day of service - Alpha Sigma Phi

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September 11th is recognized as National Day of Service and Remembrance. Get your chapter involved ... □Host a food dr

DAY OF SERVICE September 11th is recognized as National Day of Service and Remembrance. Get your chapter involved this year with some of the following ideas: ■■Host a food drive and donate to a local food bank ■■Volunteer at a crisis line ■■Send care packages and letters to deployed troops, veterans, or wounded soldiers ■■Volunteer at a local animal shelter or host a food and supplies drive ■■Volunteer for your local Habitat for Humanity ■■Assist in an area clean up at a local beach, park, or riverbed ■■Host a clothing drive and donate to the local homeless shelter ■■Assist elderly or disabled members of your community with housework or yardwork ■■Teach computer skills to the elderly ■■Host a book drive and donate books to shelters, libraries, and schools ■■Donate tie-blankets to the local homeless shelter ■■Visit a retirement home ■■Volunteer or donate to your local Red Cross ■■Host a blood drive ■■Deliver meals and gifts to patients at a local hospital ■■Tutor ■■Collect and donate gently used toys and stuffed animals for the local children’s hospital