deaf manifesto - The Green Party

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We seek that British Sign Language (BSL) is recognized in law like Gaelic, ... in Parallel with BSL Act. We seek to prom
Deaf Green Party Manifesto

Green Party and D/deaf People

BSL (England & Wales) Act

We seek to promote D/deaf people in Green Party with full member democracy (you and everyone is very welcome to join!) We will work with and support Green Party Disability Group, Young Green, Green Party Women, LGBTIQ Green, and Greens of Colour.

We seek that British Sign Language (BSL) is recognized in law like Gaelic, Welsh and Cornish. BSL is a language used by more people than Gaelic, Welsh and Cornish. We recognise BSL is very important to removing many Deaf barriers in education, work, public services, and society. Improve Education for D/deaf Children and Adults We seek more support in and around education for D/deaf children and adults. We recognize “Inclusive Education” is working for only a few D/deaf people and we need to achieve better lifelong education and wellbeing for all D/deaf people. We seek free BSL education and courses for all. Improve Access to Work (ATW) We seek improvements to ATW to start helping D/deaf workers including increasing their budget. We recognize this has many direct and indirect benefits for wellbeing and society too. Access to Society We seek for D/deaf children and adults to be able to become more active in society. D/deaf Advocacy

May 2015

We seek the means for D/deaf people to have more confidence and hope in all aspects of their lives. We recognize the positive impact D/deaf advocacy has on D/deaf people.

Published and promoted by Simeon Hart for Deaf Green Party, both at 56-64 Leonard Street, Development House, London, EC2A 4LT

Communication Access Act in Parallel with BSL Act We seek to promote communication with D/deaf people. We recognize communication access is very important in life. We seek for all D/deaf people to have equal communication access, across the full range of Sign Language (tactile BSL and relay BSL), lipreading, hearing loop, palantyping, Easy Read, symbol system, audio, braille or any other communication access. Challenge and Strengthen the Equality Act We seek a strengthened Equality Act to better meet our needs and wellbeing of all D/deaf people. We recognize the current Act has not removed and introduced many barriers in public services including in education, local authorities, job centres, work, society, the NHS, and the police. Contact us Email: [email protected] Website:

© 2015 Deaf Green Party