... time at different temperatures. These times are defined from the moment the adhesive reaches cure temperature. In pr
DE215 Technical Data Sheet Jul.2008
DE215 Technical Data Sheet Product Description
Typical Properties of Cured Material
DE215 is halogen-free (with RHos standards) epoxy
Cured for 30 minutes @150℃
adhesive which used for surface mount device, especially
Physical Properties:
for kinds of syringe dot device(25,000~50,000PH).
According to the demand of which social effects of pollution
Glass Transition Temperature, Tg,
it is designed for use in Pb-Free soldering which require
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion,
high temperature.
ASTM D696,K-1
Typical Usage Put SMT chip printed on circuit board prior to wave soldering. It is especially suite the hot sensitive chips which require low temperature to cure.
Typical Properties of Uncured Material Chemical Type
Red Paste
Specific Gravity @25℃
Viscosity,5rpm,Pa.s @25℃
Thixo ratio
Particle Size,μm
Electrical Properties: Dielectric Constant / Loss, ASTMD 150 Dielectric Constant
Recommended Curing Condition
150℃,60Secs. (After the temperature of the base over 100 ℃). Rate of cure and final strength will depend on the
Volume Resistivity, ASTM D257, Ω.cm
≥2.1 x 1015
residence time at the cure temperature and the degree of
Surface Resistivity, ASTM D257,Ω
≥2.0 x 1015
the hot compensated to chip.
Electrolytic Strength, kV/mm
Recommended Curing Temperature Graph The following graph shows the rate of torque strength
Performance of Cured Material
developed with time at different temperatures. These times
Cured for 30minutes @150℃
are defined from the moment the adhesive reaches cure
Shear Strength on grid Blasted Mild Steel,
temperature. In practice, total oven time may be longer to
allow for heat up period.
Chip Type
Dispensing Quality
Adhesive Sterngth
Bond strength achieved in practice will vary considerably depending on the SMT chip type, adhesive dot size and shape, and the degree of cure and the type of the solder Document Number:DE-WI-R-048
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DE215 Technical Data Sheet Jul.2008
DE215 Technical Data Sheet cross contamination with other epoxy or acrylic adhesive by
ensuring dispense nozzles, adapters etc are thoroughly cleaned. Do not leave dirty nozzles on dispensing
Typical Environmental Resistance
equipment while not in use or soaking in solvents for long
Test method:
periods of time. The quantity of adhesive depending on the
Base material:
GEMS sheared sample
dispense pressure, time, nozzle size and temperature.
Cure method:
Cured for 30minutes @150℃
These parameters will vary depending on the type of dispensing system use and should be optimized accordingly. Dispensing temperature should ideally be controlled at a
HOT Strength
value between 30-38℃ for optimum results, and higher dispense temperatures are not recommended.
Storage Product shall be ideally stored in a cool, dry location in unopened containers at a temperature between 2°C to 10°C unless otherwise labeled. Adhesive stored in refrigerator must be come back to room temperature before it is used. To prevent contamination of unused product, do not return
Aged under temperature indicated
any material to its original container.
Resistance to Hot Solder Dip
If additional information is required, please contact Dover
In accordance with IPO SM817 ( standard, DE215
Technical Service Center.
passed the hot solder dip test and it is qualified.
Note General Information
All data accounted herein are for your reference only and are
This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a
believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user's responsibility to determine
sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials. For safe handling information on this product, consult the
suitability for the user's purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling
Usage Manual
and use thereof.
DE215 is supplied de-aerated in a range of ready- to-use syringes which fit straight into a variety of air pressure/time dispensing system commonly available. After storage in a refrigerator the adhesive must be allowed to equilibrate to room temperature before use, typically 24 hours. Avoid NOT FOR PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS THE TECHNICAL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS INTENDED AS REFERENCE ONLY Document Number:DE-WI-R-048
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