New on-line Zealandat:Journal of Ecology, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2010 Available
Declining soil fertility does not increase leaf lifespan within species: evidence from the Franz Josef chronosequence, New Zealand Sarah J. Richardson*, Duane A. Peltzer, Robert B. Allen and Matt S. McGlone Landcare Research, PO Box 40, Lincoln 7640, New Zealand *Author for correspondence (Email:
[email protected]) Published on-line: 13 May 2010 Abstract: Leaf lifespan varies widely among plant species, from a few weeks to >40 years. This variation is associated with differences in plant form and function, and the distribution of species along resource gradients. Longer leaf lifespans increase the residence time of nutrients and are one mechanism by which plants conserve nutrients; consequently, leaf lifespan should increase within species with declining soil nutrient availability. The Franz Josef chronosequence is a series of post-glacial surfaces along which soil fertility declines strongly with increasing soil age. We used this fertility gradient to test whether leaf lifespans of six common indigenous woody species increased as soil nutrient availability declined. Leaf lifespan varied from 12.4 months in Coprosma foetidissima (Rubiaceae) to 47.1 months in Pseudopanax crassifolius (Araliaceae). These leaf lifespans sample 12% of the full range of leaf lifespans reported globally and occupy a relatively conservative portion of global leaf trait space. Contrary to our expectations, leaf lifespan of two species (Pseudopanax crassifolius and Prumnopitys ferruginea) decreased by 44–61% with increasing soil age and there were no other relationships between soil age and leaf lifespan. Across all species, leaf nutrient residence times increased by 85% for N and 90% for P with declining soil fertility, but this was caused by increased nutrient resorption efficiency rather than by increased leaf longevity. These data demonstrate that plants increase leaf nutrient resorption efficiency rather than leaf lifespan as a withinspecies response to long-term declines in soil fertility. Keywords: foliar nutrients; indigenous tree species; intraspecific variation; leaf longevity; leaf trait; mean residence time; nitrogen; phosphorus; plant–soil interactions
Introduction A long leaf lifespan is considered advantageous in nutrient-poor environments because leaf lifespan determines the residence time of resources retained in leaves, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) (e.g. Monk 1966; Chabot & Hicks 1980; Eckstein et al. 1999; Aerts & Chapin 2000). The mean residence time (MRT) of nutrients in leaves is a critical aspect of whole-plant function; it determines individual plant performance by controlling rates of leaf photosynthesis and respiration, and also underpins the impact of a plant on ecosystem processes through litter quality and rates of litter decomposition. Leaf lifespan should increase as soil nutrient availability declines, and support for this hypothesis comes from both among- and withinspecies responses to soil nutrient availability. Comparisons among species have commonly demonstrated that plant communities on infertile soils typically support more evergreen species, or species with longer leaf lifespans, than communities on fertile soils (e.g. Monk 1966; Escudero et al. 1992). Further evidence has been derived from consistent relationships among species between leaf lifespan and leaf nutrient concentrations (e.g. Reich et al. 1997) that can be used to argue that declining leaf nutrient concentrations along soil fertility gradients should be accompanied by increasing investment in leaf structural carbohydrates and leaf lifespan. These predictions are based on the idea that the construction costs of leaves is higher in low-fertility environments and thus plants should protect their investment in leaves as nutrient availability declines (e.g. Lambers & Poorter 1992; Aerts & Chapin 2000; Grime 2001). Evidence for within-species responses of leaf lifespan to soil fertility comes from natural fertility gradients, fertilisation experiments, and combinations of the two. Cordell et al. (2001) fertilised two sites with contrasting soil fertility along the Hawaiian soil chronosequence, and measured the response of leaf lifespan in the dominant tree species Metrosideros polymorpha. Fertiliser addition decreased leaf lifespan at the younger, fertile site as predicted, but leaf lifespan was unresponsive to fertiliser addition at the older, more infertile site. Furthermore, leaf lifespan of unfertilised trees was longest at the younger, fertile site counter to predictions that leaf
lifespan should be shortest on the most fertile sites. In this paper, we examine within-species variation in leaf lifespan along a longterm soil chronosequence that represents a strong fertility gradient at Franz Josef, New Zealand, to test whether leaf lifespan increases within species in response to declining soil fertility. The Franz Josef chronosequence is an outstanding natural fertility gradient; many common New Zealand woody species are widespread across this gradient, providing the opportunity to examine how key plant traits respond within species to changes in fertility (e.g. Whitehead et al. 2005). We determine how leaf lifespan varies within six common woody species along this gradient, combine those data with previously published estimates of nutrient resorption (Richardson et al. 2004, 2005) to estimate mean residence time (MRT) of N and P, and conclude by positioning our leaf lifespan data in global leaf trait space (GLOPNET; Wright et al. 2004) and discussing the range of leaf lifespans sampled by our six study species.
Materials and methods The Franz Josef soil chronosequence is a series of postglacial surfaces in southern New Zealand (43° S, 170° E) that range widely in fertility (Stevens 1968). Richardson et al. (2004) described soil chemistry on nine surfaces (sites) and in this study data were gathered from eight sites that support tall forest, ranging in age from 60 to c. 120 000 years. Available soil P (ratio of organic P to total C) declines along the chronosequence from 5 mg kg–1 (60 years) to 1 mg kg–1 (120 000 years; Spearman rank correlation between available soil P and soil age r = −0.92, P 50 years old (600 months). These long-lived individual leaves must still be productive in order to be retained, suggesting they are well situated for photosynthesis and sufficiently robust to have avoided damage. However, robust leaves of high structural carbohydrate content would have low leaf-level productivity and thus the presence of very old leaves can only be characteristic of long-lived species with slow growth rates and low carbon gain requirements from individual leaves. Despite only sampling six species at Franz Josef, we captured 12% of the total variation in leaf lifespan reported globally. These data from Franz Josef highlight that despite large-scale constraints on leaf construction by climate, local-scale mechanisms generate and maintain high trait diversity in a single ecosystem. Leaves at Franz Josef appeared to have low N content relative to their lifespans or their LMA, when compared with a global dataset (Fig. 2). Wright et al. (2001) demonstrated that leaves from high rainfall (1220 mm) environments in southern Australia had low leaf N concentrations relative to their LMA when compared with leaves from low rainfall (387 mm) environments. This was interpreted as a water conservation mechanism; a high leaf N concentration enables plants in dry environments to rapidly achieve a high internal CO2 concentration at a low stomatal conductance. This interpretation could be used to argue that species at Franz Josef, operating under exceptionally high rainfall (3000 – >7000 mm) and constantly perhumid conditions, can achieve high internal CO2 concentrations at comparatively low leaf N concentrations.
Acknowledgements We thank the Department of Conservation for permission to collect samples, David Wardle for introducing us to the chronosequence, Melissa Brignall-Theyer and Jenny Bee for field assistance, Ian Wright and Peter Reich for permission to use the GLOPNET data, and Ian Dickie for critical review. Research was funded by the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology Ecosystem Resilience Outcome-Based Investment (Contract C09X0502), the Marsden Foundation of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and Landcare Research’s retained earnings.
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