Oct 1, 1993 - As John Millson explained to me, the rst obstruction for deformations in ... Author is very grateful to Nicolaas Kuiper and John Millson for.
1. Introduction
Let M be a closed hyperbolic 3-dimensional orbifold (see [T], [Sc] for de nitions), 0 : 1 (M ) ! Isom(H 3 ) be its holonomy representation. Denote the conjugacy class of 0 by [0 ]. In this paper we discuss whether for n = 4 the point [0 ] is isolated in the space
R(1 (M ); n) = Hom(1 (M ); Isom(H n ))=Isom+ (H n ) If [0 ] is isolated, then the corresponding representation is called locally rigid. A suborbifold in M is said to be a virtual ber in a ber bundle over S1 if M admits a nite-sheeted covering p : M0 ! M such that M0 is bered over a circle and a component of the preimage p?1 is a ber of this bration. We start with the following Conjecture 1. The representation 0 is not locally rigid if and only if M contains an incompressible 2-suborbifold which is not a virtual ber in a ber bundle over S1 [Ka 1, Ka 2]. Certainly the case of manifolds is the most interesting and most complicated. The main aim of this paper is to show that Conjecture 1 is not absolutely groundless. First our results deal with re ection orbifolds. In this case we will prove Conjecture 1 and nd that R(1 (M ); 4) is a smooth manifold of dimension (f ? 4), where f is the number of \faces" of the re ection orbifold (Theorem 1). Then we shall consider orbifolds of nite volume and examine the \restriction" map
@T : PR(1(M ); 4) ! PR(1 (T ); 4) where T is an incompressible Euclidean suborbifold corresponding to a \cusp end" of M ; PR(:) mean the space of representations whose restrictions on cyclic parabolic subgroups of 1 (M ) Isom(H 3 ) are induced by conjugations in Isom(H 4 ). Under some conditions the image of this map is 1-dimensional (Example 1 ). The question about deformations of such kind arises naturally if we are trying to construct at conformal structures on manifolds obtained by gluing of two hyperbolic ones along boundary tori [GLT], [Ka1]. Unfortunately, in the general case, the map @T is zero to the rst order (Theorem 3). We prove the \only if" part of Conjecture 1 for in nitely many non-Haken manifolds arising after Dehn surgery on 2-bridge knots (Theorem 2). These are the rst examples of closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds M whose fundamental group are locally rigid in R(1 (M ); 4). Moreover, we prove that for each hyperbolic 2-bridge knot K S3 there exists only one conjugacy class of discrete faithful representations of 1 (S3 ? K ) into Isom(H 4 ) (Section 5).
2. Preliminary geometric results.
In this section we collect several elementary facts about geometry of Euclidean spheres in S3. Denote by C the set of all Euclidean spheres in S3 of positive radius. Then C has a natural topology and is a smooth 4-manifold. By Mob(Sn) we denote the group of Moebius transformations acting on Sn. We shall suppose that the hyperbolic 3-space H 3 is realized as a unit ball in R3 R3 = S3; thus Isom(H 3 ) is the group of Moebius transformations of S3 which leave H 3 invariant. Mob+ (Sn) is the subgroup of orientation-preserving Moebius transformations of Sn. Lemma 2.1. Let (1; 2 ; 3; 4 ) 2 C 4 . Then the following trichotomy holds: either (i) T there Tis a sphere 0 2 C orthogonal to all spheres 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; T or (ii) 1 2 3 4 3 p , where p is a point; or (iii) spheres 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 are totally geodesic in some metric of constant positive curvature on S3. Corollary 2.1. Let (1; 2 ; 3; 4 ) 2 C 4 . Denote by j the inversion in the sphere j , let ? be the group generated by j . Then the following trichotomy holds: either (i) ? is conjugate in Mob(S3) to a subgroup of Isom(H 3 ); or (ii) ? is conjugate in Mob(S3) to a subgroup of Isom(E 3 ); or (iii) ? is conjugate in Mob(S3) to a subgroup of Isom(S3). Proof of Lemma 2.1. We present the proof that was suggested to the author by N.Kuiper instead of the original one. Consider the sphere S3 as a round sphere in the ane space A 4 RP4 ; respectively Mob(S3) PGL(5; R ). Every sphere 2 C is the intersection of S3 with some ane hyperplane P A 4 ; = (P ). Denote by P 2 RP4 the polar of with respect to S3 (i.e. such point that tangent cone from P to S3 touches S3 at ). Denote by P^ the closure of P in RP4 . Then it is easy to see that (P ) is orthogonal to (Q) i P 2 Q^ (it is sucient to consider rst the case of P 62 A 4 and then apply Mob(S3) PGL(5; R )). Now consider the polars Pj corresponding to j (j = 1; : : : ; 4). Let P^ be the extended hypersubspace in RP4 which passes through these points. Then we have 3 possibilities: T (i) the intersection P TS3 is a sphere of positive radius. This is the desired sphere . (ii) The intersection P S3 is a point 1 2 S3. Then Pj 3 1 , so we have the case (ii) of Lemma. 3 (iii) The intersection T Tabove T is empty. Then P 2 int(S ) and the point P lies in3 the intersection P1 P2 P3 P4 . Applying a projective transformation from Mob(S ) we can map the point P in the center of S3. So, j are \great spheres" in S3 which are totally geodesic in elliptic geometry. Lemma is proved. Remark 1. Independently a generalization of Lemma 2.2 to higher dimensions was proven in [Lu]. Corollary 2.2. Let l and k be two unlinked Euclidean circles in S3; l \ k = ;. Then there exists a Euclidean sphere 0 S3 which is orthogonal to l and k. Proof. We can realize l and k as intersections l = 1 \ 2 and k = 3 \ 4 , so that the case (i) of Lemma 2.2 holds for the collection (1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ): Then the sphere 0 from Lemma 2.2 is orthogonal to l and k. Remark 2. If the sphere 0 (case (i) of Lemma 2.2) is unique (i.e. when j are not orthogonal to a common circle), then it smoothly depends on 2
(1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ) 2 C 4 : Notation. If 1; 2 are spheres in E 3 then by 0 (1 ; 2 ) we shall denote the (external) angle between them. If 1 \2 = ; then we put (1 ; 2 ) = 0. If X Sn then Sp(X ) will denote the round sphere in Sn which contains X and has minimal dimension. Uniqueness of this sphere is evident.
3. Compact re ection orbifolds.
Consider a compact convex nite-sided polyhedron in H 3 , such that every vertex of belongs to precisely 3 edges. Denote the numbers of vertices, edges and faces of by v; e; f respectively. Then we have: 3v = 2e; 2 = v ? e + f: So e = 3f ? 6: Let ? Isom(H 3 ) be the isometry group generated by the re ections in the faces of . Suppose that ? is discrete and is a fundamental polyhedron for it. Then we shall identify the polyhedron with the factor{orbifold H 3 =? . This orbifold is suciently large (i.e. contains an incompressible suborbifold) i is not a tetrahedron [T]. Each (2-dimensional) face i @ is contained in the unique round sphere 0i = Sp(i ) 2 C . According to the Poincare theorem about fundamental polyhedra for discrete groups, the group ? has the presentation
h1; :::; f : (j i)n = 1i ij
where nii = 1, Z 3 nij = =(0i ; 0k ) (see [Ma]); the elements j are re ections in the faces j of . Moreover, suppose that we have another con guration (1 ; :::; f ) of spheres in S3, such that
(0i ; 0k ) = (i ; k ) for each i; k. Then the subgroup of SO(4; 1) generated by the re ections in the spheres i is isomorphic to ? . Thus the problem of deforming the representation 0 of ? is equivalent to the problem of deforming the con guration of spheres preserving the angles between the neighboring spheres. Theorem 1. Near the class [I ] of the embedding id : ? ! Isom(H 4 ) the space R(?; 4) is smooth and has dimension f ? 4. 3.1. Proof. De ne r = (1 ; :::; f ) 2 C f . If faces i ; k of have a common edge j then put j = (i ; k ). So, we have the map ~3 = (1 ; : : : j : : : ; e ) : C f ! Re
Denote 0j = j (r0 ). Let C2 denote the space of spheres orthogonal to the sphere @1 H 3 . Then the groups Mob+ (S3) and Mob+ (S 2 ) act on C f and C2f respectively. Drop the map ~3 to the maps 3 : C f / Mob+ (S3) ! Re and
2 : C2f =Mob+ (S 2 ) ! Re Hence [r0 ] = (2 )?1 (0 = (01 ; : : : ; 0e )). Moreover, the map 2 is an immersion at the point [r0 ], since H1 (? ; so(3; 1)) = 0 [W]. 3
However, dim[r0 ] C2f =Mob+ (S 3 ) = 3f ? 6 = dim Re , so the map 2 is also a submersion near [r0 ]. Hence the map 3 is a submersion near [r0 ] too. Thus the variety (3 )?1 (0 = (01 ; : : : ; 0e )) = R(? ; 4) is a manifold of dimension 4f ? e ? 10 = f ? 4 near [r0 ]. Corollary 3.1. The group ? is rigid in SO(4, 1) i the orbifold is not suciently large. 3.2. Now describe the basis of H1 (? ; so(4; 1)). Realize the hyperbolic 3-space H 3 as the upper half-space R3+ = f(x1 ; x2 ; x3 ) : x3 > 0g. Pick an arbitrary sphere 0i as above , center of 0i is a point (x1 ; x2 ; 0). Then de ne the family ti of spheres with the same radius as 0i and center at (x1 ; x2 ; t) , (t 2 R). Let rt (i) = (1 ; :::ti ; :::; f ) 2 C f . For every sphere 0j adjacent to 0i the function (0j ; ti ) has maximum at the point t = 0. So,
d=dt((0j ; ti))jt=0 = 0 Therefore, the vector d=dt(rt (i))jt=0 is tangent to Hom(? ; SO(4; 1)) C f . By direct calculations it's possible to show that fd=dt(rt (i))jt=0 : i = 1; :::; f ? 4g forms a basis of H1 (? ; so(4; 1)).
Remark 3. The same construction 3.2 works for hyperbolic re ection orbifolds of arbitrary dimension. Thus, if ? SO(n; 1) is any discrete re ection group then dimH1 (?; so(n+ 1; 1)) = maxff ? n ? 1; 0g where f is the number of faces of the fundamental polyhedron of ?.
4. Rigidity of 2-bridge knots.
In this section we will need the following Lemma 4.1. Suppose that G is a nitely generated group, E a G-modulus, R is an element of G so that R = for each 2 E . Denote by : G ! G=hhRii = G0 the natural projection epimorphism, where hhRii is the normal closure of R in G. Let [x] 2 H1 (G; E ) be a class such that the restriction of x to hRi is zero in Z1 (hRi; E ). Then (i) E is G0 -modulus: g0 = g for any g 2 ?1 (g0 ); (ii) there is a class [x0 ] = (x) 2 H1 (G0 ; E ) such that x0 (g0 ) = x(g) for each g0 2 G0 ; g 2 ?1 (g0 ). Proof. De ne x0 as x0 (g0 ) = x(g). Since the action of R on E is trivial, then the de nitions of g0 and x0 don't depend on the choice of g 2 ?1 (g0 ). Let K S3 be a 2-bridge knot (see [R]). Let (p; q) be a pair of coprime integers. Remove from S3 an open regular neighborhood N (K ) of the knot K and denote the resulting manifold with boundary by M1 = M (K ; 1). We shall consider only hyperbolic 2-bridge knots K , i.e. such that int(M (K ; 1)) admits a complete hyperbolic structure. Denote by a simple homotopically nontrivial loop on @M (K ; 1) such that bounds a disc in N (K ); let @M (K ; 1) be a simple homotopically nontrivial loop which is homologically trivial in M (K ; 1). Denote by M(p;q) the manifold obtained from M1 by attaching a solid torus T~ along the boundary so that the loop p q bounds a disc in T~. Suppose that (p; q) are not coprime, and k is their greatest common divisor. Denote by T~(k) the orbifold whose underlying set is D2 S1 and the singular set f0g S1 has order k. Then M(p;q) is the orbifold obtained from M1 by attaching T~(k) so that the loop p=k q=k bounds a disc in T~(k) with one singular point. This procedure is called the generalized Dehn surgery on the knot K ; (p; q) are parameters of the surgery. Remark 4. This de nition is slightly dierent from the standard one. Then for all but nite coprime parameters (p; q) of Dehn surgery on K the resulting manifolds are hyperbolic and are not suciently large [H-T]. For a group F and representation : F ! SO(n; 1) we denote by Adn the corresponding adjoint representation on the Lie algebra so(n; 1). 4
Theorem 2. For in nitely many coprime (p; q) the groups 1M(p;q) are locally rigid in
SO(4,1) and moreover H1 (1 M(p;q) ; Adn ) = 0. Proof of Theorem 2. Consider the uniformization M = S3nK = H 3 =?. Then ? = hx; yjxw = wyi, where w = w(x; y), x; y are parabolic elements of ? PSL(2; C ). Denote by A the maximal parabolic subgroup of ? which contains hxi; A = hxi hz i where the elements x; z are represented by the loops and respectively. First consider the case of a \singular" Dehn surgery (r; 0) on the knot K such that in the fundamental group of the hyperbolic orbifold M(r;0) the image of x has the order r. Let r : ? ! ? r = 1 (M(r;0) ) be the holonomy representation; H 3 =?r = M(r;0) . Denote by = fr : ? ! PSL(2; C )g=PSL(2; C ) the collection of conjugacy classes of such representations (where r varies). Lemma 4.2. For every (r; 0)- surgery we have H1 (?r ; Ad4 ) = 0: Proof. The group ?r is generated by two elliptic elements xr = r (x); yr = r (y), which are conjugate in ?r . Consider the group
?r = hxjxr = 1i hyjyr = 1i and the natural projection 'r : ?r ! ?r . Then we have H2 (?r ; Ad4 'r ) = 0 since ?r is almost free. Let [ ] 2 H1 (?r ; Ad4 ) , then [ ] = 'r [ ] 2 H1 (?r ; Ad4 ) is an integrable in nitesimal deformation. Let t : ?r ! SO(4; 1) be a curve tangent to [ ]. Proposition For every t the group t(?r ) is conjugate in SO(4; 1) to a subgroup of SO(3; 1). Proof. The group t(?r ) is generated by two elliptic transformations with the xedpoint sets lt ; kt which are unlinked Euclidean circles in S3. Then the proposition follows from Corollary 2.3. Thus we can nd a coboundary
2 B 1 (?r ; Ad4 'r ) = B 1 (?r ; Ad4 ) such that ? 2 Z 1 (?r ; Ad3 ). However, H1 (?r ; Ad3 ) = 0 by Weil's rigidity theorem [W]. So [ ] = 0. This proves Lemma 2.4.
Corollary 4.2 (i) The restriction map res : H1 (?; Ad4 r ) ! H1 (hxi; Ad4 r ) is injective. (ii) The space H1 (?; Ad4 r ) has dimension 2 . Proof. Consider (i). Let [ ] 2 Ker(res). Then (xm ) = ? Ad4 r (xm ) , where 2 so(4; 1). De ne a cocycles ; in Z1 (?; Ad4 r ) as (g) = ? Ad4 r (g) , (g) = (g) ? (g). The cocycle is cohomologous to and the restriction of to hxi is identically zero. 5
Now we can apply Lemma 4.1 to the projection r : ? ! ?r . Then induces the cocycle r ( ) = 0 2 Z 1 (?r ; Ad4 ) = B 1 (?r ; Ad4 ) (according to Lemma 4.2). Hence for some 2 so(4; 1) we have 0 (g0 ) = ? Ad4 (g0 )(). However, 0(g0 ) = (g) = ? Ad4 r (g)(). Therefore, 2 B 1 (?; Ad4 r ) and (i) is proved. Consider (ii). We have the following diagram res0 res3 H1 (?; Ad3 r ) ???! H1 (A; Ad3 r ) ???! H1 (hxi; Ad3 r ) ?? ?? ?? y# y y res1 res2 H1 (?; Ad4 r ) ???! H1 (A; Ad4 r ) ???! H1 (hxi; Ad4 r ) The Abelian group r A is generated by one hyperbolic and one elliptic element; thus its action on R3;1 has no nonzero xed vectors and
0 = 2dimH0 (A; R 3;1 ) = H1 (A; R3;1 ) r
Therefore, in the exact sequence 0 = H0 (A; R 3;1 ) ! H0 (A; Ad3 r ) ! r
! H0 (A; Ad4 r ) ! H1(A; R3;1 ) = 0 the homomorphism : H0 (A; Ad3 r ) ! H0 (A; Ad4 r ) is an isomorphism. On another hand: # : H1(hxi; Ad3 r ) = R2 ! H1 (hxi; Ad4 r ) = R4 ! ! H1(hxi; R 3;1 ) = R2 ! 0 r
Hence # is a monomorphism with 2-dimensional image. Recall that for H -modulus F the space F H is the set of elements of F xed under the action of H . Now, consider the exact sequence: 0 ! R2 = H1 (hz i; so(3; 1) (x) ) ! r
! R4 = H1(A; Ad3 r ) ! H1 (hxi; Ad3 r )hzi ! 0 However, y acts trivially on H1 (hxi; Ad3 r ) because A is Abelian and H1 (hxi; Ad3 r ) = H1 (hxi; co(2)) where co(2) is the Lie algebra of the centralizer of r (x) and r (z ) in SO(3; 1). This follows that the restriction map res3 is surjective. Therefore, Im(res2 ) = Im(res2 ) = Im(# res3 ) = Im(#) = R2 . Notice also that Ker(res1 ) = Ker(res2 res1) = 0 (accoridng to (i)) and Ker() = 0 (for instance because res0 is injective ). Thus res2 res1 injects H1(?; Ad4 r ) into the image of # which is 2-dimensional. Thus, dimH1 (?; Ad4 r ) 2 On another hand, H1 (?; Ad4 r ) (H1 (?; Ad3 r )) and thus dimH1 (?; Ad4 r ) 2 6
This implies the second assertion of the Corollary. . We continue proof of Theorem 2. The space R(?; 3) has the natural complex structure since we can identify SO(3; 1)+ with PSL(2; C ). Denote by E the projection to R(?; 3) of the set of representations p;q : ? ! ?p;q SO(3; 1) which are the holonomy representations of hyperbolic manifolds M(p;q) . Remark 4. Here and below p and q are coprime integers. Denote by R0 (?; 3) the connected component of R(?; 3) containing 0 . Lemma 4.3 The set E is Zariski dense (over R) in R0 (?; 3). Proof. Step 1. The element 0 (x) is a parabolic element in PSL(2; C ). Take a simply connected neighborhood V of 0 (x) in PSL(2; C ). For each g 2 PSL(2; C ) choose a lift g~ of g to SL(2; C ) and de ne (g) to be the ratio of eigenvalues of g~ (this is well dei ned up to inversion). We can choose V to be so small that the image of does not intersect the set of nonpositive real numbers. Then extend the function to the orbit of V under the conjugation by PSL(2; C ) as: (hgh?1 ) = (g) Finally we put u : [] 7! log(((x))=2) where we choose the branch of logarithm so that log(1) = 0. Then, u[0 ] = 0. The function u([]) is well de ned up to the multiple 1 and there is a way to choose this multiple so that function u is a holomorphic embedding of W into C (see [NZ]). Put E = u(E ) and
U = fjzj=z; z 2 E g The set U is dense on the unit circle (see [NZ]) and the points of E accumulate to zero. Therefore, the set E cannot lie on any real-analytic subset of u(W ). Step 2. Suppose that E is not Zariski-dense and E f ?1 (0) for some nontrivial polynomial f . Then E \ W is contained in the real- analytic set (f u)?1 (0) which is impossible. Corollary 4.3 If E0 is any nite subset of E , then E nE0 is Zariski dense in R0 (?; 3) over R. Lemma 4.4 For in nitely many elements 2 E dim H1 (?; Ad4 ) = 2: Proof. Denote by (L; c ) the so(4; 1)-bundle over M1 with the at connection c associated with the representation Adn (see [JM]). The group cohomology H1 (?; Ad4 ) can be calculated via simplicial cochains of M1 with coecients in the parallel sections of (L; c ) (see [JM]). Thus the spaces of i-chains C i (K ) of the corresponding complex K is nitedimensional. We shall identify C i = C i(K ) for dierent so that the coboundary operators i are linear operators between nite-dimensional spaces
i : C i ! C i+1 which depend algebraically on the parameter . Suppose now that there exists a nite set E0 E such that dim H1 (?; Ad4 ) 3 for every 2 E nE0 . 7
Denote the dimension of C i by Ni . The space Im(0 ) has constant dimension 0 since H0 (?; Ad4 ) = 0 for each [] 2 E . If d = dim Ker(1 ) 3 + 0 for 2 E nE0 then
Im(1 ) = N1 ? d N1 ? 3 ? 0 : Denote by fs ; s = 1; 2; : : : g the complete set of minors of order (N1 ? 2 ? 0) in the matrix 1 . Then X () = 2s () = 0 s1
for every 2 E nE0 . Obviously, () is an algebraic function; however (r ) 6= 0 for every r 2 since dim H1 (?; Ad4 r ) = 2. So, E nE0 is contained in a proper real-algebraic subset of R(?; 3) which contradicts to assertion of Corollary 4.3. Now we can nish the proof of Theorem 2. We have an in nite subset F E such that dim H1 (?, Ad4 ) = 2 for every 2 F . However dim H1 (?; Ad3 ) = 2; so dim H1 (?(p;q) ; Ad4 (p;q) ) = 0 for (p;q) 2 F: Theorem 2 is proved.
5. Deformations of nonuniform lattices
5.1. Let ? Isom(H 3 ) is an arbitrary nonuniform lattice (i.e. vol(H 3 =?) < 1 but H 3 =? is not compact). De nition. Let PZ1(?; so(4; 1)) be the subspace of cocycles 2 Z1 (?; so(4; 1)) such that the restriction of to each cyclic parabolic subgroup h i ? is a coboundary in Z1 (h i; so(4; 1)). Then put PH1 (?; so(4; 1)) = PZ1 (?; so(4; 1))=B1 (?; so(4; 1)) The space PH1 (?; so(4; 1)) is called the space of \parabolic cohomology classes" and PZ1 (?; so(4; 1)) is the space of \parabolic cocycles". Theorem 3 For every maximal parabolic subgroup A ? we have
resA : PH1 (?; so(4; 1)) ! PH1(A; so(4; 1)) is identically zero. Proof. The space so(4; 1) admits the Ad? -invariant decomposition so(4; 1) = so(3; 1) V , where V = R3;1 is the Lorentz vector space [JM]. This splitting induces the natural decomposition PH1 (?; so(4; 1)) = PH1 (?; so(3; 1)) PH1 (?; V ): However, PH1 (?; so(3; 1)) = 0 by Calabi{Weil{Garland{Raghunathan Rigidity theorem [GR], [R]. Therefore, projections of every [ ] 2 PH1 (?; so(4; 1)) to PH1 (?; so(3; 1)) and PH1 (A; so(3; 1)) are zero. However, PH1 (A; V ) = 0 since
PH1 (A; so(4; 1)) = PH1 (A; so(3; 1))
So, resA([ ]) = 0.
5.2. Example. Let ? SO(3; 1) be the fundamental group of the complement to any hyperbolic 2-bridge knot (as in the Section 4). Theorem 4 PH1(?; so(4; 1)) = 0. 8
Proof. Suppose that 2 PZ1 (?; so(4; 1)) be a nonzero cocycle. Denote by ? the free group generated by x; y. Then, applying the arguments of Lemma 4.2, we construct a smooth family of representations t of ? into SO(4; 1) such that: (i) 0 = id ; (ii) t (x) and t (y) are all conjugate to x and y for all t ; (iii) the curve t is tangent to the lift of to ? . Each transformation t (x) and t (y) is conjugate in SO(4; 1) to a Euclidean translation. This implies that every 3-dimensional hyperbolic subspace of H 4 which contains 1-dimensional horocycle of t (x) is invariant under t (x); the same is true for t (y). We can assume that t (x) is a Euclidean translation along a line ` in the upper-halfspace model of H 4 . Let P be a Euclidean 3-dimensional subspace in R4 which contains `, horocycle of t (y) and orthogonal to the absolute of H 4 . It follows that t (?) has an invariant 3dimensional hyperbolic hyperplane P \ H 4 . The same arguments as in Lemma 4.2 imply that 2 B1 (?; so(4; 1)). Remark 7. The arguments of the proof show that if [] 2 PR(?; 4), then the class [] contains a representation 1 with image in SO(3; 1). However R.Riley in [Ri] described completely all representations of ? in PSL(2; C ). Any representation which preserves the conjugacy classes of x and z is conjugate to id. Therefore PR(?; 4) consists of a single point. This implies that if [] 2 R(?; 4) is the conjugacy class of a discrete faithful representation then [] = [id]. Indeed, such representation must preserve the conjugacy class of x because (hxi hz i) is conjugate to a lattice in R2 .
6. Three examples. Notation. For any orbifold O we shall denote by jOj its underlying set. For a face P of
a polyhedra we shall denote by StP the set o all those faces of which have nonempty intersection with P ; StP = StP ? fP g. We shall suppose that H 3 is realized as a unit ball in R3 . Bending deformations. The following is not the most general description of the \bending", but it's enough for our aims. Suppose that G SO(n +1; 1) is any group which splits as the amalgamated free product G = G1 J G2 so that: (1) G1 and G2 have nite centralizers in SO(n + 1; 1); (2) the centralizer ZJ of the group J in SO(n + 1; 1) is 1-dimensional. Take a nondegenerate curve t in ZJ which contains 1. Then put Gt to be the group generated by G1 and t G2 t?1 . It's easy to see that Gt = t (G), where ft : t 2 [0; 1]g is a continuous curve of homomorphisms of G in SO(n + 1; 1). This curve de nes a nontrivial deformation of the identity representation of G in SO(n + 1; 1). Such deformation is called the \bending in J ". Remark 8. Bending deformations of representations of fundamental groups of hyperbolic manifolds (and orbifolds) of dimension n were constructed by several authors: by W.Thurston [T] for n = 2; in the case of certain re ection groups in H 3 { by B.Apanasov and A.Tetenov [AT]; then in in nitesimal form { by J.Lafontane [L]; and later by C.Kuorouniotis [K]. In the most general form (for graphs of groups) this conception is explained by D.Johnson and J.Millson [JM] (see also [G]). There are examples of B.Apanasov [A] of \pea-pod" groups which admit \stamping" deformations; this construction was generalized by S.Tan [Ta]. For further generalizations see also [KM].
6.1. Example 1. Suppose that we are given a nite-sided convex polyhedron H 3 with the following properties: 9
(a) for some compact face P of all but one faces of StP are orthogonal to a common geodesic plane H 3 ; (b) among the faces in StP there is a face Q2 which enters a cusp made by the faces Q1 ; Q2 ; Q3 ; Q4 where Q3 ; Q4 2 StP . Then Q2 is orthogonal to Q3 ; Q4 . Suppose that is the fundamental polyhedron for the discrete group ? generated by re ection in its faces. Denote by A the group generated by re ections in Q1 ; Q2 ; Q3 ; Q4 . Consider a nontrivial continuous family Sp(Q)2 of Euclidean spheres ( 2 [0; 1]) such that: (i) Sp(Q)02 = Sp(Q)2 ; (ii) Sp(Q)2 is orthogonal to Sp(Q4 ); Sp(Q3 ) and tangent to Sp(Q1 ); (iii) the closed ball in R3 bounded by (Sp(Q)2 ) contains Sp(Q2 ) ; ( 2 [0; 1]). Then (Sp(P ); Sp(Q)2 ) (Sp(P ); Sp(Q2 )). For all suciently small values of there is an elliptic rotation ' 2Mob(S3) around the circle @1 such that: (Sp(P ) ; Sp(Q)2 ) = (Sp(P ); Sp(Q2 )) , where ' Sp(P ) = Sp(P ). De ne the new con guration of spheres Sp( ) , that consists of the same spheres as Sp( ), except of Sp(P ) and Sp(Q2) which are deformed to Sp(P ) and Sp(Q)2 respectively. Then Sp( ) has the same combinatorial type as Sp( ) and the same angles between spheres. The group generated by the re ections in the spheres of Sp( ) de nes the deformation : ? ! G with the following properties: (a) for suciently small values of the representation is discrete and faithful; (b) projection @A of to Hom(A; SO(4; 1))=SO(4; 1) is a nontrivial path; (c) [ ] 2 PR(? ; 3) (see Introduction). P
3 2
2 3
2 3
Figure 1: One can generalize this example, however in general case it is rather dicult to determine : whether or not we obtain nontrivial deformations of cusps. 6.2. Example 2. Consider the convex polyhedron in H 3 which is drawn on Figure 1. As usual, if an edge e of is labelled by the integer n then the dihedral angle of at e is =n. Let G be the group generated by re ections in the faces of . First, nd all totally geodesic suborbifolds in . There are only 3 incompressible suborbifolds Di in : @ jDi j = j , i = 1; 2; 3 (see Figure 1). 10
P 2
3 3 3
2 2
3 3
Figure 2: (i) Suppose D1 is totally geodesic; then we split along D1 and consider the \upper half" +1 (Figure 2). Then +1 contains an incompressible Euclidean rectangle suborbifold, that is impossible. So, 1 cannot be the boundary of the underlying set of any totally geodesic suborbifold in . (ii) Consider D2 . According to Andreev's theorem (see [T]) there exists a convex polyhedron +2 H 3 as on Figure 3. The face D2 @ j+2 j is a rectangle symmetric under rotation of order 2 around the axis ` . Let ?2 = (+2) ; then ?2 [ +2 is a convex polyhedron isometric to the initial one . So D2 is a totally geodesic suborbifold. (iii) The same arguments imply that the orbifold D3 is totally geodesic. Thus the orbifold has exactly two totally geodesic 2-dimensional suborbifolds D2 ; D3 . Fundamental groups of D2 ; D3 have 1-dimensional centralizers in Isom(H 4 ). The corresponding bending deformations 2 ; 3 of the group G in Isom(H 4 ) de ne classes 20 ; 30 which span the 2-dimensional space H1 (G; so(4; 1)). On another hand, deformation space R(G; 4) is a smooth 2-dimensional surface. This shows that bending deformations in intersecting surfaces can span a plane tangent to a smooth surface in the representation variety. This result shows the striking dierence between lattices in Isom(H 3 ) and Isom(H n ) (n > 3) since in higher dimensions there are examples [JM] when a linear combination of two bending cocycles is not tangent to any smooth curve in the representation variety. 6.3. Example 3. Our next aim is to construct an example of group H which does not admit bending deformations at all, while it is possible to deform H since its fundamental polyhedron has six faces. Change only one dihedral angle of the polyhedron : instead of the angle =3 at the edge j we consider the angle =5. Denote the new polyhedron by . (i) The same arguments as in Example 2 imply that 1 cannot be boundary of a totally geodesic suborbifold D1 of . Next notice that both 2 ; 3 don't intersect the edge j . 11
2 3 3 2
2 3
2 2
Figure 3: (ii) Consider the curve 2 @ j j and suppose that 2 = @ jE2 j; E2 is a totally geodesic suborbifold. Then split along E2 and obtain two parts : +2 j and ?2 which does not contain j . The hyperbolic polyhedron ?2 is isometric to ?2 . Then the rectangles D2 and E2 are also isometric. Fix the polyhedron +2, the face E2 @ j +2j and denote the faces in StE2 by Qi (i = 1; : : : ; 4) so that Q1 j . The remaining face in @ +2 nStE2 will be denoted by S . Then:
S meets Qi (i = 1; 2; 3) by the angles =2; =3; =2 ,
Sp(S ) is orthogonal to @ H 3 .
(b) The sphere Sp(S ) with the properties (a), (b) is unique up to the re ection 2 in E2 (2 preserves Q1 ). Thus, (a) &(b) , the angle between S and Q1 is equal to =5 . However, we can consider Sp(Qi ) as spheres which contain faces of the polyhedron +2 (since D2 is isometric to E2 ). Let R be the remaining face of @ j+2 jnStD2 . Then R has the same properties (a), (b), however the angle between R and Q1 is equal to =3. This contradiction implies that E2 cannot be a totally geodesic suborbifold in . (iii) The same arguments as above are valid for the curve 3 . So the curves k (k = 1; 2; 3) cannot be boundaries of underlying sets of totally geodesic suborbifolds of . Hence does not contain totally geodesic suborbifolds at all. Let H be the discrete group generated by re ections in faces of . Then H does not admit bending deformations, however Theorem 1 implies that the deformation space R(H; 4) is 2-dimensional. 6.4. Conjecture 2. For every cocompact discrete subgroup G Isom(H 3 ) the variety R(G; 4) is smooth at the point [id]. 12
Remark 9. As John Millson explained to me, the rst obstruction for deformations in this case is always zero because it belongs to the subspace H2 (G; so(3; 1)) of H2 (G; so(4; 1)), however H2 (G; so(3; 1)) = H1 (G; so(3; 1)) = 0.
Acknowledgements. Author is very grateful to Nicolaas Kuiper and John Millson for interesting discussions and to the referee of this paper for helpful remarks. A considerable part of this text was written during the author's stay in IHES [Ka 3]. This work was also supported by NSF grant numbers 8505550 and 8902619 administered through MSRI and University of Maryland at College Park.
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