DELIRIUM in patients admitted to an impatient PCU

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Delirium in Patients Admitted to an Impatient. Palliative Care Unit. Results I: 1 Patient was excluded. 64% were male, Mean age 76 years. 95% Cancer, 38% GIĀ ...
Delirium in Patients Admitted to an Impatient Palliative Care Unit Aims: 1-Frequency of delirium in a PCU in patients to income (DI) or during hospitalization (DDI).

2- Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients : type of delirium, precipitating factors, treatment and survival, and how many terminal sedation is required.

Methods: 1- Retrospective Study of all the patients admitted to a PCU for a period of 6 months, excluding those who die in the first 24hours. 2- Delirium is considered if it was descriibed in the clinical chart and /or was reflected in the medical criteria of DSM-IV TR Dra Yolanda Zuriarrain Reyna. Poster Discusion, PD 1.1. Friday,May 31, 2013

Delirium in Patients Admitted to an Impatient Palliative Care Unit Total 175

Results I: 1 Patient was excluded 64% were male, Mean age 76 years 95% Cancer, 38% GI cancer

Delirium 103

Delirium Characteristics ( N. 103) Tipe of delirium

Triggers Metabolic Pharmacological Infection Brain illnes >2 Factores





39 (70%) 28( 50%) 22(40%) 4 (7%) 46(82%)

17(38%) 36 (80%) 18(40%) 3 (7%) 32(71%)

Tipe of delirium Hyperactive Mixed Hypoactive

31% 31% 39%

DI 51%

DDI 49%

DT 72%

-Types of delirium: hypoactive (39%) , hyperactive and mixed (31%). -Precipitating factors: Pharmacological 62% Metabolic 54%, Infections 39% More than one factor 70%

(DI) delirium in patients to income (DDI) delirium during hospitalization

Dra Yolanda Zuriarrain Reyna. Poster Discusion PD 1.1. Friday,May 31, 2013

Delirium in Patients Admitted to an Impatient Palliative Care Unit

Results II: -Terminal delirium: N: 74 (72%), average survival of 7.5 days . -Haloperidol was the most commonly used drug for Delirium day 1 of treatment : 73%. day 3 of treatment : 68%. day 7 of treatment: 56%. Increase association with other drugs : Midazolam and Levomepromazine

-Terminal sedation N: 9 (12%). -Midazolam was the most commonly used drug for Sedation Mean dose 50-100mg/day; 0,5 - 2 mg/h) 67% associated with Levomepromazine (50-100mg/day;2- 4 mg/h). Time of sedation ranged : 5 hours - 3 days. Dra Yolanda Zuriarrain Reyna. Poster Discusion PD 1.1. Friday,May 31, 2013

Delirium in Patients Admitted to an Impatient Palliative Care Unit

Conclusions: 1- The frequency of delirium and precipitating factors are similar to other studies. 2- Exist different precipitating factors: DI (Metabolic) DDI (Pharmacological) . 3-The hypoactive delirium was most often diagnosed. 4-The most commonly used drug for delirium was haloperidol. 5-Terminal sedation in our PCU was rarely necessary.

Dra Yolanda Zuriarrain Reyna. Poster Discusion PD 1.1. Friday,May 31, 2013