May 14, 2017 - May 2017 at 7.30 pm in Garston. It would be great if we could get together a group to go and a chance to
May 2017 at
christ church moreton
Dear friends at Christchurch I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5 Anyone who is taking their discipleship seriously will want to see fruit produced in their lives, and this month we start both sermon and homegroup series’ which will focus on that. At our 9.00 am & 10.45 am services we will be following through the book of Acts, and seeing how it can help us answer “The Essential Question” – how can I make a difference for God? Each week there will be readings in the What’s On covering a section of Acts, then on the Sunday we will draw together what we’ve learnt during the week. The readings will start on Monday 15th May, with the sermon series beginning on 21st May. It is a great opportunity to share with one another what we are learning from God’s word, and to encourage one another in our discipleship. One way in which we can make a difference for God is by helping others find answers to their questions about God. Over the last year a group from church have been knocking on doors in our community to talk about our faith, and have had some tricky questions thrown at them! At our 6.30 services, starting on 21st May, we will look at some of those questions. This month our home-groups restart after the Easter break, and they will be looking at the fruit of the Spirit – seeing what the Bible tells us about how the Holy Spirit is at work to make us more like Jesus. We want to be fruitful disciples – and so we need to remember that Jesus said that unless we remain in him, we will never achieve anything. That means worship together, studying God’s word, and prayer are absolutely essential. This month also sees ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ – an initiative launched by our archbishops to encourage is to pray for others to come to know Jesus. There are more details inside – please get involved. Yours in Christ
Graham Cousins
Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ. What started out as an invitation from the Archbishops’ of Canterbury and York in 2016 to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer. Along with the other churches in Moreton, we want to be part of this great initiative. We will start and end with combined services, and then during the 10 days will have a variety of prayer times and activities. Some details are to be finalised, but do book the following: Thursday 25th May (Ascension Day) joint service to launch ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ – 7.30 pm at Moreton Methodist Church Sunday 4th June (Pentecost) – celebration service – 6.30 pm at Christ Church. “Thy Kingdom Come” is also being marked at Chester Cathedral. Each Deanery is invited to a service during the period – Graham will be leading a service for Wallasey Deanery on Friday 2nd June at 6.30 pm – anyone who is able to be there would be very welcome.
MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday 20th May 9.00 am
LADIES LUNCH Saturday 20th May 12.00 noon
CARE FOR THE FAMILY Rob Parsons and Katherine Hill are coming to our area with their parenting course – ‘parenting under 12’s – a survival guide’ it is on Thursday 25th May 2017 at 7.30 pm in Garston. It would be great if we could get together a group to go and a chance to bring our friends who also need this light-hearted evening with lots of tips and insights. Ticket cost £6
JEREMY’S ORDINATION TO PRIESTHOOD Jeremy will be ordained as a priest in a ceremony at Chester cathedral on 17th June (5pm). It will be a grand occasion, and it would be good to go along and support him as he makes his promises in front of bishops and the top brass in the diocese. Seating is limited, and we need to confirm numbers as soon as possible, so please sign the sheet at the back of church if you would like to go to the event. Those coming along are advised to try and get there by 4.30 if possible.
WORK PARTIES THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER We have these work party dates to pop into your diary. Please come along at 10.00 am on the following dates. May 20th, June 17th, July 15th, August 19th and September 16th
SERVICES AT CHRIST CHURCH THIS MONTH Sunday 7th May – 9.00 & 10.45 am The task ahead – Luke 24:36-49 6.30 pm Resurrection hope – 1 Peter 1:3-9 Sunday 14th May – 10.45 am Guest speaker Revd Chris Bray 1 Peter 2:2-10 & John 14:1-14 No 6.30 pm service Sunday 21st May – 9.00 & 10.45 am The church is born – Acts 1:1-11 6.30 pm – Doorstep question – “God was made up to give us hope”. Sunday 28th May – 9.00 & 10.45 am The church begins to grow – Acts 3:1-10 6.30 pm Doorstep question – Hell is here on earth
Regular weekly activities: Monday
9.30 am : Toddler Group
1.00 pm : TLC
9.30 am: Toddler Group 3.30 pm: S.O.S. 6.00 - 7.30 pm Foodbank
5.30 pm: Rainbows
9.45 am : Keep Fit 11.00 am : Keep Fit 1.00 pm : Craft Group 5.30 pm : Brownies
9.30 am : Mothers ‘n’ Others 2.00 - 3.30 pm Foodbank
All groups will be closed on the week of Monday 29th May except for Foodbank, Craft Group and Mother’s n others.