Dec 1, 2013 ... a 2005 1800 trike with a 2007 Lehman conversion. It a really pretty ... The first is
to completely drain the gas tank, fuel lines, carburetors and float bowls. If you do
... Look at the reservoir window ... If you haven't changed the coolant in the last
couple of years .... 1987 Honda GL1200AH Goldwing Aspencade.
The Pod Publisher Thoughts from your Chapter Director DEC 1, 2013
Volume 23, Issue #12
Greetings to the Pod, WOW! it is December. Where did the year go, it seems like yesterday that I watched the ball in New York fall on TV, bringing in 2013. I could complain about soon being another year older, but I will not. So upward and onward. This month bring us our Christmas Party on the 14th. Remember we are donating to the Kitsap County Foster Kids again this year. Unwrapped toys or gift card would be appreciated. Also it’s not to late to bring your food donation for the Food Bank. On the 19th we are planning on going to Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma to enjoy the Zoo Lights. That is something that Myrna and I have never done so we are looking forward to it. We will meet at the Zoo gate at 6pm. This is a Chapter outing and should be fun. I hope you all can be there. Myself and the Staff have been working on next years calendar. So please let us know if you have any ideas for rides for the coming year. There will not be a Gathering this month because of the Christmas Holidays. In closing Myrna and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year from our home to yours. Your CD John 1
Greetings Pod Members, Really, fall has fallen but now we are already heading into the holiday season. Hopefully all of you that are fair weather riders like I am have put your bike to bed for a long winters nap. I hope that doing so you have winterized your bike and put the battery tender on it so everything will work properly next spring. Speaking of putting away my bike Tami and I are now proud owners of a 2005 1800 trike with a 2007 Lehman conversion. It a really pretty wine berry color with lots of safety chrome. I was able to keep a lot of the chrome ad ons from my old bike to add to the new one. I wasn’t really sure I was ready to trike it but now that I have I found that I am looking at riding a bit differently and feel that riding won’t be quit as stressful because I won’t have to worry so much about balance when Tami and I are 2 up.
We had our Dinner Social at the Flat Iron Grill in Gig Harbor this month. Sorry that all the phone calls didn’t get out on the phone tree but I do believe it was on email, as well. There wasn’t a large turnout but it was a nasty night besides getting dark so early now... There was so much food to choose from, we piled as much as we could eat in that bowl and it was more than a person should eat. It was very good but I hate getting that full and then having driving home, I’d rather have sat back and took a nap.
The 16th was the Chapter Audit at Jan’s house, core meeting and then potluck after, for those that attended... I want to thank Jan for letting us use her home again for these meetings. She puts a lot of work into being the We had the annual yearly planning meeting a Jan’s treasurer and every year it’s more of a challenge... Thank and I think we have some good stuff coming, like Zoo You, Jan. Lights this month. If you have suggestions get them to us and we’ll see what we can do. I’ve been having a lot of pain in my right knee and sometimes it would lock up, luckily I was able to always We have the Christmas Party coming soon so don’t forget about getting Jan your registrations as soon as catch myself. After about 3 weeks of Dr’s, scans and MRI, he did some arthroscopic surgery, scrapped a small bur off you can so we can have a head count. Also don’t forget we’re getting gifts for Kitsap Foster Kids and gift cards for the bone. Amazing how they can do that! And so glad! It’s still a little sore and find myself limping when tired but at the older kids are a really good way to go. Also our food drives for the North Mason Food Bank. Remember you get least it doesn’t hurt. Although, Dr. said I’ll be back for a a ticket when you bring food to the meetings and dinner shot in about a year because arthritis as set in... for a chance to win your dinner reg back, we will be having some good entertainment as Judy Scott is in charge Now it’s my shoulder, which hurt worse to start with but like last year as well as a 50/50. We are looking forward to they were more concerned about the knee. I think it came from driving for 3 months on our vacation and I’m sure having a great time. arthritis has set in there too... so finally had my MRI Well that it for now see ya down the road. yesterday and see the Dr. Friday for details. Not sure what he’s going to do but something soon I hope, so I can sleep Ken and Tami Smith ACDs without waking up with pain. Bill and Lori Biltoff are the proud grandparents to their first grandbaby...a little boy was born on the 18th... of Nov. Congratulations! Grandchildren is what it is all about. Greetings again Pod members We had a great Dinner Social at the Hot Iron Mongolian Grill. We had 8 Orcas there having some great food. If you’ve never done a Mongolian grill it’s pretty fun. You go through the line and pick out all the noodles veggies and meat you want and then one of the cooks, cooks it up on a gigantic grill wright in front of you. We won’t be having a Dinner Social in December because we’re having a Great Christmas Party on the 14th. Well I guess that is a dinner social too. Ok that it for now see ya down the road. Ken and Tami Smith ACDs 2
It’s been a quiet month, with not much chapter excitement... Winter is here, it’s been so cold out, no riding for us. With my aches and pains, our rides have been to the Dr. and that is in 4 wheels. Hope everyone has had a good month and we’ll see you all at the meeting, Saturday. Your ACD’s, Mike and Barbra Berreman
In it to win it. Judy and I went to Chapter Q’s Halloween dance on October 26th. It was held at the Poodle Dog restaurant in Fife. It’s been a couple of years since we last went to the dance. The last time we attended, we came in second for the best couples costume. This year we were “in it to win it”. We rented costumes from Northwest costume, which is on 6th Ave. in Tacoma. They have ties to the theater industry and have some amazing costumes. Judy had gone in earlier by herself and found a beautiful purple Victorian style dress that looked like something that Lily Langtree would wear. We decided to go as a western couple. I decided to go as Wyatt Earp. The costumes were great but it was all the accessories that really made them special. Judy’s came with a purse, gloves, beaded shawl, necklace, earrings and a feathered head piece. Besides the coat, pants, shirt, tie and vest, mine came with a hat, pocket watch on a chain and a set of pistols that were hard to tell from the real thing. To make a long story short, we won $30 for the best couples costume. Going out to a nightclub drinking and dancing for fun is not something we do anymore. This dance is a lot different and we always have a good time when we can do it with our GWRRA friends. There used to be others dances such as Chapter F’s Valentine day dance and Chapter V’s St. Patrick day dance but I believe that this is the last dance that is sponsored by a Washington Chapter. It really is a shame to see this type of social event disappearing. I’ve been told that it is difficult to make a profit from this type of event. Next year I hope to get more Chapter members to go and help keep this social going. Maybe we could even win the best Chapter costume category. Your Chapter Educator. Marv Scott
Scott’s Spot December is almost here and I'm sure there are many of us who will be putting our bikes to bed for the winter. There are a lot of things a person can and should do to prepare the bike for storage. The following is a list of what I consider the most important. First thing you should address is the fuel system. Gasoline that sits for weeks can go stale and turn into a residue that can clog up fuel lines, carburetors and injectors. There are two methods to winterize the fuel system. The first is to completely drain the gas tank, fuel lines, carburetors and float bowls. If you do this method, be sure to spray the inside of the fuel tank with a fuel-soluble anti-rust agent. The second method (and the one I prefer) is to add the correct amount of fuel stabilizer to the gas and fill the tank completely with non-oxygenated fuel. Oxygenated fuels contain ethanol or methanol, which will absorb moisture and could cause rust. Then go for a ride to the store to buy oil and a filter. This will get the stabilizer throughout the fuel system and warm the bike to operating temperature for the next step. Change your oil and filter. Did you know that one of main reasons to change oil is because it loses its ability to neutralize the acids that are created by the combustion process? You certainly don't want those acids sitting in your bike's engine for 3 or 4 months. After changing the oil and starting the bike to circulate the new oil around the engine, turn it off and leave it off for the rest of the time it's going to be stored. A lot of people like to go out and start the bike every couple of weeks during the winter just to keep everything lubricated. This 3
can actually do more harm then good because of the acid build up it causes. A better way is to turn the kill switch to stop and crank the starter for a few seconds. To insure the cylinder walls won't rust during storage, you can remove the spark plugs and pour in a tablespoon of clean engine oil.
good wax (I prefer a Carnauba based wax) to the entire surface to prevent some unsightly rust or corrosion spots from developing. It doesn't matter if you buff it all off to a shine, the idea is to get a protective coating.
To get your battery through the winter, you need to do a few of things. If you have a lead/acid battery, the first thing is to make sure the battery cells are full. Battery's don't like nor need extra minerals so fill any cell that's low with distilled water. Apply a battery charger to make sure it's fully charged. Over the course of a few months, your battery will go dead if the charge is not maintained. Nothing can kill a battery faster than letting it sit with no charge. There are two options I recommend. The first is to pull the battery out of the bike and set it in the garage. Put a battery charger on it for a day, every couple of weeks, to keep it fully charged. The second (and the one I prefer) is to purchase an automatic battery-maintaining charger. I have one for each bike. One is a "Battery Tender Plus" made by Deltran and the other is "Automatic Battery Charger" made by Yuasa. Both work quite well. All you have to do is attached them to your battery (I plug them into the power line for Judy's Gerbing vest) and forget them. They automatically monitor your battery's charge and when it falls below a certain point, they return it to a full charge. Pretty slick. For an investment of $40 to $60, it could extend the life of your battery two or more years and pay for itself.
Lastly, check that your tire pressure is correct and park the bike someplace that is dry, out of the weather and someplace where it won't be bumped or hit. Put it on the center stand and place a block under the engine so the front wheel is off the ground. Cover it with a breathable cover. Don't use plastic tarps or cotton sheets as they can trap and hold moisture against the bike and cause rust or mildew. I put something on the seats just to discourage the cats from sleeping there. I also put dryer sheets in the air intake vents and one under the gas tank door to discourage rodents.
If you haven't changed your clutch and brake fluids in a couple of years, you might want to do it now. Brake fluid absorbs moisture. Look at the reservoir window, if the fluid is dark, it has a lot of moisture in it and could cause corrosion and potential problems when you start riding again. If you haven't changed the coolant in the last couple of years, you might want to do it now. Be sure to use a coolant that doesn't contain silicon, as this will damage the water pump. If you have to add water, make sure to use distilled water, which doesn't contain minerals that could react with the aluminum parts in the engine and radiator. Wash and thoroughly dry the bike. This gets rid of the road grime, dirt and chemicals that may damage your bikes finish. Make sure it's dry and apply a 4
If you have any other tips or things you do to prepare your bike for storage, please bring them up at the next meeting or social. Marv Scott WA “O” Educator
December 2013 Sun
7 FYI WA-I Toy Run
WA”O”s Christmas party Airport Diner 6:00
19 Zoo Lights
John Seifert’s birthday
2 H
John & Myrna’s anniversary
Jan Olmsted’s birthday
Christmas day
John & Betty Boyd’s anniversary
28 WA”O” gathering canceled for the holidays
GWRRA Chapter WA-O
2013 Christmas Party ***** December 14th **** 6pm ******* Airport Diner
Chapter WA-O would like to invite all of our members to come and celebrate the Christmas Season. This year we are holding our Party at the Airport Diner. All food will be catered by them. Again this year we will be collecting New-Unwrapped Toys for Kitsap Foster Care Association. The children can range in age *********PRE REGISTRATION BY********* *****DECEMBER 1st, 2013****** Mail to: Jan Olmsted, WA-O
90 E. Old Ranch Rd Allyn, WA. 98524 Checks payable to: GWRRA WA-O Questions? Send to:
[email protected] Non Alcoholic
$18.50 per person/beverage included Guests Names_____________________________
Prize Drawing
” 7
Old GWRRA Program-Revitalized!
FIND-A-FRIEND PROGRAM NEVER PAY DUES AGAIN*!!! GWRRA announces a change to our long-standing Find-A-Friend Recruitment Program, with a twist! *For every five new memberships (households) you recruit, you will receive a gift certificate with the equivalent value of a Family Membership - $55. Members have the "option" to redeem certificate(s) for a GWRRA Membership Renewal, GWRRA Official Merchandise, Wing Ding Registration or Chapter Charter Fees. The program is open to all GWRRA Members and will begin January 1, 2012. Visit for program rules
Chapter Gatherings Chapter O Gathering On the 4th Saturday of each month at the Airport Diner, located at the Bremerton Municipal Airport on State Route 3. Breakfast starts at 8:00 AM followed by the Meeting at 9:00 AM. See WWW.GWRRA.ORG for other location and times of other chapter meetings.
4th Sat
3rd Sun
1st Sat
Port Orchard
4th Sat
2nd Sat
3rd Sat
2nd Sun WA-Q
1st Wed
3rd Sat
Walla Walla
1st Sat
4th Sun WA-V
1st Thu
2nd Tue WA-Y
2nd Fri
3rd Sun WA-Z
2nd Sat
2nd Sat
1st Sat
1st Sat
GWRRA Chapter WA-O Staff ( Chapter Director
John & Myrna Scrivner
[email protected]
Assistant Chapter Director
Ken and Tami Smith
[email protected]
Assistant Chapter Director
Mike and Barb Berreman
[email protected]
Chapter Mentor
John Scrivner
[email protected]
Chapter Mentor
Ken Smith
[email protected]
Chapter Store
Bill and Lori Biltoft
[email protected]
Membership Enhancement
J.K. Laird
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Phillip and Elizabeth Kirbow
[email protected]
Newsletter Publisher
Myrna Scrivner
[email protected]
Phone Tree
Bill and Lori Biltoft
[email protected]
Phone Tree
Mike and Barb Berreman
[email protected]
Ride Coordinator
Jack Davies
[email protected]
Rider Educator
Marv Scott
[email protected]
Special Events Coordinator
John & Myrna Scrivner
[email protected]
Sunshine Announcer
Jackie Lemon
360- 871-5052
[email protected]
Technical Coordinator
Frank Taber
Treasurer & Public Relations
Jan Olmsted
Marisa & Tim White
Ride Captain
Jack Harrison
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
GWRRA Washington District Staff ( District Director
Susie and Frank Hutchinson
[email protected]
Assistant District Director
Reggie Baumer and Chuck Porter
[email protected]
Assistant District Director
Wally and Anna Wallingford
[email protected]
Dist Ambassadors Coordinator
Jerry and Judy Thompson
District Couple of the Year
Ted & Deborah Moore
District Vendor Coordinator
Wally & Anna Willingford
District Educator
Mike Briggs
District Leadership Training
Roy and Pearl McKenzie
[email protected]
District MEC
Garry & Maxine Alexander
[email protected]
District Newsletter Editor
Brad and Dee Kane
District Stores District Treasurer
District Webmaster
Mike and Peggy Hudnell
Assistant Directors
Dale and Shirley Dufner
Assistant Directors
Terry and Cheri Huffman
Assistant Directors
Russ and Laurie Parpart
Region Educators
Bob and Becky Minor
Rider Instructor Coordinators
Tim and Martie Mitchell
Garry and Maxine Alexander
Leadership Trainers
John and Dianne Kester
[email protected]
Couple of the Year Coordinators
Garry & Maxine Alexander
[email protected]
Erv and Phyllis Ganahan
Scott Bowman
Couple of the Year
Mike & Janet Turner
Newsletter Editor
Shirley Dufner
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] rusprprt&
[email protected]
GWRRANATIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION ( GWRRA Home Office 21423 North 11th Avenue Phoenix, AZ Phone: 800-843-9460 or 623-581-2500 (Phoenix) 85027 Fax:623-5844 Email:
[email protected]
For Sale 1987 Honda GL1200AH Goldwing Aspencade. Less than 11,000 miles. Satellite Blue/Silver Metallic. CB, AM-FM Radio Cassette, Intercom, on board air compressor, factory cruise control, driver low-back support, driving lights, several additional light add-ons, 2 color coordinated full face helmets, larger windshield w/side extensions plus original windshield, original tool kit and luggage duffle bags, original bike cover, new tires, rebuilt carbs, new master cylinder and rebuilt slave cylinder, front/rear brake lines flushed, 2 new XL color coordinated all weather Tourmaster jackets. South Bound Honda, Tacoma shop of choice. $5125 J.D. Plunkett 360-697-2226
South Bound Honda 2724 96th Street South Lakewood, WA 98499 Phone: (253) 582-2288 Fax: (253) 582-2294
360-598-9963 3203 NE Totten Road, Suite D Poulsbo, WA 98370
2115 Carriage Drive SW - Capitol Auto Mall Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 357-9633 Fax: (360) 754-0920