flower. Luckily, it did not fly away and the girl got to see the butterfly carefully. Heerja
3 (C)