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Thereafter, two identities for jν are expressed by the use of the components ( jν)[2n .... can be expressed by the trigonometric functions of order ..... To verify that (4.9) is a special case of (4.10), one can use the identities (2), (4) and (5), p. 150 in ...
LE MATEMATICHE Vol. LII (1997) – Fasc. II, pp. 365–378

DECOMPOSITION OF THE BESSEL FUNCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE CYCLIC GROUP OF ORDER n ` BEN CHEIKH YOUSSEF Let n be an arbitrary positive integer. We decompose the functions jν (z) =

z �(ν + 1)( )−ν Jν (z) 2 1

if z �= 0



if z = 0

−1 , 2

where Jν is the Bessel function of the �rst kind of order ν, as the sum of n functions ( jν )[2n,2k] , k = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1, de�ned by ( jν )[2n,2k] (z) =

n−1 1� 2iπ k� iπ � ) jν (z exp( )), exp(− n n n

z ∈ C.


In this paper, we establish the close relation between these components and the hyper-Bessel functions introduced by Delerue [3]. The use of a technique described in an earlier work [1] leads us to derive, from the basic identities and relations for jν , other analogous for the components ( jν )[2n,2k] that turn out to be some integral representations of Sonine, Mehler and Poisson type, an operational representation and a differential equation of order 2n. Thereafter, two identities for jν are expressed by the use of the components ( jν )[2n,2k] .

Entrato in Redazione il 9 ottobre 1997.


366 1. Introduction.

All the notations and conventions begun in [1] will be continued in this paper. We recall in particular that �(I ) ≡ � denotes the space of complex functions admitting a Laurent expansion in an annulus I with center in the origin and for an arbitrary positive integer p, every function f in � can be written as the sum of p functions f[ p,r] ; r = 0, 1, . . . , p − 1; de�ned by (cf. Ricci [14], p. 44, Eq.(3.3)): p−1 1 � −k� ω f (ω�p z), p �=0 p

f[ p,r] (z) =


) the complex p-root of unity. with ω p = exp( 2iπ p Let n be an arbitrary positive integer, in view of (1.2) and (1.3) in [1], we have �=

p−1 � r=0


�[ p,r] =

�[ pn,�] =

p−1 n−1 � �

�[ pn, pk+r]

r=0 k=0


from which we deduce that a function f in � can be written as the sum of pn functions f[ pn,�] ; � = 0, 1, . . . , pn − 1; and if moreover, f ∈ �[ p,r] , this decomposition coincides with the decomposition of f with respect to the cyclic group of order n. We have in fact, (1.1)

f =

n−1 �

f [ pn, pk+r]


with (1.2)

pn−1 1 � −�( pk+r) ω f (ω�pn z) f[ pn, pk+r] (z) = pn �=0 pn

or, equivalently, (1.3)

n−1 1 � −s( pk+r) ω pn f (ωspn z). f[ pn, pk+r] (z) = n s=0

This paper deals with the decomposition with respect to the cyclic group of order n of one of the most important special functions, the function jν de�ned by � −1 �(ν + 1)( 2z )−ν Jν (z) if z �= 0 , , ν≥ (1.4) jν (z) = 2 1 if z = 0



where Jν is the Bessel function of the �rst kind of order ν. Notice that j− 1 (z) = cos z. 2 The function jν belongs to �[2,0] since we have (1.5)

jν (z) =

∞ �


�(ν + 1) · �(m + ν + 1) · m!

−z2 4



|z| < ∞

it follows then that we can write it as the sum of n functions ( jν )[2n,2k] ; k = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1; de�ned by n−1 1 � −k� � ωn jν (ω2n z). ( jν )[2n,2k] (z) = n



With the two additional parameters n and k the functions ( jν )[2n,2k] can be viewed as generalizations of the function jν since; for n = 1; we have ( jν )[2,0] = jν . Then we begin by situating the components ( jν )[2n,2k] among the generalizations in the literature of the function jν , more precisely, we shall state the relation between these components and the hyper-Bessel functions introduced by Delerue [3]. Thereafter, the use of the technique described in [1] leads us to derive, from the basic identities and relations for jν , other analogous for the components ( jν )[2n,2k] that turn out to be a hypergeometric serie representation, some integral representations of Sonine, Mehler and Poisson type, an operational representation and a differential equation of order 2n. A Parseval formula and a nth-order circulant determinant will be also stated for the function jν .

2. Representation as a hypergeometric function. We recall that the generalized hypergeometric function is de�ned by (see, for instance, Luke [12], p. 136, Eq. (1)): (2.1)

p Fq (z)

= p Fq

a1 ,


, ap ; z

b1 ,


, bq


+∞ � (a1 )m · · · (a p )m zm · (b1 )m · · · (bq )m m!


where • (a)m is the Pochlammer symbol de�ned by (a)m =

�(a + m) , �(a)

a �= 0, −1, −2, . . . ;



• p and q are positive integers or zero (interpreting an empty product as 1); • z the complex variable; • the numerator parameters ai , i = 1, . . . , p, and the denominator parameters bj , j = 1, . . . , q , take on complex values, providing that bj �= 0, −1, −2, . . ., j = 1, . . . , q . The p Fq series in�(2.1) � converges for |z| < ∞ if p ≤ q . Now, to express jν [2n,2k] by a generalized hypergeometric function, we start from: jν (z) = 0 F1


− ; ν +1


−z 4

which we deduce from (1.5) and (2.1). We write this expression under the form: � � jν (z) = S 2i ψ ◦ g (z)


• Sα , α ∈ C, is the scaling operator on � de�ned by Sα ( f )(z) = f (αz), for all f ∈ � and for all z ∈ C; • ψ and g the two functions given by 2

g(z) = z and ψ(z) = 0 F1

− ; z ν+1


The use of Corollary II.3 and the identity (I-9) in [1] yield (2.3)

� iz �2k � � 1 jν [2n,2k] (z) = k!(ν + 1)k 2 � � − − � iz �2n ; 2n 0 F2n−1 ∗ � (n, k + 1), �(n, ν + 1)

where, for convenience, �(n, α) (resp. �∗ (n, k + 1)) stands for the set of n , . . . , α+n−1 (resp. �(n, k + 1) \ { nn }). (resp. n − 1) parameters αn , α+1 n n Then an equivalent expression as an in�nite series is deduced: ∞ � � � (2.4) jν [2n,2k] (z) =


1 · (ν + 1)nm+k · (nm + k)!

−z2 4



|z| < ∞



or, equivalently, � � jν [2n,2k] (z) =

� �2k 1 iz · k!(ν + 1)k 2 � �2nm ∞ � iz 1 . · �n−1 � k+1+ j � �n−1 � ν+1+ j � 2n m=0 j =0



j =0



� � Notice that the function j− 12 [2n,2k] can be expressed by the trigonometric functions of order 2n and 2kth kind de�ned by (cf. Erd´elyi et al. [7], p. 215, Eq. (18)): (2.5)

gn,k (z) =

∞ �


(−1)m · znm+k ; n ∈ N∗, (nm + k)!

k = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1 ,

or, equivalently, (−z)k gn,k (z) = 0 Fn−1 k!


− ; ∗

� (n, k + 1)

� −z �n n

we have in fact, (2.7)

j− 1 2

(z) = (cos)[2n,2k] (z) = e [2n,2k]

ikπ n

� iπ (n−1) � · g2n,2k e 2n z

which we can be deduced from (2.3) and (2.6) since 1 �∗ (n, k + 1) ∪ �(n, ) ≡ �∗ (2n, 2k + 1). 2 Also, among the consequences of the identity (2.3), we mention the possibility of stating a relation between 0 F2n−1 and Bessel functions that generalizes the Carlson ones [2]. Indeed, if we combine (2.3) and (1.6) we obtain (2.8)

0 F2n−1

− ; z


� (n, k + 1) �(n, ν + 1 + k) � � n−1 � � � � iπ h � iπ h(ν + 2k) k �(ν + 1 + k)k! ξ −ν−2k Jν ξ e n , exp = (−1) n 2 n h=0


370 1

where ξ = 2niz 2n . Two special cases of this identity are worthy of note here: (or n = 2, k = 1 and c = If we set n = 2, k = 0 and c = ν+1 2 we use the well known identity (cf. [15], p. 203): � π� 1 Iν (z) = e− 2 νπi Jν zei 2

ν+2 ) 2

in (2.8) and

we derive the following relations stated by Carlson (cf. [2], p. 233, Eq. (7)): � � − 1 (2.9) ; z = 0 F3 �(2c) 1 , c, c + 1 2


� 1� � 1� 1 � 1 �1−2c [I2c−1 4z 4 + J2c−1 4z 4 ] = 2z 4 2 (2.10)

1 0 F3 �(2c)

; z = c, c + 12 � 1� � 1� 1 � 1 �−2c [I2c−2 4z 4 − J2c−2 4z 4 ]. = 2z 4 2 3 , 2

3. Hyper-Bessel functions. P. Delerue [3] generalized the Bessel functions Jν by replacing the index ν by n parameters ν1 , ν2 , . . . , νn that is: � � � 1 � � νi − z � z �n+1 n+1 (n) ; − n+1 (3.1) Jν1 ,ν2 ,...,νn (z) = � 0 Fn �(νi + 1) (νi + 1)

which he called hyper-Bessel functions of order n and of index ν1 , ν2 , . . . . . . νn . The same generalization was obtained thirty years after by Klyuchantsev [10] where the functions (3.1) were called Bessel functions of vector index and designated by J(ν1 ,ν2 ,...,νn ) . For convenience, we set � � z �− � νi (3.2) �(νi + 1) J(ν1 ,ν2 ,...,νr−1) (z) = j(ν1 ,ν2 ,...,νr−1) (z) = r � � − � z �r , r ∈ N∗ , ; − r = 0 Fr−1 (νi + 1)



� � where the summation νj and the multiplication �(νj + 1) are carried out over all j from 1 to r −1 and for the sake of brevity (aj ) stands for the sequence of (r − 1) parameters a1 , a2 , . . . ,�ar−1 �. Next, we purpose to express jν [2n,2k] through the functions designated by (3.2). From the three parameters ν, n and k, one de�nes a vector v ∈ R2n−1 as follows: � � v(n, k, ν) ≡ v νi (n, k, ν) 1≤i≤2n−1 where the (n − 1) �rst components νi are given by �∗ (n, k + 1) and the n other by the set �(n, ν + k). Here, we introduce, for notational convenience, the vector 12n−1 in R2n−1 having all components equal to unity. From (2.3) and (3.2) we deduce: (3.3)

� iπ � � � (−1)k � z �2k j v (n,k,ν)−1 2n−1 ize 2n . jν [2n,2k] (z) = k!(ν)k 2

For ν = 12 , we have (3.4)

g2n,2k (z) =

z2k j (z) 1 (2k)! v (n,k, 2 )−12n−1

which reduces, for n = 1, to the well known identity: cos z = j− 1 (z). 2

4. Integral representations. We recall that the Bessel functions have the following integral representation known as Sonine integral (see, for instance, [15], p. 373, Eq. (1) or [6], Vol.II, p. 194, Eq. (63)) � y a µ y −µ−ν (y 2 − x 2)µ−1 x ν+1 Jν (ax ) dx , (4.1) Jν+µ(ay) = µ−1 2 �(µ) 0 Re ν > −1 and Re µ > 0 which reduces, for ν = − 12 , to so-called Mehler representation (see, for example, [11], p. 114, Eq. (5.10.3) or [6], Vol.II, p. 190, Eq. (34)): � y 1 1 a µ− 2 y 2 −µ (y 2 − x 2 )µ−1 cos(ax ) dx , Re µ > 0. (4.2) Jµ− 1 (ay) = 3 2 2µ− 2 �(π )�(µ) 0



Using (1.4) and a change of variable, one obtains : (4.3)

2�(µ + ν + 1) jν+µ (ax ) = �(µ)�(ν + 1)


(1 − t 2 )µ−1 t 2ν+1 jν (at x ) dt,


Re ν > −1 and Re µ > 0


2�(ν + 1) jν (ax ) = �( 12 )�(ν + 12 )



(1 − t 2 )ν− 2 cos(at x ) dt, Re ν > −


1 . 2

If we apply the projection operator �[2n,2k] to each member of these two formulas considered as functions of the variable x and we use the integral representation (IV-2) in [1], we obtain the following proposition: � � Proposition. The functions jν [2n,2k] have: i) a Mehler type integral representation


� � (1−n)iπ jν [2n,2k] (x e 2n ) = � 1 2�(ν + 1) 1 (1 − t 2 )ν− 2 g2n,2k (x t) dt, = 1 1 �( 2 )�(ν + 2 ) 0

Re ν > −

1 2

ii) a Sonine type integral representation: �

(4.6) =



2�(µ + ν + 1) �(µ)�(ν + 1)

(ax ) = 1


� � (1 − t 2)µ−1 t 2ν+1 jν [2n,2k] (at x ) dt,

Re ν > −1 and Re µ > 0 iii) a Poisson type integral representation:

(4.7) =

2π 0

� � jν [2n,2k] (reiθ ) =

Pn,k (R, r, φ − θ ) jν (Reiφ ) dφ, r < R, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π



or, equivalently, (4.8) =

2π 0

� � jν [2n,2k] (reiθ ) =

� � Pn,k (R, r, φ − θ ) jν [2n,2k] (Reiφ ) dφ, r < R, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π

where the kernel Pn,k (R, r, φ − θ ) is de�ned by Pn,k (R, r, φ − θ ) = =

(R 2(n−k) − r 2(n−k) )R k r k e−ik(φ−θ) +(R 2k − r 2k )R n−k r n−k ei(n−k)(φ−θ) � � . 2π R 2n + r 2n −2R n r n cos n(φ −θ )

A particular case of (4.5) corresponding to k = 0 can be written using (3.3) as follows: (4.9)

j(− 1 ,− 2 ,...,− (n−1) , ν , ν−1 ,..., ν−(n−1) ) (x ) = n n n n n n � 1 1 1 2�(ν + 1) (1 − t 2 )ν− 2 g2n,0 (x t) dt, Re ν > − . = 1 1 2 �( 2 )�(ν + 2 ) 0

This identity is also a particular case of an interesting integral representation given by Dimovski and Kiryakova (cf.[4], p. 32, Eq. (15) or [9], p. 34, Eq. (8)): � q q+1� (4.10) �(ν� + 1)· j(ν1 ,...,νq ) (x ) = (2π )q �=1 � � � � 1 � (νk ) 1 q0 gq+1,0(x t q+1 ) dt, G q q t �� k · ( q+1 − 1) 0 � � � � , . . . , a a p designates the Meijer’s G-function (see, for inwhere G mp qn z �� 1 b1 , . . . , bq stance, [5], Vol.I, p. 207, [12], p. 143 or [13], p. 2 for the de�nition). To verify that (4.9) is a special case of (4.10), one can use the identities (2), (4) and (5), p. 150 in the book [12] and the formula � � � � x α (1 − x )β α + β + 1 , 0