Dec 12, 2017 - 1.2GWh (Gigawatts-hour) of electricity to the national power grid annu- ally. Event details: .... Kit She
Jamestown Journal
Vol 26. No. 11.
[email protected]
Circulation 1600
Kelly Kelly Legal Shellie’s Shoes A large crowd braved the chilly conditions to welcome Santa to Jamestown on Sunday December 3rd. Many and varied floats led the man in red in a brightly coloured parade before stopping at the Magic Cave where he will be waiting to hear all the wishes for Christmas from young and not so young visitors to the magical setting in the basement of Glasgow House. Photos courtesy Clive Palmer Photography. All pageant float photos can be viewed and ordered at Goyders Line Medical
Santa arrives in Jamestown
84 Ayr Street Jamestown SA 5491 Office: 8664 1599 James Wardle: 0407 362 105
RLA 151074
James, Siobhan and Merryn wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Magic cave opening tiMes:
Monday - Friday 11am to 1pm & 2 - 4pm. Saturday 9.30 - 11.30am. Group bookings please contact Alysha on 0427 427 035 FOR RENT—28 HOUGHTON ST JAMESTOWN 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATHROOM—$270 PER WEEK •Master bedroom with r/c s/s a/c, ensuite & BIR •BIR & c/f to bed 2 & c/fs to remaining bedrooms •Dual living areas with lounge room to the front •Open plan kitchen/ dining/family with r/c s/s ac, near new electric stove with ceramic cook top, Bosch dishwasher and ample cupboard space •3 way bathroom and separate laundry with BIR •Undercover BBQ and entertaining area •2 car spaces out the front •Low maintenance easy care garden December 2017 - Page 1
Jamestown Journal
SPOTTED BY THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAL.....Premier Jay Weatherill near the Belalie Art Gallery, biding his time before travelling to the Big Battery opening at Hornsdale on Friday December 1. Even in Jamestown you can’t hide from the media!! Welcome to the world: Mylo Redden, son of Rachel and Sam Beau Lanie Hagger, daughter of Amie and Braden Luca Mae Hagger, daughter of Mel and Matt Condolences to the family and friends of Judith Matthews; August Zdanowicz and Arthur Hall
The Member for Stuart, Dan van Holst Pellekaan MP is pleased to advise that nominations for the 2017/18 Young Achievers Awards are now open. The search is on to give a “pat on the back” to all young achievers, up to and including 29 years of age as of 31 December 2017, through entry in the Channel 9 Young Achievers Awards. Mr van Holst Pellekaan is keen to see local young people who are achieving excellence or serving the community, nominated for the awards. “We have so many very talented and community minded young people in the Stuart electorate who deserve to be acknowledged for their efforts,” Mr van Holst Pellekaan said. “I encourage all community members to consider nominating a young person. These awards provide us with an opportunity to say thank you to our young people at a state level.” The Channel 9 Young Achiever Awards encourage, reward and most importantly promote the positive achievements of young South Australians.
Page 2 - December 2017
SPORT SA, SOUTH AUSTRALiAN COUNTRy ATHLETE OF THE yEAR Congratulations to Jamestown’s own Croquet star who added another award to his ever increasing collection by winning the Sport SA South Australian Country Athlete of the Year. Simon is pictured with Bruce McAvaney at the Awards presentation on November 24th. Simon is currently ranked 4th in Australia and 16th in the world and is looking forward to further competitions in the coming months. The winners will be announced at a Gala Awards Presentation on Friday, 11 May 2018. The winner of each of the 12 categories will be presented with a magnificent trophy, $1,000 from Axsys and a $1,000 Bartercard account. The ultimate winner, the Premier’s Channel 9 Young Achiever of the Year, will receive an additional $2,000 from Axsys, along with another $1,000 Bartercard account, a state trophy and a holiday package provided by Hilton Hotels. For nomination forms and further information visit or contact the awards office on 8132 0753 or
[email protected] Nominations close on Friday, 19 January 2018
Jamestown Journal
Lions Club of Jamestown presents
CAROLS IN THE PARK Sunday December 17th Memorial Park
Sausage sizzle, hot dogs, donuts, tea, coffee & soft drinks available for sale from 6.30pm.......come along and enjoy a community get-together in the Park! Carols & entertainment from 8pm. BYO chair, rug & torch
You may have noticed a new addition to the western end of Ayr Street. It is a thermometer gauging the progress of fundraising for the Jamestown Hospital Auxiliary & Mid North Health Advisory Council’s painting and modernisation project. Updated totals will be added to the sign as the donations increase and community members are encouraged to contribute whenever they are able. Contact Jamestown Hospital for more information. Also don’t forget that grain donations will be gratefully received by accessing the Jamestown Hospital Gift Fund Trust Card located at silos at Jamestown, Gladstone and Grain Flow at Crystal Brook.
MEN’S SHED: Thursdays 1-4 @ Irvine Street Jamestown
ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE Ph: 0488 902 136 or 0408 086 353
Jamestown Community School 2018 Receptions
Front L-R Odin Newell, Tanner Fleetwood; Second Row L-R Ruby Ramsdall, Thomas Daly, Klaudia Jacka, Tayla Trenorden; Third Row L-R Skyla Hunt, Kamryn Pycroft, Jake Hogan, Cameron Millane, Olivia Goodes, Ella Hammat, Alicia Hall, Kaylee Redpath December 2017 - Page 3
Jamestown Journal
The Gift Box would like to wish a safe and happy Christmas to our valued customers Thank you for your support, Jo and Nat
Page 4 - December 2017
Thank you to those who supported our recent Raffle. Prize winners were 1st Kaye Meaney 2nd Jan Wehrmann 3rd Bob Martin 4th Ashley Bateman and 5th Shirley Cornish Our last Meeting for 2017 is on Tuesday 28th November and is our Christmas Luncheon. Merry Christmas to the Jamestown Community. Looking forward to your support next year.
It is with pleasure that I share with the community the outcome of our recent assessment and rating visit. The process rates a service against the National Quality Standards and awards rating as either, significant improvement needed, working towards, meeting or exceeding the standards. We received a rating of “Exceeding.” This rating is a reflection of the commitment, dedication and collaborative manner that the staff team work on a daily basis. I congratulate staff, families and the wider community on receiving this rating and we should all be very proud of the centre we have created for our future generations and the continual improvement that we strive for. Thank you to each and every one of you, for supporting our service. Talking with the Assessor during the process, the strength of the community stood out. The rating reflects the high quality, innovative practice that we continue to provide. So very proud of the staff team. Vicki Reichelt, Director The Governing Council of Jamestown Community Children’s Centre would like to express their sincere thanks for the generous donation (financial and time), made by the following groups and individuals: Apex Club of Jamestown (financial contribution) Lions Club of Jamestown (financial contribution) Jamestown Men’s Shed (for making the fabulous Turbine replica) Jeff Rowe Transport (for transporting our sheep) Clayton Pycroft (for coordinating concreting) Parents and friends who helped out with installation at the working bee. Your donations and efforts, no matter how big or small, have contributed to a wonderful outcome for our Children’s Centre and is what makes our community so strong. There is more work underway so watch out for the next installation in the garden! Thank you! Jessie, Governing Council Rep
On Sunday October 29th, Dennis Pearce and son, Colin, visited Whyte Yarcowie so that Dennis could pay his respects to an uncle he never knew who had been killed in action during World War 1, exactly 100 years before. His uncle E.F. Pearce is one of two names engraved on the War Memorial in Main Street Whyte Yarcowie, erected after the 1914-1918 war. The other is W.A. Mitchell. These two Whyte Yarcowie identities being the two local lads who did not return from that war. Edward Franklin Pearce was born in Caltowie on 18th September 1893 but lived most of his life in his family home at ‘Hilvue’ Whyte Yarcowie. He was interred at Perth cemetery China Wall, near Ypres, Belgium following his death. Dennis spoke a few well chosen words and a wreath was laid. Their day concluded with a visit to ‘Hilvue’. Dennis has written a book titled, ‘From South Molton to the Antipodes - A Pearce Family History’ which was released to coincide with the 100th anniversary of his uncle’s passing.
Jamestown Journal
Hornsdale Wind Farm and Battery Celebration to Mark Completion of the Wind Farm and the World’s Largest Battery Storage Project
Neoen hosts local event as all three stages of the wind farm have been delivered
Neoen, one of Australia’s leading renewable energy producers, is marking the completion of the wind farm and the world’s largest lithium-ion battery project with a Hornsdale Wind Farm and Battery Community Celebration for Jamestown locals and families on Saturday 9th of December. Jamestown’s Ayr St will be closed to accommodate the free street party where residents can enjoy a complimentary sausage sizzle, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, live entertainment from local musicians and a range of fun activities for kids. During the official proceedings guests will learn more about this important development and a special panel will be unveiled to commemorate the Hornsdale Wind Farm built by Siemens with its more recent wind turbines technology, which is co-owned by John Laing Investment, and the Battery project, made possible through an historic partnership between Neoen, US sustainable energy company Tesla and the South Australian Government. In addition, a free shuttle bus will offer visitors return trips to and from the site of the Hornsdale Wind Farm and Battery to enjoy tours of the world’s largest battery, along with stunning district views and impressive wind turbines. Franck Woitiez, Managing Director at Neoen Australia, said the celebration is an homage to the community’s support during the development and construction of the Hornsdale project. “We could not have seen this very important project to completion without the backing of the local community, who have been integral to success,” Mr. Woitiez said “The project will continue to be a big part of the community now that it’s operational and we’re excited to celebrate this milestone with the local residents of Jamestown.” The Hornsdale Wind Farm and Battery is located 15km north of Jamestown. It was completed on the 1st of December 2017 and will provide 1.2GWh (Gigawatts-hour) of electricity to the national power grid annually. Event details: Date: Saturday, 9 December 2017 Time: 06:00 PM – 10:00 PM 7.00 PM – Speeches 7.30 PM – Live music Neoen was created in 2008 as a sustainable energy producer and has a solid track record in renewable energy. Neoen is the primary independent producer of renewable energy in France and since 2012, has expanded rapidly throughout Europe, Africa, America and Australia. In Australia, Neoen has invested more than $1b in renewable energy projects with 450 MW of renewables either operating or under construction and aims at reaching 1GW of assets by 2020. For more information see: www.
“your memory is our keepsake”
Memorial to Frank Pearce, Main Street, Whyte Yarcowie
R&SL & COMBINED SERVICES For all enquiries regarding RSL Combined Services Hall Hire please contact Val Hall 0429 060 747 or alternatively Jim 0409 099 959
On Sunday 5th November a special community ‘Remembering and Thanksgiving’ service was held to pray for our family and friends who have passed away. The service included a personal reflection, poems, scripture readings, symbols, prayers, songs, and quiet reflective time to remember loved ones. We are very thankful to Mrs Rosemary Lehmann who shared her own touching personal story of loss, grief and moving through this. Thank you to Yvonne Woidt and Kylie Kupke who provided music and singing for the service. Thank you also to Meredith Pammenter who worked with the Jamestown Interchurch Council to organise and facilitate the service. The service and afternoon tea was well attended by community members at the Wilkins Visitor Centre. December 2017 - Page 5
Jamestown Journal
Member for Stuart, Dan van Holst Pellekaan, is encouraging people to shop local this Christmas to provide a much needed boost to the local economy. Mr van Holst Pellekaan said spending money locally was more important than ever before. “South Australian businesses are facing many challenges at the moment, so every dollar we spend locally in the lead-up to Christmas helps,” he said. “We have fantastic businesses throughout our electorate stocking a wide range of products and offering great local service. “The positive impact of spending locally this Christmas should not be underestimated, particularly with the high unemployment rate and the need to create jobs. “Small businesses are the backbone of our State’s economy and every dollar a customer spends in a local business contributes to local employment. “I think it is vital that we support the people who support us and local businesses play an important role not only as employers but also very often as significant sponsors of important local community groups. “When you shop at locally owned stores, the money you spend stays within the community and shopping locally this Christmas will directly benefit you and your community into the future.”
The residents Christmas Party will be held on Friday 15 December in the café area and nearby gardens at Belalie Lodge. All residents and family members are invited from 2:00pm - 4:00pm. Father Christmas will visit for the residents. Come along and help to make this a fun day for all. We would love to know your Christmas day plans. If you are taking family members out for Christmas day, please let our office staff know which meals they will eat out. If you’d like to come to Belalie Lodge to share lunch with residents, please let our office staff know. Give us a call on 8664 1267 by 13 December to let us know your plans. This will assist catering staff to have adequate food and tables. The cost of lunch is $20 for non-residents for a three course meal which includes Turkey, Leg Ham & Christmas Pudding. From the Residents, Staff and Volunteers at Belalie Lodge – we wish you all the best for a joyful and safe Christmas. Geof Bowman, Residential Services Manager
The Northern Areas Seniors Tennis Group celebrated their 30th year of tennis with a luncheon held in the Jamestown Tennis Clubrooms on 19th November with 59 people enjoying lunch. The luncheon was catered for by the St James School Committee. Seniors Tennis started in late 1988 with a few matches played in the first season after Twink Sparks and Murray Twigden played at a Riverland Tennis Carnival and on the way home decided that perhaps a group could be formed in Jamestown. By the end of the first season there were 14 affiliated players. Fees were $15 each with $6 of that paid to SA Veterans Association. By the end of the 89/90 season there were over 40 affiliated players in the group. Twink Sparks, Murray Twigden and Trevor Hentschke were first office bearers. Many past players returned for the day to enjoy a chat, renew friendships, and remember many good times. People travelled from Victor Harbor, Pt Elliott, Clare, Kadina, Barossa Valley, Wilmington, Port Pirie and other areas. During the day current members played several rounds of doubles with winning players being Jenny Parish 31 points - Nett Hammatt 28. John perry 33 points - Andrew Noack 32. Currently Seniors Tennis commences in Mid October and continues through to late April, playing every fortnight on the Jamestown Courts. Some matches have been played in Clare and the last match of the season and windup is always played in Port Pirie. In May several teams return to Berri for the Riverland Seniors Tennis Teams Carnival. Page 6 - December 2017
Office located at 15 od5 road jamestown
PO Box 49 JAMESTOWN Phone: 08 86 640 660 Fax: 08 86 640 661 Email:
[email protected]
For All Your shed building Needs!
SHED BOSS Kit Sheds available or can be erected for your convenience
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Now providing plumbing services For the Mid North Contact us for all your plumbing needs Stocking CIGWELD Welding Supplies Welders & all Consumables in Stock
For all your steel & BUILDING needs call us for a quote today
Outlet for Fielders Centenary
Jamestown Journal
through private donations and sponsors and living in a rural community, you truly never know when you might need them. We certainly didn’t It is not something that I had given a thought to during our first preg- expect to use their services! They are a vital link in the chain of our medinancy and again with our third earlier this year, but we will forever be cal system and I cannot imagine the number of lives they have touched. grateful for the amazing service provided by the RFDS. In 2013 following a very trouble free pregnancy, we welcomed our beautiful baby girl, and our first child Harriet into the world via emergency caesarean, after what turned out to be quite a long labor. Our stubborn little baby (who continues to be so) did not want to be delivered!! As we were getting to know our little girl in recovery at Jamestown Hospital, the midwives noticed an abnormal amount of bleeding and I experienced a post-partum haemorrhage. I had a very tired uterus! The medical team in Jamestown quickly stabilized me through blood transfusions and arrangements were made for the Medstar retrieval team through the RFDS to take me to Flinders Hospital for further treatment. I remember the sense of relief that fell across the room when the team arrived in my hospital room, as it meant that the treatment I required was not too far away. A dedicated paediatric nurse cared for Harriet, who remained unfazed by the whole event, throughout the flight to Adelaide, while the Medstar doctors monitored and treated me. As a new mother, I was so grateful to be able to fly with my baby and also for the half an hour of sleep on the flight to Adelaide, knowing she Elli, Chris, Harriet and Teddy Stacey are very thankful for the care rewas in the best possible hands! I had a very uncomplicated recovery after ceived from the RFDS for their son and brother, Wilson receiving several more units of blood and spent 6 days being extremely well looked after by the midwives in the maternity unit at Flinders Hospital. Having flown in from the country, we may have received some extra special care. Chris still remembers the first few midwives who looked after Harriet when we arrived, to allow us some rest after what had been a long few days and nights. We returned home to Jamestown with a very healthy mum and baby, ready to start our lives as new parents. After an uncomplicated second pregnancy and delivery of our son TedThe photos of the Mayors of the Jamestown Corporation were hung in dy, it again, did not cross my mind that we may need the services of the RFDS with our third pregnancy. After a scheduled caesarean, and a very the Supper Room during the 1980’s. Several of the photos were damaged normal start to his life, it became apparent that our little boy, Wilson, had by the cooking conditions in the area. They were removed and taken to the Jamestown History Centre sevbegun labouring with his breathing. His grunting made for very little sleep for Chris, myself, or our midwife on his first night with us! By early the eral years ago. The Jamestown National Trust has repaired and cleaned following morning his fast, laboured breathing had not improved and he the photos. They now hanging across the back wall of the Town Hall. A BIG THANK YOU TO Clive Palmer, Merv Robinson, Val Brooks, Trevor was diagnosed with Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (or TTN). This meant he had not completely cleared the fluid from his little lungs had to and Kaye Bottrall for their work in returning these photos back to their work harder to make sure he was getting enough oxygen. The decision original home. was made that it was not improving quickly enough and he would need some oxygen support to help him out. He was placed in a humicrib in the Jamestown Hospital while we waited for the RFDS to bring the Medstar retrieval team to take Wilson to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. I was again grateful that I was able to travel with him and again, enjoyed a catnap in the air. This time, it was Will who was receiving the special attention throughout the flight, and an RFDS nurse sat with me and reassured me that he was doing ok in his mid-air humicrib. Will spent 5 days in the Special Care Baby Unit at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, receiving oxygen and temperature support in his humicrib, which his big brother and sister had nicknamed his cubby! This allowed him to rest and focus his attention on clearing the fluid from his lungs. Will was slowly acclimatized to the real world, moving from his humicrib to being in an open air cot with a small amount of oxygen through a nasal tube, and was finally brought to our room cord free for one night before we were discharged. After his dramatic start to life, Wilson is now a very happy and relaxed third child in our busy family of five. We cannot thank enough doctors Rowena Conway, Ben Abbott, Simon Jackson and James Walker, midwives Liz, Raelene and Belinda, the theatre nurses and staff at the Jamestown Hospital and the volunteer ambulance crew here in Jamestown for all they have done for our family. We would also thank the staff at Flinders Hospital maternity unit and the truly incredible doctors and nurses in the NICU and Special Care Unit at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Together with the RFDS nurses, pilots and Medstar doctors, they have given our family the best possible care and medical treatment. The RFDS make it possible for our local doctors, midwives and nurses to do their work, while knowing that we are not too far away from further medical treatment if required. I would encourage everyone to consider supporting the Royal Flying Doctors Service in any way they can. This service is funded entirely
December 2017 - Page 7
Jamestown Journal
A record 685 people attended the 2017 ball on October 21, coming from throughout SA and some from interstate to enjoy a night of dancing and socializing in Jamestown’s Big Shed. “The committee would like to thank everyone for coming and making it such an amazing evening,” Ram n Ewe chair Charlotte Burmester said. Charlotte said feedback about the 2017 event was again exceptional, with lots of great comments about the quality of the bands and the new wine bar. Charlotte also acknowledged the hard-working Ram n Ewe Committee, Apex Club of Jamestown, and local businesses who made it possible to put on such a big event. “The 2017 event has again been a huge financial success, with $20,000 in profits that will benefit the community and worthy charities,” Charlotte said. “We have already made a donation of $1000 to the Royal Flying Doctor Service and will announce a tender process in the new year for worthy projects that we can support.” We would like to extend a huge thank you to Jamestown Apex Club, Jamestown Lions Club, Jamestown & Districts RFDS Support Group, Kelly Kelly Legal, Tim Box, Railway Hotel, Commercial Hotel, Patrick Catford, Alysha Sparks, Jodi Thiselton, Chris Crawford, Tanya Kerslake, Kadina Apex Club, Magic FM, JPFNC, The Big Shed, Cate & Ross Pearce, RSL, Leesong Electrical, Trevor Schulz, Raelene Flannery, Les Haynes, Julie Kelly, Mel Kitschke, Damian Clarke, Kerin Landmark Rural, Redden Bros, Morgan’s Sawmill, CC Cooper & Co, Mid North Party Hire, Derringers, Brett Simpson, and Jenny Hillam (Northern Areas Council) as well as the local Police and CFS.
Anna Bottrall, Peta Caulfield, Hayley Walker and Kari Sims, all of Jamestown enjoyed their night out at the 2017 Ram ‘n’ Ewe Ball
Friday night Family BBQ @ Elsewhere Clay Target Club Jamestown Racecourse....$5 per head....all welcome! Above right: Wayne and Dianne Miller’s beautiful garden was the winning entry in the of the ‘Over the Fence’ large garden section and Anne & Paul Redden’s garden were the small garden winners of the Northern Highlands Soroptimist Rose & Flower Show. Page 8 - December 2017
The annual event was very successful with a record number of exhibitors and spectators. The show was opened by Alison Hobbs, Region President of Soroptimist International. Many patrons learnt how to prune roses from Peter Burton, one of our judges from the Rose Society of South Australia, while they enjoyed afternoon tea. In the winners circle were:Champion Rose:-Jim Nairn; Champion Cut Flower:-Deborah Dowling; Champion Arrangement:-Norma Clapp; Champion Pot Plant:-Deborah Dowling; Most Successful Exhibitor:-Ian Cullen The” Over the Fence” competition again attracted many entrants. Wayne and Dianne Miller won the Large Garden section followed by Aileen and Mervyn Robinson. Anne and Paul Redden were successful in the Small Garden section followed by Shirley Cox. The judges commented on the extremely high standard of the gardens, with the winning gardens separated by less than two points. Thank you to all exhibitors and helpers who made the show a pleasant successful event.
Northern Highlands Soroptimist have once again selected a worthy recipient for the Trish Noonan Travel Award. Louise Williams, eldest daughter of the late Trish Noonan presented the award to Isabelle O’Dea, on behalf of Northern Highlands Soroptimists recently. Isabelle, who was born in Jamestown, is the daughter of Catherine and Paul O’Dea of Clare. She flew to Sri Lanka last week as part of a team of ten students from Sacred Heart College who are working and teaching in Sri Lanka and India. We are looking forward to hearing about her experiences when she returns later in December. Northern Highlands Soroptimists would like to encourage girls aged 15-25 years who are considering travel to volunteer/assist or participate in studies related to women and children in a particular project and are able to meet the Award criteria. Anyone who would like to be considered for this award please contact Anne Redden (8664 0888) or Mary Clark (0439 840 220) for more information.
On October 31st Rebecca Cunningham and Carmen Janda from the Australian Red Cross - Port Pirie Regional Office, travelled to the Jamestown Community School to deliver the Pillowcase Project. The Pillowcase Project is an age appropriate and engaging way to educate junior primary children about the importance of disaster preparedness in a fun and constructive way. The 60 minute presentation included a discussion on the importance of being prepared, an activity to demonstrate how to prepare your mind for the feelings and emotions that may arise before, during and after an emergency, as well as an art activity, decorating personal emergency kits in the form of pillowcases. The Pillowcase Project and the conversations had during the sessions hopefully open up a conversation at home with parents, carers and friends about emergency preparedness. Both classes at the Jamestown Community School engaged well with the project and contributed to a very in-depth discussion. Rebecca and Carmen look forward to coming back to Jamestown in 2018! This year for our major fundraiser we are having a raffle where you will have the chance to win KitchenAid products. First prize is a KitchenAid Cook Processor valued at $1,999.00. Second Prize is a KitchenAid Stand Mixer valued at $879.00. Tickets are now available for $20.00 each, there are only 200 tickets in the draw so get in quick to secure a ticket for your chance to win!! The raffle will be drawn at our Red Cross Garden Trail on April 8th 2018. If you would like to purchase a ticket please contact Mary Hagger 0428 540 744 or Karen Heness 0417 838 206. We held our Red Cross Bowls night on Thursday 23rd of November. Although the weather was against us for the whole day, we did get out on the green and were able to play 2 games of 8 ends. We had 10 teams enter and a great night was had by all. We would like to thank the Jamestown Bowling Club for hosting our Tournament and Kelly Toyota, O’Leary Meats, Jamestown Meat Service, Railway Hotel and Commercial Hotel for their generous donations towards our prizes. Preparations have begun for our Red Cross Garden Trail which will be held on Sunday April 8th 2018. We are excited to see what the garden displays will be like in the Autumn. If you are interested in your garden being a part of the trail please contact Mary Hagger on 0428 540 711. The next Red Cross Meeting will be held on February 19th 2018 at 8pm in the Community Library. Any new members are welcome to attend.
Pillowcase project 2: L-R: Henry Crawford (year 4); Sally McKay (Year 5); Codi Benton (Year 5); Makaela Lockett (Year 5); Regan Hall (Year 5) decorating their pillowcases.
On Monday 13th November a group of people from Burundi began working at Morgan's Saw Mill, they were desperately needing some where to live for a month or so until they are able to move into a more permanent accommodation. A house was provided but without any furniture, of which these people had very little or none. A few posters were placed around town asking for help and with in twenty-four hours there was enough furniture given or loaned to fully equip the house for this group to move in on Monday 20th November.
Jamestown Journal
Ella and Chloe Hammat celebrating news of that Bundaleer Forest Picnic Ground has won $150,000 through the community-voted Fund My Neighbourhood funding program. Bundaleer Forest Picnic Ground’s $150,000 windfall in the communityvoted Fund My Neighbourhood initiative should be a catalyst for State Government to invest in public access to the site. That’s the word from Bundaleer Forest Community Areas Association chair Greg Boston, who said the funding will be used to create an amazing and diverse community and event space in the Picnic Ground. “We would really like to thank all those people in our neighbourhood who voted for the project, who like us, are so passionate about a bright future for this important recreational area,” he said. He said it was now up to State Government to secure long-term public access to the Picnic Ground. “At this stage we are still awaiting a formal response regarding funding from State Government to enable the Picnic Ground Precinct to remain open to the public following divestment of the Mid North Forests,” Greg said. “Our community cannot do anything at the Bundaleer Forest Picnic Ground unless State Government pledge adequate financial support to maintain this important local and State asset for the long term. “We have conveyed this message to government for three years now and they have made it very clear they want strong community and heritage outcomes. “It is time for State Government to step up and allocate funding to make sure there is a long-term future for the Picnic Ground.” Greg said the $150,000 would enable building of a community and event space that can be used for weddings, parties, health and well-being retreats, events and conferences. “It will also become a creative classroom for nature-based learning, and a tourist centre showcasing Bundaleer Forest’s proud history as the first Plantation Forest in Australia.” The BFCAA committee will commence planning for this project with a meeting on December 7th and will be seeking community support for this project. People interested in helping should contact Greg Boston, Mel Kitschke or Jessie Hammat with ideas or offers of support. Well done to the people who so kindly came to the rescue. A special thanks to Tracy, Anne, Chris, Alex, Norma, Jenny, The Hollows family, Dot and Gavin. Also thanks to Rob, Bruce and another Robert who helped gather up these goods and place it in the house to be ready by Monday night for these people. It was just great to see such kindness shown in this way and in such a short time. Anna, Norman, John and Bosco say thank you to the people of Jamestown. Margaret, Malcolm and Tracy. December 2017 - Page 9
Jamestown Journal
Held Monday the 23rd of October, the Spalding Woolshow received 35 fleeces across 4 classes. All fleeces were donated after the show and sold raising over $2400 for the Spalding Swimming Pool. The good hay baling conditions resulted in slightly lower than normal numbers at the event, however the presentation evening was an entertaining and good pre-harvest catch up for many in the Spalding farming community. The Spalding Fleece Judging Competition, in its 3rd year, resulted in a draw with the Graham Ashby Memorial Trophy awarded to Mary Hawker, North Bungaree and Rebecca Rowe, Princess Royal. Thank you and congratulations to all that entered the 2017 Spalding Wool Show. The weights of the fleeces this year were lower than they looked but of good quality resulting in good point scores in all classes. The late autumn break has been attributed with reducing growth rates and some weaknesses in the commercial fleeces. Thank you to Simon Seppelt, Quality Wool, for judging the fleeces again this year; Congratulations to the following fleece class winners; Fine Wool: • Points: 1st: Oakley Partners (84.5 points), 2nd: DM Scott and Co (84 points) – Prize provided by Quality Wool • Commercial Value: 1st: DM Scott and Co ($72.30), 2nd: Oakley Partners ($66.96) – Prize provided by Platinum Ag, Clare Medium Wool: • Points: 1st: G. Mullighan (87.5 points), 2nd: Stephenson Partners (84.5 points) – Prize provided by Quality Wool. • Commercial Value: 1st: G Mullighan ($98.49), 2nd: Stephenson Partners ($91.49) – Prize provided by Platinum Ag, Clare. Stud Ewes: • Points: 1st: Mulloorie (84 points), 2nd: GE Ashby and Sons (82 points) – Prize provided by Cox Rural, Clare • Commercial Value: 1st: GE Ashby and Sons ($94.38), 2nd: Mulloorie ($86.15) – Prize provided by Platinum Ag, Clare Stud Rams: • Points: 1st: GE Ashby and Sons (89.5 points), 2nd: GE Ashby and Sons (89 points) – Prize provided by Cox Rural, Clare • Commercial Value: 1st: GE Ashby and Sons ($161.83), 2nd: GE Ashby and Sons ($140.04) – Prize provided by Platinum Ag, Clare The generosity of our sponsors for the event is greatly appreciated. Thank you to Quality Wool, Platinum Ag Clare, Kerins Landmark Jamestown and Cox Rural Clare. Thank you to guest speaker Rebecca Rowe for providing a great insight into the current Princess Royal enterprise and the expansion due to begin construction soon. An interesting talk on an economic asset of the region. Thankyou to Lynette and Glen Hammat for their continued dedication in organising the wool show and to Pauline Stephenson and Rob Hammat for helping throughout the day.
Rebecca and Katherine Rowe, Princess Royal Burra with Glen Hammat, Oakley Partners, Spalding.
Page 10 - December 2017
The Jamestown Community Children's Centre held a successful first Colour Run on Saturday 18th Nov. at the Jamestown Racecourse. The weather was very kind to the almost 80 participants who indulged in the fun. It was amazing how many took on the full lap of the course, children as young as 3! Big thank you to everyone who supported the morning, it was great to see so many smiling faces, big and little. Although by the end of the run it was hard to recognise who was who! And there is talk of next year’s event already! Thank you to the Jamestown Racing Club for the use of the track, the Apex Club of Jamestown for the BBQ trailer and the wonderful members who tended the Sausage Sizzle, the colour throwers, the registration ladies and anyone else who helped us get it together. Thanks to Jamestown Foodland for a store voucher to purchase bottled water. Children who fundraised before the day received prizes for their effort (our highest raised $300) and all runners got a wrist band, bottle of water, ice block and a participation certificate. Luella and Sharon wish to thank everyone who supported the centre's fundraising events for the whole year. Hot X Bun drive, Body Shop Drive, Bulb orders, Town Garage Sale and Trading Table, Flamingo Flockings, Toy Catalogue Sales and the Colour Run.
Best wishes for Christmas and a happy, safe & prosperous New Year from all at Jamestown Pharmacy
Kerin Landmark Rural (KLR) is now actively promoting its new service “Echelon Precision Agriculture”. As a stand-alone offering (no agronomic support included), Echelon Precision Agriculture will be providing farmers a practical way of integrating Precision Agriculture into their farming business. Modern headers have the capacity to collect yield data from all harvested crops which can then be used in many ways to make better farming decisions that ultimately increase yield and profitability. Collecting accurate yield data is the first step in the process and almost everyone does it without thinking about it. This data is often collected and then safely stored in a drawer, but never processed. Echelon Precision Agriculture has the ability to unlock this information and put it to work. Examples of how historical yield data can be used include: • Creating paddock management zones for targeted soil and/or tissue testing • Combining multiple years of yield data to create management zones for fertiliser application • Creating Phosphorus replacement maps from the previous year’s harvest data • Ground truthing different yield zones across a paddock • Creating zones for variable Nitrogen application Other services offered by Echelon Precision Agriculture include the creation of zonal pH maps for variable rate lime application, zonal potassium maps for potash application or soil type maps for gypsum application. KLR will also work with the information provided by both the grower and the grower’s agronomist to ensure that all variable maps supplied are functional and tailored to crop type and fertiliser used. Echelon Precision Agriculture is a very flexible service that will suit everyone from the experienced PA user to the total novice and everyone in between. We tailor each offering to match the individual needs of the client that is being serviced to ensure a maximum return on their investment. For more information contact Joe Batten 0467 717 019 or Steve Richmond 0417 446 089
Jamestown Journal
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Friday night Family BBQ @ Elsewhere Clay Target Club Jamestown Racecourse....$5 per head....all welcome!
30 - 50% off Summer Fashion
BIRTHDAY SALE 1 week only 7th ~ 14th December
43 Ayr Street Jamestown 8664 1431 December 2017 - Page 11
Jamestown Journal
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Shellie’s Shoes
Wishing all our clients a happy & safe Christmas & New Year
ph 8664 1035
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Rob, Shelley and staff
Jamestown Community Library Management Group, extend best wishes to all for a happy, healthy and safe Christmas and 2018 Phone 8664 1992 Mobile 0427 641 992
Season’s Greetings to all for a safe, healthy and prosperous 2018
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Ian & Jenny Mid North at Page 12 - December 2017
wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year ‘There’s no worries with the team from Murrays’ Ant, Leanne, Chris, Gary, Sally, Catherine and James
Gavin, Brian, Paul & Staff extend Best Wishes for Christmas and 2018
59 Ayr Street, Jamestown
ph: 8664 1014
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from John, Linda & Staff at Jamestown Newsagency Season’s Greetings from Deb, Paul & staff at Rynnes Home Hardware & Sports
Jamestown Journal
Christine’s Christmas Decorations will bring our library to life.
Please make the time to call in to see the amazing Christmas decorations in the library. Once again Christine Coggins will be decorating the library with her amazing creations to make our Christmas special. We really appreciate the time, effort and dedication of Christine and her husband Gary who create a wonderland of Christmas cheer and spirit. Please bring family and friends to see what they have created.. Josie and Marie would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. Thank you to our support staff and volunteers for their effort during the year helping to make the library the wonderful service that it is.
JAMESTOWN COMMUNiTy LiBRARy SCHOOL HOLiDAy LiBRARy OPENiNG TiMES 2016/2017 Merry Christmas Everyone and have a fantastic New Year Library closed for lunch each day 1:00pm to 1:30pm MON 18th DEC CLOSED TUE 19th DEC 9am to 1pm 1.30pm to 5pm WED 20th DEC 9am to 1pm 1.30pm to 5pm THURS 21st DEC 9am to 1pm 1.30pm to 5pm FRI 22nd DEC 9am to 1pm CLOSED at 1pm MON TUES WED THURS FRI
25th 26th 27th 28th 29th
1st JAN 2nd JAN 3rd JAN 4th JAN 5th JAN
CLOSED 9am to 9am to 9am to 9am to
1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm
1.30pm 1.30pm 1.30pm 1.30pm
to to to to
5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm
8th JAN 9th JAN 10th JAN 11th JAN 12th JAN
CLOSED 9am to 9am to 9am to 9am to
1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm
1.30pm 1.30pm 1.30pm 1.30pm
to to to to
5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm
15th 16th 17th 18th 19th
CLOSED 9am to 9am to 9am to 9am to
1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm
1.30pm 1.30pm 1.30pm 1.30pm
to to to to
5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm
22nd JAN 23rd JAN 24th JAN 25th JAN 26th JAN
CLOSED CLOSED to replace carpet CLOSED to replace carpet 9am to 1pm 1.30pm to 5pm CLOSED PUBLIC HOLIDAY
30th JAN
School returns, normal opening times
NEW BOOKS - HOLiDAy READiNG Fiction Come rain or shine / Tricia Stringer, Compulsion / Alex Kava, End game / David Baldacci, Every breath you take / Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke, The family lawyer : thrillers / James Patterson with Robert Rotstein, Christopher Charles, and Rachel Howzell Hall, From the stars above / Peter Watt, In the midst of winter : a novel / Isabel Allende ; translated by Nick Caistor and Amanda Hopkinson, Kings of Australia / Emma Darcy, The midnight line : a Jack Reacher novel / Lee Child, The other family / Joanna Trollope, The red coast / Di Morrissey, Saffron Lane / Anna Jacobs, Six ways to Sunday / Karly Lane, Suddenly one summer / Fleur McDonald, The tea gardens / Fiona McIntosh, Twenty-one days / Anne Perry. Audio book Hard news / Jeffrey Deaver ; read by Tanya Eby. Large Print Along country roads / Mandy Magro, Beneath the skin / Melissa James, It’s never too late [large print] / Wendy Kremer, Land of golden wattle / J.H. Fletcher, The midnight line / Lee Child, The plainsman / Steve Hayes and Ben Bridges. Non Fiction The capsule wardrobe : 1,000 outfits from 30 pieces / Wendy Mak, Murray-Darling journeys : two hundred years of significant rowing and paddling journeys on the rivers of the Murray-Darling basin : 1817 to 2016 / Angela Bremers, Mike Bremers, South Australia on the eve of war / edited by Melanie Oppenheimer, Margaret Anderson and Mandy Paul. DVD’s Churchill, The dam busters / directed by Michael Anderson ; screenplay by R.C. Sherriff.
STORy TiME/RHyME TiME CHRiSTMAS SPECiAL FRiDAy 8TH DECEMBER 9.30AM As part of our Christmas activities for Story Time we ask that families bring donations of non perishable food to be wrapped by the children and collected for The Uniting Care Wesley, Port Pirie, Christmas Fund. Our donations will be distributed to families in need at Christmas. LIBRARY CLOSURE WHILE LAYING NEW CARPET We will be closing on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th January 2018 to have new carpet laid. Please come and borrow as much as you want for the holidays by the 19th of January and return it after the shelves have been shifted and the carpet laid. EXTREME WEATHER Our library is an ideal place to be during extreme weather events, both hot and cold. The air conditioning is on while we are open with public toilet facilities, comfortable lounge chairs and free computer and internet access for patrons over 18 years of age.
December 2017 - Page 13
Jamestown Journal
Walkington’s Insurance Agencies Season’s Greetings from Ann, David, Tricia & staff
Chris, Mary & Fiona wish everyone all the best for Christmas and a safe, happy, healthy & prosperous New Year
Webb’s Tyre Service Seasons Greetings We wish you compliments of the season and thankyou for your business during the past year. Keep safe over the holidays. Cockburn Rd Jamestown Ph: 8664 1328
Best wishes for Christmas and 2018 from Bev at Belalie Flowers 42 Irvine Street Jamestown
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year Jamestown Licensed Post Office
• Billpay • Passports • Licenses • Banking - all banks and Credit Unions • Pre-paid Phones • Gifting Hampers, Flowers & Magazine Subscriptions • Giftware • Post Boxes available 5 Irvine Street, Jamestown Ph: (08) 8664 1206
Mac, Bev & Staff thank all their customers over the past year and wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and New Year and a healthy, prosperous 2018.
Season’s Greetings to all from Jane at iDesign Interior Styling 42 Irvine Street Jamestown
‘Wishing everyone a safe & happy Festive Season’ 8664 1511
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our valued customers and to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & a Happy and Prosperous New Year Ph: 8664 0660 15 OD5 Road, Jamestown
Page 14 - December 2017
CLOSED FROM 11.30am Dec 23rd to 10am January 3rd
Jamestown Journal
from us all
Metal 91x50x12.5 cm
Wooden Serving Spoons $35
Purses and Wallets from $24.95 Bear includes a special fabric bookmark with message Some times you can feel so small in a great big world. Sometimes you might feel like a giant who can climb any beanstalk! However you are feeling, I want you to know how important YOU are. Whenever you need ...a little comfort, a little safe, a little brave just whisper in my ear and hold me tight. I’ll be hear for you.
Large metal & wood clock $139
Giving Bear $49.95
Round metal Plant Holders from $40
Canvas’ from $60
LOTS of stunning Jewellery – Gold & Silver Wooden Frame $20
Wooden Cutting Boards $28
Great range of Homewares
Loads of new gifts and jewellery! Free gift wrapping Gift Vouchers available December 2017 - Page 15
Jamestown Journal
A hand-painted sign for Premier Jay Weatherill was placed strategically on his route to Hornsdale for the Big Battery official opening. Mr Weatherill was also handed a formal written invitation from Bundaleer Forest Community Areas Chair Greg Boston.
Page 16 - December 2017
Leith Cooper was recently recognised for 50 years of service to Victoria Park in Jamestown. Leith was an inaugural committee member of what was then known as the Victoria Park Trust when it was setup in 1967. At the time the community were pushing hard to turf the oval, which saw the establishment of the committee. A well known local cricketer at the time, Leith and other local players from Jamestown would play Inter Association matches at places such as Spalding and Orroroo who enjoyed turfed ovals at the time and saw the need for Jamestown to improve its facilities. The committee not only helped oversee that project, but have had involvement in many others in the five decades since. Projects such as the relocation of the netball courts in the 1960’s, multiple irrigation upgrades, the addition of several community sporting club houses, establishment of the grandstand, new toilets and changing rooms, right through to the establishment of the Regional Sport Stadium just over a decade ago have helped establish Victoria Park in Jamestown as one of the premier regional sporting hubs in South Australia. Leith has also served the local show society for many decades and continues to do so to this day. He is a wealth of knowledge for the various groups who operate from Victoria Park and accordingly Management Committee Chairman Andrew Stacey recently presented Leith with a plaque in recognition of his incredible service.
The Jamestown & District RFDS Support Group held their AGM on November 1st at the Railway Hotel as a dinner meeting. It was very well attended, and all positions were easily filled. President - Rick Kelly, VicePresident - Jeff Rowe, Secretary - Liz Kelly, Assistant Secretary - Rosalie Dibben and Treasurer - Phil Dibben. Committee members - Kelly & Bernie Kelly, Kari Sims, Ellie Stacey, Megan Rowe, Nick Redden, Deb Davis, Deb McCarthy, Michelle Noonan, Peta Caulfield and Katryna Amey. Special guest for the evening was Anthea Rice, Fundraising Manager at the RFDS. 2018 is the 90th Anniversary of the RFDs, and they have many events planned to celebrate this, including a Regional Tour, new merchandise and promotional items, and the ‘Wings for Life’ Ball. Anthea outlined some RFDS news and also informed the group that in 2016-2017 there were 62 landings in Jamestown and 45 in Peterborough, highlighting just how important this service is within our community. At the end of her talk, Rick Kelly and Phil Dibben presented a cheque for $35,000, the result of your much-appreciated support of our fundraising over the past 12 months. Anthea accepted on behalf of the RFDS, with many thanks. The RFDS Simulator will once again be at the Jamestown Christmas Pageant, part of the parade, then will be parked in the median strip where you will be able to have a look through the ‘plane’, and get an idea of how ill passengers are transported. Memberships are now due, $10 per person per year, and may be given to any Committee Member. Becoming a Financial Member is one way you can support our fundraising for the RFDS. Each month we aim to have a story in the Jamestown Journal, where a ‘local’ shares their experience, so if you would like to share yours contact Liz Kelly. We also have a Facebook page to keep you informed of our activities. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone, we look forward to your support in 2018.
The Jamestown Show Committee would like to express a huge thank you to everyone that supported the 2017 Jamestown Show. It was a fantastic weekend and the new 2-day format was a massive success. We were blessed with beautiful weather both days and a stunning evening for our goods and services auction, and firework display, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Our gate entry figures show that we had the biggest show since 2013. $16,575 was raised through the Auction & Raffle, for which we would like to thank Mick Walkington & Lynnie Wehrmann for making this happen, as well as of course all the generous locals who donated items. These funds will go a long way to ensuring the Show continues for many years to come and only gets bigger and better. The new Sunday night program was very popular and takings at the Roundhouse were the highest we have seen for many years. The profits from the roundhouse are split evenly between Apex, Lions, the Hospital & the Show Society. Jamestown Community School, St James School and the Jamestown Childcare Centre put on a fantastic display of work in Stacey Pavillion. The Show Society is pleased to donate $560 back to the schools & childcare centre as a thank you for their hard work. Planning for another 2-day show in 2018 is already underway and we welcome new committee members to join in on the fun.
[email protected] for more information or come along to our next meeting on Wednesday 21st February at 8pm at the Jamestown History Centre. If you are not already a member of the show please consider signing up for a membership to support your local show and ensure it continues for future generations. A membership form can be found on our website - Once again, thank you to everyone who attended, exhibited, volunteered and supported the 2017 Jamestown Show, without you all it would not be possible to put on such a fantastic event.
Jamestown Journal
WW1 Soldier Remembered Another World War I soldier was remembered at the Mannanarie Hall on the 9th of October to mark the centenary of his death. William Neil was 33 years old when he was killed in action in Belgium. Neil, a labourer, was born at Tarcowie, the son of John and Jane (nee Short). His siblings were Mrs Margaret Brereton of Mannanarie and Mr J Neil of Jamestown. He enrolled on the 11th of February 1916 and sailed for England on the 28th of August 1916, eventually arriving in France on the 6th of April 1917. William Neil has no known grave; his name is inscribed on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial in Belgium. Arthur Hall The funeral of Mr Arthur Hall took place at the Mannanarie Hall on the 20th of November. Arthur’s great-grandfather, Thomas Henry Hall, was one of the first farmers to take up land at Mannanarie in 1872. Arthur was the son of Syd and Ruby (nee Robinson), attended Mannanarie School and farmed at Mannanarie. His uncle, Thomas Henry Hall, was killed in World War 1 and is remembered in the Hall’s memorial windows. The Mannanarie community extends its sympathy to Tricie Hall and children Ashley, Ann and Nick. Mannanarie Community Tea The Mannanarie Community tea will be held at the Mannanarie Hall on Sunday the 7th of January 2018 from 6.30 pm. It is a pooled tea and anyone interested in attending is welcome. Automatic Weather Station An automatic weather station has been installed at Mannanarie. Live data, including temperatures, wind direction and speed, relative humidity and delta T values can be viewed on the website$2/weather. html The website also has a Harvest Fire Danger Index rating so farmers can keep an eye on local conditions during harvest time.
Alex Hathaway, our Club Speaker, briefly told us his life story, being born in Sydney, and becoming a jackaroo at Longreach after completing his schooling. He enjoyed the outdoor lifestyle, especially horse-breaking, mustering, rough riding, riding and racing. Horse-riding was his favourite pastime, and he also played polo. He travelled overseas, visiting many parts of Europe and Afghanistan, and on his return he became Overseer at McCoys Well, north-east of Peterborough. Alex was married to Janet for 40 years, and he has now retired in Jamestown. He continues to work with horses while assisting with Riding for the Disabled in Port Pirie. Our Guest Speaker, Colin Struck from Port Augusta, has had a varied life, working for the Railways, Defence Department at El Alemein near Port Augusta, owning retail shops, teaching, and is now an oyster farmer, which he considers to be an interesting life-style although it involves a lot of work. Colin has an Oyster Lease to farm oysters anywhere in South Australia. He farms 2 hectares, having set up a small area for lines with the best water flow. Mesh baskets or pots are attached to posts. The spat (baby oysters) stick to the pots and grow. It takes approximately 2 years for spat to reach “plate size”. He sells his oysters privately, and grows approximately 300,000 each year. Colin also demonstrated how to open oyster shells with his shucking knife. His tip for people who don’t like oysters, but could learn to like them – sprinkle the oyster with lemon and white pepper, eat bread first, then the oyster, then more bread! He has also been a State tennis player, who played in the annual Port Augusta tournament for many years, at Memorial Drive in Adelaide, and all around Australia, including once in Jamestown. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, 6th February 2018, 10.00am at the Commercial Hotel, and visitors or prospective members are very welcome. Season’s Greetings to everyone.
December 2017 - Page 17
Jamestown Journal
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor It seems that some person was able to create the story that $270,000 of state government funds was being injected into the Jamestown hospital because of the lithium-ion battery project in the local area. It is remarkable that both the government and Mr Musk has failed to challenge or correct the fable. The truth of the matter is quite clear in a ‘letter to the Editor’ (The Advertiser, Nov 2nd) by the presiding member of Mid North Health Advisory Council, Steve Richmond. As shown the figure is $250,000 (not $270,000) and comes from several years of discussion between the Council and Country Health SA (not state government funds), long before Mr Musk’s name was even heard of in the region. It is worrying when we find that governments/politicians are quite prepared to enjoy notoriety gained from a misconception (polite word) when we the tax payer have every right to expect unconditional honesty and integrity from elected members. Should Mr Musk be above reproach, should he enjoy any credit when that credit is not due? The world is moving very fast in the early 21st century (not always in the best direction, as we can see), so far our government have amply displayed their inability to move and develop with it. Recent happenings have clearly indicated that our politicians have lost sight of the ball and are far too slow to act and in this instance (at this particular time of coming elections) that inability could have far reaching and unfair implications! Office, particularly when its public office, carries a huge responsibility, this (among several other qualities) includes honesty and integrity, unconditionally! Dennis Parker, Yongala
For all enquiries regarding RSL Combined Services Hall Hire please contact Val Hall 0429 060 747 -or alternatively Jim 0409 099 959
Try our shop made premium Leg Hams ~
• Rolled seasoned or whole your
ce a l as P Turkeys m t s i Chr rs NOW e • Seafood ord rompt • Rolled seasoned Pork for pvice ser Denis, Gayle, Olivia, Ryan and Jeff wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe, happy & healthy 2018
22 Ayr Street, JAMESTOWN Ph: 8664 1482 Page 18 - December 2017
Thank you to everyone who made Dips, Salads & Sweets for the Melbourne Cup Luncheon, we would not be able to have a Luncheon without you. Also those who attended for your support. We made $2037. A special Thank you to the following Businesses for your donations to make this a profitable day and supporting the Hospital. Jamestown Furniture & Electrical, Worms Mitre 10, O’Learys Milk, Klingner Bros., Jamestown Bakery, Commercial Hotel, Railway Hotel, Jamestown Newsagency, Rynnes Hardware, O’Learys Meats, Jamestown Meat Service and Foodland, to Adrian McCarthy for opening the Bar. Thanks to all the Ladies of the Auxiliary for all your cooking and support. Miles & Craig for setting up the Tables and chairs, Ellen & Eddie for doing the dishes, Jenny for helping with the tickets and sweep and the Administration at the Hospital for the printing. Thank you to the Men’s Shed for making the ramp for the entrance of the Tennis Clubrooms and also the book ends for the Verco Lounge at the Hospital Thank You for your support. The Wishing Well is for donations towards the Painting and Modernisation of the Hospital Wards and other Facilities at the Hospital. You will see this at all the future Fundraising events for the Hospital. There is also a donation tin at Quality Wool for any Donations. Thank you to Simon Seppelt for having this at Quality Wool. Thank you very very much to Helen Pammenter for her donation of $5,000 to the Auxiliary, also to The Christmas Pageant Committee for their donation of $4,000. Helen attended our last meeting for the year and enjoyed afternoon tea before we presented her with a bunch of flowers and Helen then drew the raffle winner tickets. 1st prize Margaret Williams; 2nd prize Nell Shane (congratulations on your (90th Birthday); 3rd prize Maddi Kitschke; 4th prize Lyn Hayman. Congratulations to all these winners, we raised $888 from the sale of tickets. Thank you to the Community for your support and hope to see you at all of our fundraising events in 2018. I hope you have a Joyful Christmas and Prosperous New Year.
Jamestown & District RFDS Support Group
The Jamestown & District RFDS Support Group held their AGM on November 1st at the Railway Hotel as a dinner meeting. It was very well attended, and all positions were easily filled. President - Rick Kelly, VicePresident - Jeff Rowe, Secretary - Liz Kelly, Assistant Secretary - Rosalie Dibben and Treasurer - Phil Dibben. Committee members - Kelly & Bernie Kelly, Kari Sims, Ellie Stacey, Megan Rowe, Nick Redden, Deb Davis, Deb McCarthy, Michelle Noonan, Peta Caulfield and Katryna Amey. Special guest for the evening was Anthea Rice, Fundraising Manager at the RFDS. 2018 is the 90th Anniversary of the RFDs, and they have many events planned to celebrate this, including a Regional Tour, new merchandise and promotional items, and the ‘Wings for Life’ Ball. Anthea outlined some RFDS news and also informed the group that in 2016-2017 there were 62 landings in Jamestown and 45 in Peterborough, highlighting just how important this service is within our community. At the end of her talk, Rick Kelly and Phil Dibben presented a cheque for $35,000, the result of your much-appreciated support of our fundraising over the past 12 months. Anthea accepted on behalf of the RFDS, with many thanks. The RFDS Simulator will once again be at the Jamestown Christmas Pageant, part of the parade, then will be parked in the median strip where you will be able to have a look through the ‘plane’, and get an idea of how ill passengers are transported. Memberships are now due, $10 per person per year, and may be given to any Committee Member. Becoming a Financial Member is one way you can support our fundraising for the RFDS. Each month we aim to have a story in the Jamestown Journal, where a ‘local’ shares their experience, so if you would like to share yours contact Liz Kelly. We also have a Facebook page to keep you informed of our activities. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone, we look forward to your support in 2018.
Jamestown Journal
Compiled by Jamestown Local History Group 120 years Ago: had cut two tons of hay and reapt 138 bags of grain. “The Agriculturist & Review”, December 1897 Top Gladioli: “The Review” office appreciated very much the beautiful Tenders: Tenders are invited by the Jamestown Corporation for a loan of gladiolus grown by Mr. P. C. (Mick) Couzner at his home at Moyletown. £350 for a term of 3 years. The present indebtedness is £400, so that it is They are fine specimens of pink Pickardy blooms, particularly well grown evidentially the intention of the Council to pay off £50 out of the current and coloured. Much care and attention must have been spent on growing credit balance. these fine flowers. A number of visitors admired these Gladiolus, in fact Diphtheria: Several cases of Diphtheria have occurred in Jamestown re- they are in a way, a danger in an editorial office, as people want to stay cently and the local health officer has been much exercised in his mind and talk about them. lest it should spread. Unfortunately one case of a malignant type resulted 50 years Ago: 1967 fatally, but the others are now on the mend. A careful inspection has been “The Agriculturist & Review”, December 1967 made but no unsanitary conditions have been discovered to account for Awarded Scholarship: Lorrae Marron, 12 year old daughter of Mrs. M. E. the outbreak. Marron, of Caltowie, was advised by telegram last Thursday that she had 100 years Ago: been awarded a five year scholarship at St. Joseph’s High School Kens“The Agriculturist & Review”, December 1917 ington. Lorrae at present attends the Caltowie Primary School where her High School Teacher: Mr. Leonard B. J. Hurley, B.A., classed as Chief As- teacher is Mr. L. Ryles. sistant, has been appointed to the charge of the Jamestown High School New Rail yards: The Corporation of Jamestown has been advised that for the ensuing year. The Rev. B. E. C. Tuck will act as assistant teacher to its submissions regarding the siting of the new railway yards and station Mr. Hurley. Considering the scarcity of teachers, the local High School is at Jamestown should continue to be made through the State Railways indeed fortunate in securing a teacher with such high qualifications. Authority. The Corporation received this advice from Mr. D. S. Jessop, Grasshoppers: On Friday last, the residents of the town had the unusual M.H.R., Member for Grey, whose assistance had been sought in making opportunity of seeing an invasion of the town by grasshoppers. The inva- submissions direct to the Commonwealth Authorities. The Corporation sion started a little before noon and continued until evening, the little has previously submitted three alternative plans for the siting of the new pests being so thick as to somewhat resemble a heavy snow storm. For- standard gauge line, the station office and stock yards. This procedure tunately the ‘hoppers’ did not come to stay, as by Sunday the place was has been an ongoing matter and Corporation is indebted the Mr. Jessop almost clear of the pests again, and no damage was done to the herbage for his continued support in this matter. or gardens. 25 years Ago: 75 years Ago: “The Jamestown Journal”, December 1992 “The Agriculturist & Review”, December 1942 Community Minded Citizens: Well done and a pat on the back to Mr Brighter Future: The largest attendance of parents and residents ever Eric Wehrmann and Mr Vern Harvie who both do a great job mowing the gathered for a school matter in Jamestown met Hon. S. W. Jeffries, At- grassed areas at the western entrance to Jamestown. Their ccommunity torney General and Minister of Education and Mr. E. Allen, M.A. Super- spirit is much appreciated. intendent for High Schools, at the High School, on Monday evening. Mr. Day Care at the Park: On Tuesday, November 24 the TAFE ‘Community M. I. Pyne, M.A., Head Master presided; he introduced the Minister and Services’ students held an afternoon tea at Memorial Park for the Day Superintendent who were then welcomed by Mr. W. L. Palmer, Chairman Care people and their helpers. Approximately 40 people enjoyed the fine of the High School Council, who frankly stated that the Council had fears weather, good company and lovely food-especially the strawberries and that the school might be lowered in status or even closed, on account of ice cream! Wonderful entertainment was provided by the Jamestown the serious decrease in pupils attending. Mr. Jefries acknowledged the Primary School children. Year 1 and 2 sang in big voices, African and Gerwelcome. The present attendance of 33 was very low, if it fell much be- man songs. Five lovely young ladies treated us to an aerobics demonstralow that, it was doubtful if the Government would be justified in keeping tion and three talented clarinettists entertained us with a great perforthe school open. Other country High Schools had declined similarly. The mance. The afternoon tea was the culmination of recent hard work and solution was to keep children at school for longer periods, four years was studies for the TAFE group and the day was well received and enjoyed by the prescribed term for the course. Parents would understand that these those who attended. changes will take time to bring about; the commencement will be the promotion of children who are now in grade VI Primary School to a Preparatory Class at the High School next year. After much discussion, considering the pro’s and cons, a motion proposed by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Boucaut, Chairman of the Primary school Committee, was carried unanimously. “That this meeting of the Jamestown High School Council, Primary School Committee and parents, agree to the proposal made by the Minister of Education, the Superintendent of High School to send the scholars of Grade VII for 1943 from the Primary School to the High School at the beginning of the school year in 1943, and that those present pledge themselves to further the true spirit of the education of the children in this district”. Mr. Boucaut proposed, Mr. Daly seconded that the decrease in attendance was due in large measure to the need for children to stay home and help on farms or in business places, normal roles would be seen after the war. The outcome of this matter resulted in the Grade VII children stated the new year at the Jamestown High School. (This is an abridged account of the meeting) Good yields: Mr. E. T. Daly, Mayor of Jamestown and Agent for Messrs John Darling & Son, stated recently that the wheat crops this season in the North are about the best he has seen. He had just returned from a trip through Belalie North, Canowie Belt, Hallett and Mount Bryan, and in these districts he had seen many crops estimated to yield up to 40 bushels per acre. The sample also is excellent. Mr. M. J. Fyfe, North Bundaleer, told of one extra good patch in a good crop of wheat, off eight acres he December 2017 - Page 19
Jamestown Journal
M Prevention Slashing Y D N • Fire HA
• Garden Renovations
• Lawnmowing / Slashing • Tree Lopping / Trimming • Rubbish Removal • Gutter Cleaning • Tractor Hire For further information phone Ken Loader on 8664 1796
Thursdays 1-4 @ former Kindy Jamestown JAMESTOwN FOOTY CLUBROOMS Narelle Cootes is the contact person for the Jamestown Footy Clubrooms. Mob - 0488 654 057
Plans to develop a community group to focus on awareness and prevention of mental health issues in Jamestown and surrounding districts are progressing well. We are now seeking support from people in our community who are willing to take on committee roles for this important new group. We are looking for anyone who has an interest in improving the outcomes of people who are not travelling too well. Once formed, the group is planning to help spread the word in the community about how to recognise when other people are not travelling too well, and how to react, and what to do and say that may help. The group is also planning to host events with high profile guest speakers with a focus on improving mental health outcomes. If you have time and energy to make a difference in this important space, please contact Andrew Stacey on 0409 655 084 or Greg Boston 0428 641 255.
•• Quality Work •• Reasonable Rates Call for a FREE quote Ph: Dave Hammond on 8665 5058 or 0488 107 733 LIC. No. 201428
ABN: 31 399 354 998
7.30am - 9.30pm Mon - Sat. 8.00am - 9.30pm Sunday Caltex Fuel, ELGAS & BBQ Gas ICE & DRINKS
Phone 8664 1235
Page 20 - December 2017
Jamestown Journal
they are they do you’ll find them The Jamestown Journal Trades & Services Guide ~ local service at your fingertips!
YOU can advertise your trade or service on this page by contacting Margie at The Jamestown Journal, 29 Clifton Road, Jamestown or by phone on 0418 839 901
David Leese Dip FP
In pain or stressed? JAMESTOWN CHIROPRACTIC Dr BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES Open multiple days every week
North Run Pty Ltd Trading as Miller Leese Financial Services
Certified Financial Planner TM Representative North Run Pty Ltd AFSL 329800
m: 0417 851 831
14 Ayr St Jamestown SA 5491 t: 08 8664 1036 f: 08 8664 1687 e:
[email protected]
For appointments call JAMESTOWN 8664 1766 PORT PIRIE 8632 6766
Caltowie Hotel No Job too Big or Small Phone 8664 1992
Locally Owned & Operated
Mobile 0427 641 992 Fax
8664 1993
Wenham Road (PO Box 76) Jamestown SA 5491
Kev’s Test & Tag Electrical Appliance Testing & Tagging Prevention, Protection & Compliance Qualified Technician Licence No. 16841 Test results emailed for your records
Call Kev
mobile 0417 563 741
Now Open for • Cold Beer • Meals • Beer Garden • Functions • Christmas meals available Ph: 8665 5003
Charles Street Caltowie
Emergency numbers Ambulance: Police: C.F.S: Hospital:
000 000 000 8664 1406
CFS Bushfire Information Hotline 1300 362 361 December 2017 - Page 21
Jamestown Journal
they are they do you’ll find them The Jamestown Journal Trades & Services Guide ~ local service at your fingertips!
Let everyone know who you are, what you do and where they’ll find you!
Singing Handyman
Local service at your fingertips!
Odd jobs done (no job too small)
Eg Fix/Paint fences/Clean gutters Painting Inside & Out Install raised garden beds/Flat packs put together Lawn mowing/Trim bushes Tile & Grout cleaning (mould removed)
Ring Chris 0466 569 007 ABN.42103055217 PLUMBER
Master Plumber - Licence PGE209079
ABN – 995 100 622 11
For all your Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Iron Roofing and Re-Roofing needs
• No Job too big or small
• Competitive Rates • Personal Pride in Excellent Workmanship • Free Quote and Prompt Service
Daniel Coe – 0410 966 963
Sam Redden Plumbing PGE 195602
PGE 5130 Master Plumber & Gas Fitter
ABN: 87 017 643 673
P: 8664 0915
M: 0407 617 950
[email protected]
F: 8664 0916
4641 Wilkins Highway, Jamestown • Plumbing and Gas Fitting • Hot Water Services • Installation and Repairs • ELECTRIC - SOLAR - GAS • General Maintenance • Backflow Installation & Testing • EMERGENCY SERVICE • Septic & Aerobic Tank Installation • Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Page 22 - December 2017
The Editor has complete editorial control, although the opinions expressed in the Jamestown Journal are not necessarily my own. Don’t bother suing me, I’m penniless and pathetic and current trends indicate a future abundant with the same.
Please submit dates of events as early as possible for inclusion in Journal Community Calendar to avoid clash of events
Journal Classifieds
Jamestown Journal
Best prices, Antiques, Collectables, Books, Mags, Toys, Furniture, even damaged. Tins, Traps, Ephemera, Art, Anything interesting. Single items to full clearance. Long established local. Ph: 0481 331 349
Chris, Colleen, Denis & families would like to thank all those who visited, phoned, sent cards, flowers & emails on the recent passing of our beloved mother, Lil Beautiful Christmas decorations created by Christine Coggins at Jamestown Community Library, ably helped by husband, Gary. Well worth a visit!!
CLARKE, Maxine
Many, many thanks to the Doctors, Nurses and Kitchen Staff of the Jamestown Hospital for the care and attention I had during my stay in hospital. Thank you
Sincere thank to everyone who sent cards, flowers, phone calls, prayers and personal expressions of best wishes for my 90th Birthday. Special thank you to all my family for arranging a lovely lunch in Memorial Park on Sunday 12th November. Thank you also to Nikki from Tucker for preparing the lovely food.
R&SL & COMBINED SERVICES For all enquiries regarding RSL Combined Services Hall Hire please contact Val Hall 0429 060 747 or alternatively Jim 0409 099 959 “Spalding” - Man lost on long time family owned farm When reaping one night recently R.H. became lost and could not find his way back to his vehicle. After driving around for some time, long enough to be getting low in fuel he decided to pull up and call his wife to come and rescue him. L.H. drove out in the middle of the night, mind you, and the rescue ended well. Luckily Lyn thought he was worth rescuing... true story!!
Nell Shane recently celebrated her 90th birthday at one of her favourite at the monthly Jamestown sheep markets a job she has been doing for over 40 years. Many congratulatory messages were passed onto Nell at the November 16 market and she thoroughly enjoyed the delicious birthday cake and loved the beautiful flower arrangements. December 2017 - Page 23
Jamestown Journal
Thank you to all Journal readers, advertisers, community groups and my delivery Elves for your support during 2017.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, safe and prosperous 2018...... Margie
COMMUNITY CALENDAR DECEMBER: 3rd: Jamestown Christmas Pageant 8th: Belalie Art Gallery 20 year celebration 6pm 17th: Carols in the Park, 6pm sausage sizzle, 8pm Memorial park, Carols and entertainment 2018 JANUARY 7th: Mannanarie Community Tea, 6-3-pm pooled tea Mannanarie Hall 26th: Community Garden @ 10am Natter & Nibbles 26th: Australia Day Breakfast, 7.30am Memorial Park FEBRUARY: 19th: Red Cross Meeting 8.00pm Jamestown Community Library Meeting Room APRIL 8th: Red Cross Garden Trail 16th : Red Cross Meeting 8.00pm Jamestown Community Library Meeting Room June 18th: Red Cross Meeting 8.00pm Jamestown Community Library Meeting Room August 20th 2018: Red Cross Meeting (AGM) 8.00pm Jamestown Community Library Meeting Room October: 21st Jamestown Air Spectacular LITTLE JIMMIES PLAYGROUP, Wednesday mornings during school terms, 9.30-11am at St James School’s Learning Centre A’Roma Café at Belalie Lodge, open Friday’s 2:00-3:30pm. All welcome. JAMESTOWN COMMUNITY GARDEN: Natter & Nibbles, last Friday of the month, 10am. New Gardeners always welcome. CWA MEETINGS: 2nd Tuesday each month. More info ph 8664 1645 MEN’S SHED: weekly 1-4pm Thursdays @ former Kindergarten, Irvine Street JAMESTOWN QUILTERS: 1st Tuesday each month @ 7-30pm at the Sir Hubert Wilkins Centre (aerodrome). All welcome. BELALIE LODGE SOCIAL GROUP: 1st Thursday every month at Belalie Lodge from 1.30pm JAMESTOWN BIZZY BUGS: Friday mornings 9.30-10.30am during school terms at the Stadium or Library PROBUS: 1st Tuesday each month, 10am Commercial Hotel HEARTBEAT: 4th Tuesday May, July, September, 2pm, November 11.30am Medical Centre Meeting Room. LYMPHOEDEMA Clinic: Alternate Mondays 9am ~ 2pm Dr’s referral requiredBookings: Jamestown Hospital 8664 1406 JAMESTOWN HOSPITAL AUXILIARY: 1.30pm at Hospital 3rd Wednesday of March, May, July, September (AGM) and November. CRAFT, COFFEE & CHAT: 4th Tuesday each month, 10am to 3pm CWA rooms. All welcome NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL meetings: 2pm 3rd Tuesday each month. BUNDALEER CRICKET CLUB Training Big Shed 6pm. More info 0407 725 704 JAMESTOWN APEX CLUB meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month. JAMESTOWN LIONS CLUB meetings: 2nd Wednesday 8pm Combined Services Clubrooms. 6 monthly Auctions, third Sunday March & September JAMESTOWN R&SL meetings: 2nd Monday each month 7.30pm JUNIOR R&SL MEETINGS: Ist Tuesday each month(RSL rooms), at 3.30pm, new members under 21 yrs of age, most welcome. Details Jamie 0467 862 485 NORTHERN HIGHLANDS SOROPTIMISTS meetings: 3rd Tuesday monthly, 8pm. Page 24 - December 2017
Peter J LEHMANN 0409 583 010 David J BRIGGS 8664 0666 Graeme R GERSCHWITZ 0429 805 078 Vivienne R HECTOR 8664 1349 Carmel P KELLY 8664 1519 James P MOSS 0408 832 186 Maxwell S PRIOR 8664 1166 Colin J DAVIES 0428 627 950 Douglas R HENDERSON 8665 5088 Josie R MURRAY 8650 5040 Kaye M Nicolson 0438 364 017
Business Hours
0409 583 010 8664 0666 0429 805 078 8664 1349 0418 830 052 0408 832 186 8664 1166 8648 6031 8665 5088 0407 792 013 0438 364 017
JAMESTOWN TRAIL RIDING CLUB meeting first Wednesday each month, JAMESTOWN Hotel, call 0488 585 385 for more details or join our Facebook page ‘Jamestown Trail Riders Club’ INDOOR BOWLS: Wednesday afternoons from 1.30pm in the Combined Services clubrooms. New members always welcome. First timers free. RFDS meetings:2nd Monday of the month. Further details Liz Kelly 0428 641 254 THE VICTORIA LODGE NO 26 FREEMASONS: meet 1st Wednesday in each month at the Lodge Room in Irvine Street at 7.30pm SING AUSTRALIA JAMESTOWN: singing for everyone weekly at Pioneer Room Helping Hand 7 - 9pm Mondays (except Public & School holidays) JAMESTOWN DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (JDA) meetings: 2nd Monday each month @ Jamestown Town Hall Bank Room. JAMESTOWN UNITING CHURCH: Family service and Luncheon the first Sunday of each month in the Uniting Church Hall. JAMESTOWN FLYING GROUP meetings, 3rd Monday each month, 8pm @ Sir Hubert Wilkins Centre. Visitors and new members most welcome. JAMESTOWN NATIONAL TRUST Second Tuesday monthly , 8pm at History Centre. No Meeting Dec or Jan.
The Editor has complete editorial control, although the opinions expressed in the Jamestown Journal are not necessarily my own. Don’t bother suing me, I’m penniless and pathetic and current trends indicate a future abundant with the same.
Editor : Margie Simpson The Jamestown Journal 29 Clifton Rd, Jamestown Mob: 0418 839 901 email:
[email protected]