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Registration 7:00 a.m. – 7:55 a.m.. (Continental Breakfast will be provided). Session 1: 8:00 a.m. – 9:10 a.m.. Sess
Phil Lawler DuPage County Institute for Physical Education, Health Education and Driver Education March 3rd 2017 The goal is to share physical education, health education and driver education expertise, and influence the educational instruction throughout DuPage County and surrounding programs. The Institute will be an opportunity for attendees to increase communication, share information, and heighten the awareness for the importance of our children’s health, wellness and safety.

B.Y.O. Device! No log-in process to connect, just press "I accept" on the welcome page. Guest and Presenters will have access to internet, including YouTube. Institute Schedule Registration 7:00 a.m. – 7:55 a.m. (Continental Breakfast will be provided)

Session 1: 8:00 a.m. – 9:10 a.m. Session 2: 9:25 a.m. – 10:35 a.m. Session 3: 10:50 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Vendor Round Table: 12:00 p.m. – 12:20 p.m. (Lunch available for purchase) (Teacher Excellence Awards in the Auditorium)

Session 4: 12:20 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. To receive PD’s for today’s institute you must complete the following: 1. Sign out at the completion of your 4th session presentation 2. Complete an Evaluation, the link will be emailed to you 3. After you submit your Evaluation you can access your PD’s

*You must be present for the entire Institute to receive 5 CPDU credits. *We will not be in the cafeteria at the end to collect evaluations and hand out PD’s. Please visit our vendors, located in Gyms 2 and 3, between sessions and during the Vendor Round Table. Food items will be available for purchase in the cafeteria.

Phil Lawler DuPage County Institute for Physical Education, Health Education, and Driver Education

In 1987 Phil Lawler envisioned a one day conference that would serve the instructors of Physical Education, Health Education and Driver Education of DuPage County. Phil will always be known as an advocate and an innovator in Physical Education. Phil’s impact has been felt locally, statewide, nationally, and worldwide. Because of innovators such as Phil, Physical Education continues to evolve to meet modern day needs of our youth regarding their physical health, emotional wellness, and cognitive growth. Phil’s work will forever be felt and appreciated. Thank you Phil!

Join us in the Naperville North HS Performing Arts Center (Auditorium) between session 3 & 4 at 12:00 noon

The Department Chairpersons of the Suburban High School Association for Physical Education, Health Education & Driver Education would like to recognize the following: Ron Helms………………………..…………...…………..…Naperville North High School Janice Harrington……………………..……………..…...Jefferson Junior High School Jeff Moores…………………………………….…..……………...….Maplebrook Elementary Steve Stearns………………………..………………………………..……Reavis High School Jackie McCormick………………………...………Downers Grove North High School Kris Hasty………………………………..….….West Chicago Community High School Fred Miller………………..............................…………………Oswego High School Marsha Vanek…………………………………………...…………..……Bartlett High School Mike Berendt…………………………………………………....…Metea Valley High School MaryLou Torrison………………..………………...…..…..American Heart Association

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2017 DuPage County Institute for Physical Education, Health and Driver Education


Session 1 8:00-9:10am

Presentation Title

Grade Level


Dale Brown

MVPA: What is it, can it be measured, and why is it important in PE?


Learning Commons 167

Chris Warren

Mastering the Fundamentals



Beth Mahar & Deb Stanfield

Teambuilding for Large Groups I


Contest Gym

JD Hughes

Welcome to HyPEd Up!


Dance Room

Kristen Anderson

Basic Hip-Hop Choreography


Fieldhouse 1

Amy Drendal, Anna Krkic & Bill Wienke

Adapting to Your Space for PE


Fieldhouse 4

Randy Kempke

Foam Balls are not just for Dodgeball ADA


Gymnastics 292

Victoria Otto

Yoga for Blockheads


Pool Balcony

Skyler Boles

Spikeball®: Unique 2v2 Sport that is the Future of P.E.


Small Café

Dave Fisher

Rope Warrior


Weight Room 290

Tom Kraus

Lead up Exercises to the Clean, Jerk & Snatch


Wrestling 291

Shannon Maly

Fitnessgram Testing Oh My!



Mark Foellmer

Social Media as Professional Development



Nicole Luedtky & Allison Baxter

Co-Teaching in Health Ed ESL



Cathy Brinker

Brockport Fitness Testing Session 1&2



Dave Geslak

Exercise Buddy, an App to Engage Autistic Students



Stacey McCluskey & Jon Kalesza

Practical Ideas for Domains 2 & 3



Cindy Hess

Action Based Learning



Gary Heilers

PE Tech



Tammy Wynard

You Gotta Have an ACE, Is it High or Low?



Jim Hess Michelle Klecka

Automobile Maintenance Think First


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Session 1 1



MVPA: What is it, can it be measured, and why is it important in PE?

Location: Auditorium

Presenter: Dale Brown Levels: ALL Description: With diseases of sedentary behavior becoming increasingly more evident the recommendations for quality physical activity and exercise are at an all-time high. While PE programs get kids active often times the quality and assessment of the activity is subjective rather than based on objective data. This presentation will provide a better understanding of how to effectively integrate physical activity assessment and monitoring into your PE program. 2

Title: Mastering the Fundamentals

Location: Learning Commons 167

Presenter: Chris Warren Levels: ALL Description: Come experience a thought provoking lecture on mastering the fundamentals in physical education, human performance, nutrition, and technology. Apply these principles to your own life, and to the lives of your students and student-athletes.


Title: Teambuilding for Large Groups I

Location: Commons

Presenter: Beth Mahar & Deb Stanfield Levels: 6-12 Description: Participation in many great games, activities and challenges. Teambuilding for Large Groups 1 is a repeat of an IAHPERD session. 4

Title: Welcome to HyPEd Up!

Location: Contest Gym

Presenter: JD Hughes Levels: K-5 Description: The games and activities presented in this session maximize participation and ensure that every child is provided with numerous opportunities to succeed while learning basic fitness- and sportrelated skills. I have focused special emphasis on tying into these activities popular commoncore based themes (money, clock/time recognition along with map reading skills and learning states and capitals). Most games include experiences that teach cooperation and encourage teamwork. These values are instilled through motivating and challenging activities that will have all children coming back for more. 5

Title: Basic Hip-Hop Choreography

Location: Dance Room

Presenter: Kristen Anderson Levels: 9-12 Description: If you're looking for a fun dance combination to add to your dance curriculum or just something to add to a fun Friday tool box, this class is for you. The choreography is geared towards students of high school age. 6

Title: Adapting to Your Space for PE Presenter: Amy Drendal, Anna Krkic & Bill Wienke

Location: Fieldhouse 1 Levels: K-8

Description: Join North Central College students as they demonstrate a variety of activities adaptable to a variety of spaces. 7

Title: Foam Balls are not just for Dodgeball ADA Presenter: Randy Kempke

Location: Fieldhouse 4 Levels: ALL

Description: This is an active participation presentation using foam coated balls in a variety of developmentally activities to foster creative thinking, fitness, socialization and skill development. 8

Title: Yoga for Blockheads

Location: Gymnastics 292

Presenter: Victoria Otto Levels: 6-12 Description: Discover what a Yoga Block is really for:) Blocks provide support, extension, aid in proper alignment; thus, adapting for ALL to succeed. Journey through block boot camp to block recovery, melting into tranquility.

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Session 1 9



Spikeball®: Unique 2v2 Sport that is the Future of P.E.

Location: Pool Balcony

Presenter: Skyler Boles Levels: ALL Description: Learn to play. Understand the rules. Create progressions. Adapt modifications. Experience minigames. Hone your skills. Practice with drills. Compete. Play. Sweat. 10

Title: Rope Warrior

Location: Small Café

Presenter: Dave Fisher Levels: ALL Description: Come learn how to teach the latest jump rope tricks. Skills for all different ages and abilities will be broken down step-by-step. Single rope and partner tricks will be the focus of the workshop. A spectacular routine by Guinness World Record Holder, David Fisher, The Rope Warrior concludes the presentation. 11 Title: Lead up Exercises to the Clean, Jerk & Snatch Location: Weight Room 290 Presenter: Tom Kraus Levels: 9-12 Description: Lead Up Exercises and Instruction to Clean, Jerk, and Snatch. 12


Title: Fitnessgram Testing Oh My! Location: Wrestling 291 Presenter: Shannon Maly Levels: ALL Description: Have you ever asked yourself: How I am going to get all the kids tested? How long it going to take? How much time will it take out of my regular curriculum? Why are we doing this in the first place? In this presentation, we will provide you with some tips and tricks to help make your testing prep more efficient and less time consuming. We will place emphasis on setting up your testing area, how to prep your students prior to testing and different activities you can do with your students to make the testing meaningful. We will also place emphasis proper protocol for testing. Title: Social Media as Professional Development

Location: Room 108

Presenter: Mark Foellmer Levels: ALL Description: Social Media can be used as a tool for you to take charge of your own Professional Development. From twitter chats to webinars we will show you the many opportunities to share and gain ideas from social media that you can use for your classroom. Smart phones and other devices are welcome so we can get you started now! 14

Title: Co-Teaching in Health Ed ESL

Location: Room 162

Presenter: Nicole Luedtky & Allison Baxter Levels: Health Education Description: We will be discussing how we co-teach ESL students in the Health Education Classroom and discussing tools and strategies we use in our ESL Health classrooms to help students understand content. Many of our tools can be used in regular education classrooms as well. 15

Title: Brockport Fitness Testing Session 1&2 Location: Room 163 Presenter: Cathy Brinker Levels: Special Populations Description: Beginning 2016-17 Physical Educators will be required to report physical fitness scores for ALL students to ISBE. This includes all students with disabilities. Fitness tests must be appropriate to students' developmental levels and physical abilities. To meet these requirements, ISBE is suggesting the Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT). The BPFT is a health related physical fitness test for individuals with disabilities that is highly correlated with the Fitnessgram.

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Session 1 16


Title: Exercise Buddy, an App to Engage Autistic Students

Location: Room 176

Presenter: Dave Geslak Levels: Special Populations Description: ExerciseBuddy solves the difficult problem of introducing exercise to individuals with autism and related disorders. Utilizing four evidence-based practices (exercise, visual supports, videomodeling, technology-aided instruction), ExerciseBuddy is being used by nine universities. Coach Dave will share how ExerciseBuddy is physical education teachers, support staff and typical developing peers to make a difference. 17

Title: Practical Ideas for Domains 2 & 3

Location: Room 177

Presenter: Stacey McCluskey & Jon Kalesza Levels: 9-12 Description: Learn new innovative & practical ideas to improve your effectiveness and add to your "teacher toolbox". 18

Title: Action Based Learning

Location: Room 179

Presenter: Cindy Hess Levels: K-5 Description: Action Based Learning and Kidsfit together we are better! Action Based Learning and Kidsfit have joined forces to provide Action Based Learning Labs that support the 10 foundational skills for movement and learning. As more and more children come to school with developmental movement and learning gaps we provide the fun and exciting solution to filling in those gaps and giving every child the best opportunity to develop to their greatest potential. This is ActionBased Learning Labs on steroids! 19

Title: PE Tech

Location: Room 184

Presenter: Gary Heilers Levels: 6-12 Description: Technology is now in every department of our schools. Are you utilizing it in your department? This presentation will give examples of technology you could use in your class immediately wether it is a one to one student integration or just one device for the teacher. Highlighted topics includeEasy video analysis, data collection, numerous example of student created products, easy classroom flipping, augmented reality, formative assessments and many other simple to use ideas. Work smarter, not harder! 20

Title: You Gotta Have an ACE, Is it High or Low?

Location: Room 187-188

Presenter: Tammy Wynard Levels: Health Education Description: Every educator K-12 should know about ACEs and how they impact health outcomes. Come find out what they are and how to incorporate them into your Health Education lessons. This will be an interactive and applied session, so show up to participate! 21

Title: Automobile Maintenance / ThinkFirst

Location: Room 258

Presenter: Jim Hess / Michelle Klecka Levels: Driver Education Description: The basics of maintaining a vehicle will be explored in this presentation.

ThinkFirst programs increase understanding of potential for injury and permanent effects of Traumatic Brain Injury/Spinal Cord Injury. Each program is led by a professional trained in injury prevention and often includes a person who has been afflicted with a brain or spinal cord injury for a real-life perspective.

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2017 DuPage County Institute for Physical Education, Health and Driver Education

Room Location

Session 2 9:25-10:35am

Presentation Topic

Grade Level


Judy Tiggler & Deb Vogel

Advocacy: We Are Essential


Learning Commons 167

Chris Warren

Mastering the Fundamentals



Beth Mahar & Deb Stanfield

Teambuilding for Large Groups II


Contest Gym

JD Hughes

Welcome to No Standing Around in My Gym


Dance Room

Maria Valente

Swing Dance


Fieldhouse 1

Jo Bailey

10x10 Community Cohesion Cognition


Fieldhouse 4

Maureen Vorwald

Teamsports Makeover


Sensory PE Connecting Kids Building Lifelong Skills


Gymnastics 292 Kristina Hagenbaumer Pool Balcony

Skyler Boles

Spikeball®: Unique 2v2 sport that is the future of P.E.


Small Café

Aimee Huffman

DrumFit, Power of Pairing Technology & Fitness


Weight Room 290

Tyler Fagen

Strength & Conditioning for ALL students


Wrestling 291

Shannon Maly

Fitnessgram Testing Oh My!



Mark Foellmer

Pump Up PE



Linda Carlson & Rashad Singletary

Radical Self Defense Beyond the Physical



Cathy Brinker

Brockport Fitness Testing Session 1&2



Jeff Burke




Ron Malm

WELNET® - Enhanced Software for Enhanced PE



Jim Davis

Incorporating of Exercise-Induced Neuro-Enhancement in Education



Stacey McCluskey & Jon Kalesza

Practical Ideas for Domains 2 & 3



Gary Lemke

Ditch the Textbook: Health Education in the Flipped Classroom



Gary Heilers

PE Tech



Lisa Moore & Keith Herrmann

Working With Student Teachers and Navigating edTPA with Them



Shelby Thormeyer

Mock Rape Trial



Humberto Gonzalez & Benny Graham

Pulse Driving


Page 9

Session 2 22


Title: Advocacy: We Are Essential

Location: Auditorium

Presenter: Judy Tiggler & Deb Vogel Levels: All Description:Take Action Now: Physical Education programs in Illinois are in trouble. Come hear what is happening with legislation in Springfield. Find out what you can do at the local level. 23

Title: Mastering the Fundamentals

Location: Learning Commons 167

Presenter: Chris Warren Levels: ALL Description: Come experience a thought provoking lecture on mastering the fundamentals in physical education, human performance, nutrition, and technology. Apply these principles to your own life, and to the lives of your students and student-athletes. 24

Title: Teambuilding for Large Groups II

Location: Commons

Presenter: Beth Mahar & Deb Stanfield Levels: 6-12 Description: Teambuilding for Large Groups 2 will invite participants to share their "tweaks" of many popular activities. 25

Title: Welcome to No Standing Around in My Gym

Location: Contest Gym

Presenter: JD Hughes Levels: K-5 Keep all students in your physical education program moving, learning, and on their toes—even Description: when you’re teaching very large classes. If you are looking for fresh ways to teach children ages 4 to 11 basic fitness concepts, movement skills, and games that emphasize creative thinking and cooperation, then attending my No Standing Around in My Gym session is for you. It’s an incredible source of ideas and solutions to help you • increase the time students are active in class, • minimize discipline problems, • develop healthy attitudes that lead to a lifetime of activity, • save valuable lesson preparation time, and • keep students motivated and challenged. 26


Title: Swing Dance Location: Dance Room Presenter: Maria Valente Levels: 9-12 Description: Join me for the basic of teaching an exciting and energizing swing dance class/unit! Title: 10x10 Community Cohesion Cognition

Location: Fieldhouse 1

Presenter: Jo Bailey Levels: 9-12 Description: Learn how to use the 10x10 strategy to create a physical education environment that is safe, supportive, and enhances learning. Chickens, lizards, giants, dragons, and moonwalking will all be utilized to demonstrate how you can build community and cohesion in physical education while reaping dividends in cognition throughout the school year. Student learning and assessment of the grade level outcomes for standards 4 and 5 will be addressed. 28

Title: Teamsports Makeover Presenter: Maureen Vorwald

Location: Fieldhouse 4 Levels: 6-12

Description: Give your curriculum a much-needed makeover. Learn how to scaffold drills and learning objec-

tives throughout your curriculum to maximize student learning and educator effectiveness. Introduce new activities, such as Angle Ball, to engage all students and even out your playing field. 29

Title: Sensory PE Connecting Kids Building Lifelong Skills

Location: Gymnastics 292

Presenter: Kristina Hagenbaumer Levels: Special Populations Description: Sensory PE is a class designed to cater to students who struggle with excessive external stimuli. Each student with special needs is assigned one or two peers. The class is run on a schedule that emphasizes routine, structure, and visual directions. Some activities are as follows: Cardio activities that cater to each student’s ability level, weight room activities with an individualized task strip, circuit training, swimming, gymnastics, any activity with a definitive beginning and end such as throwing or kicking a ball back and forth, and modified yoga. Page 10

Session 2 30



Spikeball®: Unique 2v2 sport that is the future of P.E.

Location: Pool Balcony

Presenter: Skyler Boles Levels: ALL Description: Learn to play. Understand the rules. Create progressions. Adapt modifications. Experience minigames. Hone your skills. Practice with drills. Compete. Play. Sweat. 31

Title: DrumFit, Power of Pairing Technology & Fitness

Location: Small Café

Presenter: Aimee Huffman Levels: ALL Combating the obesity epidemic requires new innovative approaches to P.E. curriculum. Districts across Description: the nation are shifting their focus toward individual fitness programs over traditional, competition centric activities. Pairing individual fitness activities with relevant wearable technology teaches students how to track their own behavior and interpret their personal performance, which in turn produces a measurable and sustainable approach to fitness that rises to the needs of the modern student.


Title: Strength & Conditioning for ALL students

Location: Weight Room 290

Presenter: Tyler Fagen Levels: 9-12 Description: Complexes and Circuits are some of the best methods for improving muscle mass, decreasing body fat, and teaching students the basic human movements. Progressions and regressions will be available for every exercise. Multiple complexes and circuits will be shown. 33

Title: Fitnessgram Testing Oh My!

Location: Wrestling 291

Presenter: Shannon Maly Levels: ALL Description: In this presentation, we will provide you with some tips and tricks to help make your testing prep more efficient and less time consuming. We will place emphasis on setting up your testing area, how to prep your students prior to testing and different activities you can do with your students to make the testing meaningful. We will also place emphasis proper protocol for testing. 34


Title: Pump Up PE Location: Room 108 Presenter: Mark Foellmer Levels: All Description: This presentation will be hosted by Mark who is a participant to the Enhanced Physical Education concept, explain recent policy changes related to enhancing P.E. in Illinois and provide resources available to help schools implement these changes. Title: Radical Self Defense Beyond the Physical

Location: Room 162

Presenter: Linda Carlson & Rashad Singletary Levels: 9-12 Description: R.A.D.ical Self-defense is about EMPOWERING teenage GIRLS AND BOYS. This required freshman course at OPRFHS is designed to promote awareness, recognition, reduction and avoidance of aggressive behavior and actions directed at teenage girls and boys. Skills and understanding for defense against an aggressor with the emphasis on avoidance and escaping are taught. Crucial topics are also discussed: healthy and unhealthy relationships, the influence of media on culture, gender roles, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, bullying, cyber safety and how to avoid violence and unsafe situation are discussed. 36

Title: Brockport Fitness Testing Session 1&2 Presenter: Cathy Brinker Description: This is a continuation from session 1.


Title: My PE Location: Room 170 Presenter: Jeff Burke Levels: ALL Description: M.Y. P.E. is a physical education curriculum that inspires students to Measure their current fitness levels, Manage their own P.E. experience, and Motivates students to set goals and create healthy habits that contribute to an overall better quality of life. M.Y. P.E… Measure/ Manage/Motivate yourself! Page Page 13 11

Location: Room 163 Levels: Special Populations

Session 2 38


Title: WELNET® - Enhanced Software for Enhanced PE

Location: Room 175

Presenter: Ron Malm Levels: ALL Description: The needs of physical educators has changed and so has the software. WELNET® is the most comprehen-

sive software available for Physical Education. Changing the perception of PE takes more than simply collecting and reporting fitness data. WELNET® allows for a lot more than the collection of fitness measurements. Give students a nutrition log to make their food choices and amounts relevant. Give a quiz or test to check for cognitive understanding. Build and utilize a rubric to measure what you decide matters. Fully customizable software built for Physical Education by Physical Educators. Free trial to attendees.


Title: Incorporating Exercise-Induced Neuro-Enhancement in Education

Location: Room 176

Presenter: Jim Davis Levels: 6-12 Description: Exercise is an underutilized resource for student development. This presentation will discuss methods for incorporating exercise in the school day, as well as research to influence policy and administrative decisions. Jim Davis contributes to Harvard research studies and serves as the Staff & Student Wellness Coordinator at New Trier High School, working to match new science with best-practice application.



Title: Practical Ideas for Domains 2 & 3 Location: Room 177 Presenter: Stacey McCluskey & Jon Kalesza Levels: 9-12 Description: Learn new innovative & practical ideas to improve your effectiveness and add to your "teacher toolbox". Title: Ditch the Textbook: Health Education in the Flipped Classroom

Location: Room 179

Presenter: Gary Lemke Levels: Health Education Description: e-Learning meets Health Education. Out goes the boring, dated, ineffective and expensive textbook. In comes an interactive approach where educational experiences are student-centered instead of subject-centered. Learn how to ditch the textbook in favor of a peer-driven, (yet teacher facilitated) environment where students embrace healthy behaviors, not simply health information. Can health be a cool class? Absolutely! And we have the data to prove it.


Title: PE Tech Location: Room 184 Presenter: Gary Heilers Levels: 6-12 Description: Technology is now in every department of our schools. Are you utilizing it in your department? This presenta-

tion will give examples of technology you could use in your class immediately wether it is a one to one student integration or just one device for the teacher. Highlighted topics include- Easy video analysis, data collection, numerous example of student created products, easy classroom flipping, augmented reality, formative assessments and many other simple to use ideas. Work smarter, not harder!


Title: Working With Student Teachers and Navigating edTPA with Them

Location: Room 185

Presenter: Lisa Moore & Keith Herrmann Levels: ALL If you are hosting a student teacher in the near future join us for this important session. Let us help you underDescription:

stand the edPA process! What is it? Why is it important? These questions and many more will be answered as we explore the state required edTPA evaluation for student teachers. The session is designed for teachers who are, or want to host a student teacher. The edTPA process will be explained from three view points, the university, the student and the cooperating teacher. Tips will be given on how to guide student teachers through the process from the perspective of the cooperating teacher. Please join us for this very informative and interesting session!


Title: Mock Rape Trial

Location: Room 187-188

Presenter: Shelby Thormeyer

Levels: Health Education

Description: In this session we will present the ins and outs of how to create a realistic mock date rape trial for students to learn from. This highly-organized, detailed, and Danielson worthy project is one that they will never forget. 45

Title: Pulse Driving

Location: Room 258

Presenter: Humberto Gonzalez & Benny Graham Levels: Driver Education Description: The Pulse Driving Online Risk Awareness training program is designed to provide drivers with short, focused driver training modules that can be delivered through out the year. Complimentary subscription for parent or guardian included with purchase Page Page 14 12

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2017 DuPage County Institute for Physical Education, Health and Driver Education

Room Location

Session 3 10:50-12:00pm

Presentation Topic

Grade Level


Dale Brown

MVPA: What is it, can it be measured, and why is it important in PE?


Learning Commons 167

Rob Wienski

Future in Fitness



GIna Parker

A Bit of Everything for 1st-5th PE


Contest Gym

Dan Tennisen

Instant Activities


Dance Room

Amy Carrol & Lynn Hatzikostantis



Fieldhouse 1

Charla Krahanke

Badminton Bonanza


Fieldhouse 4

Maureen Vorwald

Engagement Assessment and Relevance: Keys to Success for Secondary PE


Gymnastics 292

Matt Priebe & Nathan Philips

Tools for Productive Processing


Pool Balcony

Bob Damon

In School Bowling Fundamentals K through 12


Small Café

Jeff Gagstetter

Polar Strapless Heart Rate Monitor Fitness Assessment


Weight Room 290

Tom Kraus

Lead up Exercises to the Clean, Jerk & Snatch


Wrestling 291

Todd Keating

No Fouls No Arguments No Injuries...Tchouckball



Jo Bailey

Going Solo Visible Learning & Easy Self-Assessment in PE



Jason Dane & Pete Collins

Mindfulness in Motion



Cathy Brinker

Brockport Fitness Testing Session 3&4



Mike Wiggins

Today's Youth Soccer: Small Sided Games & Activities



James Barenbaum

Power of Play



Jim Davis

Incorporating of Exercise-Induced Neuro-Enhancement in Education



Kelly Watson & Sara Pendergrass

Implementation of Peer Buddy Program for Student with Disabilities



Gary Lemke

Apps to get Students Moving



Tom Strenger

Standards Based Curriculum OPEN



Becky McVittie

Reaching Kids Before Drugs Do



Dan Kleinfelt & Brent Johnston

Dr. Ed. Round-Table


Page 14

Session 3 46



MVPA: What is it, can it be measured, and why is it important in PE?

Location: Auditorium

Presenter: Dale Brown Levels: ALL Description: With diseases of sedentary behavior becoming increasingly more evident the recommendations for quality physical activity and exercise are at an all-time high. While PE programs get kids active often times the quality and assessment of the activity is subjective rather than based on objective data. This presentation will provide a better understanding of how to effectively integrate physical activity assessment and monitoring into your PE program. 47


Title: Future in Fitness Location: Learning Commons 167 Presenter: Rob Wienski Levels: ALL Description: This presentation is going to discuss "pre-rehabilitation," performance enhancement and motivation. Participants will have the opportunity to experience a hands-on workshop to help educate, motivate and inspire continuous variation, growth and motivation for their students inside and out. If you're a coach, fitness enthusiast or a professional student to the game of life, this is a MUST date to be saved and attended. Title: A Bit of Everything for 1st-5th PE

Location: Commons

Presenter: GIna Parker Levels: K-5 Description: This presentation will be a bunch of activities you can use for a variety of grades, stations, or whole class. We will play some large class games, small group games, and individual practice activities. Come to play! 49

Title: Instant Activities

Location: Contest Gym

Presenter: Dan Tennisen Levels: ALL Description: Do you want some new instant activity ideas? Would you like to know how to seamlessly integrate them into your curriculum and use them appropriately? This session is designed for you. Come experience a dynamic session filled with great instant activities, ideas, and strategies designed for grades K-12. 50

Title: Zumba

Location: Dance Room

Presenter: Amy Carrol & Lynn Hatzikostantis Levels: 9-12 Description: Please join us to learn some fresh Zumba routines incorporating both Latin and Pop rhythms into your group exercise curriculum. We will show you ways to combine formative and summative assessments that align with the SLO into your Zumba curriculum. 51

Title: Badminton Bonanza

Location: Fieldhouse 1

Presenter: Charla Krahanke Levels: 5-12 Description:All National standards and progressions are utilized as we perform Badminton drills/skills/ assessments and fitness activities as we integrate large numbers into your program. OPENphysed.org Badminton and Roundnet lessons will be used as well. Physical literacy and technology will be discussed in this session. Follow-up/assistance will be provided after the session. 52


Engagement Assessment and Relevance: Keys to Success for Secondary PE

Location: Fieldhouse 4

Presenter: Maureen Vorwald Levels: 6-12 Description: Providing students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences to becoming physically literate is our goal. Let’s take a look at what, why, and how it can be done in your program through building relationships and teaching relevant content.

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Session 3 53


Title: Tools for Productive Processing

Location: Gymnastics 292

Presenter: Matt Priebe & Nathan Philips Levels: ALL Description: We will cover multiple team building activities that are used to enhance an experience by providing an avenue for productive debrief and processing. Come and learn some fun and interesting ways to guide your group to great discussions! Audience participation strongly encouraged! 54

Title: In School Bowling Fundamentals K through 12

Location: Pool Balcony

Presenter: Bob Daman Levels: ALL Description: This presentation will cover the methods used to teach the fundamentals of bowling, how to adapt the In School Bowling curriculum to all the grade levels; ways to incorporate fitness games into the curriculum and warm-up routine. Each participant receives a free three ring binder curriculum containing objectives, rubrics, lesson plans, fitness games, classroom activities, STEM lessons, adapted PE information and a DVD 55

Title: Polar Strapless Heart Rate Monitor Fitness Assessment

Location: Small Cafe

Presenter: Jeff Gagstetter Levels: All Description: Polar now offers a strapless heart rate monitor. Join us for a presentation that will help you understand the benefits of heart rate monitor usage for instruction and assessment. 56

Title: Lead up Exercises to the Clean, Jerk & Snatch Presenter: Tom Kraus Description: Lead Up Exercises and Instruction to Clean, Jerk, and Snatch.


Title: No Fouls No Arguments No Injuries...Tchouckball

Location: Weight Room 290 Levels: 9-12 Location: Wrestling 291

Presenter: Todd Keating Levels: ALL Description: What will teachers gain from this session? 1. Teachers will learn how students from various skill levels and abilities can interact in a competitive team sport in a non-aggressive, physically active environment. 2. Teachers will learn how Tchoukball reinforces the value of physical activity for the enjoyment of challenge, self-expression and positive social interaction. 3. Teachers will learn how to present the game of Tchoukball in their own diverse settings, utilizing teaching strategies that demonstrate differentiation, rule modifications and inclusion. 58

Title: Going Solo Visible Learning & Easy Self-Assessment in PE

Location: Room 108

Presenter: Jo Bailey Levels: 9-12 Description: Do you want your students to have more ownership in the learning process? Do you want them to advocate for themselves and identify the steps needed to move to a higher skill level or level of understanding in physical education? Then you need the structure of observed learning outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy!


Title: Mindfulness in Motion

Location: Room 162

Presenter: Jason Dane & Pete Collins

Levels: 6-12

Description: This session will provide teachers with a variety of strategies to implement mindfulness techniques in the classroom. 60

Title: Brockport Fitness Testing Session 3&4 Presenter: Cathy Brinker

Location: Room 163 Levels: Special Populations

Description: Beginning 2016-17 Physical Educators will be required to report physical fitness scores for ALL students to ISBE. This includes all students with disabilities. Fitness tests must be appropriate to students' developmental levels and physical abilities. To meet these requirements, ISBE is suggesting the Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT). The BPFT is a health related physical fitness test for individuals with disabilities that is highly correlated with the Fitnessgram. Page 16

Session 3 61


Title: Today's Youth Soccer: Small Sided Games & Activities

Location: Room 170

Presenter: Michael Wiggins Levels: K-5 Description: Learn the latest ideas and exercises related to one of the most popular youth sports that will help you connect with your elementary students. 62

Title: Power of Play

Location: Room 175

Presenter: James Barenbaum Levels: ALL Description: The Power of Play workshop introduces the importance of play and lays the foundation for creating a safe,

healthy, and respectful environment for youth. With Playworks Power of Play we give you the introductory tools needed to create safe and inclusive play opportunities for all students. It also includes a discussion of the various barriers youth may face and how adults can help youth navigate and overcome these challenges. Participants walk away understanding how to select and initiate games that support the physical, social, and emotional development of your students.



Incorporating of Exercise-Induced Neuro-Enhancement in Education

Location: Room 176

Presenter: Jim Davis Levels: 6-12 Description: Exercise is an underutilized resource for student development. This presentation will discuss methods for

incorporating exercise in the school day, as well as research to influence policy and administrative decisions. Jim Davis contributes to Harvard research studies and serves as the Staff & Student Wellness Coordinator at New Trier High School, working to match new science with best-practice application.



Implementation of Peer Buddy Program for Student with Disabilities

Location: Room 177

Presenter: Kelly Watson & Sara Pendergrass Levels: Special Populations Description: Presenters will be an Adaptive PE Teacher and a Special education teacher/case manager. They will be

discussing collaboration with PE and Special Education as well as with Social Workers/ Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapists. They will also present on how to implement a Successful Peer Buddy System into the Adaptive PE curriculum. Many ideas will be shared as to how to make an Adaptive PE class meaningful for ALL students.


Location: Apps to get Students Moving

Location: Room 179

Levels: Gary Lemke Levels: 9-12 Description: e-Learning meets Health Education. Out goes the boring, dated, ineffective and expensive textbook. In

comes an interactive approach where educational experiences are student-centered instead of subjectcentered. Learn how to ditch the textbook in favor of a peer-driven, (yet teacher facilitated) environment where students embrace healthy behaviors, not simply health information. Can health be a cool class? Absolutely! And we have the data to prove it.


Title: Standards Based Curriculum OPEN

Location: Room 184

Presenter: Tom Strenger Levels: ALL Description: OPENPhysEd.org is an FREE online curriculum project that provides complete PE learning modules that are

based on the National PE Standards. In this session you will learn how to use the academic language cards, depth of knowledge questions, student assessment worksheets, station cards, activity plans and much, much more. PK-12 content. OPENPhysEd.org is a public service of US Games and is completely FREE and accessible to every teacher in every school.



Title: Reaching Kids Before Drugs Do Location: Room 187-188 Presenter: Becky McVittie Levels: Health Education Description: Join us for a presentation from LTM. foundation Learn more about the LTM program as well as techniques and strategies to strengthen educators instruction regarding drug prevention. Title: Dr. Ed. Roundtable

Location: Room 258

Presenter: Dan Kleinfelt & Brent Johnston Description: Discussing the latest trends in Driver Education.

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Levels: Driver Education

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2017 DuPage County Institute for Physical Education, Health and Driver Education


Session 4 12:20-1:30pm

Presentation Topic

Grade Level


Judy Tiggler & Deb Vogel

Advocacy: We Are Essential


Learning Commons 167

Creig Federico

Strength & Conditioning Strategies for the Weight Room



Cindy Hess

Action Based Learning


Contest Gym

Dan Tennisen

PE Energizers


Dance Room

Amy Carrol & Lynn Hatzikostantis

Amp up your Sculpt & Tone


Fieldhouse 1

Charla Krahanke

Disc Game Fun and Skills


Fieldhouse 4

Mark & Becky Foellmer

Demo Slam


Gymnastics 292

Mark Colegrove & Leif Gamrath

Outdoor Ed Round Table


Pool Balcony

Bob Damon

Teaching Bowling to Special Needs Students


Small Café

Jean-Gilles Larocque & David Fabiilli

Inspired Learning with Fitness in Mind


Wrestling 291

Richard Nuccio

Sport Stacking is for Everyone



Mary Wentland

Health Education on the Move



Cathy Brinker

Brockport Fitness Testing Session 3&4



Ron Malm

WELNET® - Enhanced Software for Enhanced PE



Mark Lindo

PE Leader Roundtable



Mark Florence

Sports Medicine Roundtable



Erik McNeill

Verso App & More!



Tikia Young

Teen Dating Violence


Page 19

Session 4 69


Title: Advocacy: We Are Essential

Location: Auditorium

Presenter: Judy Tiggler & Deb Vogel Levels: ALL Description:Take Action Now: Physical Education programs in Illinois are in trouble. Come hear what is happening with legislation in Springfield. Find out what you can do at the local level. 70


Strength & Conditioning Strategies for the Weight Room

Location: Learning Commons 167

Presenter: Creig Federico Levels: 6-12 Description: A presentation discussing and providing strength and conditioning strategies for the high school student and athlete. 71

Title: Action Based Learning

Location: Commons

Presenter: Cindy Hess Levels: K-5 Description: Action Based Learning and Kidsfit together we are better! Action Based Learning and Kidsfit have joined forces to provide Action Based Learning Labs that support the 10 foundational skills for movement and learning. As more and more children come to school with developmental movement and learning gaps we provide the fun and exciting solution to filling in those gaps and giving every child the best opportunity to develop to their greatest potential. This is ActionBased Learning Labs on steroids! 72

Title: PE Energizers

Location: Contest Gym

Presenter: Dan Tennisen Levels: ALL Description: Do you want a lot of activities your students will love and you’ll want to use next week? This is your session. In this high-paced, active session you’ll experience a wide variety of activities and games designed to maximize participation, movement, and success for all. All of these activities are standards based and designed to be used or modified for grades K-12.


Title: Amp up your Sculpt & Tone

Location: Dance Room

Presenter: Amy Carrol & Lynn Hatzikostantis Levels: 9-12 Description: We will show you exercises that will keep your students engaged by keeping students moving (MVPA) for the duration of a class period. Equipment needs are minimal, music aligns with activity and student interest, thus creating a positive experience for all. 74

Title: Disc Game Fun and Skills

Location: Fieldhouse 1

Presenter: Charla Krahanke Levels: 5-12 Description: Come join the 2013 National High School TOY for a fun standards-based ultimate Frisbee lesson, including fitness, assessments, practice with a purpose drills and teaching games for understanding. Fitness and fun combined in one! Ready to use activities for large groups and assessments. Participants will take away information, which can be put into action immediately as well as to be offered ongoing assistance after the convention. 5-12.

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Session 4 75


Title: Demo Slam

Location: Fieldhouse 4

Presenter: Mark & Becky Foellmer Levels: ALL Description: The purpose of a demo slam is to share best practices and innovative ideas. This highly effective professional development model has been used at numerous high profile technology conferences all over the world. Join us for this dynamic session where eager participants have two minutes to share a physical education strategy lesson, or use of technology all centered around standards and grade level outcomes for K-12 physical education. 76

Title: Outdoor Ed Round Table

Location: Gymnastics 292

Presenter: Mark Colegrove & Leif Gamrath Levels: 9-12 Description: This is an opportunity to allow like-minded individuals to share best practices and ideas within Outdoor or/Adventure Education. A community of instructions that gathers to share ideas will help define the future and stay cutting edge.


Title: Teaching Bowling to Special Needs Students

Location: Pool Balcony

Presenter: Bob Damon Levels: Special Population Description: The presentation will cover a wide spectrum of adapted techniques used in teaching special needs students bowling...A variety of adapted equipment used in teaching bowling will be shown and used by the participants. Each participant will receive a copy of the In School Bowling curriculum. 78

Title: Inspired Learning with Fitness in Mind

Location: Small Café

Presenter: Jean-Gilles Larocque & David Fabiilli Levels: 9-12 Description: Research shows that exercise in the optimal heart rate zone for 20 minutes a day produces similar results to anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications. Equally, mindfulness and cognitive training built around developing coherence between breathing and heart rate has show similar positive results as exercise. Our project is to learn how to deliver a program to our struggling students that will develop a greater sense of well-being through exercise, mindfulness and cognitive training, and in turn will positively impact their readiness to learn. 79

Title: Sport Stacking is for Everyone

Location: Wrestling 291

Presenter: Richard Nuccio Levels: ALL Description: Teachers will be introduced to Sport Stacking. They will learn how a student's brain and body will benefit from Sport Stacking. They will also learn about goals/EQs and assessment. Every student will experience success from Sport Stacking. Sport Stacking incorporates fitness and locomotor movement. Teachers will also learn how to bring their program to the next level.


Title: Health Education on the Move

Location: Room 162

Presenter: Mary Wentland Levels: Health Education Description: Join me for a skills based, interactive health session that gets students out of their seats and engaged in their learning. From brown bags to balloons we will captivate your learners. 81

Title: Brockport Fitness Testing Session 3&4 Presenter: Cathy Brinker

Location: Room 163 Levels: Special Population

Description: This is a continuation from session 3.

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Session 4 82


Title: WELNET® - Enhanced Software for Enhanced PE

Location: Room 175

Presenter: Ron Malm Levels: ALL Description: The needs of physical educators has changed and so has the software. WELNET® is the most comprehensive software available for Physical Education. Changing the perception of PE takes more than simply collecting and reporting fitness data. WELNET® allows for a lot more than the collection of fitness measurements. Give students a nutrition log to make their food choices and amounts relevant. Give a quiz or test to check for cognitive understanding. Build and utilize a rubric to measure what you decide matters. Fully customizable software built for Physical Education by Physical Educators. Free trial to attendees. 83

Title: PE Leader Roundtable

Location: Room 177

Presenter: Mark Lindo Levels: ALL Description: If you have a PE leader program or would like to start one, please come join us in discussion and be ready to share. 84

Title: Sports Medicine Roundtable Presenter: Mark Florence

Location: Room 179 Levels: 9-12

Description: A time for Athletic Trainers to discuss concepts of an athletic training/sports medicine class and other important topics related to athletic training. 85

Title: Verso App & More!

Location: Room 184

Presenter: Erik McNeill Levels: 6-12 Description: Want to elicit authentic feedback from students? Activate formative assessment? Flip your class? Document your student feedback? Every student will be heard! Verso App is a must see. Along with Verso, I will throw out other Apps that you can adapt to your teaching needs. Verso can be used for Drivers Education, Health and P.E. 86

Title: Teen Dating Violence

Location: Room 187-188

Presenter: Tikia Young

Levels: Health Education

Description: 1 in 3 teens will experience dating violence before graduating high school. In 2014 The state of Illinois passed a mandate for schools with grades 7-12 to have education for their students about Teen Dating Violence and a policy in place for how the school will handle such cases. This presentation will provide an overview of the prevalence of dating violence among teens, give information about resources in the community- (Family Shelter Service and provide a sneak peek into the prevention program curriculum that is offered through Family Shelter Service.

A Friendly Reminder To receive PD’s for today’s institute you must complete the following: 1.

Sign out at the completion of your 4th session presentation


Complete an Evaluation, the link will be emailed to you


After you submit your Evaluation you can access your PD’s *You must be present for the entire Institute to receive 5 PD credits.

*We will not be in the cafeteria at the end collecting evaluations and/or handing out PD’s

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2017 DuPage County Institute Vendor List Action for Healthy Kids Ryan Monroe, MS Illinois State Coordinator 829 Maple Ave Machesney Park, IL 61115 Phone: 563-419-1931 [email protected] www.ActionforHealthyKids.org ADA Badminton & Tennis Randy Kempke 2925 Chrysler Road Kansas City, KS 66115 P-800-234-0460 F:913-371-2663 American Diabetes Association Mallory Dahlquist Kalina Gurovski [email protected] [email protected] American Heart Association MaryLou Torrison 208 S. LaSalle St., Ste. 1500 Chicago, IL 60604 P:630-904-3915 C:312-399-3539 [email protected] http://www.americanheart.org American Sportswear, Inc. Andrew Pasulka 1651 Aucutt Rd. Montgomery, IL 60538 http://bit.ly/peuniforms [email protected]

Bulls & Sox Academy Sara Connolly 6200 River Bend Road Lisle, IL 60532 630-324-8229 www.BullsSoxAcademy.com Cliffs & Cables Dan Quinn [email protected] 773-327-9430 Camp Manitoqua & Retreat Center Matt Priebe, Outdoor Education Coordinator 8122 W Sauk Trail Frankfort, IL 60423 (815) 469-2319 [email protected] Creative Health Products Debbie Schooley Office Manager Ann Arbor, MI 48105 800-742-4478 Direct Fitness Solutions Justin Mitchell 600 Tower Rd Mundelein, IL 60060 LOCAL 800.838.2819 847.680.8906 DrumFIT Danielle Sherbo 2315 Whirlpool St. Unit 785 Niagra Falls, NY 14305 www.drumfitusa.com 877-322-3389

Dynavision Kevin McWilliams www.dynavisioninternational.com Exercise Connection Dave Geslak 1871 N Clybourn Ave Chicago, IL 60614 773.575.5100 [email protected]

Experiential Systems Andrea Vogt PO Box 188 Lansing, IL 60438 877-206-8967 Family Shelter Services Tikiya Young, CDVP Prevention Educator 630.221.8290 ext.7210 [email protected] The Fitness Connection Justin Plummer Drew Habura 501 Davis Rd. I Elgin, IL 60123 847.697.1010 www.thefitnessconnection.com Fourth Cliff Adventure Hank Backoffen 3939 Oakley Ave. Chicago, IL 60618 [email protected] 773-844-4652

2017 DuPage County Institute Vendor List Going for Greatness Rob Wienski (630) 699-0391 503 West Third Street Elmhurst, IL 60126 www.going4greatness.net

Integrity Fitness 16704 Advantage Ave. Crest Hill, IL 60403 www.ifitc.com [email protected]

Polar Sharon Warren, Jeff Gagstetter 516-232-7199 [email protected] [email protected]

Interactive Health Technologies Jay Plotkin [email protected] 512-653-3413

Playworks Illinois Jamie Barenbaum 770 N Halsted, Suite 206 Chicago, IL 60642 (847)997-8020

Humane Education Kristen Funk 630-420-8989 ext.117 www.NapervilleAreaHumaneSociety LTM Foundation .org Becky McVittie [email protected]

Rope Warrior Dave Fischer IAHPERD 888-567-7673 Illinois Association for Health, Physi- Midwest Dairy Council/Fuel Up to http://www.ropewarrior.com Play 60 cal Education, Recreation and Dance (IAHPERD) Lorna Riggs Skatetime Judy Tiggelaar www.midwestdairy.com [email protected] [email protected] www.fueluptoplay60.com 630.969.2725 Spikeball IHSCDEA Skyler Boles Brent Johnston PE2theMax, Inc. Dan Kleinfeldt (530) 519-3965 J.D. Hughes [email protected] 847-356-3684 770-651-4333 [email protected] www.spikeball.com [email protected] Pick a Paddle Tchoukball Inc. Howie Sokol Tammy Keating Illinois Coaches Association PO Box 421 [email protected] John Elder Park Ridge, IL 60068 [email protected] 847-720-4590 US Games Tom Strenger Illinois School Bowling Palos Sports Bob Damon 847-370-1181 Shirley Burns 708-744-5259 [email protected] 11711 S. Austin Ave. Alsip, IL 60803 USA Field Hockey Illinois School Health Association 708-396-2555 Monica Lodge Lisa Meister [email protected] Sport Development [email protected] [email protected] (630) 463-3913 Vertical Endeavors Anita Johnson [email protected]

Rooms 258 and 264 are up stairs via the Small Cafe

Pool Balcony