This IDC study revealed that âease of moving applications ... Turnkey hybrid cloud platforms bring the benefits of hyb
Hybrid Cloud Platforms Catalysts for IT and Digital Transformation AN IDC INFOGRAPHIC, SPONSORED BY DELL EMC To understand how companies are transforming business and to analyze the benefits, costs and drivers associated with the use of cloud solutions, IDC conducted a global survey of 1000 organizations that are using and/or evaluating private and public cloud.
Hybrid Infrastructure is Now Hybrid = Security and control + ecosystem of services and pay as you go flexibility
of large organizations already use both public and private cloud infrastructure resources, an additional 29.2%
of large organizations (1000 or more employees) already have an active hybrid cloud strategy.
expect to in the next year.
(IDC’s Cloudview survey)
This IDC study revealed that “ease of moving applications across multiple public and private clouds” was one of the top decision criteria for future infrastructure investments.
Hybrid Cloud Platforms offer the best of both worlds Top concerns among public cloud users
Top concern among private cloud users
41% 28% 27%
Cost Predictability Latency & Cost of Data Performance Transfer
Lack of access to value added public cloud services – like databases and analytics platforms
Private clouds can address these concerns.
Public clouds have strong and fast growing value added service ecosystems.
Public and private cloud complement each other perfectly, and an integrated catalog of services can serve organizations well - provided they can be managed and used in a unified manner.
Optimize IT costs by operating each workload in its optimum environment IDC’s analysis of enterprise IT organizations usage of cloud shows that for traditional applications with a lifetime of 3 years or more, private cloud results in better TCO than public cloud.
A targeted survey on workload repatriation (sponsored by Dell EMC) showed that the top reasons for repatriation were -increased security, more control over resources, better cost control, and performance.
of the organizations reported 3-year cost savings of over 10% of total annual infrastructure costs after repatriation.
Over half reported savings over 15%. Application lifetime and workload/usage attributes should be considered, and a thorough TCO analysis needs to be carried out, to decide on the optimum infrastructure destination for each workload.
The choice of destination may change through an application’s life, emphasizing the value of interoperability and integration between public and private cloud resources.
Turnkey hybrid cloud platforms bring the benefits of hybrid infrastructure to organizations, without the overhead needed to build these capabilities internally Developing the capabilities needed for interoperability and integration of platforms requires investment in tooling and process across multiple teams – which will be time consuming and expensive, and an additional load on existing in house resources.
Public cloud resources
Private cloud resources
Dell EMC Enterprise Hybrid Cloud and Native Hybrid Cloud platforms are designed to address these needs, and rapidly enable hybrid IT delivery.
Turnkey Hybrid Cloud Platforms • Ready to use • Optimizes IT infrastructure costs • Integrated service catalog through a common environment
IT organizations that do so can successfully deliver the integrated catalog to their users, enable flexibility and optimize infrastructure costs, while retaining central IT oversight & control, and lead digital transformation for their business.