Bishop Dudley Hospitality House Endowment as well as the ongoing care of the Cathe- dral of St. Joseph, one of the regio
T he people of Sacred Heart parish strive to be disciples of Jesus Christ by receiving the sacraments, living their faith and welcoming others to follow Him.
December 11, 2016
Those Who Serve You
Sacred Heart Parish Office & Mass Times (605)665-3655 Fr. Larry Regynski - Pastor
Melissa Kralicek - Office Manager Deb Broders - Bookkeeper Camille Massing - Director of Religious Education Ann Engen - Pastoral Care Mary Wuestewald - Music Ministry Dan Broders - Maintenance Supervisor
Prayer Line
Foundation Office
Lynda Healy
Kelly Kathol - Director
Sacred Heart Schools: Middle School (605)665-1808 Dr. Tim Mulhair - Principal
Elementary School (605)665-5841 Laura Haberman - Principal
General Mass Schedule Monday – No Mass Tuesday – 5:15pm Wednesday - 8:30am and 5:15pm Thursday-Friday – 8:00am and 5:15pm Saturday – 4:30pm Sunday – 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00am Spanish Mass – 4th Sunday of every month at 2:00pm with Confessions at 1:15pm
Sacrament of Penance: Tuesday: 4:30pm – 5:00pm Thursday: 12:30, 2:30 and 7:30pm Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office by calling 665-3655. Marriage Preparation: Need to contact the pastor 6 months before the wedding date. Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday mornings starting at 8am through 8am on Friday mornings. Fax #: 605-665-6768
[email protected]
Sacred Heart Parish
Page 2
Remember to get your SCRIP gift cards for Christmas! Stop by the Foundation office located in the Sacred Heart Parish offices or after all masses. $25
Once again, we are reminded that it is now winter in the Upper Great Plains with subzero weather and wind-chill factors now part of the daily routine. At my previous parish, I dreaded the cold weather especially because it meant I would have to spend some nights babysitting the church boilers. (The boilers were lemons, which I inherited. They needed constant repair. I got to know the boiler repairman so well we became good friends. I was so glad when they broke down for good and I could finally replace them!) One year, as I sat before the cold boiler that refused to light for the umpteenth time, my mind flashed to the words of the Gospel this Sunday: "Rejoice!" Rejoice? Rejoice? Yes, Rejoice! How could I rejoice with no heat? But then I thought of people who must go without heat all the time in this weather. We always must remember that the rejoicing the Bible has in mind is not one based on emotions. You cannot command anybody to feel a certain way. It would be ridiculous to even attempt to change your feelings at will. The rejoicing the Gospel envisions is one based on faith. It is a faith which sees people through difficult times even when it seems darkest. It's like knowing that a movie will turn out well at the end, but you have no clue how it will happen half-way through the movie. We know that Christ has come, is present with us now, and will come again to put all things right. The saints could rejoice even during their persecutions because of their faith. It is also a faith which tells me to reach out to people who are less fortunate. As we prepare for Christmas, let the Lord fill our hearts with Christian joy: a joy based on faith and not the passing winds of the emotions. Rejoice! The Lord is near!
Catholic United Finan--Fr. Larry cial is sponsoring a hayride and caroling on Wed. Dec. 21st. Meet at Wintz Funeral Home-Hospitality Building at 6:30pm. Dress warm! Bring a blanket or sleeping 20th Annual Christmas at the Cathedral – Dec. 15, 16, 17 & 18 bag and a flashlight! Come for fun, faith, and fellowship and celebrate the birth of our Time is drawing near for the 20th Annual Christmas at the Cathedral. Lord! Cookies and hot cocoa afterwards!
This year’s theme, “Re-Imagine Christmas” offers an opportunity to imagine ourselves experiencing the very first Christmas. Through beautiful music and inspiring reflections, audiences will experience how God “re-imagined” the world Looking for the Perfect Christmas Gift through the Incarnation – God coming among us – in the birth of His Son, Jesus, who came in weakness. The performance dates are December 15, 16, 17, & 18. There are for Your Spouse? Nothing you can buy will six performances from which you can select. compare with the spiritual gifts you will receive The production is pleased to welcome tenor back, Scott Piper and soprano, Marni Raab, by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter along with storyteller, Vickie Fuller. Dan Goeller and Kevin Humke will be conducting Weekend. The next weekend is February 10- the Christmas at the Cathedral Orchestra and Choir. In addition to bringing the community together to celebrate this special time of year, 12th at Broomtree Retreat Center in Irene Christmas at the Cathedral supports the poor and vulnerable in our midst through the SD. Perhaps you’ve seen this ad before and Bishop Dudley Hospitality House Endowment as well as the ongoing care of the Cathefelt the Holy Spirit tug at your heart to sign dral of St. Joseph, one of the region’s most significant civic and sacred landmarks. We up—make today the day you listen! Clear look forward to sharing the joy of Advent and the Christmas season with you during the your calendar, sign-up, and make your spouse 20th annual Christmas at the Cathedral. your top priority this Christmas! Other dates Tickets are selling fast – get yours today at any of the following outlets: 1) at any Sioux and locations are available. Go to Falls HyVee store, 2) on-line at, 3) phone 605.988.3765 4) email or call John and Dawn at 605-362-0924 to
[email protected], 5) stop by the Catholic Community Foundation Office (523 N Duregister. luth Ave).
December 11, 2016 | The Third Sunday of Advent
♦♦♦ PARISH NEWS ♦♦♦ Senior High: Ignite Night! Wednesday Dec. 14, 7-8:30 PM A local Speaker will surprise you! Testimony of God’s goodness triumphs over tragedy. Don’t miss this! Confirmation: If you missed the last session, lots to do! Please turn in your questionnaire sheet due Dec. 4 Sponsor page due Dec. 15. Let me know if you don’t have a sponsor. Letter to Bishop Swain due Jan. 8. Send when finished. Save a copy of the letter for your completed folder. Priestly Vocations: Ski with Seminarians: Catholic guys 12 years and older Mass, Skiing, Pizza, Prayer and Vocation Stories Dec. 29, 2016 St. Lamberts / Great Bear Sioux Falls Sign-Up online at Joseph is preparing for his expanding family… Mary is preparing to raise a baby King… Jesus is preparing to Redeem the world… What are we preparing to do ? Collection of Broken Blessed Items As Catholics, we are accustomed to having religious objects “blessed,” which signifies permanent sanctification. Once a religious object is blessed and dedicated for divine worship or veneration, it must be treated with reverence. Anything that has been blessed should be burned (and then the ashes buried) or simply buried. Do you have any of these items that have become broke or worn down and you didn’t know what to do with it? We are collecting old Bibles, broken rosaries, old scapulars, palm branches, prayer cards, statues, etc. You may drop any blessed items off at the Parish office and they will be properly laid to rest.
HOMEBOUND MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to minister to members of our parish who are elderly, sick, confined to their homes, or reside in a nursing home.
This ministry involves home visitation and prayer support. There is currently a great need for volunteers in this ministry. If you would like to volunteer, or for further information, please contact Ann Engen, Pastoral Care Coordinator, in the parish office (665-3655, ext. 2203).
CHRISTMAS FLOWERS for Sacred Heart Church are always
provided by the generous donations of our parishioners in memory of deceased loved ones or in honor of the living. You may donate to this year’s Flower and Sanctuary Beautification Fund by completing this form and returning it with your contribution to the parish office or placing it in the collection by Sunday, December 18th. All memorials will be published in the Christmas bulletin (unless otherwise requested). Thank you!
In Memory of (name of deceased): ____________________________________________________________________ In Honor of (name of living person): ____________________________________________________________________ Requested by (your name): ____________________________________________________________________
♦♦♦ SHS NEWS ♦♦♦
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IN CASE OF INCLEMEMNT WEATHER: tune into KELO, KSFY, WNAX, KYNT or KVHT and a mass message will be sent to families. If you are not currently receiving mass messages, call either office to be added. In case of no school, school lunch will be what the previous day’s (snow day) lunch was supposed to be instead of what is on the calendar for the day we resume classes. In case of a late start, classes will begin at 10am. At the Middle School students will go to their homerooms to start the day, also students will eat what they ordered for the previous day (snow day). At the elementary, there would be no morning preschool or morning junior kindergarten classes. Full day junior kindergarten would come at 10am. Students will eat what they ordered for the previous day (snow day). The Middle School Christmas concert will be held next Wednesday, December 14 at 7pm at Link. We hope to see you there! The elementary school is in need of a driver for speech on a rotating basis on Thursday afternoons at 2:45. Please contact Sherry if you are available to help at 665-5841. Thank you in advance! Registration for 2017-2018 School Year We have begun accepting registrations for the 2017-2018 school year for preschool, junior kindergarten and kindergarten classes. Current SHS families: Registration forms have been sent home with current SHS families. Please return these forms by December 20th to secure your child’s enrollment in class. If you are registering for Pre-School or Junior Kindergarten please include the $35 deposit which will be applied to your tuition next year. Registrations for grades 1-8 will be sent home with the February parent/teacher conference notices. New families: If you do not currently have students enrolled at SHS, please call 665-5841 or check the website for information to register your child. Early Childhood Registration will be accepted starting Thursday, December 1. 2017-2018 Early Childhood Options: Pre-School: T/Th option (child must be 3 by August 1) M/W/F morning and afternoon option (child must be 3 by August 1) Junior Kindergarten: Morning half day option (child must be 4 by September 1) Afternoon half day option (child must be 4 by September 1) Full day option (child must be 4 1/2 by March 1) Blessings, Mrs. Haberman & Dr. Mulhair Upcoming Events: Tuesday, December 13: 7th grade Majestic Bluffs Adopt a Grandfriend Wednesday, December 14: 5th-8th Christmas Concert 7pm Link Friday, December 16: MS Spelling Bee 10am Monday December 19: Jesus’ Birthday party for 9am am MWF Pre K, 1pm MWF Pre K, full day Jr K Tuesday, December 20: Jesus’ Birthday party for 9am T/Th Pre K, am Jr K Advisory Council meeting 6pm Wednesday, December 21: No School / Christmas Break
Sacred Heart Parish
Page 4 VIDEO ROSARY – Cable TV Channel 3 & 98 Monday – Fridays at 12:30pm FAMILY RADIO ROSARY — KVHT 106.3 FM (Sunday through Thursday, 10:00 p.m.)
Advent is a glorious time. We celebrate Mary and we celebrate the coming of Her Son. We are asked to pray our rosary for our own souls. If we become more holy, we can help our families to become more holy. The rosary is said on two electronic medias in Yankton. You also can access EWTN to pray with Mother Angelica's rosary. If you wish to donate to the program, your donation is tax exempt. You can put your donation with your name in the Sunday collection with Rosary printed on the envelope and it will get to us. You need to give your name and address and you will receive a notice of your donations for the year, for the coming income tax. Some people like to be reminded, there is not much time left.
MASS INTENTIONS at Sacred Heart Parish
may be scheduled in advance up to one year from the date of the request.
P ARISH C OLLECTIONS Envelopes: ACH & On-Line Loose: Children: All Saints Total collected:
$ 13,994.00 (198) 2,918.00 (89) 1,138.47 112.99 10.00 $ 18,173.46
Fiscal YTD Actual Collection: $320,473.00 Fiscal YTD Budget: $350,138.00
Fourth Month - Spiritual Adoption I am now about 6 inches long and weigh 6 ounces. My heart is beating 140 beats per minute and pumps up to 25 quarts of blood per day. I can taste and hear sounds and voices now. When I sleep, I have dreams and loud noises can wake me up. I am completely formed and the doctor can tell if I am a boy or girl from the ultrasound pictures. By the end of this month I will be 9 inches long and weigh 10 ounces.
FOR THE HUMAN SERVICES CENTER will again be collected. Collection boxes will be placed in the entrances of the church through Sunday, December 11th. Possible gift ideas are posted by the collection boxes. No glass containers/mirrors can be accepted. Please leave gifts unwrapped. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and support of this worthwhile project. Your generosity is much appreciated!
Christmas Sack Program
The chaplains of the SD Penitentiary will again be providing sacks of nuts and candy to the inmates in our State prison on Christmas Eve. This annual program is probably familiar to most of you. The sacks will include homemade fudge, nuts, hard candy and a card from local school children. The drop off dates and sites for fudge and cards in the Yankton community will be during business hours at: December 12-16, 2016 St. Benedict Catholic church Christ the King Lutheran church If you have contributions for our expenses you may send them to: Inmate Christmas Sack Program c/o Rev. Gary Ternes PO Box 5911 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5911 Thank you for your help in making this project work each year. Rev. Gary Ternes
Reminder to Court Willard Members: Our December 15th Meeting @ 6:15 will be our Christmas Party with the Benedictine Sisters up at the Monastery. Hostesses for the evening are Peg Schiedel and Jacqueline Boyer. Please come for an evening of visiting, coffee, desserts, and good company. For those that volunteered, please don't forget to deliver your Christmas cookies to Majestic Bluffs on Friday Dec 16 no later than 1:30. All are welcome to stay and enjoy the party with the Residents. Merry Christmas! To all Parishioners: A big "Thank You" to all those that supported Court Willard #967 Peanut Brittle sales last weekend!
Seasonal Decorating Volunteers There will be a meeting on December
Yankton Catholic Community Investment Certificate Program Investment Certificate Balance Average interest rate YCC Certificate Savings Total Certificate Savings
$2,665,101 1.5% $810,960 $1,196,063
For upcoming retreats: call 605-263-1040; email
[email protected]; or go online to
18th at 2:00pm @ Sacred Heart Church for anyone interested in decorating for the Christmas liturgical celebrations. Please come help with this wonderful ministry and thank you to those who have volunteered already! MARCH FOR LIFE The SF Diocese has organized the annual pilgrimage to Washington, DC leaving on Jan. 25th returning Jan. 29th. We only have reserved 20 seats of the buses, so don’t wait to sign up. The total cost of the trip is $500, but we hope to offset costs with a couple of bake sale fundraisers. The pilgrimage is open to anyone (youth or adult). For more information contact Dan Specht at 605-661-0283 or Maintenance Position Open Broom Tree Retreat Center near Irene, SD is looking for a hard-working person to join our maintenance staff. If you are an individual with a handy-man’s hands and a servant’s heart, Broom Tree is the place for you. Benefits are available including health & dental insurance, long-term disability, life insurance, paid holidays, and earned sick and vacation time in addition to a competitive hourly wage with flexible scheduling. If you would like to join our dedicated staff, please contact Kris Sees, Administrator, at 605263-1040 or by email at
[email protected] for more information. Learn more about us at
December 11, 2016 | The Third Sunday of Advent
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♦♦♦ UPCOMING CALENDAR EVENTS ♦♦♦ Monday, December 12th 2pm-3PM Yahweh Shalom Prayer Grp. @ St. Ben’s 7PM– Choir Practice @ Sacred Heart Church Tuesday, December 13th 4PM - Hour of Prayer for Non-Practicing Catholics 4:00PM - Confessions Wednesday, December 14th 12:30PM - Confessions 2:30PM - Confessions
Thursday, December 15th 12:30PM - Confessions 2:30PM - Confessions 7:30PM - Confessions 8AM-8AM Friday Morning Eucharistic Adoration Friday, December 16th 12:30PM-Confessions 2:30 PM-Confessions
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COFFEE AND ROLLS DECEMBER 18TH AFTER 9:30AM MASS
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KC BREAKFAST THIS WEEKEND — THIS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11TH - Come out and try our family friendly menu. Serving from 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Bring a friend! THE LIVING WATERS OF BAPTISM we welcome Isa Nichole Shudak, daughter of Nicholas and Christine Shudak and Trenton Lee Mueller, son of Nathan and Amberlee Mueller. May God shower them with an abundance of His grace and blessings!
Monday - December 12th No Mass Tuesday - December 13th 5:15pm - (d) Arlene Goeden Wednesday - December 14th 8:30am - (d) Marivonne Wentzlaff 5:15pm - (d) Dominic Sr. & Helen Russo Thursday - December 15th 8:00am (l&d) - The Rockne Family 5:15pm - (d) Marguerite Day Friday - December 16th 8:00am - (d) Marivonne Wentzlaff 5:15pm - (d) Elizabeth Kostel Saturday - December 17th 4:30pm - (d) Gaylon Nickles; Don & Bonita Brusseau; Jack & Rena Nickles & Family Sunday - December 18th 8:00am - (l&d) SHP 9:30am - (d) Mildred, Marsha & Ed Holec & Margaret Swensen 11:00am - (d) Dennis Hacecky
ADVENT SHOWER FOR CHRIST’S LITTLE ONES Sacred Heart Church is participating in the annual diocesan Advent Baby Shower from Nov. 27th through READINGS FOR THE Dec. 25th. Please place new unwrapped gifts in the cribs at the church entrances. WEEK OF DECEMBER R e c o m m e n d e d i t e m s i n c l u d e d i a p e r s , b a b y w i p e s , a n d 11, 2016 toiletries. All donated items will be given to the Contact Center and Yankton’s Women Shelter.
Sunday: IS 35:1-6A, 10; JAS 5:7-10; MT 11:2-11 Monday: ZEC 2:14-17; LK 1:26-38 Tuesday: ZEP 3:1-2, 9-13; MT 21:28-32 Wednesday: IS 45:6C-8, 18, 21C-25; LK 7:18B-23 Thursday: IS 54:1-10; LK 7:24-30 Adult Men's Catholic Bible Study Friday: IS 56:1-3A, 6-8; JN 5:33-36 The bible study will review and prayerfully contemplate the gospel reading for Sunday Saturday: GN 49:2, 8-10; MT 1:1-17 (Dec 18). This bible study occurs on the second Monday of every month. The next study is Next Sunday: IS 7:10-14; ROM 1:1-7; MT 1:18-24 on Monday, December 12 at 7:30pm at Sacred Heart Church in the St. John Vianney Room. If you are interested and/or have questions please contact Greg Fix at 651-2493168 or
[email protected].
Fr. Jerome Ranek, who began his priestly ministry at Sacred Heart Parish 25 years ago, will celebrate a Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving at Christ the King church in Sioux Falls on December 27th at 5:30 PM. A reception follows. All are invited to come celebrate God’s gift of priesthood.
SAT. DEC. 17TH 4:30PM
Teresa Holan
SUN. DEC. 18TH 8:00AM
Diane Hovden
Dave Brown/Joyce Carda Calvin Carlson/Donna Carlson Jean Salvatori/Thomas Tacke Volunteer Needed
Andrew Bahm Isaac Bahm Nathan Bahm
Eugene Bulian Matt Nighbert Robert Peitz Linda Peitz
The Roger Schroeder Family
Jean Marie Lauer Darcel Stevens David Stevens Volunteer Needed
The Jerome Mueller Family
Nicholas Adderley William Adderley Madison Cordell
Michael Gorman Kenneth Guenther Mary C. Johnson Grace Liebig
The Jerry Hoffman Family
C: Tom & Alecia Yaggie Mary Lou Anderson/Wayne Anderson Aiden Anderson Betty Bray/Charlotte Herman Brooke Anderson John Hughes/Maxine Hughes O: Shirley Jennewein Noah Anderson Volunteer Needed
Jean Binder Michael Binder Steven Bray Tanner Fitzgerald
The Janelle Brenden Family
MUSICIANS C: Steven Cass O: Shirley Jennewein C: Maddy & Marielle Logue O: Julie Koch
SUN. C: Pam S. & Mary W. DEC. 18TH Andrew Henrickson O: Julie Koch 9:30AM
Sun. DEC. 18TH 11:00am
Mike Sempek
Jerry Pollard/Kelly Vornhagen Kevin Wiepen/Mary Lou Deuschle Josephine Krajewski Miles Krajewski Robert Furdeck/Michael Healy Payton Wolfgram Volunteer Needed Dan Hicks/Paula Hicks Ray Campbell/Carol Christensen Lynda Healy/Tom Heine Volunteer Needed