DECODABLE BOOK 30 ... Long Vowel /π/i. Di's Garden. 17. Long Vowel /π/i ... *
Words with long vowel/∫/o appear in boldface type. Tony. Word Count: 123.
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Contents Tony
Long Vowel /∫/o
When Dad Was a Child
Long Vowel /π/i
Di’s Garden
Long Vowel /π/i
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by Guadalupe V. Lopez illustrated by Stacey Schuett
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My name is Cody. This is Jo. This is our pup, Tony. He is ten weeks old. 2
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Tony can do neat tricks. If I hold a treat, he tries to get it.
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If Jo says, “Roll over, boy!” he does. Tony is fun, but sometimes he plays a game we don’t like.
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The moment someone opens the gate, he escapes. “Come, Tony!” we scold. He runs in circles. 5
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He lets us get so close, then ZIP! He runs away again! Tony can play this game forever. 6
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So we hold our faces and pretend to sob. Tony thinks, “Oh, no! Don’t be sad, Jo and Cody!”
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Just like that, the game is over. Tony lets us hold him, and we all go inside. 8
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by Guadalupe V. Lopez illustrated by Dave Bain
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One day, Dad and I came across an old chest in the attic. Inside were items that belonged to Dad when he was a child.
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“Look at this tiny ball!” said Dad. “I liked to bounce it up and down all over the place.” 11
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“Wow! This is my spider story! I did it when I was nine.”
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“This is a blindfold,” Dad explained. “I’d put it on to play games at parties.”
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“This is a stuffed tiger that I was luck y to find. It reminds me of a wild tiger. I had so much fun playing with it!”
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“Do you wish you were a child again, Dad?” I asked. He was silent for a moment.
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Then he said, “Sometimes I do. That was a neat time. When I tell you about it, I can be there again.”
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by Amy Collier illustrated by Valeria Cis
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Di gets up first thing in the morning. She puts her shirt and jeans on. She has lots of work to do in her garden.
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Di waits for the sun to rise. It seems like the day will be sunny and mild. She puts her big hat on to block the sun’s rays. 19
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Di needs to weed. She finds long wild vines around her plants. She tugs away.
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Di finds a tiny spider in its web. “Hi, little one,” Di whispers. “I like you. You can stay!” 21
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“Time to pick peppers,” Di says. Some are mild and some are spicy. Di likes both kinds.
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Mother likes to chop the peppers into her stew. Di will help her stir the pot. Mother will remind Di to be safe. 23
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Di finds a spot to sit down. She rests. She likes to work in her garden, but she likes to relax, too!
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Tony Word Count: 123 High-Frequency Words again boy come do does oh our says someone sometimes to
Decodable Words* a forever all fun and game away gate be get but go can he circles him close hold Cody I don’t if escapes in faces inside
is it Jo just lets like moment my name neat no old opens
over play plays pretend pup roll runs sad scold so sob ten that
the then thinks this Tony treat tricks tries us we weeks zip
*Words with long vowel/∫/o appear in boldface type.
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1/18/07 12:03:22 PM
When Dad Was a Child Word Count: 142 High-Frequency Words again do look of one put said sometimes there to was were you
Decodable Words* a about across all an and asked at attic ball be belonged blindfold
bounce came can chest child Dad day did down explained find for fun
games had he I I’d in inside is it items liked lucky me
moment much my neat nine old on over parties place play playing reminds
silent so spider story stuffed tell that the then this tiger time tiny
up when wild wish with wow
*Words with long vowel/π/i appear in boldface type.
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Di’s Garden Word Count: 151 High-Frequency Words are do into Mother of one puts says some to too work you
Decodable Words* a Di’s and down around finds away first be for big garden block gets both has but hat can help chop her day hi Di I
in it its jeans kinds like likes little long lots mild morning needs
on peppers pick plants pot rays relax remind rests rise safe seems she
shirt sit spicy spider spot stay stew stir sun sun’s sunny the thing
time tiny tugs up vines waits web weed whispers wild will
*Words with long vowel/π/i appear in boldface type.
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by Guadalupe V. Lopez illustrated by Stacey Schuett
by Guadalupe V. Lopez illustrated by Dave Bain
by Amy Collier illustrated by Valeria Cis
by Guadalupe V. Lopez illustrated by Dave Bain
Long Vowel /∫/o Long Vowel / π/ i
w w w.harcour ISBN-13: 978-0-15-364115-2 ISBN-10: 0-15-364115-0 >
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