December 2013

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Dec 12, 2013 ... The Bully. Chomp. Guinness world records 2011. Gamer's edition. Bone : The Dragonslayer. Library Patrons. Cameron Barrett. Ryan Weisneck.
Volume 4 Issue 4

The Hurricane Herald Visit us online @

Southport Middle School Parent Newsletter

From the Principal’s Desk Dear Parents,

DATES TO REMEMBER:  Dec 4-5 Alice in Wonderland Jr. in-school show 2:30PM 

Dec 5- Alice in Wonderland Jr. Parent show 7PM

Dec 6- Alice in Wonderland Jr. Elementary show 10AM

Dec 10- Progress Reports

Dec 11– Science Night/ Science Fair 5:00—6:00PM

Dec 12-Moe’s Spirit Night Band Concert 7pm PSLHS

Dec 13– 18 Semester Exams

Dec 18 PTO 3:30PM SAC Meeting 4:15PM

Dec 19-20- Early Dismissal; Dec 20- PBS Holiday Hat Day PBS Poster Contest & Science Ice Cream Party

Dec 23—Jan 6 Winter Break

Jan 7– Students Return

Jan 8 End of 2nd 9 weeks

Inside this issue: World Kindness Movement


Thank You


Student of the Month


Media Top Ten




Winter Concert


Business Partners


SPMS Performing Arts


We have many exciting events happening this month including our Winter Band Concert, the dramatic performance of Alice in Wonderland Jr. and our Science Night. I hope you will join us to see our students shine and to participate in some exciting and interactive science activities. I would like to congratulate our Star Employees who will represent Southport Middle School at the Night of the Stars in February.

Teacher of the Year: Maureen Dakin Distinguished Minority Educator of the Year: "Coach" Kerry Parks

December 13: and Literacy December 16: December 17: December 18: Studies

School Related Employee of the Year: Eileen Kielbasa

I wish each and every one of you a healthy and joyous holiday season!

Looking ahead, please make sure your child is prepared for their semester exams which will take place December 13-18. Study guides will be provided to students.

Electives Math Science Social

Sincerely, Lydia Martin

SPMS Annual Science Fair Look out Bill Nye! On Wednesday, January 10th, beginning at 5:00 PM, Southport’s upcoming scientists will have their amazing projects on display in the cafeteria at our Annual Science Night and Fair. Each year the Science Department hosts this fun -filled event along with the Science Fair Project Exhibit. Students must be accompanied by an adult to attend. The entire Science Department looks forward to seeing everyone! Please come out and join us at 5 PM on December 11, 2013.

The Hurricane Herald

Southport World Kindness Movement

Homeroom classes supported the National Junior Honor Society’s efforts by donating gift boxes for needy children around the world. The gift boxes were filled with small toys and gifts for girls or boys. For the donation drive, homerooms that donated a gift box received a dress code pass to wear a school appropriate t-shirt . The poster for the World Kindness Day Wall was made by students to inspire school-wide random acts of kindness!

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” ~Aesop

“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

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World Kindness Day Wall

Thank you to all the Southport parents, students, faculty, and staff who joined us at the Regal Theater to attend our Southport family’s private screening of “Catching Fire”. The movie was outstanding! Everyone had a great time!

Thank you to all of the students who participated in running for Student Council Office positions. Congratulations to the winners!

Treasurer—Lisa Guan Secretary—Ruth Marquez Vice President—Titus Sirin President—Alexandra Barrios

Volume 4 Issue 4

A Round of Applause

Page 3

November Student of the Month Alejandro Echeverri

Emmanuela Tranquille

Kevin Haigler

Rebecca Gable

Alexander Muntianov

Georvany Nonnombre

Koroly Simpson

Rebecca Moore

Alexandria Perry

Gisselle Lozano

Malik Copeland

Rocco Watson

Analysse Gross

Hannah Tompkins

Megan Allen

Ryan Weisneck

Angela Shaw

Hayley Hopkins

Melissa Stone

Sydney Dundee

Angelica Ramos

Hilario Garcia

Nancy Bravo

Sydney Garcon

Autum Campbell

Jared Willis

Nicholas Kiswah

Taia Brooks

Briana Battle

Jayde Davidson

Nikolas Brooksbank

Vanessa Smith

Brianna Wayne

Jelisea McIntyre

Noah Matthews

Wander Monegro

Cynthia Ortiz-Oyola

Jonathan Golden

Priscilla Richmond

Yandel Valle Roman

Dominick Thompson

Kaitlyn Fiske

Quinn Colson

Yanira Rivera

Raisa Asim

Zoie Henry

Library Patrons

Titles The Hunger Games

Cameron Barrett Ryan Weisneck Daisy Garcia-Caxaj Tkai Ruffner Sarah Satawa Maliah Vanarsdale Autum Campbell Alvena Grant-Pulley Samuel T. Ladd Nicholas Carroll

PBS at Students who follow Southport’s PBS guidelines earn Cane Cash throughout the day. Cane cash is earned by students for demonstrating positive behavior during the school day or after-school event. When any staff member notices a student doing anything from a simple act of kindness to following procedures and rules in a classroom, hallway, cafeteria, or Media Center, students may receive Cane Cash. It can then be

Diary of a wimpy kid : Rodrick rules Captain Underpants and the perilous plot of Professor Poopypants : the fourth epic novel Diary of a wimpy kid : the last straw Diary of a wimpy kid : cabin fever Bone : Book 6 : old man's cave The Bully Chomp

Show Respect Practice Responsibility Make an Effort Stay Safe

Guinness world records 2011. Gamer's edition. Bone : The Dragonslayer

used to spend on rewards like this month’s in-school showing of Alice in Wonderland Jr. Students can attend the show on December 2nd or December 3rd, (depending on the team they are on) for $5 Cane Cash plus $3 real cash. There are always fun ways to spend your SPMS Cane Cash at Southport.

Winter Holiday Concert Southport Middle School's Winter Holiday Concert will be held at Port St. Lucie High School's auditorium this year! The concert will take place on December 12, 2013 at 7pm. Please don’t miss out on this great opportunity to support your students and enjoy their wonderful talents! It’s a great way to start off the holiday season!

Please Support All Our Local Business Partners THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!!

Jensen Beach Location

US 1 Port St. Lucie

Bridge Plaza Port St. Lucie

Southport Middle School Presents

Wednesday, December 4 – 2:30 PM 6th Grade, 7th Grade Hornets & Sharks Tickets = $3 + $5 Cane Cash

Thursday, December 5 – 2:30 PM 8th Grade, 7th Grade Panthers & Hawks Tickets = $3 + $5 Cane Cash

Thursday, December 5 – 7:00 PM

Tickets $5

“Alice in Wonderland, JR.” is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized materials are supplied by Music Theatre International, 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019