Dec 2, 2013 ... group of young ladies that either of us has ever worked with. ... Morgan Fenton,
Sierra Skotniski, Cyara Graham, and Allyson. Young.
Achieving Success Together!!
Dear Parents / Guardians: It is hard to believe that we are only three weeks away from Christmas Break!! Our Lions have been working diligently focusing on curriculum expectations and will be ready for a restful holiday soon! We are preparing for our Christmas Concerts. Our Primary students (ELP – 3) will be performing on Monday Dec 16th at 10am and at 6:30pm for families and friends. Please be sure to read the note from your child’s teacher outlining special requests. The Jr./Int. Concert will be on Wednesday Dec. 18th at 10am and 6:30pm for families and friends. We are looking forward to a festive, enjoyable holiday season! We would like to wish all of our McKay families and friends a holiday filled with love, peace and special moments together! 320 Fielden Ave Port Colborne, ON L3K 4T7 Phone: 905-834-4753 Fax: 905-834-1140
Reminder – All classes (Gr. 1 – 8) will be going to see “Oliver” on Dec. 17th. Please be sure to get your permission forms in ASAP. If you are wishing to attend Oliver, you may come and get this great price of $20, however, you will need to meet our group at the Scotia Centre.
P.S. Please check out our electronic calendar for updated events.
Book Fair A big thank you for your support with McKay's Book Fair. A special “Thanks” to our parents and student volunteers.
Remembrance Day at McKay On November 11th McKay staff and students took time to honour all who have defended Canada’s freedom in times of war and who continue to serve as peace keepers today. The entire school gathered in the gymnasium at 9am for a ceremony which included songs, readings and the laying of wreaths made by each class. Mrs. Grenier welcomed everyone and then an ensemble of intermediate students presented the song “Waving Flags” followed by the Primary choir singing “I Dream of the Day”. The grade 8 FI class recited the poem “Au Champ d’Honneur”. The Junior Choir sang “Amazing Grace” followed by two solos. Caitlyn Mac Innis sang “Hear You Me” and Skylar Van Helvert sang “Imagine”. Rowan Mikolic-O’Rourke played a trumpet solo before and after the observance of the Two Minute Silence. The service ended with everyone singing “O Canada”. After the assembly many of the Junior and Intermediate classes went to H.H. Knoll park to participate in the Legion’s Remembrance Day ceremony at the cenotaph. Sadie and Sarah Serabian laid a wreath on behalf of McKay School during the program. May we always take the time to remember all the men and women who have sacrificed so much to protect this great country of Canada.
We thank the Salvation Army for donating the beautiful tree in our front hall. Our McKay Lions can help show appreciation by donating a non perishable item and placing it in the bin in the front of our school. This will help many families throughout the holiday season! Thank you!!
Musically Speaking The McKay school choirs performed at the Port Colborne Hospital's Ribbon of Lights ceremony on Nov. 26. We were well represented with our choir members’ caroling Christmas songs to our audience. A list of our upcoming performances – Port Colborne Museum on Sunday, December 1st at 2:30pm during their “Grand Old Christmas” festival. Monday December 9th they will be performing at the Mayor’s office at 6:30pm. On Thursday December 12th at 9:30am they will be performing at Portal Village.
Our intermediate boys had a successful volleyball season winning first place in our league. The boys competed in the Port/Wainfleet tournament and came out with the Consolation Championship. Congratulations guys! Team members: Adam Fyfe, Kruze Ovenden, Troy Nichols, Blake Thompson, Blake Divinney, Isaac Cousineau, Devon Doolittle, Zakk Ruiter, Bruce Bryan, Caleb Pelletier, Sawyer Horvath and Nigel Lamb. McKay is proud of our boys! A big “Thanks” to Mr. Clarke for coaching the volleyball team.
The Mckay girls intermediate volleyball team had a fantastic season this year. In league play they finished first overall and lost only 2 matches out of 20! They finished first at the P.C.H.S. tournament winning every single match. They also did an excellent job at the D.S.B.N. tournament finishing fourth in their pool against some very tough competition. Miss Bomberry and I would like to thank each player for their dedication and hard work, and for being the most cooperative and sportmanslike group of young ladies that either of us has ever worked with. Congratulations girls, you made the school proud. Mr. Mitchell
On Friday, November 29th the Junior Girls Volleyball team came in 1st place at their tournament at Port Colborne High School. They played strong against Steele Street, Dewitt Carter, and Oakwood in the round robin games winning all matches. They played Oakwood in the semi-finals and moved on to the championship game against Dewitt Carter. In this final game the girls had to go to three games where they were able to come through with a big win. Way to go girls! Team members include: Cherilyn Augustine, Savannah Richardson, Abbey Rivers, Leslie Buck, Faith Ingebrigtsen, Jessica Minor, Abby Donofrio, Ashley Leggett, Irem Buric, Phoenix Norris, Morgan Fenton, Sierra Skotniski, Cyara Graham, and Allyson Young.
Mme Neville and Mme Gardiner took their grade 5/6FI and 6FI classes to the War Plane Museum in Hamilton on November 14th. Our classes had an opportunity to see one of the last bombers in the world, the Great Lancaster bomber. Students were involved with hands on experiments, regarding air and flight. We were fortunate enough to eat lunch under a bomber and sit inside a paratrooper drop plane. Thanks to all the students in the class as they showed great enthusiasm and respect representing McKay well in the community!
Me to We Club On Thursday October 31st, 22 students from McKay's Me to We Club participated in our 4th annual Halloween for Hunger food drive. Teams canvassed neighbourhoods around McKay and collected more nonperishable items than any other year!! All items were donated to Port Cares! Thank you to the McKay families who donated non-perishable items! We're making a difference in our local community!
Operation Christmas Child McKay once again participated in Operation Christmas Child. Through the generous donations of our McKay Lions, we were able to send 22 shoeboxes filled with toys, art supplies, hygiene items etc. to children around the world in need of a little Christmas cheer! We are making a difference in our global communities!
Student Council At the end of November, Student Council sold chocolate mustaches in honor of "Movember". Sales continue, and to this point, we have made over $350 to be donated to Prostate Cancer research. Way to go, Lions! A big thank you to Mrs. Hindrea for making our mustaches!! Student council has many exciting events planned for December: 1. The 10 Days of Giveaways Starting on Monday, December 2nd, students may purchase tickets for $2.00 to be entered into our 10 Days of Giveaways contest. By purchasing one ticket, students will automatically be entered in the draw for 10 prizes. Draws for prizes start on Friday, December 6th and will continue every day until the last day before Christmas break. 2. Candy Grams As in the past, student council will be selling candy grams. Sales start on Monday, December 2nd and will continue until December 18th. Candy grams will be sold for $1.00. 3. Shopping Days Student Council will be holding 2 shopping days: Thursday, December 12th and Friday, December 13th. Students will be able to come to the Learning Commons to purchase small gifts for friends and family for Christmas. Gifts will be wrapped and sent home with the students to be saved and handed out at Christmas. Items will range in price from $1.00 to $3.00. This is a great way for some of our younger students to purchase a special gift all on their own! 4. Turkey Dinner On Thursday, December 19th, Student Council will be hosting a turkey dinner in the gym at lunch. Students will be able to order a turkey dinner, complete with turkey, mashed potatoes, gravey etc. Students who wish to participate will fill out an order form (which will be coming home within the next week) and will have lunch in the gym on the last day of school. Cookies and hot chocolate will also be sold.
Physical Activity for Children Did you know that Canadian children/youth ages six to 19 spend an average of 8.6 hours per day, or 62 per cent of their waking hours, being sedentary? Here are some ways to help your children meet the recommended 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity each day: • Limit recreational screen time to no more than two hours per day • Encourage children and youth to play outdoors • Play outside with your children: • Go for walks, hikes, build snowmen, go tobogganing • Introduce your child to skates or skis so they can learn to slide • Play catching games using a wide range of soft objects For more information go to or
French Immersion Open House Online registration for Grade 1 and Grade 4 French Immersion for the 2014-2015 school year begins on Monday January 6, 2014. If you think you might be interested in having your child in French Immersion next year, please go to the DSBN website and register. We will be hosting an Information Open House on Wednesday January 22, 2014 from 6:30pm – 7:30pm. This meeting will be for current SK and current grade 3 families.
Mad Science, the world’s leading provider of educational and entertaining science programs for children is coming to McKay School. Their mission is to spark the imagination and curiosity of children everywhere by providing them with fun, entertaining and exciting activities that instil a clear understanding of what science is really all about and how it affects the world around them. They use exciting activities and spectacular demonstrations to capture the attention and imagination of children as we found out during our assembly. Both the students and teachers will be thrilled on Jan 8, 2014 at 11:15am when Mad Science comes to the school to do a Spectacular Science show. The assembly will be educational, entertaining and also the kick off to the Mad Science Club. The Club is a 6-week science enrichment program offered to the students. Students who join the science club will go on a voyage of discovery designed to support the Ontario Science and Technology curriculum. They will explore various topics in science including Watts Up, Under Pressure, Weather, Junior Reactors, Detective Science and the Glow Show. The Club will take place on Monday during first nutrition breaks, Jan 20, 27, Feb 3, 10, 24, Mar 3 from 10:30 AM - 11:10 AM. For those of you who have been in the Mad Science Club before, this is a brand new Club with never seen before experiments, new demonstrations and amazing new take home activities. Mad Science also performs Birthday Parties, Camps and Special Events. Give them a call at 905937-1878 and watch out for them in Malls, at Fairs, Festivals and Scouts and Guides.
We would like to thank Young Automotive Professionals for their generous donation for our Breakfast Club!!!!
We are proud to have such wonderful community support!!! Thank you
“Integrity” AWARD WINNERS Class
Mrs. Buck JK/SK
Lyla Rodrigue
Larrisa Yu
Daxen Simons
Mrs. Edwards JK/SK
Jacob Dafoe
Grant Haymes
Emerson De Freitas
Mrs. Tremblay JK/SK
Mya Goulet
McKenna Gardiner
Nevaeh Frayne
Mrs. Robinson Gr. 1
Sadie Olecka
Clifford Stillwell
Kevin Capecchi
Mrs. Rodrigue Gr. 2/3
Autumn Mooney
Sophia Clarke
Tristan Gullion
Mrs. Bidoski Gr. 2/3
Caitlyn Rowling
Mackenzie Andrews
Wyatt Jones
Mrs. Augustine & Mrs. Hamilton Gr. 4/5
Kaitlyn Scalzo
Kylie VanKralingen
Kayleigh Carter
Mr. Mitchell Gr. 6/7
James Tipper
Kaitlyn Chambers
Nanette Potts
Mr. Clarke Gr. 7/8
Zakk Ruiter
Kruze Ovenden
Adam Fyfe
Mme. Jones Gr. 1FI
Brody Marton
Dameyn Brixhe
Mme. Clarke Gr. 4FI
Rylee Clow
Nicholas Detenbeck
Phoenix Dezenosky
Mme. Suk Gr. 4FI2
Kamia Ndimande
Kaitlyn Blaicki
Benjamin Stansfield
Mr. Chaffart Gr. 5FI
Amelia Othman
Allyson Young
Athena Dezenosky
Mme. Gardiner Gr. 5/6FI
Hannah Smith
Megan Bartley
Nick Morrison
Mme. Neville Gr. 6FI
Reanna Dell
Grace Jacobi
Jacob Welch
Mme. Vanderlaan Gr. 7FI
Madison Thomas
Paige Kramer
Jesse James
Mme. Christie Gr. 7FI2
Jordyn Minor
Faith Dehghan
Jeffery Koiter
Mme. Walinga Gr.8FI
Kendell Perchaluk
Paige Taylor
Krista Dafoe