Page 1 of 3. CBS NEWS POLL. One-Third Call Gun Violence in America a Crisis. December 3-5, 2017. Q12. In general, do you
CBS NEWS POLL One-Third Call Gun Violence in America a Crisis December 3-5, 2017 Q12. In general, do you think laws covering the sale of guns should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now?
More strict Less strict Kept as they are Don't know/No answer
TOTAL RESPONDENTS Total Rep Dem % % % 57 29 83 7 10 2 33 57 14 2 3 1
Ind % 55 9 33 3
Q13. Do you favor or oppose a federal law requiring background checks on all potential gun buyers? Favor Oppose Don't know/No answer
92 7 1
88 10 2
96 4 *
91 8 1
Q14. Do you favor or oppose allowing more teachers and school officials to carry guns in schools? Favor Oppose Don't know/No answer
40 56 3
69 29 2
20 78 2
40 55 5
Q15. Do you favor or oppose a nationwide ban on assault weapons? Favor ban Oppose ban Don't know/No answer
49 48 3
38 57 4
65 34 2
44 53 3
Q16. Do you favor or oppose a ban on equipment such as bump stocks that can make a semi-automatic gun work more like an automatic gun? Favor ban Oppose ban Don't know/No answer
51 46 3
51 46 3
52 46 3
50 46 4
Q17. Please tell me whether you think each of the following would do a lot, some, not much, or nothing at all to help prevent gun violence? How about…? a.
Stricter gun laws
A lot Some Not much Nothing at all Don't know/No answer b.
61 25 7 5 2
76 16 4 3 *
65 22 5 8 1
39 33 17 10 2
44 36 10 8 1
38 31 21 8 2
37 33 18 11 1
Allowing more law-abiding citizens to carry guns in public
A lot Some Not much Nothing at all Don't know/No answer
68 21 5 5 1
More police and armed guards in public places such as schools and churches
A lot Some Not much Nothing at all Don't know/No answer d.
Ind % 39 18 16 26 1
Better mental health screening and treatment
A lot Some Not much Nothing at all Don't know/No answer c.
TOTAL RESPONDENTS Total Rep Dem % % % 41 14 63 19 19 19 16 24 9 24 42 8 1 1 1
29 22 17 30 2
46 28 10 14 2
16 17 23 44 1
29 23 17 30 2
Tougher sentences on criminals and gang members
A lot Some Not much Nothing at all Don't know/No answer
48 26 14 11 2
64 21 8 6 1
43 24 19 13 1
42 30 13 13 2
Q18. In general, do you think the level of gun violence in the U.S. is a crisis for the country, a very serious problem but not a crisis, a somewhat serious problem, or not much of a problem? TOTAL RESPONDENTS Total Rep Dem % % % 32 16 48 37 42 32 24 33 15 7 8 4 1 1 *
Crisis Very serious, not crisis Somewhat serious Not much of a problem Don't know/No answer
Ind % 29 38 25 8 1
Q19. How concerned are you about the threat of a mass shooting in the area where you live? Are you very concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned or not concerned at all? Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not very concerned Not concerned at all Don't know/No answer
21 27 29 23 *
8 24 40 27 1
32 32 24 13 *
20 26 27 27 -
Q20. Have recent mass shootings made you less likely to attend large public events these days, or not? Yes No Never attend large public events Don't Know/No answer
Total Respondents Total Republicans Total Democrats Total Independents