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Decay estimates of solutions for dissipative wave equations in. R. N with lower power nonlinearities. By Ryo Ikehata, Yasuaki Miyaoka and Takashi Nakatake.
J. Math. Soc. Japan Vol. 56, No. 2, 2004

Decay estimates of solutions for dissipative wave equations in R N with lower power nonlinearities By Ryo Ikehata, Yasuaki Miyaoka and Takashi Nakatake (Received Mar. 19, 2001) (Revised Oct. 3, 2002)

Abstract. Optimal energy decay estimates will be derived for weak solutions to the Cauchy problem in R N ðN ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ of dissipative wave equations, which have lower power nonlinearities juj p 1 u satisfying 1 þ 2=N < p a N=½N 2Šþ .



In this paper we are concerned with the following Cauchy problem in R N : utt ðt; xÞ

Duðt; xÞ þ ut ðt; xÞ ¼ juðt; xÞj p 1 uðt; xÞ; uð0; xÞ ¼ u 0 ðxÞ;

ðt; xÞ A ð0; yÞ  R N ;

ut ð0; xÞ ¼ u1 ðxÞ;

x A RN:

First let us introduce some notations used throughout this paper. Eu ðtÞ to the equation (1.1) is defined as follows:

ð1:1Þ ð1:2Þ

The total energy

1 1 Eu ðtÞ ¼ kut ðt; Þk 2 þ k‘uðt; Þk 2 ; 2 2 where in these cases, k  kq and k  kH 1 denote the usual L q ðR N Þ-norm and H 1 ðR N Þnorm, respectively. Furthermore we use k  k for k  k2 . For the Cauchy problem (1.1)–(1.2) in R N ðN b 1Þ with the usual nonlinearity: 1þ

4 N þ2 ap< ; N N 2


for the small initial data without L 1  L 1 assumption Nakao-Ono [13] has already derived the global existence of small weak solutions uðt; xÞ and the decay estimates: kuðt; Þk 2 a C;

Eu ðtÞ a Cð1 þ tÞ 1 :


Their argument is based on the so called (modified) potential well method combined with the energy method whose idea originally comes from Payne-Sattinger [15] and Sattinger [17]. On the other hand, in Kawashima-Nakao-Ono [5] (see also Matsumura [7]) they dealt with the Cauchy problem (1.1)–(1.2) in R N ðN b 1Þ with juðt; xÞj p 1 uðt; xÞ replaced 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 35L70; Secondary 35B33. Key Words and Phrases. semilinear wave equation, critical exponent, dissipation, Cauchy problem, optimal decay estimates.


R. Ikehata, Y. Miyaoka and T. Nakatake

by juðt; xÞj p 1 uðt; xÞ, and obtained the L p the framework of ‘‘higher’’ power (1.3): kuðt; Þk 2 a Cð1 þ tÞ

Nð1=r 1=2Þ


L q estimates of global weak solutions in

Eu ðtÞ a Cð1 þ tÞ

1 Nð1=r 1=2Þ


for a rather stronger assumption of the initial data: ðu 0 ; u1 Þ A ðH 1 ðR N Þ V L r ðR N ÞÞ  ðL 2 ðR N Þ V L r ðR N ÞÞ for r A ½1; 2Š. Their argument depends on the monotonicity of the nonlinearity. But, it is easy to see that the same result can be also derived for the non-monotone case of nonlinearity by combining the (modified) potential well method with the L p L q estimates for the linear equation of (1.1)–(1.2) with juðt; xÞj p 1 uðt; xÞ replaced by f ðt; xÞ. In any case the condition (1.3) plays an essential role in deriving the various decay or bounded estimates of solutions. For the other type of decay property for the linear and nonlinear problems, we refer the reader to Ikehata [3], Ikehata-Matsuyama [4], Mochizuki-Nakazawa [9], Saeki-Ikehata [16], Shibata [19], Zuazua [22] and the references therein. On the other hand, quite recently in [21] Todorova-Yordanov have already found the critical exponent 1 þ 2=N ðN b 1Þ to the Cauchy problem (1.1)–(1.2) under rather stronger assumptions on the initial data such as compactness of the support. The purpose of this paper is to relax the condition (1.3) to the lower power of nonlinearity: 1þ

2 4 < pa1 þ ; N N

and to derive the optimal decay estimates like (1.5) for small global solutions to the Cauchy problem (1.1)–(1.2) without compactness of the support of the initial data. Since we consider the small solutions, it seems di‰cult to relax below the condition (1.3) of the power because the nonlinearity is hard to vanish as t ! þy. In particular, in Li-Zhou [6] the small data blowup results to the Cauchy problem (1.1)–(1.2), which has the power 1 < p a 1 þ 2=N ðN ¼ 1; 2Þ have been already discussed. So our study will become a kind of interpolation of the power p between ð1; 1 þ 2=NŠ and ð1 þ 4=N; N=ðN 2ފ in the case when (at least) N ¼ 1; 2. Our idea is to combine the L p L q estimates in Kawashima-Nakao-Ono [5] and Matsumura [7] with the method in Ikehata [2] which has recently relaxed below the condition (1.3) to 1þ

6 N < pa ; N þ2 ½N 2Šþ

for the case when N ¼ 2; 3 concerning the exterior mixed problem of (1.1), where ½aŠþ ¼ maxfa; 0g. We do not rely on the potential well method as in [13] so that even in the ‘‘monotone’’ nonlinearity case we must restrict the size of the initial data su‰ciently small. Before introducing our results we shall impose the following assumptions:

Decay esitimates for wave equations

2 < p < þy; N

2 < pa




ðN ¼ 1; 2Þ; ðN ¼ 3Þ:


ð1:6Þ ð1:7Þ

Note that in the case when N ¼ 3 we see 1þ

2 3 1 6 4 N < þ 0 such that the problem (1.1)–(1.2) has a unique solution u A Cð½0; Tm Þ; H 1 ðR N ÞÞ V C 1 ð½0; Tm Þ; L 2 ðR N ÞÞ. If Tm < þy, then lim ½kuðt; Þk þ k‘uðt; Þk þ kut ðt; ÞkŠ ¼ þy:



R. Ikehata, Y. Miyaoka and T. Nakatake


Proof of Theorem 1.1.

In this section let us prove Theorem 1.1. For this aim we first prepare the following lemma, that is the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality. Lemma 2.1.

Let 1 a r < q a 2N=½N

2Šþ , 2 a q and N b 1.

kvkq a K 0 k‘vk y kvk1r y ; holds with some constant K 0 > 0 and   1 1 1 y¼ r q r

Then the inequality

v A H 1 ðR N Þ

1 1 þ 2 N


provided that 0 < y a 1. Now we shall consider the linear wave equation: vtt ðt; xÞ

Dvðt; xÞ þ vt ðt; xÞ ¼ 0;

vð0; xÞ ¼ v0 ðxÞ;

ðt; xÞ A ð0; yÞ  R N ; x A RN:

vt ð0; xÞ ¼ v1 ðxÞ;

ð2:1Þ ð2:2Þ

For this linear problem, in [5] and [7] the so called L p L q estimates of solutions have been already derived. Thus by using these L p L q estimates and the so called Duhamel principle we shall handle the semilinear problem (1.1)–(1.2). Set I1; v ¼ kv0 k þ kv0 k1 þ kv1 k þ kv1 k1 : Proposition 2.1 ([5, Proposition 3.2]). Let N b 1. Then for each ðv0 ; v1 Þ A ðH ðR N Þ V L 1 ðR N ÞÞ  ðL 2 ðR N Þ V L 1 ðR N ÞÞ, the solution v of (2.1)–(2.2) satisfies 1

kvðt; Þk 2 a CI1;2 v ð1 þ tÞ Proposition 2.2 ([7, Lemma 2]). Let N b 1. y C0 ðR N Þ, the solution v of (2.1)–(2.2) satisfies Ev ðtÞ a CI0;2 v ð1 þ tÞ



Then for each ðv0 ; v1 Þ A C0y ðR N Þ 

1 ðN=2Þ


So, based on these Propositions 2.1 and 2.2 we can derive the following total energy decay estimates to the weak solution of the linear problem (2.1)–(2.2). Proposition 2.3. Let N b 1. Then for each ðv0 ; v1 Þ A ðH 1 ðR N Þ V L 1 ðR N ÞÞ  ðL ðR N Þ V L 1 ðR N ÞÞ, the weak solution v A Cð½0; þyÞ; H 1 ðR N ÞÞ V C 1 ð½0; þyÞ; L 2 ðR N ÞÞ to the problem (2.1)–(2.2) has the decay estimates: 2

kvðt; Þk 2 a CI1;2 v ð1 þ tÞ Ev ðtÞ a CI0;2 v ð1 þ tÞ



1 ðN=2Þ


Proof. Since v0 A H 1 ðR N Þ V L 1 ðR N Þ and v1 A L 2 ðR N Þ V L 1 ðR N Þ can be approximated by smooth functions ffn g H C0y ðR N Þ and fcn g H C0y ðR N Þ satisfying


Decay esitimates for wave equations


v0 kH 1 þ kfn

v 0 k1 ! 0

ðn ! þyÞ;

v1 k þ kcn

v 1 k1 ! 0

ðn ! þyÞ;


the desired statement is rather standard.


Under these preparations we can prove Theorem 1.1. along the same way as in [2]. Proof of Theorem 1.1. H 1 ðR N Þ  L 2 ðR N Þ by

The proof will be done

First define a semigroup SðtÞ : H 1 ðR N Þ  L 2 ðR N Þ ! 

u0 SðtÞ : u1

 vðt; Þ ; 7! vt ðt; Þ

where vðt; Þ A Cð½0; þyÞ; H 1 ðR N ÞÞ V C 1 ð½0; þyÞ; L 2 ðR N ÞÞ is a unique solution to the ‘‘linear’’ problem (2.1)–(2.2). The following well-known inequalities are useful in order to derive some decay rate (see Segal [18]). Lemma 2.2. If b > 1 and h a b, then there exists a constant Cb; h > 0 depending only on b and h such that ðt ð1 þ t sÞ h ð1 þ sÞ b ds a Cb; h ð1 þ tÞ h 0

for all t b 0. In the following paragraph we set I0; u ¼ I0 for simplicity. Now we shall derive the decay property of a nonlinear problem (1.1)–(1.2). By a standard semigroup theory, the nonlinear problem (1.1)–(1.2) is rewritten as the integral equation: ðt UðtÞ ¼ SðtÞU0 þ Sðt sÞF ðsÞ ds; ð2:3Þ 0

     uðt; Þ u0 0 where UðtÞ ¼ , F ðsÞ ¼ , U0 ¼ with f ðuÞðxÞ ¼ juðxÞj p 1 uðxÞ. ut ðt; Þ u1 f ðuðs; ÞÞ We proceed our argument based on the way of Nakao [12] (the small data perturbation method). In order to show the global existence, it su‰ces to obtain the a priori estimates for Eu ðtÞ and kuðt; Þk in the interval of existence ½0; Tm Þ (see Proposition 1.1). As a result of Proposition 2.3, first one has 

Lemma 2.3.

Under the assumptions as in Theorem 1.1, we have kSðtÞU0 kE a CI0 ð1 þ tÞ

1=2 N=4

on ½0; Tm Þ, where we set   u k k ¼ kvk þ k‘uk: v E Furthermore, if


R. Ikehata, Y. Miyaoka and T. Nakatake

I ðsÞ ¼ k f ðuðs; ÞÞk þ k f ðuðs; ÞÞk1 < þy


for each s A ½0; tŠ with t A ½0; Tm Þ, then from Proposition 2.3 we have kSðt

sÞF ðsÞkE a CI ðsÞð1 þ t

1=2 N=4

Thus from (2.3) one can estimate UðtÞ as follows: ðt 1=2 N=4 kUðtÞkE a CI0 ð1 þ tÞ þ C ð1 þ t



1=2 N=4

I ðsÞ ds:



Take K > 0 so large (if necessary) such as kU0 kE < KI0 ;

ku 0 k < KI0 :

Because of the continuity of functions t 7! kUðtÞkE and t 7! kuðtÞk we assume that there exists a real number T A ð0; Tm Þ such that kUðtÞkE < KI0 ð1 þ tÞ




kuðtÞk < KI0 ð1 þ tÞ


on ½0; TÞ; ð2:7Þ

and kUðTÞkE ¼ KI0 ð1 þ TÞ




kuðTÞk ¼ KI0 ð1 þ TÞ




By Lemma 2.1 and the assumption (1.6) or (1.7) we have k f ðuðs; ÞÞk1 ¼ kuðt; Þkpp a K 0 kuðs; Þk pð1 with y1 ¼ Nðp

2Þ=2p A ð0; 1Š.

1Þ=2p A ð0; 1Š.

y2 Þ

k‘uðs; Þk py2

Therefore, as long as (2.7)–(2.8) holds one gets

k f ðuðs; ÞÞk1 a K 0 fKI0 ð1 þ sÞ

N=4 pð1 y1 Þ


pðy1 =2þN=4Þ

¼ K 0 K p I0p ð1 þ sÞ k f ðuðs; ÞÞk a K 0 fKI0 ð1 þ sÞ


pðy2 =2þN=4Þ

fKI0 ð1 þ sÞ

1=2 N=4 py1



N=4 pð1 y2 Þ

¼ K 0 K p I0p ð1 þ sÞ for s A ½0; T Š.

k‘uðs; Þk py1

Similarly one has

k f ðuðs; ÞÞk a K 0 kuðs; Þk pð1 with y2 ¼ Nðp

y1 Þ

fKI0 ð1 þ sÞ

1=2 N=4 py2



Here we set g1 ¼ pN=4 þ Nðp


g2 ¼ pN=4 þ Nðp


Summing up these calculations we have the following lemma, which shows the validity of the condition (2.4). Lemma 2.4.

As long as (2.7)–(2.8) hold on ½0; T Š we have k f ðuðt; ÞÞk1 a K 0 K p I0p ð1 þ tÞ



k f ðuðt; ÞÞk a K 0 K p I0p ð1 þ tÞ




Decay esitimates for wave equations

By applying Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4 to (2.3) we see that ðt 1=2 N=4 kUðtÞkE a CI0 ð1 þ tÞ þ C ð1 þ t sÞ 1=2 N=4 K 0 K p I0p fð1 þ sÞ 0

a CI0 ð1 þ tÞ

1=2 N=4


CK 0 K p I0p


ð1 þ t

1=2 N=4

ð1 þ sÞ



þ ð1 þ sÞ

g ds



Note that g1 > 1 because of the assumptions (1.6) or (1.7) and g1 < g2 . Lemma 2.2 and again (1.6) or (1.7) it follows that kUðtÞkE a CI0 ð1 þ tÞ


1=2 N=4

Thus from

1=2 N=4

þ CK 0 K p I0p ð1 þ tÞ

with some constant C > 0 independent of K and I0 (see also (1.8)).


Q0 ðI0 ; KÞ ¼ C þ CK 0 K p I0p 1 ; we get the following lemma. Lemma 2.5.

As long as (2.7)–(2.8) hold on ½0; T Š we get kUðtÞkE a I0 Q0 ðI0 ; KÞð1 þ tÞ

1=2 N=4


Next let us derive the L 2 -estimates for the local solution uðt; xÞ to the problem (1.1)–(1.2). Indeed, we have from (2.3) and Proposition 2.3 that ðt N=4 kuðt; Þk a CI0 ð1 þ tÞ þ C ð1 þ t sÞ N=4 I ðsÞ ds: 0

Therefore, it follows from Lemma 2.4 and the similar argument to Lemma 2.5 that ðt N=4 kuðt; Þk a CI0 ð1 þ tÞ þ C ð1 þ t sÞ N=4 K 0 K p I0p ½ð1 þ sÞ g1 þ ð1 þ sÞ g2 Š ds 0

a CI0 ð1 þ tÞ



CK 0 K p I0p


ð1 þ t


ð1 þ sÞ




with some constant C > 0 independent of K and I0 , where g1 > 1 because of (1.6) or (1.7). This together with Lemma 2.2 implies kuðt; Þk a CI0 ð1 þ tÞ


þ CK 0 K p I0p ð1 þ tÞ



Thus we have Lemma 2.6.

As long as (2.7)–(2.8) hold on ½0; T Š it follows that kuðt; Þk a I0 Q0 ðI0 ; KÞð1 þ tÞ



Take K > C further so large and take I0 so small such as CK 0 K p I0p


0 and I0 we have Q0 ðI0 ; KÞ < K:




R. Ikehata, Y. Miyaoka and T. Nakatake

Therefore, by combining this with Lemmas 2.5 and 2.6 we see that kUðtÞkE < KI0 ð1 þ tÞ

1=2 N=4

kuðt; Þk < KI0 ð1 þ tÞ



ð2:10Þ ð2:11Þ

on ½0; T Š, which yields a contradiction to (2.8). Thus the a priori estimates (2.10) and (2.11) hold on ½0; Tm Þ under the assumption (2.9). Because of Proposition 1.1 the local solution uðt; Þ exists globally in time and these estimates hold in fact for all t b 0. Taking e 0 ¼ ððK CÞ=CK 0 K p Þ 1=ð p 1Þ , the proof of Theorem 1.1 is now finished. r Acknowledgement. The first author would like to thank Dr. T. Matsuyama, Tokai Univ. and Dr. T. Kobayashi, Saga University, for their helpful comments. Furthermore, the authors would like to thank the referee for his useful suggestion.

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Ryo Ikehata

Yasuaki Miyaoka

Department of Mathematics Graduate School of Education Hiroshima University Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8524 Japan E-mail: [email protected]

Jyoˆsei Junior Highschool Matsuyama 790-0053 Japan

Takashi Nakatake Department of Mathematics Graduate School of Education Hiroshima University Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8524 Japan