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Volume 49, Number 3, Fall 2005, Pages 737–758. S 0019-2082. DE RHAM ...... cσµc∆([Q, t],x) = cσ(tQ + (1 − t)µ∆(x)) = (1 − t) · σµ∆(x). = (1 − t) · LcL. ˜σ(x) = (1 − t)[ ...
Illinois Journal of Mathematics Volume 49, Number 3, Fall 2005, Pages 737–758 S 0019-2082


Abstract. For a stratified pseudomanifold X, we have the de Rham ∗


Theorem Hp (X) = H∗ (X), for a perversity p verifying 0 ≤ p ≤ t, where t denotes the top perversity. We extend this result to any perversity p. In the direction cohomology 7→ homology, we obtain the isomorphism  ∗ t−p Hp (X) = H∗ X, Xp , where

Xp =



SS1 p(S1 ) t, we obtain the Lefschetz duality ∗ m−∗ H (X, ΣX ) = H (X − ΣX ) (cf. Proposition 3.2.3 and Remark 3.2.4).



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