Delirium in Patients Admitted to an Impatient. Palliative Care Unit. Results I: 1 Patient was excluded. 64% were male, Mean age 76 years. 95% Cancer, 38% GIĀ ...
Delirium in Patients Admitted to an Impatient Palliative Care Unit Aims: 1-Frequency of delirium in a PCU in patients to income (DI) or during hospitalization (DDI).
2- Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients : type of delirium, precipitating factors, treatment and survival, and how many terminal sedation is required.
Methods: 1- Retrospective Study of all the patients admitted to a PCU for a period of 6 months, excluding those who die in the first 24hours. 2- Delirium is considered if it was descriibed in the clinical chart and /or was reflected in the medical criteria of DSM-IV TR Dra Yolanda Zuriarrain Reyna. Poster Discusion, PD 1.1. Friday,May 31, 2013
Delirium in Patients Admitted to an Impatient Palliative Care Unit Total 175
Results I: 1 Patient was excluded 64% were male, Mean age 76 years 95% Cancer, 38% GI cancer
Delirium 103
Delirium Characteristics ( N. 103) Tipe of delirium
-Types of delirium: hypoactive (39%) , hyperactive and mixed (31%). -Precipitating factors: Pharmacological 62% Metabolic 54%, Infections 39% More than one factor 70%
(DI) delirium in patients to income (DDI) delirium during hospitalization
Delirium in Patients Admitted to an Impatient Palliative Care Unit
Results II: -Terminal delirium: N: 74 (72%), average survival of 7.5 days . -Haloperidol was the most commonly used drug for Delirium day 1 of treatment : 73%. day 3 of treatment : 68%. day 7 of treatment: 56%. Increase association with other drugs : Midazolam and Levomepromazine
-Terminal sedation N: 9 (12%). -Midazolam was the most commonly used drug for Sedation Mean dose 50-100mg/day; 0,5 - 2 mg/h) 67% associated with Levomepromazine (50-100mg/day;2- 4 mg/h). Time of sedation ranged : 5 hours - 3 days. Dra Yolanda Zuriarrain Reyna. Poster Discusion PD 1.1. Friday,May 31, 2013
Delirium in Patients Admitted to an Impatient Palliative Care Unit
Conclusions: 1- The frequency of delirium and precipitating factors are similar to other studies. 2- Exist different precipitating factors: DI (Metabolic) DDI (Pharmacological) . 3-The hypoactive delirium was most often diagnosed. 4-The most commonly used drug for delirium was haloperidol. 5-Terminal sedation in our PCU was rarely necessary.