DCI 2012 Annual Report - Data Center Inc

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Jan 23, 2013 - core banking software and technology for nearly 50 ... It means you have a technology company ..... phone
DCI 2012 Annual Report

The Blueprint to Better Banking:

has been designing

trust to be more concerned about your

innovative, advanced

success than their stock market returns. It

core banking

means freedom from the chaos of corporate

software and technology for nearly 50

acquisitions. It means you have a core

years. But behind the hardware and

partner that is more responsive, with

award-winning iCore360° software is a

the agility to quickly answer a request or

company designed around something

create solutions from your input that are

more important: people committed to a

more useful and meaningful to you.

uniquely purpose-driven, collaborative and personal relationship focused on you.

It means you have a partner that knows you on a first-name basis and respects you

Technology You Can Depend on... a Relationship You Can Trust. Since 1963, DCI has been an independent company privately-owned by several of our client banks, with customers serving as board members and active user-group leaders. That means you have a real voice with people who truly listen, understand and care about you. It means banker-designed software and services from people you can

with an unwavering commitment to fair, honest business practices and service. It means you have a technology company focused on only one goal: helping you succeed as a banker. We know DCI is only as strong and successful as each customer and that we are all part of the same family, together. That original blueprint designed around people and relationships is what makes DCI unique. Working together, we will continue to lead

Executive Management John H. Jones, president and CEO, with (back row, l-r) senior vice presidents Sencer Tasan, Gerald Rempe, Robert Ross; executive vice president Sarah Fankhauser, and CFO Dennis Queal.


the way to better banking…by design.


Message to Shareholders finished 2012 with

to the strong loyalty and personal

pleasantly surprising

relationships we share with our customers.

success, and another prosperous and productive year under our belt, despite an unpredictable economy and bank technology marketplace.

focus on iCore360° development in collaboration with customers, which again proved the tremendous ROI we

A few unexpected bank closures and

gain from our user group process. In

acquisitions held us to our third highest

fact, over 50% of significant iCore360°

revenues ever, at $27.99 million (just

enhancements completed in 2012

behind our best year by only $172

were direct user group requests.

thousand), but they could not dampen the reliable success of our iCore360° developments and customer loyalty.

Customers responded overwhelmingly to the new products and enhanced iCore360° options we made available

Among our new clients in 2012, we again

to them. On average, customers

welcomed two former Kansas customers

activated nearly five new DCI services

back to the DCI family. It is always a

for every one discontinued in 2012.

sweet reward to have former clients return home, but just as rewarding was the 97% overall satisfaction scores and 99% voluntary renewal rate among our current customers. We even renewed several 2013 contracts before the end of the year. These achievements are a testament


As usual, we continued our laser

Key 2012 initiatives included expanded iCore360° general ledger reporting, accounts payable and an in-depth, certified independent review of every line of iCore360° code as further assurance that it is among the most well-crafted, stable and secure core software available.

Our card services group saw another

and uniqueness to this day: a commitment

increase in transaction volume and

to provide advanced, competitive bank

revenue in 2012, strengthening our

technology, but never by sacrificing

electronic payments position, and strong

our private bank ownership, customer

alliances with new and existing business

collaboration, professional integrity, and

partners produced ancillary product

promise to always put people before profits.

John H. Jones President and CEO

We approach 2013 with optimism,


revenues that exceeded 2011 results.

enjoying strong financial health and security, and with pride in knowing that our technology is more competitive than


ever, and no other company can match the level of customer care that we provide. 2013 also marks our 50th anniversary milestone, an achievement made even more significant because we have never strayed from the guiding blueprint that founded

R.A. Edwards Chairman of the Board and DCI Client


DCI in 1963 and underpins our strength


2012 Highlights

Customer Care ear in and year out, one

each in 2012, to personally listen to

thing stays true: having

and address any needs. Even personal

the best, award-winning

visits by DCI technical engineers and

core technology means little without professional, caring people to support it.

Personal service from people you know and trust has always been the cornerstone of DCI; it’s our number one priority, and it’s what makes us stand out from the crowd, by design.

senior executives are not uncommon. For example, when DCI client Mountain Pacific Bank in Everett, Washington, decided to go through a due diligence process for core services in 2012, DCI didn’t take it for granted. We mobilized several technicians, engineers and senior management officers, including DCI president John Jones, to

Real People, Real Service

personally visit the bank face-to-face,

Real bank professionals answer our support

listen to their needs, demonstrate our

phones, not an automated system, with live,

solutions and prove that our personal-level

24/7 first-tier support for iCore360° and

commitment is uniquely genuine. As a result,

companion products, 365 days a year.

the bank committed to a 10 year contract

Nearly 80% of support questions are resolved

with DCI. Sandra Waldo, the bank’s senior

during the first call, within minutes, and

vice president of operations commented,

if we do need to return a call, our average

“Everyone at the bank really admires DCI as

response time is still less than six minutes.

a company. As we renew this contract, we

We also believe face-to-face visits are

will become a dedicated and loyal customer.”

important to good customer service.

This kind of personal outreach and

Our customer relationship managers

collaboration is part of our DNA, and

visited every DCI client nearly four times

something we take for granted as simply the right thing to do for our customers.


DCI Professional Services consultants

These detailed reviews of day-to-day bank

completed a significant increase in the

operations uncover iCore360° features and

number of client mergers, acquisitions and

best practices that can tangibly improve a

operational review requests in 2012, a

bank’s workflow efficiencies,

positive indicator in the strength and

profitability, and

growth of DCI banks, and we expect

regulatory compliance.

the trend to continue in 2013. The operational review services in

Greg Horning

Charlotte Sanders Customer Relationship Manager


Customer Relationship Manager


particular continue to gain popularity.


Our Education professionals facilitated

DCI also completed improvements to

nearly 400 education classes in 2012 to

the delivery and access of iCore360° user

help customers master iCore360° and

documentation, automatically uploading

grow their business. Several classes were

updates to each bank’s server, and adding

conducted on-site at customer locations,

new context-sensitive intelligence so

and over half were delivered via webinar.

users can instantly access the most

Our increasingly popular DCI University

current help information for a specific

online campus was also updated with new

task or screen item by simply clicking

content, navigation tools and features,

a toolbar icon. These changes make it

making it even easier for customers to learn

even easier for customers to quickly find

online at their own pace.

relevant, up-to-date documentation


Karen Humiston Support Supervisor, Customer Support


without interrupting their workflow.

Our annual conference, Thy Core, Thy Realm, was a royal event in renaissance style, assembling 300 clients, staff, exhibitors and industry experts together to explore the latest DCI offerings and iCore360° training, industry issues and best practices, including IT issues, compliance and the importance of treating everyone with respect.

Proven Satisfaction The results of our annual customer satisfaction survey were also very

participation from our customers, which

Kathy Overacker Senior Documentation Officer


impressive. First, we received 100%

is rare in almost any industry. But more impressive is that overall satisfaction ratings were maintained or increased from previous years, even with more customers participating in the survey. The results show that DCI customers overwhelmingly are satisfied and intend to continue their relationship with DCI. When it comes to treating customers right, we know that no one can match the level of personal care we provide, and in 2013, we will initiate a new internal program to prove it by quantifying the extent and tangible value of our customer service.

2012 Overall Customer Satisfaction:

97% 7

Research & Development ach year we research the

enhancements, including 445 interface

latest trends in technology

requests, into only two iCore360° update

and banking for ways we can

releases. In addition to several regulatory

improve our iCore360° technologies to

and system performance updates, major

increase productivity, efficiency and

iCore360° projects in 2012 included

competitiveness for our customers.

some of our most significant and popular enhancements to date, such as:

To that end, 2012 was another busy year for DCI development, packing four major new projects and dozens of

Beverly Mendoza


Senior Programmer/Analyst, GUI Services

Miranda Engelken Programmer, GUI Services

• GL Custom Reports—Arguably the

• Card Disputes— Enhancements

most significant update to iCore360° in

that make it easier for banks to track

2012, this feature was greeted with rave

and report card disputes within

reviews from customers using it to easily

iCore360°, including online electronic

create uniquely-formatted board and

communication with DCI card services

management reports directly from the


iCore360° GL, with virtually unlimited combinations of data and formats to replace cumbersome manual reports.

• Accounts Payable—A new online

The Power of Collaboration Every enhancement and new product design we approach is evaluated from a customer viewpoint to ensure that it feels personally

tool for tracking and management of

intuitive, convenient and meaningful to

vendors and bills, directly from the

them. The overwhelming popularity of our

iCore360° menu and General Ledger.

2012 developments is a shining example

• Centralized Statement Access—An enhancement to view and recreate exact mirror copies of any customer statement just as it was delivered to a customer (including logos and item images), directly from the iCore360° menu, for up to seven years of history.

• ACH Positive Pay —An enhancement to

of the value of this approach and the productiveness of our customer-led user group meetings. Each year, these meetings continue to produce invaluable feedback for improving iCore360°, ensuring that our methods, designs and outcomes are built around our customers, resulting in technologies that best fit their priorities and workflows. In fact, since 2002, we have

identify and stop fraudulent electronic

implemented nearly 500 specific user group

payments, in addition to fraudulent

requests – including 55 new enhancements

checks, before they leave the bank.

to iCore360° in 2012 alone.


2013 Initiatives: • Analytics Dashboard—This highly-

to bank performance with charts and

anticipated and very unique iCore360°

details that instantly adjust onscreen

feature will give bankers an entirely new,

according to the user’s requests.

interactive tool to easily evaluate the bank’s status from multiple viewpoints. From high-level overviews to deeplevel details, the Analytics Dashboard helps bankers easily visualize and react

• GL Interactive Reporting—An interactive, online tool to instantly access and act on any specified data in a custom-designed GL Custom Report, including the ability to dynamically drill-down to the transaction history.

Rich Campbell Senior Programmer/Analyst, Product Management


• Prepaid Card and Card Disputes— New features to easily offer prepaid cards and online tools to create and submit electronic documents to streamline Visa/MasterCard disputes in real time.

• iCore360° Inbox—A newly designed feature for secure, instant communications between bankers and DCI directly from within iCore360°, including instant messaging and system notifications such as ATM alerts, wire transfer approvals, etc.

• Integrated Platform Research— Investigation into the possibility

“You really do listen to your customers and provide solutions when possible. I know we made the correct decision in continuing our relationship with DCI! Thanks again.” —Ross Maynard Mountain Pacific Bank

of a DCI-designed and integrated iCore360° account origination and management platform.


Mail Clerk, Backroom



Cecilia Wolf

Systems & Operations he network, systems and

To that end, we implemented numerous

operations professionals at DCI

infrastructure upgrades in 2012,

exemplify what it means to

including new production Solaris

be a true bank partner. DCI customers

systems, system-wide WAN optimizers,

place their trust in these individuals

virtualization updates and storage

every day for reliable technology and

upgrades. These upgrades strengthened

expertise that won’t let them down.

iCore360° performance with tangible

This requires constant vigilance and

improvements in responsiveness and

adaptability to exceed industry best

file management for both in-house

practices and regulatory requirements

and service bureau customers. We also

while keeping pace with today’s innovation,

initiated a joint project with Oracle

threats and customer expectations.

to research new database efficiencies and enhanced our Teller and Proof21 systems, improving system database standardization, performance, and support. Our expertise and accomplishments were again recognized even outside the banking industry when one of DCI’s lead engineers was invited to be an expert guest speaker at the TeamQuest Technology Summit to explain how DCI used sophisticated modeling tools to prove how our award-winning IT infrastructure enables us to easily scale iCore360° for multi-billion dollar banks as a part of DCI’s future growth strategy.


Naturally, system security, disaster recovery and business continuity planning also remained a top priority in 2012. We further expanded the safety and security of DCI systems overall, including new measures for log management, entitlement review, mobile device management, and updated information security and

Braden Irvin


Lead Technical Engineer


change management policies.

We implemented new DR/BCP management

For 2013, we plan to further optimize

software, along with detailed updates

our systems with more powerful

to our readiness action plans and drill

processing servers and equipment,

exercises company-wide. Several disaster

phone system redundancies, 4G wireless

recovery tests with varying customers,

technologies for alternate connectivity

scenarios and challenges confirmed our

and sales demonstrations, and new

ability to ensure our corporate preparedness

secure instant messaging company-

and near real-time data recovery window

wide, all of which will further enhance

for our banks in the event of a disaster.

team collaboration and response times.

Sales & Marketing welcomed new

also take the time to customize our

clients in Minnesota

consultations to demonstrate how this

and Kansas in 2012,

DCI difference will produce authentic

including two former Kansas customers

long-term business benefits for any bank,

returning to the DCI family. It is always

and how iCore360° intuitively simplifies

especially gratifying to welcome back

workflows to tangibly improve operational

former customers because it is another

outcomes. As a result, we enter 2013

reminder that our caring relationships and

with one of our most promising lists of

extra efforts don’t go unnoticed and really

potential customers ever, with expansions

do make a difference. In fact, customer

in new eastern territories and bankers

testimonials and referrals continue to

everywhere discovering that DCI really is

be our most effective outreach. But we

different, and a place that feels like home.


Independent Auditors’ Report The Board of Directors Data Center, Inc.

Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Data Center, Inc. which comprise the balance sheets as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, and the related statements of income, stockholders’ equity and cash flows for the years then ended and the related notes to the financial statements.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditors’ Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a reasonable basis for our audit opinion.

Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Data Center, Inc. as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Allen, Gibbs & Houlik, L.C. January 23, 2013 Wichita, KS

Officers & John H. Jones President and CEO

Sarah E. Fankhauser Executive Vice President

Dennis A. Queal

Senior Vice President, Finance; CFO

Gerald W. Rempe

Directors R.A. Edwards

Chairman of the Board First National Bank, Hutchinson, KS

Douglas M. Briggs

Chairman and CEO First State Bank & Trust Co., Larned, KS

Lloyd A. Davidson

Senior Vice President, Operations

President and Chairman First Bank Kansas, Salina, KS

Robert R. Ross

John H. Jones

Senior Vice President, Systems and Recovery; CTO

Sencer Tasan

Senior Vice President, Network/Technical Services; CSO

President and CEO Data Center, Inc., Hutchinson, KS

Tim C. Kohart

President and CEO Valley State Bank, Syracuse, KS

Wendy H. Dowling Vice President, Sales

Concha J. Duarte

Vice President, Backroom Services

Daren Fankhauser

Vice President, Research and Development

Susan L. Flores

Gary L. Mundhenke

President (Retired) Integrated Solutions Group, Hutchinson, KS

Romolo C. Santarosa

Executive Vice President, COO/CFO First California Bank, Westlake Village, CA

Kathleen Steward

Vice President, Customer/Professional Services

President and CEO Chisholm Trail Financial Corp., Wichita, KS

Mark A. Harris

John M. Sturd

Vice President, Marketing

James D. Kitson

Arkansas City Community President Union State Bank, Arkansas City, KS

Vice President, Operations

Alan R. Kruse

Vice President, Industry Analyst

Jay K. Miller

Vice President, Customer Relationships

Karol J. Sauer

Vice President, Human Resources and Business Continuity Planning

Sandra K. Schmitt

Vice President, Application Development

Amanda M. Smith

Vice President, Human Resources

James H. West III Vice President, Conversions

