Apr 3, 2007 - Name of the Public Authority: Indian Oil Corporation Limited. DECISION. Facts: 1. The appellant had sought
Central Information Commission Block No.IV (5th Floor), Old JNU Campus, New Delhi – 110 067 website: www.cic.gov.in Decision No.615/IC(A)/2007 F. No.CIC/MA/A/2007/00055 Dated, the 3 rd April, 2007 Name of the Appellant :
Shri S.K. Kaushik
Name of the Public Authority:
Indian Oil Corporation Limited DECISION
Facts: 1. The appellant had sought information relating to PDA Reports, EPMs and Minutes of DPC for specific period, from the CPIO of the respondent’s Northern Region. The CPIO forwarded his application to the concerned PIO at Refinery HQ, as the appellant’s case was handled by them. 2. The CPIO responded and denied the disclosure of information u/s 8(1)(d) and (j) of the Act on the ground that some information sought was confidential in nature. Further, he informed that certain information relating to goals portion of ePMS are in the public domain and he should access them through ePMS portal. 3. The appellate authority ordered for disclosure of the DPC minutes indicating the names of persons recommended for promotion from Grade – D to E for the years 2002 to 2006. However, for disclosure of the PDA reports, the decision of the CPIO was upheld. 4. Being aggrieved with the order of the appellate authority, he preferred 2nd appeal before the Commission praying that he needs the requested information to fight his case against the injustice and victimization done to him by the respondent. Commission’s Decision: 5. The respondent has largely furnished the information sought, except the PDA reports, which is justified u/s 8(1)(d) & (j) of the Act. The information was
sought for promotion of personal interest, rather than public. requests from the employees should be discouraged. 6.
Hence, such
The appeal is accordingly disposed of. Sd/(Prof. M.M. Ansari) Information Commissioner
Authenticated true copy:
(L.C. Singhi) Additional Registrar
Name & address of Parties: 1.
Shri S.K. Kaushik, 612, Sharad Kunj, C-58/18, Sector-62, NOIDA – 201 307
Shri S. Majumder, Dy. General Manager (HR) & CPIO, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Northern Region, Indian Oil Bhawan, Yusuf Sarai, New Delhi – 110 016