Meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum (DCF), to take place at United ... 5 Strengthening technology facilitation
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DCF 2016 POLICY BRIEFS This series of DCF 2016 Policy Briefs aims to contribute to the preparations for the Fifth Biennial High-level Meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum (DCF), to take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York in July 2016 (week of 18 July). The DCF is a global forum for policy dialogue on development cooperation engaging all stakeholders. It is open to all governments and engages also civil society, academia, Parliamentarians, local and regional authorities, philanthropic foundations, private sector, and international organizations. The Policy Briefs tackle key issues in development cooperation in light of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on financing for development. They provide concrete policy recommendations and key messages for different stakeholders.
# 1 What is development cooperation? [EN; ES; FR] # 2 Improving ODA allocation for a post-2015 world [Executive Summary and Policy Brief EN; ES; FR] [fulllength scoping study] # 3 Addressing changes and challenges in monitoring and review of development cooperation at the national level [EN; ES; FR] # 4 Monitoring and review of development cooperation to support implementation of a post-2015 development agenda [EN; ES; FR] [full-length scoping study] # 5 Strengthening technology facilitation and capacity building in a post-2015 setting: Understanding the issues [EN; ES; FR] # 6 Assessing the suitability of different development cooperation modalities for greater effectiveness and impact post-2015 [EN; ES; FR] # 7 Private and blended development cooperation: Assessing their effectiveness and impact for achieving the SDGs [EN]; [ES]; [FR] # 8 International development cooperation to promote technology facilitation and capacity building for the 2030 Agenda [EN]; [ES]; [FR] # 9 Citizen-based monitoring of development cooperation to support implementation of the 2030 Agenda [EN]; [ES]; [FR] # 10 Monitoring and review of development cooperation at the local level [EN]; [ES];[FR] # 11 Country results frameworks for effective monitoring and review [EN] # 12 Adjusting development cooperation for the SDGs [EN]; [ES]; [FR]