December 2010 Newsletter -

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Powers will speak on his new release,. The Killing of Crazy Horse. This fascinating treatment of the Sioux and Crazy Horse is written by a local resident and ...

 Community Service Since 1907


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE One of the more interesting aspects of serving as President of the NWC is looking at who we are from the inside out. Looking from the outside, what I always saw was how each event ran smoothly, just like clockwork. What I see now, looking from the inside out, is how well oiled the machinery is that makes everything keep ticking. Behind the scenes, committees are always at work. As soon as the winter Nearly New Sale was over, Elaine and her group were holding their debriefing meeting to analyze the results and start planning to make the spring sale even better. This year’s Floribunda spring marketplace was envisioned as soon as last year’s successful event was concluded. Even though our membership numbers keep growing, Nancy Golder and Karen Woodward have been meeting to plan a strategy for attracting new and younger members. The museum trips, the book and author lunches, the holiday party, the summer concerts on the green don’t just happen. Every detail is planned in advance. But what makes the NWC so extraordinary is that while working so hard and so effectively, no one ever forgets to have fun on the way. I was reading a book recently and came across a saying that summed up our success so perfectly: “People rarely succeed at anything unless they have fun doing it.” For those of you who might have the time and the inclination to add an extra dimension of satisfaction and fun to your life, consider volunteering to help with one of our many projects. Watch our web page for more opportunities to get involved. We could always use help with the candidates’ forum, hospitality, town gardens publicity and more. I hope you all noticed our column in the Holiday issue of the Norwich Times. The new Members Directory looks beautiful and has a fascinating history of our Club. When you read it you see how far we have come. Happy Holidays to all! Arline

NWC Calendar Book Author Luncheon: Monday 2/7 11:30 am Norwich Inn Floribunda Gala: Friday 3/18 Tracy Hall Floribunda 3/19 &3/20 Tracy Hall Nearly New Spring Sale 4/29-5/1 Tracy Hall NWC Board Meetings: Mondays Norwich Public Library at 6:30pm 1/10/11 2/14/11 3/14/11 4/11/11 5/9/11 6/13/11



25‐ May

 Community Service Since 1907

DECEMBER 2010 Norwich Town Directory The new-improved-latest-up-to-date NWC town-wide telephone directory is coming soon (at March Town Meeting), and we're almost done! There are still a few more entries to be clarified, and I would 
 love to have a few volunteers (to spend 3-4 hours each) to help with soliciting for "bold face" 
 entries. We encourage businesses to be bold faced (pardon the language), as it helps underwrite 
 the cost of printing the book. If you know of new people in town, please do let me know! 
 Alison ([email protected]) 


Find Us on Facebook! The NWC has a new Facebook page -- check it out! You can find it by typing "Norwich Women's Club" into the search box at the top of your own Facebook page, or get to it from the NWC website at While you're there, make sure to click on that little "Like" button and add a comment if you so choose. Why have we set up a Facebook page? Well, there's no escaping the reality that social media are here to stay and that the younger generation of women whom we hope to reach are avid users. And, did you know that the fastest growing demographic on Facebook is Women Over 55! So, take the plunge...your kids and grandkids will be amused.

Norwich Town Directory The new-improved-latest-up-to-date NWC town-wide telephone directory is coming soon (at March Town Meeting), and we're almost done! There are still a few more entries to be clarified, and I would love to have a few volunteers (to spend 3-4 hours each) to help with soliciting for "bold face" entries. We encourage businesses to be bold faced (pardon the language), as it helps underwrite the cost of printing the book. If you know of new people in town, please do let me know! Alison May [email protected]

 Community Service Since 1907 

SAVE THE DATE /Reserve Now Book and Author Luncheon February 7, 2011 Norwich Inn --- 11:30 am lecture lunch to follow Following an outstanding review in the NYTIMES, Tom Powers will speak on his new release, The Killing of Crazy Horse

This fascinating treatment of the Sioux and Crazy Horse is written by a local resident and publisher of Steerforth Press. Masterfully told, Evan Thomas of the New York Times writes " Powers tells us much that is revealing and often moving about the Sioux in their last days as free warriors". This promises to be a sell out. We have 38 reservations already for 50 spots. To reserve a spot and/or send a check for payment please contact: [email protected] or call 649-8708 $28. For NWC members $33. For non-members. (You can join the Women's Club for $15.00-all are welcome regardless of town of residence.)

Announcing: The First ever Floribunda Marketplace Cocktail Gala! • We're going to show Norwich what an opening can look like! • We're going to party while we shop, till we drop, and bid on fabulous prizes, too! • Get ready. More info's coming, but save the date for Friday evening, M arch 18. • Plan on being part of this glamorous evening!

Summer Concerts Preliminary plans are underway to co-sponsor a concert with the Norwich Historical Society as a kickoff for Norwich's 250th celebration. The Upper Valley Community Band has agreed to play a concert on Friday, July 1, 2011. This will be part of the NWC's regular concert series. Plan ahead to attend.

April Andrews Rita Lajoie