D&D Newsletter February 2013 - Association for Educational ...

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Feb 15, 2013 ... the five different awards programs that D&D ... D&D Outstanding Book Award: Given that .... forum where designers could discuss challenges.


Design & Development Division Newsletter D&D President’s Welcome by Mable Kinzie Dear Design & Development Members—

New Awards Chairs!

Welcome to our 2013 newsletter series…part of our focus to reach out to and include you in the many wonderful things happening in D&D and AECT. Besides updating you on all division activities, we are inaugurating two new features that will appear in every newsletter:

D&D Outstanding Book Award: Given that Steve Harmon will be otherwise engaged (our new AECT President-Elect and Lead Conference Planner—go Steve!), he is stepping down as Chair of the D&D Outstanding Book Award, with our deep appreciation for his service. D&D Board Member Karen Kaminski steps into this role beginning in 2013.

First, we introduce you to one of our AECT Affiliates—Jill Stefaniak, President of the Detroit-area AECT Chapter, shares some of the reasons why this affiliate is one of the most active and successful in AECT. Second, we take you on a virtual visit to an ID&T program… starting with a visit to the Instructional Design & Performance Technology program at Franklin University, hosted by Joel Gardner…these visits will help us learn from the successful program designs that our colleagues have created. But First… What’s Happened? Lots, since we gathered in Louisville… New Awards Coordinator! After serving for many years as D&D Awards Coordinator, and making it look easy, Elizabeth Bolling is stepping down--with our hearty thanks! Past Board Member, Ike Choi, has taken over this role for 2013 and beyond, and will coordinate the five different awards programs that D&D sponsors…Thank you, Ike!


D&D Outstanding Practice Award: Monica Tracey has led a team of accomplished instructional designers each year, to identify the best of the best in ID work. She stepped down with the 2012 Conference, and the Board will be identifying a new chair for this committee. Thank you, Monica, for your years of service for this important award! New TechTrends Editorial Board Rep for D&D! Karen Kaminski was endorsed as D&D Representative to the TechTrends editorial board. She’ll serve as liaison to the journal, providing input and assistance to the new Editor, Dan Surry, Associate Editor Chuck Hodges, and the rest of the TechTrends board. Congratulations, Karen! New Definitions & Terminology Rep for D&D! Tara Bunag will represent D&D on this hard-working committee, under leadership of chair Nancy Hastings. Thank you, Tara!





What’s Going On Now? Elections! The D&D nominating committee (President-Elect Dirk Ifenthaler, VP of Communications Anne Mendenhall, and D&D Representative to AECT Board, Tom Hergert), recruited a truly outstanding panel of nominees for the current election. Voting is live, now! Go to aect.org and cast your votes! 2013 Conference Planning! The conference submission system is live and proposals are rolling in. Dirk Ifenthaler is heading up the planning for the D&D Program, and D&D Board Member Gayle Davidson-Shivers continues as D&D Showcase Coordinator. There’s still time to submit your proposals to either! Please volunteer as a D&D reviewer when you submit (it’s part of the proposal submission process now!). Or let Dirk know and he’ll get you set up as a reviewer . Wow—10 years of PacifiCorp Design Competitions! So many people to thank for this! Karen Kaminski continues as Competition Coordinator and this year Patricia J Slagter van Tryon has joined her as co-Chair in preparation for taking over next year together with Dan Schuch from PacifiCorp, the driver and sponsor of the competition. Big plans are underway to celebrate 10 years of this incredible professional learning experience at the 2013 conference in Anaheim….stay tuned! And think about participating! If you’re a student, put your name forward for a design team, either singly

or with a colleague or two. If you’re a professional, consider mentoring a team to success! See this newsletter for more details. Updating our Mission Statement and Bylaws… So important for helping us be as effective as a Division. Please visit the D&D discussion forum , to help guide any modifications we make to these important governance docs. Thank you to Past-President Deniz Eseryel and Board Associate Victor Law for kick-starting the Mission Statement revision, and to Victor for assuming responsibility for implementing your suggested updates. Likewise, our appreciation to Past-Past-President Brian Beatty, who together with Tom Hergert, initiated the Bylaws revisions and to Tom who brings the Bylaws to you now for review via the D&D Discussion Forum. Your input is important! Identifying Leadership Opportunities! There are many folks able to make big contributions to our organization. To help identify ways to make this possible, Board Member Ginger Watson-Papelis and Board Associate Jill Stefaniak have begun a needs assessment on leadership development. They’ll identify current “ways in” to leadership and suggest new opportunities for enabling more people to participate as leaders. We hope you enjoy the newsletter, and will consider contributing your D&D news for the next edition (April, 2013). Hasn’t Anne Mendenhall done a great job with her inaugural edition!

Call for Proposals - 2013 AECT International Convention Innovate! Integrate! Communicate! Paper Submission Deadline: February 15, 2013 http://aectorg.yourwebhosting.com/events/call/ !




Michigan Chapter of AECT: Development and Promotion of Professional Practices professional practices and for sharing new research and insight in design. This past fall, we hosted a The Michigan Chapter (MI-AECT) was established design thinking workshop where we introduced our in 2009, becoming the first state affiliate chapter of members to the importance on reflecting on alternative views of design. This workshop the Association for Educational Communications provided our membership with strategies on how to and Technology. Our chapter is located in engage in innovative design regardless of their area Southeastern Michigan with many of our events being held in the Metro-Detroit area. MI-AECT is of focus. We also provided a second workshop during the fall that taught our members how to organized to provide a local and regional network conduct a layered learner analysis. Members who for individuals interested in emergent design attended benefited from a toolkit that they could thinking, and its application to product, process use when working on instructional design and learning through the integration of design space, principles, and tools, including technology. interventions. The purpose of our Chapter is to enable We have two events planned for winter 2013. On interdisciplinary collaboration and professional January 31st we hosted a design thinking panel development activities, leadership opportunities, where we invited panelists from the fields of and social interaction for the design community. architectural, graphic, interior, and instructional design disciplines. This event was open to students As of January 2013, we currently have 80 and practitioners outside of MI-AECT to provide a members. Our membership is comprised of forum where designers could discuss challenges instructional designers, training and development they face when working with clients and share practitioners, performance improvement strategies that could be applied across all consultants, graphic designers, graduate students, disciplines. and academics. This past year, our leadership has

by Ji" Stefaniak

made a concerted effort to expand our marketing efforts and membership to designers from all disciplines to create opportunities for communication, networking and collaboration.

In April we will be hosting a panel of graphic designers and artists who will provide suggestions and information that they believe every instructional designer should know about graphic design. As instructional technologists, we are often For our 2012/2013 year, our leadership have expected to collaborate with a variety of different decided to host four events for our members. We individuals. We want to provide our members with have organized events that encourage interaction a fundamental understanding of the different and professional growth among interdisciplinary design practitioners in ALL fields, and also provide professions that they may interact with on a regular a forum for the development and promotion of !




MI-AECT CHAPTER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 basis to help them engage in more rich collaborative experiences.

types of events that were being held, we looked at what MI-AECT could offer that other organizations were lacking. It is really important that an Our goal has been to provide our members with networking opportunities to collaborate with others emerging chapter become aware of the professional on emergent design thinking and its application to organizations surrounding them and identify their niche. product, process and learning through the integration of design space, principles, and technological tools. The benefit with being an affiliate organization of AECT is that it brings an increased level of credibility to our events. It also provides us with an opportunity to reach out into our local area and increase the marketing efforts of AECT. Our advice for individuals interested in forming a local, regional, or state chapter is to take the time to identify who your potential members will be and what their needs are as instructional technology professionals. A challenge that we found is that there are many active professional organizations in the state of Michigan that host networking opportunities for practitioners. After assessing the


MI-AECT Leadership (2012/2013) Monica Tracey, PhD- President Jill Stefaniak- President Elect John Baaki- Treasurer Christina Chateauvert- Secretary Kecia Waddell- Member-at-LargeCommunications John O’Neill- Member-at-Large- Membership Individuals interested in joining MI-AECT can sign-up at any of our events or through our website (www.aect.org/michapter).



Design & Development Showcase by Gayle V. Davidson-Shivers Do you have a unique design project or program that you’ve developed for training or education? If so, the D&D Showcase might be the perfect place to share it with AECT members! D&D Division invites you to submit a proposal to the D&D Showcase of Innovative Training and Educational Programs

Convention: AECT International Convention 2013, Anaheim, CA Oct. 29 –Nov. 2, 2013 Showcase Session Date: TBA Proposal Deadline is coming soon! February 15, 2013


This D&D Showcase is a special event to honor and allow developers to share quality programs for all Convention attendees to learn from and enjoy. We know that prospective and practicing instructional designers, training specialists and others seek examples of such select programs to enhance their ability to design effective learning experiences and develop different types of instructional materials and environments. The D&D Showcase will be open during regular session presentation times at the Convention (October 29 to November 2, 2013). Authors of selected programs will have an easel and table to display their poster and materials describing key components of the program (e.g., goal/intent, target learners, theoretical and research foundations, design and development process, team members, cost). At least one author/presenter per accepted program must registered for the AECT Convention and be present during the specified time of “Meet the D&D Showcase Authors/Teams.” The D&D Showcase session will be 2 to 3 hours event (including set-up time). For further details about how to submit a proposal, go to the Call for Proposals on the AECT website (www.aect.org) and open the Design Showcase link in Invitations.

The Design and Development (D&D) Division invites practitioners, faculty and students to showcase innovative training and educational programs that are grounded in theory and research. Hope to see many quality proposals submitted in The D&D Showcase plays an important role in the next few days! providing such examples as an exclusive event at the 2013 AECT International Convention this Regards, coming fall. Gayle V. Davidson-Shivers, PhD D&D Showcase Chair and Board Member AECT ELECTIONS ARE UNDERWAY

Design and Development has two positions opened for voting - VP of Communications and Division Board Member. Please review their bio statements and vote before March 17, 2013. http://aectorg.yourwebhosting.com/election/ !




IDPT Program Spotlight: A Virtual Visit to Franklin University by Joel Gardner, PhD Program Chair, Instructional Design and Performance Technology, Franklin University The Instructional Design and Performance Technology Program (IDPT) at Franklin University, based in Columbus Ohio, offers a Master’s of Science degree. Dr. Joel Gardner serves as the chair of the program and works with several instructional design faculty members across campus design, develop, and teach courses in the program. The courses in the program are also taught by several adjunct faculty members who are working professionals in the field of instructional design and human performance technology.

faculty members, and the majority of the courses are taught by adjunct faculty members. Every course in the IDPT program is designed with an online and a face-to-face version, and we use a centralized curriculum in which student course activities are standardized to help ensure quality experience for every student.

Our curriculum is designed to provide our students The Curriculum with a foundation of theory, and we provide Our program offers a unique blend of instructional students with multiple opportunities to apply that design and human performance technology to our theory. Students in several of our courses grapple students. In contrast to many instructional design with real-world design or performance problems programs, much of our curriculum teaches students that they bring from their own workplaces, which to approach performance problems from a more enhance student experiences and increases their holistic view. We work to create awareness that, in ability to transfer to their own work situations. addition to important instructional interventions, there are many different kinds of solutions to Our Students performance problems. For this reason, many of Our student population is largely composed of the courses focus on the effective analysis of root working professionals who already work in the causes of organizational performance problems, as field of training or development in some capacity. well as the design of appropriate solutions. All They work in many organization types, including IDPT courses are based on several of the standards corporate, government, and educational of the International Society for Performance environments. Most of our students are located in Improvement (ISPI). Franklin is a non-profit Central Ohio or surrounding areas, though we have organization with a unique structure and a several students across the United States. We are a centralized curriculum. Our structure is unique in teaching-focused institution, so the majority of that most programs have only one or two full-time student projects are application-oriented. !





Our Faculty Our faculty members are comprised of full-time instructional designers at Franklin and adjunct faculty members who work as Instructional Design and Performance professionals in industry. Instructional Design faculty members’ primary role at Franklin is to work with faculty members of the various departments across campus to develop dozens of Franklin courses in other programs at the university. Because these faculty members’ role is primarily the design and development of course materials, they have little time for research and are better defined as scholars of instructional design practice. These faculty members bring a set of experiences and knowledge that make them a valuable asset to the IDPT program. The adjunct faculty members hold a variety of roles including corporate leadership positions, training managers, and performance consultants. They also bring unique insights and experiences into the classroom and provide our learners with practical skills for improving learning and performance.

Our faculty members are members of many organizations, including ISPI, the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), and the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD).

Franklin University’s Instructional Design and Performance Technology http://www.franklin.edu/ msdegreeidpt

If you would like your program to be spotlighted in the D&D Division Newsletter send an e-mail to Anne Mendenhall at [email protected]

D&D Division is Seeking: Proposal Reviewers


Reviewers are asked to evaluate approximately four or five proposals. Proposals typically take about 15 minutes each to review.

Please e-mail Dirk Ifenthaler [email protected] the following information by February 10, 2013 with your response:

Dirk will send proposal assignments and instructions regarding how to conduct the reviews shortly after the proposal submission deadline as of February 15, 2013. Thank you very much in advance for your active participation -- it is an important way you can support AECT and D&D. If you've not been involved with D&D yet, this is the perfect way to begin.

Name: Email: Affiliation: Position: Earned degree: Expertise Area(s) or Preferred Topical Area(s) to





PacifiCorp Competition The Design and Development Division is hosting two informative webinars about the PacifiCorp competition. 1) STUDENTS: PacifiCorp Design Competition Webinar for students interested in creating a team. session on February 13th at 6:00 – 7:00pm MST, 8:00 – 9:00pm Eastern. During this Webinar we will present the PacifiCorp competition process and the 2013 design problem. We will respond to student’s questions about the problem and participation in the competition. We encourage those interested to join us. Register at ReadyTalk to attend the webinar: https://cc.readytalk.com/r/ 1j2c6aw132cf 2) FACULTY: PacifiCorp Design Competition Webinar for instructional design and development faculty. on February 19th at 9:00 – 10:00 MST, 11:00 – 12 noon Eastern. During this Webinar we will share information on the PacifiCorp design competition and how faculty can support their students to participate. In addition we will share how some departments have used the PacifiCorp design problems as solutions as case studies within their courses. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions. https://cc.readytalk.com/r/j1vj73yb787 For more information about the PacifiCorp competition and to download the problem statement visit the

Seeking Membership Input At the 2012 D&D Membership meeting, the D&D Board presented a potential revision to the Division’s Mission Statement. Many members provided valuable input during the meeting. However, it was agreed that additional discussion was needed to develop a well-aligned mission that reflected our current beliefs and practices. Therefore, the Board would elicit the attributes of the Mission Statement that best reflect the Division from the membership. A new Mission Statement will be proposed at the 2013 Conference. The D&D Division is also seeking your input on the D&D Division Bylaws. Forums have been setup for you to provide input on the D&D Division’s Mission Statement and the Bylaws. Please visit the D&D website and sign in to contribute:

