Dec 5, 2012 - consideration. Sandy Relief Planning ... help organize Hurricane Sandy outreach to attend the next GMC ...
westminster presbyterian church “...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 December 5, 2012
Friends and fellow disciples, As you may have seen on the news over the weekend, a linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs inexplicably killed his girlfriend, the mother of his 3-month-old daughter. He then drove to the Chiefs practice facility, thanked his coach and the team General Manager for all they had done for him, and shot himself in the parking lot. It is a tragedy not unlike the domestic violence taking place every day throughout our country, but this time more public and vivid. The Kansas City Chiefs went ahead and played their game the next day, beating the Carolina Panthers. The remarks after the game were, as you would imagine, particularly heartfelt. I was especially impressed by the comments made by quarterback Brady Quinn. He began by wondering aloud what he could have done, what anyone could have done, what they should have seen. When you ask folks how they are, he said, “Do you mean it? When people ask you how you are doing, do you tell them the truth?” These are good enough questions, but he continued: “We live in a society of social networks, twitter pages, facebook, and that’s fine. We have contact with our work associates, our family, our friends, and it seems like half the time we are more preoccupied with our phones and other things going instead of the actual relationships in front of us. Hopefully people can learn from this and try and figure out if someone is battling something deeper inside than what they may be revealing on a day-to-day basis.” (Watch at I think Quinn may be offering us all a great reminder this Advent. There is a ton going on, and our to-do lists grow long. But, as we again anticipate the birth of the God who was born like the rest of us, who joined us here in love, it might be an appropriate season to again make sure we are tending carefully to each other. Might you be the one to check in on someone you haven’t seen in awhile? Might you be the one to put away your phone for a little while? Might you be the one to begin to heal an old family wound that always pops up this time of year? We all go in so many different directions, especially this time of year. Let us make sure the time we spend together, at church and with those we love elsewhere, is meaningful and real. Blessings on this joyous time of waiting,
Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).
In this Issue Concerns & Celebrations 2 Volunteer Opportunities & More 2 Christmas Eve Offering 3 Bible Roundtable Class 4 Library Alert 4 Christmas Shoebox Gifts 4 Westminster School For Children 4 All Things Advent 5 Youth Ministry 6 Session Notes 7 Welcome, New Members! 7 Young Adult Christmas Gathering 8 Young Adult Retreat 8 Spring Women's Retreat 8 Guess Who's Turning 50 in 2013? 8 WPC Men's Basketball 8 Christmas Greenery Fund 9 A Thank You 9 Stop Hunger Now Update 9 Year-End Contribution Guidelines 9 Preaching Schedule 10 Congregational Responsibilities 10
Coming in January! A secure online member directory You asked, we listened, and in early 2013, Westminster will launch the online directory feature of myWPC. myWPC is your tool for safely accessing member contact info, volunteering for serving opportunities, submitting forms electronically, and more. Watch for more details in the December 19 newsletter and don't hesitate to contact WPC's Communications Coordinator, Kara Pearce, with any questions (
[email protected], 919-489-4974, ext. 101).
December 5, 2012
~ Concerns & Celebrations ~
Please keep the following in your prayers this week.
• Russell and Mary Barringer and Andy and Shirley Collins’ great grandson, Adlai William Barringer, was born on November 14 in Charlotte. • Ann Dancy had back surgery on December 4. • Dennis Enberg’s sister, Sharyl Cederberg, is in treatment for cancer. • Barb Heagren’s mother, Ann Way, is in Hospice Care in Ohio. • Barb Heagren will have surgery on December 6 at Durham Regional Hospital. • Verne Lanier is recovering at Hillcrest. • Rebecca Mattern will have surgery in Ohio this week. • Mazo Murchison died on November 24. • Rick Overholt is in Duke Hospital. • Dorene Palermo’s aunt, Jeannette Smith, died on November 24 in Bon Terre, MO, at age 98. • Dene Reich is undergoing outpatient chemotherapy. • Kevin Rosemond is in treatment for cancer. • Arlene Sundy is in treatment for cancer.
- Volunteer Opportunities & More at Westminster and Beyond News from IHN
Sandy Relief Planning
Durham Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) is pleased to announce its expansion to serve more families! Currently, we serve three families at a time who rotate between our partner congregations, of which Westminster is a host congregation; and one family in a small apartment under the day house on N. Roxboro Street.
The Global Missions Committee invites those called to help organize Hurricane Sandy outreach to attend the next GMC meeting on Tuesday, December 11 at 7pm in Room 205. We will be investigating the feasibility of work teams, and other direct and indirect means of support. For those called to act now, we encourage you to consider financial support of the special Presbyterian Disaster Relief fund. More info can be found at
We are renting additional space on N. Duke Street beginning this month that will enable us to serve two more families in a stationary model, for a total of six families served. Moving to this “mixed model” will allow our families to enter the rotation at the beginning of their stay, and move into a stationary space as they gain jobs, which will give them more independence as they move toward self-sufficiency. The maximum stay length will continue to be 90 days. How can you help? •
We still have a few more items to place in the new space, so trucks and volunteer movers are needed.
Although the families at N. Duke Street will be providing their own meals, we would like to have volunteers bring dinner and have fellowship twice a week. If you're interested in this, let us know!
More broadly, we are looking for Circles of Support, and people able to share their time and talent to teach classes in areas of their own expertise, or help with our Independent Living Skills classes for either current or former guests.
Please contact Catherine Pleil at 919-682-2846 for more information on any of these opportunities. Thank you to all of Westminster's volunteers!
A Request from New Hope Camp & Conference Center As you consider year-end benevolences, we ask that you consider a tax-deductible donation to New Hope Camp & Conference Center to help us with the renovation of 60-year-old Fleming Hall. Fleming Hall is headquarters for the summer camp program and a favorite host site of many other groups throughout the year. The planned renovations will make it handicap accessible, increase the number of restrooms, and provide a caterer's kitchen. Your questions and donations may be directed to Richard Stevens, Executive Director (
[email protected]; 919-942-4716), 4805 Hwy 86, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Thank you for your consideration. -2-
Westminster Presbyterian Church
~ 2012 Westminster Christmas Eve Offering ~ “When they saw the star that had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary, his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Then being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.” Matthew 2:10-12 At Westminster, we have a tradition of giving generously each Christmas season to the Christmas Eve offering. This offering goes entirely to one or more local missions. Last year, our congregation collected more than $26,000 to help organizations in need. This year, the diaconate has again selected three local agencies that need the support of the Christmas Eve offering: YO:Durham, Housing for New Hope, and the YMCA. The offering will be received at the Children's Christmas Pageant and both Christmas Eve services. You can drop a check off to the church office any time before Christmas. As you come into Christ’s presence this Christmas, feel the joy of His love. Open your treasure chests and give generously. God’s promise is that we will be so changed that we too shall go “home by another road.”
YO:Durham (Year of Opportunity for Durham Youth), founded by Durham Congregations in Action, is currently working with its sixth class of at-risk 15- to 17-year-old teens. Students accepted to YO:Durham attend an intensive Summer Career Academy (SCA), which provides classes in life planning, etiquette, anger management, writing skills, public speaking, personal finance, and civics. Community leaders and businesspeople speak at the SCA and offer advice on career opportunities. Students also work with mentors throughout the school year, engage in paid after-school internships, and work on service learning projects. Most mentors continue with their students throughout high school. Field trips include college visits, a team-building ropes course, and visits to our city and state governments. Because the students are 15-17 years old, many are still in high school. Of the 153 students who have participated thus far, 55 have graduated from high school. These include 43 enrolled in 18 different colleges and universities, one Marine, and nine working full time, including one graduate of NC A&T.
One hundred-fifty households were threatened with homelessness this holiday season when Lincoln Apartments in Durham announced it was closing its doors. Housing for New Hope (HNH) is currently working with about 50 remaining households from the Lincoln complex to find and secure alternative housing before December 31. The tenants have varied situations: an elderly couple on Social Security; a long-term employed health worker with significant debt; a mother who lost her employment around the same time her eviction notice arrived. We are working to find unique solutions for each household that requests our help. Helping connect Lincoln tenants on the verge of homelessness to housing is one of many innovative and collaborative solutions of Housing for New Hope. Our mission is to prevent and end homelessness by providing increased access to healthcare, integrated services, and housing. Our programs include outreach and engagement; rapid rehousing; housing assistance; connecting and navigating integrated services and healthcare; transitional housing; permanent supportive housing; and workforce housing. -3-
We Build People is the YMCA of the Triangle’s Annual Campaign, a community-wide effort to raise funds for children, teens, families, and adults, especially those at risk. Onehundred percent of the funds raised goes to programming, which includes: - Y Learning: an afterschool tutorial program serving 170+ at-risk children from Lakewood, Creekside, Y.E. Smith, and Morehead Elementary schools, as well as Oxford Manor Housing. Ninety-one percent of these children pass their EOGs compared to fifty-five percent of their peers. - Camp High Hopes: a 10-week summer camp serving 200+ at-risk youth that provides breakfast, lunch, new friendships, role models, skill development, and more. - Y Life: a Saturday morning program serving 150+ kids that provides a creative learning outlet. - Teen Programs: Youth and Government, Leaders Club, Y Achievers, and Durham Teen United. Ninety-eight percent of the teens who are in the Y’s care graduate from high school. Eighty-five percent go on to higher education. - Aquatics: Over 300 disadvantaged kids learn to swim and participate in the Y-sponsored swim team.
December 5, 2012
What’s Happening in
Christmas Shoebox Gifts
Christian Education at WPC?
The shoe box gifts we collected on Christ the King Sunday were delivered to the MERCI Distribution Center on Saturday, December 1. Thanks to Holly Schmidt, more than 50 boxes were delivered to Goldsboro in time to be distributed to children for Christmas. Thank you to all who participated in this joyful Christmas giving experience!
Looking for a Sunday School Class? We're looking for you! The Bible Roundtable Sunday School Class is reconvening after a few months' hiatus. We will resume our class on January 6 in Room 208 in the Mission Center. We will begin our study with chapters 1-6 of Exodus, chronicling the interesting early life of Moses and the challenging bondage of the Hebrews under the Egyptian pharaoh. Don't be concerned if you're not a "Bible expert." The class certainly does not expect you to be. We read scripture together and discuss what it might have meant to the hearers in the time it was written, what it means to us today, and how it might relate to our lives in this modern, but also very challenging world.
Join Westminster School in Helping Make “Megan’s Wish” Come True Now through Friday, December 14
Some preparation for classes is, of course, always helpful, but if you are not familiar with the text to be discussed on a given Sunday, don't let that keep you from attending. Likewise, we are not pushing members to earn a perfect attendance badge. Members often find it necessary to drop in and out. Just come when you can.
My name is Megan Brinkman, and I am a Westminster School graduate and the daughter of Mrs. Brinkman, who teaches in the Turtle class. My biggest wish for the holidays is to help the homeless. You may have seen me in a commercial for the Durham Rescue Mission. For the past four years, with the generosity of so many friends and neighbors, I have been able to help many people at the Durham Rescue Mission. I would like to ask the entire Westminster community for their help this year to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.
We enthusiastically welcome new members, and look forward to making new friends and benefitting from their particular point of view. If you are not already attending a class, we hope you will consider joining us.
You can help by donating food or money to benefit the Durham Rescue Mission. Cash or check donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Checks should be made out directly to the Durham Rescue Mission as the donation is tax deductible (the Rescue Mission will send you a receipt) and may be placed in an envelope in the Westminster School office. There will be a marked bin for food donations in the hallway. My family and I plan to deliver all donations to the Rescue Mission the week before Christmas.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the Bible Roundtable teachers: Eric Wolf, Gene Brannon, Sam Bryan, and Paul Etter.
Library Alert
Kids Who Laugh: Installing the Gift of Laughter as a Lifetime Tool for Success by Louis R. Franzini For Adults
All donations are greatly appreciated and I promise they WILL make a difference. Thank you to each Westminster family for your generosity and willingness to once again help make my holiday wish come true.
They are confident. They are creative. They take pleasure in life and share their joy with others. And they manage to keep their emotional balance when coping with life’s many difficulties. They are kids who laugh.
Sincerely, Megan Brinkman
Most of us know from experience that people who laugh easily and have a well-developed sense of humor are simply happier individuals. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Louis Franzini not only explores the many benefits of
humor, but also shows that humor is a learned behavior – a skill that parents can teach their kids. Whether it’s making new friends or dealing with bullies, humor can make an important difference. With "Kids Who Laugh," you can give your child a very special present that will last a lifetime – the gift of laughter. -4-
A dvent at Westminster ll things
As we joyfully await Christ's birth this Advent season, we will study, reflect, worship, eat, play, and serve with one another. Check the Sunday bulletin for a helpful overview of all that's going on at WPC in the coming weeks.
Advent Lessons & Carols Choral Program
Advent Bible Study "Simply Wait: Cultivating Stillness in the Season of Advent" by Pamela Hawkins “Enter these pages, savor the words they hold out to you, and you will experience deep quietude and welcoming spaciousness. Follow the guidance here, and you will arrive on Christmas Day wrapped in the peace that is not of this world.” – John Mogabgab Editor, Weavings Journal
The Westminster Chancel Choir will perform its annual program during the 8:30 and 11am worship services on Sunday, December 9. Their beautiful singing will be joined by music from talented instrumentalists. We hope you'll join us!
Children's Christmas Pageant The annual WPC Christmas Pageant will be held on Sunday, December 9, at 4:30pm in the Sanctuary. The children are excited to share the Christmas story and some special songs with you, so don’t miss out!
Join us as we reflect upon the anticipation, hope, patience, and obedience that pervade this season. When December 5, 12, and 19 from 6:30-7:30pm Where Room 205 Led by Chris, Betty, Taylor, and Katherine Books are available for purchase in the front office for $12.
Advent Potluck & Sing-Along
Advent Dinners
Sunday, December 9 Fellowship Hall 5-7pm
Westminster's next Advent Dinners will be held on Wednesdays, December 5 and 12, from 5:30-6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. All families are welcome to join us for dinner with familyfriendly menus and seasonal favorites prepared by Helen Harrison and her talented crew. Along with dinner, we'll enjoy: • Cupcake decorating on December 5 • An opportunity to donate "warmies" (socks, hats, gloves, etc.) to those in need on December 12 Save your spot at dinner by signing up in the Mission Center or by RSVPing with Barb Schmidt (919-489-4974;
[email protected]) by noon the Monday before each dinner. We are looking for folks to help with set-up and cleanup. Please contact Lynn Toms (
[email protected]) if you're interested in volunteering.
Advent Dinner Cooks Calling all cooks! We need your skills to help prepare the Wednesday night Advent Dinners. Contact Helen Harrison at
[email protected] or 919-489-0345 if you are interested in helping out.
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Immediately following the Christmas Pageant Bring your favorite holiday dish to share and stay for an evening of song led by the Skeen family. Families with last names beginning with A - I, please bring a side or salad; J - R, main dishes; S - Z, desserts. Volunteers are needed to help with set-up on Sunday, December 9, from 9:30am-10:45am in Fellowship Hall; and with clean-up after the event ends at 7pm. If anyone is interested in helping out, contact Marge Enberg at
[email protected] or 919-489-0282.
Integenerational Christmas Caroling Be part of the Westminster family tradition of Christmas caroling at the homes of some of the beloved members of our community. Meet in the WPC parking lot at 6pm on Tuesday, December 18. Carolers will return to Westminster afterward for fellowship with warm drinks and snacks in the Parlor. Goodies will be provided, but you're welcome to bring a treat to share if you'd like. -5-
December 5, 2012
What’s Happening in
Youth Ministry Calendar
Youth Ministry at WPC? lovefeast reflections
12/6 12/13 12/16
Taylor asked the Youth how they feel about Lovefeast. Here are a few of their thoughts:
Thursday Bible Study, 4pm, Taylor’s Office and 6:30pm, Pazzo Pizza, Chapel Hill Youth serving Caring House Meal, meet at WPC at 4pm Christmas Party at Lockhead Home
I like Lovefeast because I like serving Lovefeast is the start of every the congregation. - Jack Mountain Christmas season. We have fun dressing up, catching up with each other, and giving back to the church. - Kayley Peters
I like thanking the congregation for all they do for us with Lovefeast. - Trey Holland
I love Lovefeast because I like to see everyone dressed up! - Anna Rosemond
I love Lovefeast because it's the only socially acceptable time to drink coffee with more sugar and cream in it than actual coffee. And it's delicious. - Tanner Lockhead
I enjoy Lovefeast because it is an easy, yet meaningful way to give back to the church. - Wil Hoyle
I like giving back to the congregation and spending time with my friends around Christmas time!! - Madison Dunk
I luv the candlelit part of the service! - Celia Cleary -6-
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Session Notes •
November 18 Meeting
We had a special meeting this month, covering all sorts of joyous events for which we as a community are very thankful. We welcomed 17 New Members to our Community: The Session and Diaconate examined and approved for membership 15 new members and 2 affiliate members to our faith community. This past Inquirers class lasted 7 weeks and culminated with a potluck dinner celebration where the entire leadership team had the chance to get to know our newest members. Thankfully, our cooking didn't dissuade them from joining and we are most blessed to have their membership. The FACT Force Recommended a Community Gift of $50,000: In keeping with our commitment to nourish both our local community and larger faith community, the FACT (Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration Task) Force recommended, and the Session approved, an outreach campaign to raise $50,000 to support the Food Bank of Central North Carolina and the Montreat Retreat Center. The campaign will reach out to current and past WPC members, friends, and the larger community to raise the money to support these organizations.1 Progress made on Important Initiatives: Communications Coordinator Kara Pearce updated us on myWPC, an effective new communications and resource tool to be launched to all members in early 2013. It's easy to use, and full of ways to enrich our support of one another in our community. 2 Nancy Rozak updated us on the work being done in Christian Education, the preparations for Lovefeast, and the new work on MP2 programming. And finally, we learned that this year's Stewardship campaign is well on its way to completion, with almost all Pledge Packs returned. While we will undoubtedly need more revenue to fund our goals for 2013, we are blessed that so many families have answer ed the call to support the church in this important way. Many thanks to all who have already committed resources to the Stewardship campaign and to the Stewardship Committee for their leadership and tireless efforts. We hope you had a joyous Thanksgiving and that as we head into Advent and the celebration of the birth of our Lord, that you and your family feel the love and peace of Christ. Tom Meyer Class of 2015 1. See page 8 for a special request from the FACT Force 2. See page 1 for more information about myWPC
New Members! Matt & Sarah Cloues Matt and Sarah Cloues have been married for nearly 7 years. Matt grew up in the Philadelphia area before moving to Durham to attend Duke. He has worked in development at Duke for nearly 12 years. Sarah grew up in Kentucky and Iowa before attending college at Georgetown. She has worked primarily as a surgical nurse, and currently stays home with the couple's 3½year-old daughter, Lily, and 1½-year-old son, David. Brad Kern Brad Kern was raised in Haslett, MI, but was born in Seoul, South Korea. He has an undergraduate degree in Molecular Biology and certificates in Engineering Biology and Dance from Princeton University. He came to Durham – a place further south than he has have ever lived or intended on living – to attend Duke in 2011. In addition to his graduate studies, Brad works in the St. Geme Lab studying bacterial adhesive factors in Kingella kingae. Outside of lab, his other primary academic interest is in Christian theological bioethics. Brad's hobbies include fly fishing, swing dancing, snowboarding, and studying the history of firearms. Sara Wylie Sara Wylie was born at Watts Hospital – now the NC School of Science and Math – and moved to Southern California when she was two. After graduating from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, with a BS in Hotel Administration, Sara moved across the country to Charlotte, NC, for her first job. It was there that she met her husband Tag, whom she married in January 1998. After living in the mountains for one year, Sara and Tag moved to Durham, where Tag took the head golf professional job at Treyburn Country Club. After years with Williams-Sonoma, Sara is now at SOUTH, a fine furniture and gift boutique in Meadowmont Village in Chapel Hill. Tag and Sara have one daughter, Shannon, who is 6 and a kindergartner at Hope Valley Elementary.
December 5, 2012
Spring Women's Retreat
Young Adults Christmas Gathering
Save the date for the Spring Women’s Retreat! It will be held March 15-17, 2013, and is entitled, "Finding Joy in Every Season of the Soul."
Our Yaggie Christmas Shindig will take place from 4:30-7:30pm on Saturday, December 8, at Jonathan & Bethany Thornhill's home.
Our retreat leader, author and speaker Jill Baughan, explores the ways in which God wants us to have fun and joy in our lives. The retreat will address the challenges in maintaining this sense of play and adventure in the challenging seasons of our lives, and the necessity of embracing opportunities for joy across difficult and calm seasons. We will consider as a group the Biblical mandate for joy and celebration and ways to incorporate this into our lives.
We'll have a relaxing and joyful time of fellowship with cider and tortilla soup for dinner. Please bring a holiday dish or dessert of your own to share. Children are especially welcome! We will have cookie decorating, so feel free to bring your little ones. Call the church office at 919-489-4974 for directions to the Thornhill's home.
Young Adult Retreat
Learn more at
Montreat is hosting a Young Adult Retreat the weekend of January 11-13, and Westminster is gathering a group of young adults to take part. The retreat is being organized by a group of Young Adult Presbyterians in Charlotte, so this will be a great opportunity to meet some other young adults who are passionate about their faith.
Guess Who's Turning
50 in 2013?
Westminster Presbyterian Church will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year. The FACT (Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration Task) Force has been formed to plan and coordinate a variety of special events and opportunities to commemorate this milestone. The FACT Force would like to invite members from years past who have moved away from the area to join in the celebration. If you have names and contact information (email address, mailing address, phone number) for any such friends, please let Barb Schmidt know (919-489-4974,
[email protected]). Thank you!
The retreat's theme is very open and will include discussions on how to live an authentic life of faith as we discern what God is calling us to do in terms of family, relationships, and vocation – big questions for young adults! This will be a great way to get your new year off to a good start. And who can resist the beauty and peaceful solitude of Montreat? The retreat cost is $50 per person, which will include everything from food to lodging. Katherine will register the group, so please let her know if you plan to attend and if you have any sleeping arrangement preference (single room, double room, etc.) before Thursday, December 13 (919-489-4974, or
[email protected]).
Interested in fun, fellowship, and good exercise? Join the Westminster basketball team! WPC has been a part of the Hope Valley Baptist Church Basketball League for over 10 years. The league offers fun, competitive action in an atmosphere appropriate for church groups.
Visit to find out more about the conference. You won't want to miss this chance to get away and reflect on your faith!
Starting in early January, we play 1-2 nights a week for about 2 months. Anyone at least 16 years old is eligible – basketball skill or experience is far from mandatory. Interested? Contact Darren Skeen (
[email protected]) or John Caccavale (
[email protected]) to sign up or ask questions.
Beautiful, tranquil Montreat in the mountains of North Carolina. -8-
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Contribute to the Christmas Greenery Fund! You may make a donation in honor of, in memory of, or in celebration of your loved one(s) this Christmas season. These donations are used to purchase Christmas greenery and wreaths from TROSA to decorate our church buildings. Visit to download and print the form. Please make your check payable to Westminster marked “Christmas Greenery.” Bring your form and check to the church office or drop them in the offering plate by Monday, December 17.
A Thank You Thank you to all who signed up to “Share Your Christmas” with local families. Your generosity is bringing gifts to people who would not otherwise receive them.
- - Stop Hunger Now Update - The Global Missions Committee is delighted to announce that the 10,000+ meals from our "Mission Possible" meal packing event have been shipped from Raleigh to the Salesian Missions in the Southern Philippines. The Salesians provide family relief and operate several children's homes, technical training centers, and outreach programs, which will receive Stop Hunger Now meals. Their programs are located across the Southern Philippines in Cebu, Eastern Samar, Iloilo, Negros, Davao, and Bukidnon.
~ Year-End Contribution Guidelines ~ The General Rule: The income tax regulations specify that “ordinarily, a contribution is made at the time delivery takes place. The unconditional delivery or mailing of a check which subsequently clears in due course will constitute an effective contribution on the date of delivery or mailing.” According to this language, a check dated December 31, 2012, but physically delivered in January 2013 is deductible only on the donor’s 2013 federal tax return. This is so, even though a donor backdates a check to read “December 31, 2012” during church services conducted in January 2013, or in fact completed and dated the check on December 31, 2012, but gives it to the church on or after January 1, 2013.
Type of Contribution
An Exception: The only exception to this rule is the case of a check that is dated, mailed and postmarked in December of 2012. The fact that the church does not receive the check until January of 2013 does not prevent the donor from deducting it on their 2012 federal tax return. The rules are summarized in the table to the right.
Remember: Do not file your 2012 Federal Income Tax Return until you receive your WPC 2012 year-end statement. These will be emailed by January 31, 2013. Some donors may not be able to deduct certain contributions if they file a tax return before receiving their church contribution statement.
Church Treasurer Church Treasurer Reports as 2012 Reports as 2013 Contribution Contribution
Checks written in Dec. 2012 and put in the church offering in Jan. 2013
Checks written and put in the church offering in Jan. 2012, but “backdated” to Dec. 2012
Checks written and put in the church offering in Dec. 2012 but “postdated” to Jan. 2013
Checks written. mailed, & postmarked in Dec. 2012, but received by the church in Jan. 2013 Checks written, and mailed in Dec. 2012, and postmarked and received in Jan. 2013
Contact Barbara Fletcher at
[email protected] or 919-489-2974, ext. 122, if you have any questions. -9-
December 5, 2012 Westminster Presbyterian Church 3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd Durham, NC 27707 Phone: 919.489.4974 Fax: 919.493.4553
[email protected]
The next WPC newsletter will be published on December 19. The deadline to submit material is December 12. To submit material for publication, contact Communications Coordinator Kara Pearce at
[email protected] or 489-4974, ext. 101. The newsletter is emailed. If you prefer to receive a paper copy by mail, please contact Barb Schmidt at 489-4974, ext. 100.
Preaching Schedule December 9 - Second Sunday of Advent Advent Lessons & Carols Service: The Chancel Choir December 16 - Third Sunday of Advent Preaching: Chris Tuttle December 23 - Fourth Sunday of Advent Preaching: Betty Berghaus December 30 - Birthday Sunday Preaching: Betty Berghaus
Congregational Responsibilities for December 9, 16, 23, and 30 ACOLYTES 12/9 Lauren & Ella Nichols 12/16 Justin Meyer 12/23 Eliza & Grace Miller 12/30 Jennie Holland and Grayson Ruffing LECTORS 12/9 8:30 Gene Brannon 12/16 8:30 Jim Maxwell 12/23 8:30 Amy Simonson 12/30 11:00 Dana Lange
11:00 Tom Meyer 11:00 Lynn Leubuscher 11:00 Rachel Meyen
OFFERING COUNTERS 12/9 8:30 Ryowon Kim & Peter Scilipote 11:00 Barbara Rynerson and Jules Taylor 12/16 8:30 Dottie Bartholomay and Sharon Barnes 11:00 Bill & Jeff Young 12/23 8:30 Ann Kline and Lois Bender 11:00 Kay & Mike Rosenmarkle 12/30 11:00 Kay & Mike Rosenmarkle SOUND TECHNICIAN December 8:30 Doug Wellemeyer 11:00 Frank Stallings
USHERS 12/9 8:30 11:00 12/16 8:30 11:00 12/23 8:30 11:00 12/30 11:00
Linda Van Gombos, Alyson & Collin Bosworth, and Jim Maxwell John, Julia, Tanner & Holly Lockhead, and Neil & Jennifer McElroy John, Cindy & Anna Sundy, and Ray Soloe TBA Anthony Dilweg, Dave Pottenger, and David & Kathleen Lapp Mary Beck & Jeff Sutton, Lynn & Logan Toms, and Katherine & Christopher Stanley TBA
NURSERY Monthly Coordinator: December - Barb Vanden Broek Every Sun. Infants- Thoko Manzini Toddlers- Claire Leadbetter/Marketta Dickinson 12/9 8:30 2-5 Debbie & Don Hertzog 11:00 2-3 Laura & Blair Chesnut 4-5 12/16 8:30 2-5 Rebecca & George Edwards 11:00 2-3 Monica & Neal Nichols, 4-5 and Caroline Skeen 12/23 8:30 2-5 Debbie & Don Hertzog 11:00 2-3 Emma Duling and Kenzie Brannon 4-5 12/30 11:00 2-3 Jennifer Whitman & Carolyn Holmes 4-5
Margaret & Judson Williams Jennifer & Neil McElroy Eva Welch & Mari McLean Melissa & Lee Katrincic
Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).