DAVID SWENSON - Sun Dog Yoga Studio

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Dec 15, 2009 ... WEEKEND WORKSHOP. February 5-7, 2010 friday, February 5. 10:00-12:30pm Led Ashtanga Primary Series. (f 1) cost $50. We will practice ...

Weekend Workshop (held at the James-Lorah Auditorium /100 Broad St./Doylestown) Teacher Training Intensive (held at Sun Dog Yoga Studio /17 W. State St. /Doylestown) 40 HOUR TEACHER TRAINING INTENSIVE $995

February 8-14, 2010

This 40-hour course is designed as an intensive immersion into the teaching techniques of the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga. Participants will learn safe and effective hands-on adjustment techniques through partner work for all of the asanas, practicalities of conducting a class and yoga theory. This is a deep immersion into the details underlying the practice and teaching of Ashtanga Yoga. One need not be a teacher to attend, or even desire to become a teacher. Those that do wish to teach, however, will find a wealth of invaluable tools to share with their students. It is necessary for participants to have a consistent personal practice of Ashtanga Yoga and an understanding of the flow and sequencing of the asanas. This course is not designed as an avenue to learn the sequence but rather to learn to teach Ashtanga Yoga or to deepen an existing practice. The information contained in this course is invaluable and will be beneficial to those already teaching as well as to students wishing only to attend to deepen their personal practice. Note: This is NOT a certification course...participants will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the course, but not a Teaching Certification.

SCHEDULE: Monday - Friday, 9:00-noon… lunch...2:00-5:00pm / Saturday, 9:00-1:00pm...lunch...3:00-5:00pm / Sunday, 9:00-1:00pm


February 5-7, 2010

friday, February 5 10:00-12:30pm

Led Ashtanga Primary Series (f 1) cost $50 We will practice the full Ashtanga Primary Series of postures. For all levels….beginning students will be shown modifications. 2:00-4:00pm Balance, Length, and Opposition of Forces (f 2) cost $50 This class is an exploration of the opposing forces at play within the practice of Ashtanga Yoga as well as the world we live in. Everything around us is comprised of opposing forces...if we inhale, we must also exhale...if we go up, we must come down. Balance means much more than not falling over. We will look at methods of creating a balance between these opposing forces as well as the benefit of facilitating length with the spine during our practice. 7:00-9:00pm Ashtanga Yoga Inside and Out...and Introduction (f 3) cost $50 This is the real “kick-off” for our weekend with David...open to experienced and brand-new yoga practitioners alike. The building blocks of Ashtanga Yoga will be explored through the basic elements of Breath, Bandhas, and Vinyasa. There will be a short discussion followed by an introductory flow through an abbreviated sequence from the First Series. Class will end with a deep guided meditation.

saturday, February 6 8:00-10:00am

Led Ashtanga Primary Series (sa1) cost $50 We will practice the full Ashtanga Primary Series of postures. For all levels….beginning students will be shown modifications. 10:30-12:30pm Inversions, Backbends, & Sitting with your Breath (sa2) cost $50 This class will turn your world upside/down in order to explore the dynamics of inverting the body through building a solid foundation, while looking at the opposing forces at play in Inversions. Backbends will be redefined as front openings and sitting quietly will be explored as an active participation in self-exploration through developing a relationship with our lifelong companion, breath.

2:00– 4:00pm

Nadi Shodana..An Introductions to the Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Yoga (sa3) cost $50 Students should have a regular practice of the First Series in order to attend this class. There will be an introductory discussion of the dynamics inherent to the Second Series. David will then lead the class through a portion of First Series acting as a springboard into as much of the Second Series as seems appropriate. There will be a variety of options given for each posture in order to allow multiple approaches. For all levels except complete beginners.

sunday, February 7 7:00-9:00am

Mysore Self-Practice

(su1) cost $50

Self-practice class with assists from David...some prior Ashtanga experience recommended


Led Ashtanga Primary Series (su2) cost $50 We will practice the full Ashtanga Primary Series of postures. For all levels….beginning students will be shown modifications. 1:30-4:30pm Eight Limbs and Daily Life with Breath, Bandhas and Pranayama (su3) cost $65 How does this practice apply to daily life? Underlying the mysterious and complex philosophy of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, there is a truly profound simplicity that may be applied to our daily lives. This class will discuss the Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga and explore their applications within our day-to-day life. What is the use of Philosophy without real application? We may memorize quotations from great writings, but unless we apply them to our “real” life, they are mere words spoken, rather than knowledge realized. (there will be a short break between these two sessions…) Exploring the Mantra of Ujjayi and the Mysteries of Energy Locks…. In Sanskrit, Man means Mind and Tra means To Free. And so, the word Mantra means to Free the Mind. In Ashtanga, the mantra is the sound of our breath: Ujjayi. This class will focus on the mantra of ujjayi within asana practice as well as during pranayama. In addition to breath work the class will also explore the invisible world of Bandhas.. We will attempt to gain greater understanding of these powerful tools through interactive discussions as well as a series of *SEE ENROLLMENT FORM ON NEXT PAGE FOR PRICING SPECIALS practical exercises.


NAME____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP___________________________________________________________________________ PHONE #s_______________________________(c)______________________________________________ E-MAIL __________________________________________________________________________________

CHECK OPTION(S): Teacher Training

$995 ___________  $400 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve a space for the Teacher Training. Balance of the $995 fee due by Jan. 1, 2010.

Weekend Workshop segments… Early Bird Special …  $395 ____________ entire Weekend Workshop Must be paid in full by Dec. 15, 2009 Entire Weekend Workshop Individual Classes

(after Dec. 15th) $465 ____________ f1

$50 ____________


$50 ____________


$50 ____________


$50 ____________


$50 ____________


$50 ____________


$50 ____________


$50 ____________


$65 ____________

Payment Total

Visa (

) MC (


) cr. card #____________________________________________________exp. _________

Check Option(s) for Weekend Workshop and/or Teacher Training and send registration with credit card info or personal check made payable to:

Sun Dog Yoga Studio 17 West State Street . Doylestown, Pa. 18901


You may also choose to register by phone at: 215-230-4031 (*Phone # during the Weekend Workshop… 215-900-1856)