Charter schools OK, vouchers not. (Jul 2004). ⢠Support lifelong learning and. Distance Learning. (Jul 2004). ⢠Bush
Democratic Party Issues Abortion
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Pursue embryonic stem cell research. (Jul 2004) Support right to choose even if mother cannot pay. (Jul 2004) Choice is a fundamental, constitutional right. (Aug 2000)
Budget & Economy
Crime • •
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Cut the deficit in half over the next four years. (Jul 2004) Democrats reversed economic stagnation of previous years. (Aug 2000) Democrats must continue to lead Americans to prosperity. (Aug 2000) G.O.P. creates debt, Dems create surpluses. (Aug 2000) Democrats will eliminate publicly held debt by 2012. (Aug 2000) Policy should encourage home ownership & affordable housing. (Aug 2000)
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Racial and religious profiling is wrong. (Jul 2004) Keep marriage at state level; no federal gay marriage ban. (Jul 2004) Strengthen some parts of Patriot Act and change other parts. (Jul 2004) Support affirmative action to redress discrimination. (Jul 2004) Police should have zero tolerance of racial profiling. (Aug 2000) Pass hate crime legislation including gays. (Aug 2000) Democrats lead fight for ERA and equal employment. (Aug 2000)
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Bring to justice those bringing drugs to America. (Jul 2004) Drugs in prison: get clean to get out. (Aug 2000) Dry up drug demand via more enforcement plus more treatment. (Aug 2000) Fight drugs and economic hopelessness that fuels it. (Aug 2000)
Education •
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Crack down on gangs and drugs. (Jul 2004) Fight crime with prevention, community police. (Aug 2000) Tougher punishments, including the death penalty. (Aug 2000) DNA testing & post-conviction reviews in death penalty cases. (Aug 2000)
Civil Rights
Transparency in corporate accounting. (Jul 2004) End corporate welfare as we know. (Jul 2004) Tax credits and investment support for small business. (Jul 2004)
Standardized tests to advance learning, not bureaucracy. (Jul 2004) Charter schools OK, vouchers not. (Jul 2004) Support lifelong learning and Distance Learning. (Jul 2004) Bush broke promise of NCLB by not funding it. (Jul 2004) Education is top priority in Democrat presidency. (Aug 2000) Character education is an important aspect of education. (Aug 2000)
Democratic Party Issues • •
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Accountability is a key to public school success. (Aug 2000) Reduce class size, modernize facilities, hire new teachers. (Aug 2000) Enact new tax programs to enable more life-long learning. (Aug 2000) U.S. needs public school accountability, not vouchers. (Aug 2000)
Foreign Policy • •
Energy & Oil • • •
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We cannot drill our way to energy independence. (Jul 2004) Energy independence to avoid dealing with repressive regimes. (Jul 2004) Develop renewable energy and efficient vehicles. (Jul 2004) Invest in technology & transportation friendly to earth. (Aug 2000)
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Environment •
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Honor hunting & fishing heritage via more conservation lands. (Jul 2004) Reject choice of healthy economy vs. healthy environment. (Jul 2004) Encourage open space and rail travel. (Aug 2000) We do not have to choose between economy and environment. (Aug 2000)
Families & Children Click here for 3 full quotes on Families & Children OR other political leaders on Families & Children. • •
Family is the center of American life. (Jul 2004) Expand Family and Medical Leave
Law; end marriage penalty. (Aug 2000) Improve child-care and fully fund Head Start. (Aug 2000)
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Commit to "One China" policy but support Taiwan. (Jul 2004) Asia: Enhance relations with Japan, S.Korea, India, Pakistan. (Jul 2004) Bush bullies when he should instead persuade. (Jul 2004) US leadership in Africa for economic & humanitarian goals. (Jul 2004) Community of the Americas for USLatin American relations. (Jul 2004) Russia: work on nukes, human rights, and democracy. (Jul 2004) End Castro regime, but allow travel. (Jul 2004) Forward Engagement must guide proactive foreign policy. (Aug 2000) Work to close gap between richest and poorest nations. (Aug 2000) Engage China; protest Tibet. (Aug 2000)
Free Trade • •
Knock down barriers to free, fair and balanced trade. (Jul 2004) Review all trade agreements; investigate China rights abuses. (Jul 2004) Free trade with safeguards will benefit all. (Aug 2000)
Government Reform • •
Line-item veto to root out porkbarrel spending. (Jul 2004) Ensure accessible, independently auditable, accurate voting. (Jul
Democratic Party Issues •
2004) Support McCain-Feingold bill for campaign finance reform. (Aug 2000)
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Gun Control • •
Reauthorize assault weapons ban, close gun show loophole. (Jul 2004) Strengthen gun control to reduce violence. (Aug 2000)
Immigration •
Health Care •
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Bush's Medicare Rx program helps companies more than seniors. (Jul 2004) Expand coverage and cut healthcare costs. (Jul 2004) Every American should have affordable health insurance. (Aug 2000) Add prescription drug benefit to Medicare. (Aug 2000)
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We respect and honor our veterans. (Jul 2004) 3 challenges: War on Terror; WMDs, stable world democracy. (Jul 2004) Reform intelligence community internationally and locally. (Jul 2004) Safeguard nuclear material and stop creating new material. (Jul 2004) Add 40,000 new soldiers and keep military all-volunteer. (Jul 2004) Focus on cargo containers and
Path for undocumented aliens to earn citizenship. (Jul 2004) Reform the INS; reduce immigrant backlog. (Aug 2000) Protect immigrants from exploitation by employers. (Aug 2000)
Homeland Security
border security. (Jul 2004) Equip military for new threats and missions. (Aug 2000) Encourage military careers with better pay & benefits. (Aug 2000) Prepare military with advanced military and technology. (Aug 2000) Develop limited missile defense system. (Aug 2000)
A strong America begins with good jobs that support families. (Jul 2004) Change tax system to not encourage shipping jobs overseas. (Jul 2004) Protect workers’ right to organize. (Aug 2000) The rights of low income workers must be protected. (Aug 2000) Democrats will strengthen safety net for family farmers. (Aug 2000)
Principles & Values •
New vision for America: strong at home, respected abroad. (Jul 2004) Appoint judges committed to Constitutional rights. (Aug 2000)
Democratic Party Issues Social Security • • •
Bar practice of keeping retirement funds in company stock. (Jul 2004) Oppose privatization and oppose raising retirement age. (Jul 2004) Strengthen Social Security for Baby Boomers. (Aug 2000)
War & Peace •
Tax Reform • •
Cut taxes for middle class, not the wealthy. (Jul 2004) Cut taxes for working families, not richest 1%. (Aug 2000)
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"Name and shame" terrorist sponsors, tough on Saudi Arabia. (Jul 2004) Focus on Afghanistan to avoid renewing terrorist haven. (Jul 2004) Focus on preventing terrorism by education in Muslim world. (Jul 2004) Need a plan to "win the peace" in Iraq. (Jul 2004) Internationalize Iraqi military and political presence. (Jul 2004) Committed to Israel but support Palestinian state. (Jul 2004) Commitment to Israel is unshakable. (Aug 2000)
Welfare & Poverty Technology •
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Put science ahead of ideology in research and policymaking. (Jul 2004) Vigorous federal highway and transit initiatives. (Jul 2004) Every home should have Internet access. (Aug 2000) A big priority is to grow new economy. (Aug 2000) Electronic bill of rights will protect privacy & kids. (Aug 2000)
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Raise EITC & minimum wage to $7 & expand middle class. (Jul 2004) Harness power of faith-based organizations PLUS govt. (Aug 2000)