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Jul 1, 2013 ... forge a relationship for the NMI's Chateau Gardot Music Medicine. Program ( page 4). .... recording artist Melody Gardot, a former patient of ...
A monthly update from Thomas A. Cavalieri, DO, FACOI, FACP, AGSF, Dean

Volume 7, Number 10

October 2012

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff, We’re moving full-speed ahead as another month of the fall semester draws to a close. Read below to keep up with the happenings on the Stratford Campus.

TRANSITION UPDATE Each month, the Dean’s Enews will include a Transition Update as one of the ways to keep our faculty, students and staff informed about the activities leading to SOM’s anticipated integration into Rowan University on July 1, 2013. Our goal is to achieve a seamless transition. I am pleased to report that the structure and process to lead us toward that goal is now in place. The Transition Steering Committee, co-chaired by Ali A. Houshmand, PhD, President of Rowan, and Denise V. Rodgers, MD, Interim President of UMDNJ, was formed in August and held its third monthly meeting on October 19, 2012.  Additionally, 12 Integration Teams have been formed to guide specific areas of the transition. The 12 Integration Teams and their Co-Chairs are: 1. Academic and Educational Programs Co-Chairs: Dr. Russell Griesback, acting assistant dean for Education, SOM and Dr. James Newell, interim provost, Rowan 2. Student Services Co-Chairs:  Dr. Kathryn Lambert, acting assistant dean, Student Affairs, SOM and Mr. Richard Jones,  vice president for Student Life/Dean of Students, Rowan 3. Clinical Programs Co-Chairs:  Dr. Vincent DeRisio,  associate dean, Clinical Affairs, SOM and Dr. David Rubenstein, senior director for Student Wellness, Rowan 4. Research Issues Co-Chairs:  Dr. Carl Hock, associate dean, Research, SOM/senior associate dean, GSBS and Dr. Shreek Mandayam, associate provost for Research, Rowan 5. Advancement/Development Co-Chairs:  Mr. Jim Golubieski, president, NJ Health Foundation and Mr. R.J. Tallarida, Jr., associate vice president, University Advancement, Rowan 6 Human Resources/Labor Co-Chairs: Mr. Gerard Garcia, interim vice president, Human

Resources, UMDNJ and Mr. Robert Zazzali, vice president for Employee & Labor Relations, Rowan 7. Buildings and Assets (Including Facilities) Co-Chairs:  Mr. David Schulz, interim vice president, Administration, UMDNJ and Mr. Donald Moore, vice president, Facilities & Operations, Rowan 8. Financial Services Co-Chairs:  Ms. Denise Mulkern, chief financial officer, UMDNJ and Mr. Joseph Scully, vice president, Finance/CFO, Rowan 9. Information Services Co-Chairs: Ms. Denise Romano, chief information officer, UMDNJ and Mr. Jeff Hand, vice president, Strategic Enrollment Management, Rowan 10. Compliance Co-Chairs:  Mr. Raymond Braeunig, acting director, Privacy and senior compliance officer, UMDNJ and Ms. Christine Brasteter, senior director, Procurement, Rowan 11. Legal Co-Chairs:  Ms. Julie Kligerman, director, Legal Management, UMDNJ and Mr. Steven Weinstein, vice president, Government Relations/General Counsel, Rowan 12. Government Affairs/Communications Co-Chairs:  Ms. Vivian Lubin, chief operating officer, SOM and Dr.  Joe Cardona, interim vice president, University Relations, Rowan SOM’s welcome by Rowan has been warm and collegial. As well as the formal transition planning activities described above, the relationship has begun to blossom in other ways. For example, last month, Dr. Richard T. Jermyn, associate professor and chair, Rehabilitation Medicine and director, NeuroMusculoskeletal Institute (NMI) and three SOM staff members visited Rowan to forge a relationship for the NMI’s Chateau Gardot Music Medicine Program (page 4). They met with Dr. John R. Pastin, dean of the 1

College of Performing Arts and Dr. Rick Dammers, chair of the Department of Music, and toured the Music Department facilities in Wilson Hall. Rowan offers both undergraduate and master’s degrees in music, and its many resources can help to strengthen the new SOM program. Upon learning of several cases of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) on the Rowan Campus, Dr. Jacqueline Kaari, associate professor and acting chair of Pediatrics, who has experience dealing with Pertussis outbreaks, reached out to the Rowan student health service to lend her support. Both Dr. Houshmand and I encourage these types of interactions, which,

along with the more formal planning activities, will ensure a smooth transition for SOM into the Rowan family. Each Integration Team reports its progress to the Transition Steering Committee monthly. As recommendations emanate from the Integration Teams and are accepted by the Transition Steering Committee, they will be shared with the SOM community. An Integration Website hosted by Rowan University will be live in early November; we will let you know as soon as you can access it.  This vehicle is similar to the Joint Rutgers-UMDNJ Integration Website established several months ago.

SOM AT THE 2012 AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION (AOA) OSTEOPATHIC MEDICAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (OMED) The 117th American Osteopathic Association (AOA) Osteopathic Medical Conference and Exhibition (OMED) was held from October 7th to 11th in San Diego, CA. More than 8,000 practicing and retired DOs, residents, interns, students, researchers and others attended the conference, themed “Maximize Today, Prepare for Tomorrow.”

SOM unveiled an all-new exhibit at the conference, featuring the 162 members of the Class of 2016. The Dean’s Reception on October 9th celebrated the school’s legacy, as well as the accomplishments of Albert Talone, DO, who received the prestigious SOM Founders’ Award. Several faculty members

L-r: Eric Nagele ’15, Dean Cavalieri, Mitul Patel ’14, Anastasia Cruz ’15 and David Temmerand ’14 represent SOM during exhibit hall hours at AOA OMED 2012 in San Diego, CA.

SOM Founders’ Award winner Albert Talone, DO and Dean Cavalieri

SOM faculty, staff, alumni and friends gather at the Alumni Reception held on October 9th.


presented lectures, participated in panel discussions and represented SOM at meetings. Faculty, staff and students also gathered at the SOM student luncheon on October 7th. Throughout the conference, SOM was recognized for its achievements. Several Stratford-campus students, as well as a student’s spouse, were honored at the American Osteopathic Foundation reception on October 6th. Award recipients include: Samuel Master ’15 – Welch Scholars Grant Ijeoma Okeke ’15 – Rossnick Humanitarian Grant Michele Style ’14 – AOF Human Touch Student Leadership Project Razwana Wahdat ’14 – AOF Human Touch Student Leadership Project Emil Hristov, spouse of Angelina Hristov, DO ’12 – Donna Jones Moritsugu Memorial Award Marc A. Vengrove, DO – Excellence in Diabetes Care Award Julieanne P. Sees, DO – Outstanding Resident of the Year Award (Orthopaedic Residency) Also at OMED, two SOM students received awards in the poster competition. Eric Goldwaser ’15 received the first place award for

research for the poster entitled, “Analysis of the role of v99 in hermaphrodite development,” Eric Goldwaser ’15 with Ronald Ellis, PhD, Professor, Molecular Biology. Eric Nagele ’15 received the second place award in research for his poster entitled, “Autoantibody-induced endocytosis contributes to neuronal functional loss and amyloid deposition in Alzheimer’s disease brains”, Eric P. Nagele ’15; Min Han, MD, doctoral candidate; Nimish Acharya, BS; Cassandra DeMarshall, MS and Robert G. Nagele, PhD.

Karen and Christopher Zipp, DO ’02 catch up with Vincent J. DeRisio, DO, FCAP, MBA, associate professor of Pathology, associate dean for Clinical Affairs, and acting chair, Department of Surgery at the Alumni Reception on October 9th.

Eric Goldwaser ’15, first place research poster competition award winner

Eric Nagele ’15, second place research poster competition award winner

SOUTH JERSEY HEALTHCARE BECOMES MAJOR CLINICAL AFFILIATE South Jersey Healthcare (SJH), the major provider of care in southern Gloucester, Salem, and Cumberland counties, became a major clinical affiliate of SOM last month. This elevates SJH to the same status as Lourdes Health System, exceeded only by Kennedy University Hospital, SOM’s principal hospital. SJH has been a clinical affiliate of SOM since 2007. During the past five years, SJH has expanded the opportunities for clinical education of our undergraduate medical students. Presently, at any time, in addition to fourth-year students doing electives, 20 of our thirdyear students are at SJH, which now offers all four core clinical placements – internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics/gynecology and pediatrics.  Additionally, SJH launched a major new program

of graduate medical education under the SOM Osteopathic Postdoctoral Training Institution (OPTI), which, when fully implemented, will offer 100 slots in eight programs. The SJH system currently includes a state-of-the-art regional medical center in Vineland; a community hospital in Elmer; and comprehensive behavioral health, rehabilitation, dialysis, outpatient and emergency services in Bridgeton. SJH is finalizing a merger with Underwood Memorial Hospital in Woodbury, which will further strengthen its capacity, service area and market position. We are proud to welcome SJH as a more important partner, and look forward to the continued development of our relationship in the future. 3

MUSIC MEDICINE PROGRAM DEDICATED WITHIN THE NEUROMUSCULOSKELETAL INSTITUTE (NMI) On October 1st, the Chateau Gardot Music Medicine Program was officially dedicated, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its facilities within the Wellness Center of the NMI. Named for jazz singer, songwriter, musician and international recording artist Melody Gardot, a former patient of Richard T. Jermyn, DO, FAAPMR,

associate professor and chair, Rehabilitation Medicine and director, NMI, the program integrates music into the comprehensive, multi-disciplinary programs offered through the NMI to treat patients suffering from severe chronic pain, brain and spinal injuries, and other neuromusculoskeletal disorders. SOM

L to r: Drew Isleib ’14, student director of the Music Medicine Program, Dean Cavalieri, Richard Jermyn, DO, FAAPMR and Melody Gardot Paul Nolan of the Hahnemann Creative Arts in Therapy Program at Drexel University, Philadelphia, a collaborator on the Chateau Gardot Music Medicine Program, meets with musician and international recording artist Melody Gardot after the ribbon cutting ceremony.

students with musical talents, skills, experience and interest play a key role in the program, which also will educate physicians-in-training on how to use music as a treatment modality, and will conduct research on its efficacy. In addition to Ms. Gardot, honored guests at the event, sponsored by the Foundation of UMDNJ, included two representatives of the Swedish Personskade Forbundet RTP; the Chateau Gardot Music Medicine Program is supported by a grant from the Swedish Postcode Lottery. Other dignitaries included faculty from the two universities collaborating with the NMI on the program: Paul Nolan of the Hahnemann Creative Arts in Therapy Program at Drexel University, Philadelphia, and, from SOM’s new sponsor, Rowan University, John R. Ulla Carlsson and Agneta Ronnqvist, Pastin, dean of the College of visitors from The Swedish Association Performing Arts; Dr. Rick for Survivors of Accident and Injury, Dammers, chair of the speak with Richard T. Jermyn, DO, FAAPMR, associate professor and chair, Department of Music; and Rehabilitation Medicine and director, Marian Stieber, who heads the NMI at the Chateau Gardot Music Department’s Vocal Division. Medicine Program dedication on October 1st.

BIOMARKER DISCOVERY CENTER ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE FOR SUCCESSFUL AGING (NJISA) Recently, the Biomarker Discovery Center within the NJISA was officially designated an Inter-Departmental, School-wide Center of Excellence at SOM. The new Center will integrate resources across departments to amalgamate a critical mass of investigators, technical and support staff, and students currently conducting research related to biomarkers in such areas as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and autism. The Biomarker Discovery Center will advance basic science research, scholarly contributions, technology transfer, collaboration between research and clinical faculty, and educational opportunities for

graduate, medical and health professions students, thus achieving synergies that will improve SOM’s competitiveness for additional funding. The proposed home within NJISA provides the Biomarkers Discovery Center with an ideal platform, since the Institute already is a model of inter-professional, inter-departmental collaboration across its missions of education, research and service. The Center will be directed by Robert Nagele, PhD, professor of Medicine and Cell Biology, NJISA, under the leadership of Anita Chopra, MD, FACP, AGSF, CMD, professor of Medicine and director, NJISA.

Anita Chopra, MD, FACP, AGSF, CMD

Robert Nagele, PhD


FIRST ANNUAL OSTEOPATHIC PRE-MEDICAL STUDENT CONFERENCE CONVENES AT SOM SOM hosted over 300 undergraduate and graduate students and over 50 pre-medical advisors from colleges and universities from across the country at the first annual Osteopathic PreMedical Student Conference held on September 29th. The conference provided guests with an opportunity to learn more about osteopathic medicine, osteopathic medical schools and how to start a Pre-Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) chapter at their college or university. Sponsored by the SOM chapter of SOMA and the Admissions

Office, the day included information sessions, an osteopathic medical student Q & A panel, an osteopathic medical school admissions panel and recruitment fair. The guests also participated in OMM workshops sponsored by the OMM department, along with leadership and event planning workshops sponsored by the SOMA students. Antonios J. Tsompanidis DO, FACOFP, assistant professor of Family Medicine and director of Medical Education, Christ Hospital, Jersey City, a 1994 SOM graduate, was the keynote speaker. Also participating in the conference were Millicent Channell, DO, MA, FAAO, associate professor and acting chair, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM); Steven F. Rubin, DO, FACOFP, assistant professor, OMM; and Glenn D. Zielinski, DO, assistant professor and director of education, Psychiatry. Gina Moses, MEd, associate director of Application Services from the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) presented at the conference. Other osteopathic medical schools in attendance included Ohio Heritage University College of Osteopathic Medicine (COM), Lincoln Memorial DeBusk COM, AT Still COM, Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, University of New England COM, Midwestern University (CCOM and AZCOM), Philadelphia COM, Edward Via COM, and Campbell University COM.

Steven Rubin, DO, adjunct assistant professor, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM), NeuroMusculoskeletal Institute (NMI) demonstrates OMM techniques.

Over 350 people attended the first annual Osteopathic Pre-Medical Student Conference held at SOM on September 29th.


STUDENT OSTEOPATHIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (SOMA) CHAPTER NAMED CHAPTER OF THE MONTH Congratulations to SOM’s Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) for recently being named SOMA Region I ‘Chapter of the Month.’ The chapter was applauded for their Pre-SOMA advocacy, successful osteoblast and fundraiser for the Music Medicine Program, as well as a voter registration drive on campus and ‘What’s in a Doctor’s Bag?’ event at a local grade school.

Representatives from the SOM Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) attended national SOMA meetings while at AOA OMED 2012 in San Diego, CA.

UMDNJ CELEBRATES FINAL UNIVERSITY DAY On September 27th, UMDNJ held its 28th and final annual University Day, celebrating the academic excellence and legacy of the University. The University Medal was presented to New Jersey Assembly Speaker Sheila Y. Oliver. Interim President Denise V. Rodgers, MD, presented an address highlighting UMDNJ’s history and accomplishments. Martin A. Finkel, DO, FACOP, FAAP, professor of Pediatrics and director, Child Abuse Research, Education

and Service (CARES) Institute, was one of five faculty members University-wide inducted into the UMDNJ Stuart D. Cook, MD Master Educators’ Guild. Vincent J. DeRisio, DO, FCAP, MBA, associate professor of Pathology, associate dean for Clinical Affairs, and acting chair, Department of Surgery, was honored with the Interdisciplinary Excellence Award from the UMDNJ Student Senate. Vincent J. DeRisio, DO, FCAP, MBA

Martin A. Finkel, DO, FACOP, FAAP

FACULTY AND STAFF FLU SHOT CLINICS UNDERWAY All patient care professionals (staff and physicians) are strongly encouraged to get the flu vaccine this fall. Please take a few minutes to protect yourself, your patients, and your family, by getting your free flu shot! The first flu clinic in the Academic Center, held on October 11th, got our campus campaign to avoid the flu off to a good start; many more individuals than anticipated were immunized. Two additional flu clinics for faculty and staff will be available on November 5th and November 12th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm in the Atrium, Academic Center. Immediately following the flu clinic,

the Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) will be visiting the offices in the Science Center and the UEC to administer employee flu shots. Flu clinics for individual departments also can be arranged. If you are unable to get your shot during a clinic, you can visit the Employee Health Service (EHS) in the Department of Family Medicine, UDP 2100 on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 am to 1 pm (bring your UMDNJ ID badge). You also can make an appointment for a flu shot or schedule a flu clinic for your department by contacting Charise Emery in EHS at 856-566-6825 (6-6825). 6

Hortense Russell, DO gives an employee her flu shot.

GOLF CLASSIC On September 30th, a record 92 golfers enjoyed a day of golf at the Harbor Pines Golf Club in Egg Harbor City, NJ, at the Alumni Association's 15th Annual Golf Classic. The event raised more than $8,000 for student scholarship. The outing featured 18 holes of golf, an awards luncheon, team prizes, on-course contests and gifts for all participants.

The first place team for the 15th Annual UMDNJ-SOM Golf Classic, l-r: Mark McPherson, Kevin Wells '16, Vernon Wells and Cheryl Hart.

5TH ANNUAL STRATFORD FALL FESTIVAL SOM physicians, students and staff greeted area residents at the 5th Annual Stratford Fall Festival on Saturday, October 6th. The festival, hosted by the Stratford Business and Civic Association (SBCA), showcased area businesses and organizations, while promoting awareness about responsible citizenship. Festival attendees had the opportunity to “Ask the Doctor” as physicians from The University Doctors departments of Family Medicine and OB/GYN were available to provide answers. SOM students provided

L-r: Janki Kapadia ’16, Jacqueline Dash ’16 and Caitlyn Hale ’16 volunteer at the 5th Annual Stratford Fall Festival held on October 6th.

free blood pressure screenings and OMM demonstrations. UMDNJ Public Safety offered children free finger printing. The day’s festivities began with SOM students hosting a 5K Walk/Run for Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) to benefit Matthew Gagliardi, an 11-year-old Stratford resident suffering from the genetic disease. This is the second year the students organized the walk/run, with all proceeds benefiting Matthew and his family. The students raised more than $2,000 for the Matthew Gagliardi Fund.

Sgt. Bobby Fields, UMDNJ Public Safety Officer, fingerprints a young Stratford resident during the Stratford Fall Festival.

Andrew Vasta ’15 performs an Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT) demonstration on a fellow SOM student.

John Galezniak ’15 offers a community member a free blood pressure screening.

L-r: Regina Yu ’15, Laura Boulos ’15 and Yelena Smirnoya ’15.


L-r: Yelena Smirnova ’15, Regina Yu ’15, Laura Boulos ’15, Laura McGarry ’16 and Chet Jeurkar ’15

WALK THE ‘WALK’ WITH DEAN CAVALIERI – ROUND TWO The forecast on October 15th called for wind and spotty showers, so the second Walk the ‘Walk’ with Dean Cavalieri was moved indoors to the University Wellness Center track in the Academic Center. In addition to the indoor walking path, the University has designed outdoor walking paths on each campus. For more information on the Stratford paths, visit Walking is a form of exercise that is accessible to just about everyone and can help you achieve a number of important health benefits, including lowered blood pressure, weight management, increased fitness, reduced cholesterol and reduced type 2 diabetes risk. For maximum benefits, work your way up to 30 to 60 minutes a day within your target heart rate zone, most days of the week. Dean Cavalieri; Debra Butler, secretary, Dean’s Office; and Bernardine Jones, marketing coordinator, Marketing Department, understand the health benefits of walking.

CAMDEN COUNTY WOMEN’S HEALTH CONFERENCE The 13th Annual Women’s Health Conference sponsored by the Camden County Department of Health and Human Services was held on September 29th. More than 1,200 Camden County residents attended the event, at which SOM and The University Doctors provided free screenings and health information.

Participants enjoyed interactive workshops on topics such as wellness, financial planning, legal issues, achieving work/life balance and nutrition. Jennifer Caudle, DO, assistant professor, Family Medicine, presented “Understanding Fibromyalgia” at an afternoon workshop.


Geriatric Patient Care through an Inter-Professional Approach.” Students attending both programs will receive a certificate of completion. For more information, see:

Voting is a civic right and responsibility for all Americans. This year’s election is especially important as the nation will choose its president. For those of us in higher education in New Jersey, it also is important because the ballot contains as Question 1 the “Building our Future Bond Act.” The Building Our Future Bond Act establishes a referendum on the November ballot seeking public approval for a $750 million investment to fund higher education capital projects in New Jersey. The initiative maintains broad political support from legislative leadership of both parties and Governor Christie. The Act won nearly unanimous approval from both the Senate and the Assembly. For more information, see: We urge its support. Please remember to vote on November 6th!

INTER-PROFESSIONAL GRAND ROUNDS – NOVEMBER 13, 2012 This academic year’s Inter-Professional Grand Rounds series gets underway on Tuesday, November 13th, with a simulated case conference on “An Inter-Professional Approach to Care of a Child with Autism.” The event will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Academic Center from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. No pre-registration is required, and refreshments will be served after the program. The spring Inter-Professional Grand Rounds will focus on “Improving

GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT – NOVEMBER 15, 2012 Join us as we celebrate the first Stratford campus smoke-free Great American Smokeout on Thursday, November 15th. The American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout is held each November to encourage smokers to use the date to make a plan to quit, or to plan in advance and quit smoking that day. Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the date.

2012 WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S – NOVEMBER 17, 2012 The New Jersey Institute for Successful Aging (NJISA) and the SOM Geriatrics Student Club are co-sponsoring a team in the 2012 Walk to END Alzheimer’s—and they are asking you to join them! The team is open to all interested Stratford Campus faculty, staff, students, family members, and friends. TOUCH community service hours will be offered to students for participating in the walk. It will be on Saturday, November 17th at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia, PA; registration begins at 9:30 am, and the walk begins at 11:00 am. To participate, visit our team webpage &pg=team&fr_id=1586 –or contact Stephanie Pelullo at [email protected] or 856-566-7086.

My best regards,

Thomas A. Cavalieri, DO, FACOI, FACP, AGSF Dean 8