Delta Dental of Wisconsin Scholarship Application.pdf - Google Drive

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Delta Dental of Wisconsin Scholarship Application.pdf. Delta Dental of Wisconsin Scholarship Application.pdf. Open. Extr
2017 Delta Dental of Wisconsin Scholarship

Date____________________________________________ Lunch Code______________________________________ Application Checklist: ____ Graduating senior from Pacelli, and GPA of 2.75 or above ____ Page 1 = this Cover Sheet ____ Page 2 = Essay answering the question below ____ Page 3 = Acceptance letter to an accredited institution of higher learning ____ Student’s lunch code must be written on upper, right hand corner of each document (Do NOT put your name on your response pages). ____ Return completed application to Pacelli Counseling Office by 3:00 p.m. April 3, 2017 ____ Paper clip all pages together (NO folders, staples, photos, or additional documents will be accepted) ____ Applications not following the above guidelines will not be eligible for scholarships.

Delta Dental of Wisconsin Scholarship Delta Dental of Wisconsin offers up to 3 scholarships of $1,000 each to graduating seniors of Pacelli High School who are planning to enter an institution of higher education. The Delta Dental scholarships are in memory of Robert A. Fisher. Fisher was involved in the development of Delta Dental of Wisconsin, which was initially called Wisconsin Dental Service, and served as the company’s legal counsel until his death in 1984. Fisher was also a strong proponent of education, and he was active in many community projects. Delta Dental of Wisconsin scholarships are especially aimed toward students who have faced personal, financial, academic and/or social obstacles and challenges. 

An essay of 500 words or less describing the obstacles/challenges experienced by the applicant and explaining how further education will enhance his/her life and ability to make a positive contribution to society.

Scholarship Applicants Please provide the information requested below. Attach a copy of your essay. GPA: ______________ University/Technical College you will be attending: ____________________________________

Revised January 2017