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Students should look into CLEP tests to place out of courses. Music, Associate of Arts Degree. Page 1 of 1. DEGREE PLAN.
Music, Associate of Arts Degree Name________________________________________

ACC ID__________________________ Major_____________

1st year Fall Semester Musi 1311 Musi 1116 Musi 1181 Ensemble Applied Engl 1301 Mathematics Oral Comm.

Musi 2311 Musi 2116 Musi 1308 Ensemble Applied Govt. 2305

Theory 1 Sight Singing/ET Piano Class 1 * Lesson Composition Speech

2nd year Fall Semester Theory 3 Sight Singing/ET Music Lit. 1 or 2 ** Lesson U.S. Government

1st year Spring Semester 3 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 17

3 1 3 1 2 3 13

Musi 1312 Musi 1117 Musi 1182 Ensemble Applied Engl 1302 Hist 1302 Science

Theory 2 Sight Singing/ET Piano Class 2 * Lesson Composition 2 US History 1 or 2 Science/Social Science

2nd year Spring Semester Musi 2312 Theory 4 Musi 2118 Sight Singing/ET Musi 1308 Ensemble Applied Lesson Govt. 2306 Texas Govt. Creative Arts

3 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 17

3 1 1 2 3 3 13

* This may be waived, depending on the level of proficiency demonstrated ** May be taken either semester Speech:

Student may take SPCH 1311, SPCH 1315, or SPCH 1318.

Math: may be chosen from the following: MATH 1332, MATH 1342, MATH 1324, or MATH 1314 You may re-take the Texas Success Initiative test to try to place out. Science:

ASTR 1303, ASTR 1304, BIOL 1406, ENVR 1301, GEOL 1305, PHYS 1401, CHEM 1305 and CHEM 1105

Choices for the Creative Arts Requirement ARTS 1301 Introduction to The Visual Arts ARTS 1304 Art History II DANC 2303 History and Appreciation of Dance DRAM 2367 Film History DRAM 1310 Introduction to Theatre DRAM 2366 Film Appreciation MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation

Students should look into CLEP tests to place out of courses.