December 2012 - BALAJI TEMPLE

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OM NAMO BHAGAVATE PANDURANGAYA. BALAJI VANI. Volume 6, Issue 6. December 2012. Mahalakshmi & Kubera Pooja Alankar. Makkan Alankaram for ...

BALAJI Volume 6, Issue 6

VANI December 2012 Hari OM

Mahalakshmi & Kubera Pooja Alankar

Atman is full of peace- by nature, i, the atman, am at peace. No misery or fear or stress or tension can disturb my tranquility. I am serene and imperturbable by any external force whatsoever. it is just that, I the atman do not know that I have such an infinite peacefulness and also the way to realize that peacefulness within myself.

The month of November started with Sankata Hara Chaturthi, prayers to Lord Ganesha.Two days before Deepavali marks the festival of Dhanteras. This falls on the thirteenth day of fortnight. The word ‘Dhan’ means wealth and ‘Tera’ means thirteen and hence ‘Dhanteras’. Swamiji performed puja to Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth to provide prosperity and well being on this day. On the same day, Dhanvantari pooja was performed for the god of Health. Dhanvantari, incarnation of Lord Vishnu according to Hindu mythology rose with Amrita (nectar) in his hands when Sagar manthan (Samudra) was being churned by devas and asuras using Mandara Mountain and serpent Vasuki. Dhanvantari puja is performed to remove one’s illness and enhance one’s well being. Kedareshwara vratam was performed on Nov13. Puja to Lord Shiva is performed for 21 days till Amavasya. Performing this vratam pleases Lord Kedareswara and blesses one with their desires. Deepavali was celebrated on the same day. Pooja to Goddess Mahalakshmi and Kubera were performed. When Lord Rama killed Ravana, the abductor of Sita mata and returned to his kingdom, the entire Ayodhya celebrated lighting diyas outside their homes. This marks the festival Deepavali or Diwali. Hindus all over the world celebrate the festival wearing new clothes, lighting diyas around home, bursting crackers, making and distributing sweets to friends and family. The month of Karthika is important for Lord Shanmuga. Skanda Sashti Vratam is observed beginning on the Pradama Thithi after Deepavali. The vratam is observed for six days. Devotees fast for six days, read scriptures like Skanda sashti kavacham, Bhujanga stotram and subrahmanya ashtakam to Lord Subramanya. The fast ends with the Thirukalyanam on sixth day, the day of Soorasamharam when Lord Karthikeya killed demon Surapadma (Tarakasura/Suyambu) with his ‘vel’ or lance. Whoever worships Lord Subrahmanya removes illness, gives good health. Whoever has kuja dosha, performing this vrata removes it and helps one get married. More about this is described in Skanda Purana. He taught many people about puranas and is believed to be the creator of Tamil language. 108 Kalasha Sri Satynarayana pooja and abhishem to Balaji, Lord Shiva was performed. Abhishekam to Vasavi devi matha was performed, devotees sang bhajans, brought in prasadam and shared with everyone.

Makkan Alankaram for Shri Hanuman


December 1st, Saturday Sankata hara Chaturthi



December 2 , Sunday Sri Ganesh Ga Kara Pooja

7:00 PM


December 6 , Thursday Guruvandana Pooja Mantra Pooja kalasha Aradhana Pooja


December 7th Friday Guru Vandana, NavagrahaPooja & Ekadasi Sri Mahalakshmi Abhishekam


Temple Timings On Weekends, open all day from 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM Monday through Friday, open from 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM and 4:00 to 9:00 PM Daily Puja & Aarti Morning Afternoon Evening

8:00 AM 12:30 PM 8:00 PM

Every Monday Rudrabhishekam (Shiva Puja)

7:00 PM

Every Tuesday Hanumanji Puja

7:00 PM

Every Wednesday Vishnu Sahastrinama Stotram

7:30 PM


December 8 Saturday 108 Kalasha Sri Satyanarayana Swami Pooja & Balaji kalasha Abhishekam


December 9th, Sunday Ekadasi Sri Ramanama Sankirtana

7:00 PM

December 10th , Monday Pradosham Sri Rudrabhishekam

6:30 PM

December 12th , Wednesday Amavasya Shiva Pooja


December 16th, Sunday Venkateswara Sahsranamavalli Pooja


Every Thursday Shri Sai Bhajans

Every Friday Santoshi Mata Puja 7:00 PM Lakshmi Puja, Lalitha Stotram & Mahaprasadam


Every Saturday Sri Venkateshwara Suprabhatam Seva & Vishnu Stotram

December 23rd Sunday Pradosham Sri Rudrabhishekam

6:30 PM

Every Sunday Yoga & Childrens class by Pushpa Dhar Bhajans, Puja & Aarti

December 25th, Tuesday Pradosham Sri Rudrabhishekam

5:30 PM

December 27th Thursday Poornima Satyanarayana Pooja

6:00 PM

Every Sankasthahara Chaturthi Sri Ganesha Puja Every Purnima Sri Satyanarayana Puja

December 31st Monday Sankata Hara Chaturthi

7:00 PM

Third Thursday of every month Vedic Anna Dana for India


December 22 , Saturday Sundar Khanda, 108 Sri Hanuman Chalisa & pot luck prasadam

7:30 PM

8:00 AM

11:00 AM 7:00 PM

7:00 PM 6:30 PM

OUR PURPOSE The purpose of Balaji Temple is to form a Hindu Temple and Vedic Cultural Center on the Peninsula in the heart of Silicon Valley where people can come together to study and worship, regardless of our different backgrounds. Our aim is to promote the feeling of universal love and unity among all people. We will share the ancient wisdom of the Vedas and the Upanishads (sacred texts of India) with individuals of all ages and backgrounds. We will celebrate the One Truth behind all religions: that God is One and in all of us. Our worship services are free and open to all who wish to celebrate with us. All are welcome.

BALAJI TEMPLE, 5004 N. First Street, San Jose CA 95002 PO Box 1146, Alviso, CA 95002 Ph. #: (408) 203-1036 or (408) 956-9050 Email: [email protected] Non-Profit Organization

Swamijis visiting from India at Balaji Temple