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Pilot project on support vessel “Condor”: use of alternative propulsion (hybrid). ✓ Use of low Sulphur fuel (0,001%). ✓ “Ecosailing”: o optimized fuel management ...
Reducing air emissions from inland shipping: a port authority’s perspective

Peter Van den dries Technical Manager Environment

Workshop «Emissions from the Legacy Fleet» 16 November 2011 - Amsterdam

The Port ofpolicy Antwerp today general framework Why air emissions from inland shipping? Portreducing of Antwerp Which can be applied? wastetools management in the Port of Antwerp Implementation in port of Antwerp

the Port of Antwerp today: some statistics • total area: 13.057 ha, 160 km quays • upstream river Scheldt, 80 kilometres inland from North sea  avoiding many truckloads being carried over the same distance

• 2010: handling 178,2 million tonnes of freight  2nd largest port in Europe

• 5,4 million m² warehouse capacity  by far the largest provider of storage of all European ports

• largest and most diversified petrochemical cluster in Europe  7 of the 10 largest chemical companies have one or more production sites

Maritime cargo transport 2010: 2011 (Jan-Sept):

178 million tonnes 142 million tonnes

Seagoing vessels 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000

number of calls

average GT per call

20 11

20 10

20 09

20 08

20 07

20 06

20 05

20 04

20 03

20 02

20 01

20 00


Inland navigation in Antwerp Jan-Sept 2011: 66,2 million tons 45.464 calls

Modal split Port of Antwerp - modal split

100% 90% 80% 70% road




inland waterways

40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1998


Antwerp Port Authority The Antwerp Port Authority: - autonomous body charged with the general operation of the Port - manages all infrastructure: – docks – bridges – locks – quays – land

- landlord port The private companies manage superstructure and operate the terminals

general policyair framework Why reducing emissions from inland Port of Antwerp shipping? waste management in the Port of Antwerp

Air quality Directive Directive 2008/50/EG on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe:  objective: defining and establishing objectives for ambient air quality in EU Member States

 “pollutant” = any substance likely to have harmful effects on human health an/or the environment  focus on: • SO2, NO2/NOx an CO • Benzene • PM and lead • Ozone and related NO and NO2

Air quality Directive Directive 2008/50/EG on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe:  Member States: air quality plans (incl. short term action)  Entry into force: 11 June 2010  Art. 22: • postponement of deadlines:  if in a certain zone limits cannot be achieved  5 years  air quality plan • exemption from obligation to apply certain limit values:  if in a certain zone limits cannot be achieved because of o o o

site-specific dispersion characteristics adverse climatic conditions transboundary contributions

 11 June 2011

Air quality plans  PM in Europe/Belgium:

 Flemish Government: postponement procedure for NOx and PM  Action plan: specific measures to be able to achieve limits in 2015

Action plan PM and NO2 for port and city of Antwerp Agreement between: • Flemish Government • City of Antwerp • Antwerp Port Authority Defining list of actions to reduce emissions of PM and NO2 Thematic approach: working groups • industry • storage and transfer of bulk cargo • heating of buildings • transport on land (road and rail) • transport via water (maritime transport as well as inland navigation)

general policy framework Which can be applied? Port oftools Antwerp waste management in the Port of Antwerp

Overview of tools to reduce air emissions from inland navigation International (EU): • Directives on engine performance (incl. emissions) • NAIADES program (2006-2013)

Regional (Belgium and Flemish Region): • “ecologiepremie”: subsidising environmentally friendly technology (industry in general) • subsidising “clean vessels” (incl. retrofit) for inland navigation o SCR / low-emission engine (CCR II – EUR Fase IIIa) / diesel particulate filter / tempomat • “3E agreement” 2009: agreement on (voluntary) quality label

Overview of tools to reduce air emissions from inland navigation Local (port of Antwerp): • on shore power supply • differentiated harbour dues for “green vessels” • better planning using AIS (Automatic Identification System) and BTS (Barge Traffic System) • promoting voluntary measures (“smart sailing”) • exemplary role port authority (own fleet: tugs, dredgers, supporting vessels, etc.)

Action Plan PM and NO2: tools also aiming at seagoing transport.

general policy framework Implementation Port of Antwerpin port of Antwerp waste management in the Port of Antwerp

Implementation in port of Antwerp So far:  On shore power supply  Exemplary role own fleet  Barge Traffic System (BTS) From 01/01/2013:  Differentiated port dues

On shore power supply for inland navigation • 25 supply points with 4 connections each • free of charge till 01/07/2012 • in combination with prohibition on the use of generators

On shore power supply for inland navigation


Exemplary role own fleet  Upgrade tugboats to CCR II (finalized)  Pilot project on support vessel “Condor”: use of alternative propulsion (hybrid)

 Use of low Sulphur fuel (0,001%)  “Ecosailing”: o optimized fuel management (real time Information on fuel consumption) o training crew  Continuous process…

Barge Traffic System  Exchange of information between logistic players  Embedded in overall port information system  Better planning of activities: • no queues at terminals • reduced air emissions

Differentiated port dues for inland navigation Under construction… • Reduced port dues for “green” vessels (cfr. ESI for seagoing vessels) • Different options:  implementation of existing labels (e.g. “Green Award”)  new Belgian/Flemish ecolabel?  single use or combination of specific criteria? (e.g. SCR? Upgraded engine? Diesel particulate filter?) Should be:  effective  transparent  easy to monitor

Conclusions: •

Reducing air emissions is important for Antwerp Port Authority

Already steps taken

Continuous process

Preferably: alignment with other ports

Thank you

New Harbour House Zaha Hadid Architects