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DENNIS A. GIOIA. Robert and Judith Klein Professor of Management. 452C Business Building. 223 Elm Street. Penn State University. State College, PA 16801.
DENNIS A. GIOIA Robert and Judith Klein Professor of Management

452C Business Building Penn State University University Park, PA 16802 (814) 865-6370 (Office Phone) (814) 234-0808 (Home Phone)

223 Elm Street State College, PA 16801 (E-mail) (814) 863 – 7261 (office fax)


Florida State University, Engineering Science with Electronics and Astronautics Concentrations, 1970.


Florida State University, Management Concentration, 1972.


Florida State University, Management and Organizational Behavior major; Social Psychology minor, 1979.


Penn State University, University Park, PA: Robert and Judith Klein Professor of Management

1992- 2010

Penn State University, University Park, PA: Professor of Organizational Behavior


Penn State University, University Park, PA: Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior


Penn State University, University Park, PA: Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior


Florida State University Center for Applied Behavioral Science: Project Director for Training Programs in Management


Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, Teaching/Research Assistant, Doctoral Program.


Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI: Vehicle Recall Coordinator and Consulting Engineer.


Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, M.B.A. Program.


Boeing Aerospace, Kennedy Space Center, Cape Kennedy, FL Engineering Apprentice, Apollo/Saturn Program (Apollo 11, 12, 13)

TEACHING EXPERIENCE Undergraduate courses in organizational behavior, theory, and development. MBA courses in organizational behavior, leadership and change. Executive MBA course in managing people in organizations + leadership and change PhD seminars in organizational behavior and cognition in organizations. Executive education (in-residence + custom programs).

RESEARCH INTERESTS Cognition and human information processing in organizations; Organizational symbolism, sensemaking; Organizational identity, image and reputation; Strategic change processes; Organizational knowledge and learning

PUBLICATIONS Refereed Journals (Chronological Listing) Gioia, D.A. and Sims, H.P., Jr. (1982) Videotapes in the OB Classroom: Creating the Tools to Teach. Exchange: The Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal, 7: 13-17. (Revised and reprinted as Videotapes in Management Training: Creating the Tools to Teach. In Vance, C. (Ed.) (1993) Mastering Management Education: Classics and Innovations in Teaching Effectiveness. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, pp. 22-28). Gioia, D.A. and Sims, H.P., Jr. (1983) Perceptions of Managerial Power as a Consequence of Managerial Behavior and Reputation. Journal of Management, 1983, 9: 7-26. Manz, C.C. and Gioia, D.A. (1983) The Interrelationship of Power and Control. Human Relations, 36: 459-476. Gioia, D.A. and Poole, P.P. (1984) Scripts in Organizational Behavior. Academy of Management Review, 9: 449-459. Levine, V.; Donnellon, A.; Gioia, D.A. and Sims, H.P., Jr. (1984) Scripts and Speech Acts in Administrative Behavior: The Interplay of Necessity, Chance and Free Will. Educational Administration Quarterly, 20: 93-110. Brass, D.J. and Gioia, D.A. (1985) Never Wear Your Pink Shirt in the Forum: Student Evaluations of Teaching the Large Class. Organizational Behavior Teaching Review, 9: 100-102. Gioia, D.A. and Manz, C.C. (1985) Linking Cognition and Behavior: A Script Processing Interpretation of Vicarious Learning. Academy of Management Review, 10: 527-539. Gioia, D.A. and Sims, H.P., Jr. (1985) Self-Serving Bias and Actor-Observer Differences in Organizations: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 15: 547-563. 2

PUBLICATIONS: Refereed Journals (continued) Gioia, D.A. and Sims, H.P., Jr. (1985) On Avoiding the Influence of Implicit Leadership Theories in Leader Behavior Descriptions. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 45: 217-231. Gioia, D.A. and Brass, D.J. (1986) Teaching the TV Generation: The Case for Observational Learning. Organizational Behavior Teaching Review, 10: 11-18. Gioia, D.A. and Sims, H.P., Jr. (1986) Cognition-Behavior Connections: Attribution and Verbal Behavior in Leader-Subordinate Interactions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 37: 197-229. Gioia, D.A. (1987) Contribution! Not Participation in the OB Classroom. Organizational Behavior Teaching Review. 11: 15-20. (Revised and reprinted as Contribution! Not Participation in the Management Education Class. In Vance, C. (Ed.) (1993) Mastering Management Education: Classics and Innovations in Teaching Effectiveness. Newbury Park, CA: Sage (pp. 96-104). Longenecker, C.O.; Gioia, D.A. and Sims, H.P., Jr. (1987) Behind the Mask: The Politics of Employee Appraisal. Academy of Management Executive, 1: 183-193. (Reprinted in Newstrom, J.W. & Davis, K. (Eds.) Organizational Behavior: Readings and Exercises. NY: McGraw-Hill., 1989; Frost, P.J.; Mitchell, V.F.; & Nord, W.R. (Eds.) Managerial Reality. Glenview, IL: Scott-Foresman, 1989; Rubenstein, D. & Griffin, R. (Eds.) Readings in Management, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990. Rowland, K. R. (ed.) Human Resources Management: Perspectives and Issues (2nd ed.), Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1990. Johns, G. Organizational Behavior: Understanding Life at Work: NY: Harper Collins). Also excerpted in Hellriegel, D., Slocum, J.W.; & Woodman, R.W. Management. (5th ed.) Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1989; Burgess, L. R. Compensation Administration (2nd ed), Columbus, OH: Merrill Publishing, 1989. and in Training under the title "The Hidden Agenda of Performance Appraisal;" and in many newspapers. Served as the basis of the film "Performance Appraisal;" CRM Films, 1989. Longenecker, C.O. and Gioia, D.A. (1988) Neglected at the Top: Executives Talk About Executive Appraisal. Sloan Management Review, Winter: 41-47. (Reprinted in Frost, P.J.; Mitchell, V.F.; & Nord, W.R. (Eds.) HRM Reality. Glenview, IL: Scott-Foresman, 1992). Gioia, D.A.; Donnellon, A. and Sims, H.P., Jr. (1989). Communication and Cognition in Appraisal: A Tale of Two Paradigms. Organization Studies, 10: 503-529. Poole, P.P.; Gioia, D.A. and Gray, B. (1989) Influence Strategies, Schema Change, and Organizational Transformation. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 25: 271-289. Gioia, D.A. and Pitre, E. (1990) Multiparadigm Perspectives on Theory Building. Academy of Management Review, 15: 584-602. 3

PUBLICATIONS: Refereed Journals (continued) Poole, P.P.; Gray, B. and Gioia, D.A. (1990) Organizational Script Development through Interactive Accommodation. Group and Organization Studies, 15: 212-232. Gioia, D.A. and Chittipeddi, K. (1991) Sensemaking and Sensegiving in Strategic Change Initiation. Strategic Management Journal. 12: 433-448. Longenecker, C.O. and Gioia, D.A. (1991) Ten Myths of Managing Managers. Sloan Management Review, Fall: 81-90. Gioia, D.A. (1992) Pinto Fires and Personal Ethics: A Script Analysis of Missed Opportunities. Journal of Business Ethics. 11: 379-389. (Reprinted in Birsch, D. & Fielder, J. H. (Eds.) The Ford Pinto Case. Albany, NY: SUNY Press). Longenecker, C.O. and Gioia, D.A. (1992) The Executive Appraisal Paradox. Academy of Management Executive. 6: 18-28. (Reprinted in Gestion [French] as Le paradoxe de l'evaluation des dirigeants.19(3): 78-87). Longenecker, C.O.; Jaccoud, A.J.; Sims, H.P., Jr. and Gioia, D.A. (1992) Quantitative and Qualitative Investigations of Affect in Executive Judgment. Applied Psychology: An International Review. 41: 21-41. Thomas, J.B.; Clark, S.M. and Gioia, D.A. (1993) Strategic Sensemaking and Organizational Performance: Linkages Among Scanning, Interpretation, Action, and Outcomes. Academy of Management Journal. 36: 239-270. Gioia, D.A. and Longenecker, C.O. (1994) Delving into the Dark Side: The Politics of Executive Appraisal. Organizational Dynamics, Winter: 47-58. (Revised and printed as Longenecker, C.O. & Gioia, D.A. (1994) The Politics of Executive Appraisals. Compensation and Benefits. 10: 5-11). Gioia, D.A.; Thomas, J.B.; Clark, S.M.; and Chittipeddi, K. (1994) Symbolism and Strategic Change in Academia: Dynamics of Sensemaking and Influence. Organization Science. 5: 363-383. Weaver, G.R. and Gioia, D.A. (1994) Paradigms, Structuration and the Restructuring of Organizational Inquiry. Organization Studies. 15: 565-589. Weaver, G.R. & Gioia, D.A. (1995) Paradigms Lost vs. Paradigms Found (A reply to DeCock & Rickards) Organization Studies 16: 704-705. Gioia, D.A. & Thomas, J.B. (1996) Identity, Image and Issue Interpretation: Sensemaking in Academic Administration. Administrative Science Quarterly 41: 370-403. Gioia, D.A. (1999) Practicability, Paradigms, and Problems in Stakeholder Theorizing. Academy of Management Review, 24: 228-233. 4

PUBLICATIONS: Refereed Journals (continued) Commentary on Jones, T. & Wicks, A. (1999) “Convergent Stakeholder Theory” Academy of Management Review, 24: 206-221 . Generated a reply by T.Jones, & A.Wicks (1999) Academy of Management Review, 24: 621-623 and a rejoinder by Gioia (1999) Academy of Management Review, 24: 624-625. Gioia, D.A., Schultz, M. & Corley, K.G. (2000) Organizational Identity, Image and Adaptive Instability. Academy of Management Review, 25: 63-81. Gioia, D.A., Schultz, M. & Corley, K.G. (2000) Where Do We Go From Here? (Identity Dialogue) Academy of Management Review, 25: 145-147. Ford, C.M. & Gioia, D.A. (2000) Factors Influencing Creativity in the Domain of Executive Decision Making. Journal of Management, 26, 705-732. Gioia, D.A. (2000) Patterns of Organized Activity: Ancient Times to Postmodern Times (1st Millennium BCE to 3rd Millennium CE). Journal of Managerial Inquiry, 9: 298-302. Welcomer, S.A., Gioia, D.A. & Kilduff, M. (2000) Resisting the Discourse of Modernity: Rationality versus Emotion in Hazardous Waste Siting. Human Relations, 53: 1175-1205 Corley, K.G. & Gioia, D.A. (2000) The Rankings Game: Managing Business School Reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, 3: 319-333. LaBianca, G., Fairbank, J. F., Thomas, J. B. & Gioia, D. A. & Umphress, E. (2001) Emulation in Academia: Balancing Structure and Identity. Organization Science, 12: 312-330. Gioia, D.A. (2002) Business Education‟s Role in the Crisis of Corporate Confidence. Academy of Management Executive. 16: 142-144. Brown, M.E. & Gioia, D.A. (2002) Making Things Click: Distributive Leadership in an Online Division of an Offline Parent. Leadership Quarterly, 13: 397-419 Gioia, D. A. & Corley, K. G. (2002) Being Good vs. Looking Good: Business School Rankings and the Circean Transformation from Substance to Image. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 1: 107-120 Gioia, D. A., Corley, K. G. & Fabbri, T. M. (2002) Revising the Past (But Thinking in the Future Perfect Tense). Journal of Organizational Change Management 16: 622-634. Gioia, D.A., Schultz, M. & Corley, K.G. (2002) On Celebrating the Organizational Identity Metaphor. British Journal of Management. 13: 269-275. [Also, Metaphorical Shadowboxing: A Rejoinder to Cornelissen. British Journal of Management. 13: 281] Gioia, D.A. (2003). Teaching Teachers to Teach Differently. Journal of Management and

Governance, 7: 255-262.


PUBLICATIONS: Refereed Journals (continued) Gioia, D.A. (2003) Give it up! Reflections on the Interpreted World. Journal of Management Inquiry, 12: 285-292. Gioia, D.A. (2003). Business Organization as Instrument of Societal Responsibility. Organization, 10: 435-438. Corley, K.G. & Gioia, D.A. (2004). Identity ambiguity and change in the wake of a corporate spin-off. Administrative Science Quarterly, 49: 173-208. Gioia, D.A. (2006). On Weick: An appreciation. Organization Studies, 27: 1709-1721. Nag, R., Corley, K.G. & Gioia, D.A. (2007). The Intersection of Organizational Identity, Knowledge, and Practice: Attempting Strategic Change via Knowledge Grafting. Academy of Management Journal, 50: 821-847. Proserpio, L. & Gioia, D.A. (2007) Teaching the Virtual Generation. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 6: 69-80. Ashforth, B., Gioia, D.A., Robinson, S. & Trevino, L.K. (2008). Reviewing Corruption. [Introductory Article to the Special Topic Forum on Corruption in Organizations]. Academy of Management Review. Price, K.N. & Gioia, D.A. (2008) The Self-monitoring organization: Minimizing discrepancies among differing perception of organizational identity. Corporate Reputation Review. 11: 209-221 Price, K.N., Gioia, D.A., & Corley, K.G. (2008) Scattered images: Reconciling Disparate Organizational Images. Journal of Management Inquiry. 17: 173-185. Gioia, D.A., Price, K.P., Hamilton, A.L., & Thomas, J.B. (2010) Forging an Identity: An Insider-Outsider Study of Processes Involved in Organizational Identity Formation Administrative Science Quarterly. 55: 1-46. Clark, S.M., Gioia, D.A., Ketchen, D., & Thomas, J.B. (2010) Transitional Identity as a Facilitator of Organizational Identity Change during a Merger. Administrative Science Quarterly. 55: 397-438. Corley, K.G. & Gioia, D.A. Building Theory about Theory Building: What Constitutes a Contribution? (2011) Academy of Management Review, 36: 12-32.

PUBLICATIONS: Refereed Journals (Papers in press) Gioia, D.A. (2012, Forthcoming) Pinto fires and personal ethics: 20 years before and after publication. Journal of Business Ethics. Nag, R. & Gioia, D.A. (2012, Forthcoming) From common to uncommon knowledge: Foundations of firmspecific use of knowledge as a resource. Academy of Management Journal. 6

PUBLICATIONS: Other Major Works in Progress Gioia, D.A., Patvardhan, S., Hamilton, A.L. & Corley, K.G. (est. 2013) Organizational identity formation and change. Academy of Management Annals. Gioia, D.A. & Hamilton, A.L. (est. 2013) Image is everything. Research in Organizational Behavior

PUBLICATIONS: Non-Refereed Journals Sims, H.P., Jr. and Gioia, D.A. (1984) Performance Failure: Executive Response to Self-serving Bias. Business Horizons, 27: 64-71. (Reprinted in Organ, D. W.: The Applied Psychology of Work Behavior, 3rd, Dallas: Business Publications, 186. Also summarized as "Taking Credit for the Good: Avoiding Blame for the Bad." Management Update, October: 9-11.) Longenecker, C.O. and Gioia, D.A. (1993) Executives Need Appraisals Too. Executive Development. 6 (1): 21-24.

PUBLICATIONS: Books Sims, H.P., Jr. and Gioia, D.A. (Eds.) (1986) The Thinking Organization: Dynamics of Organizational Social Cognition, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc., Publishers. (375 pp.) Ford, C.M. & Gioia, D.A. (Eds.) (1995) Creative Action in Organizations: Ivory Tower Visions and Real World Voices. (400 pp.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

PUBLICATIONS: Book Chapters (Chronological Listing) Gioia, D.A. and Sims, H.P., Jr. (1985) Videotapes and Vicarious Learning: Technology for Effective Training. In Goodstein, L. D. and Pfeiffer, J. W. (Eds.). The 1985 Annual: Developing Human Resources. (pp. 155-162) San Diego: University Associates. Gioia, D.A. (1986) Symbols, Scripts and Sensemaking: Creating Meaning in the Organizational Experience. In Sims, H.P., Jr. and Gioia, D.A. (Eds.). The Thinking Organization: Dynamics of Organizational Social Cognition. (49-74) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc. Gioia, D.A. (1986) The State of the Art in Organizational Cognition: A Personal View. In Sims, H.P., Jr. and Gioia, D.A. (Eds.) The Thinking Organization: Dynamics of Organizational Social Cognition. (pp. 336-356) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc. Gioia, D.A. (1989) Self-Serving Bias as a Self-Sensemaking Strategy. In Giacalone, R. & Rosenfeld, P. (Eds.) Impression Management in the Organization. (219-234) Hillsdale, NJ.: LEA.


PUBLICATIONS: Book Chapters (continued) Gioia, D.A. (1992) Common Ground? The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Organization and Management Theory. In Masuch, M. and Warglien, M. (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Organization and Management Theory, (pp. 295-309) Amsterdam: North-Holland. Ford, C.M. & Gioia, D.A. (1995) Multiple Visions and Multiple Voices: Academic and Practitioner Conceptions of Creativity in Organizations. In Ford, C.M. & Gioia, D.A. (Eds) Creative Action in Organizations: Ivory Tower Visions and Real World Voices. (pp. 3-11) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Ford, C.M. & Gioia, D.A. (1995) Guidelines for Creative Action Taking in Organizations. , In Ford, C.M. & Gioia, D.A. (Eds) Creative Action in Organizations: Ivory Tower Visions and Real World Voices. (pp. 355-366) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Gioia, D.A. (1995) Reflections on the Pinto Fires Case. In Trevino, L.K. & Nelson, K. Managing Business Ethics:Straight Talk About How To Do It Right. (pp.101-105) NY: Wiley. Gioia, D.A. & Mehra, A. (1995) Organizations are Cognition-Action Systems. In Shrivastava, P. & Stubbart, C. (Eds.) Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 12B. (pp. 175-181) Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Gioia, D.A. (1995) Contrasts and Convergences in Creativity: Themes in Academic and Practitioner Views. In Ford, C.M. & Gioia, D.A. (Eds) Creative Action in Organizations: Ivory Tower Visions and Real World Voices. (pp. 317-329) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Ford, C.M. & Gioia, D.A. (1996) Creativity Management. In Warner, M. (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. (pp. 878-882) London: Thompson Business Press. Gioia, D.A. & Ford, C.M. (1996) Tacit Knowledge, Self-Communication and Sensemaking in Organizations In Thayer, L. (Ed.) Organization  Communication: Emerging Perspectives. (pp.83-102) Norwood, NJ: Ablex. Gioia, D.A., Thomas, J.B., Clark, S.M., & Chittipeddi, K. (1996) Symbolism and Strategic Change in Academia: The Dynamics of Sensemaking and Influence. In Meindl, J. R., Stubbart, C., & Porac, J. F. (Eds.) Cognition Within and Between Organizations (pp. 207-244). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (A version of this chapter originally appeared in Organization Science, 1994). Thomas, J.B., Gioia, D.A. & Ketchen, D., Jr. (1997) Strategic Sensemaking: Learning through Scanning, Interpretation, Action, and Performance. In Walsh, J.T & Huff, A. S. (Eds.) Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 14 (pp. 299-329) Greenwich, CT: JAI. Gioia, D.A. (1998) From Individual to Organizational Identity. In Whetten, D.A. & Godfrey, P.C. (Eds.) Identity in Organizations: Developing Theory through Conversations. (pp. 17-31) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


PUBLICATIONS: Book Chapters (continued) Gioia, D.A. (Section Editor), Bouchiki, H., Fiol, M., Golden-Biddle, K., Hatch, M. J., Rao, H., Rindova, V. & Schultz, M. (1998) The Identity of Organizations. In Whetten, D.A. & Godfrey, P.C. (Eds.) Identity in Organizations: Developing Theory through Conversations. (pp. 33-80) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Godfrey, P. (Section Editor), Albert, S., Ashforth, B., Gioia, D., Reger, R. and Whetten, D. 1998) Epilogue: Is Identity a Relevant Construct in Organizational Study? In Whetten, D. & Godfrey, P. (Eds.) Identity in Organizations: Developing Theory through Conversations. (pp. 273-293) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Gioia, D.A. (2000) Strategy Is Social Cognition. In Lant, T.K. & Shapira, Z. (Eds.) Organizational Cognition: Computation and Interpretation. (pp. 345-348) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Corley, C.G., Gioia, D.A., & Fabbri, T.M. (2000) Organizational Identity in Transition Over Time. In Cooper, C.L. & Rousseau, D.M. (Eds.) Trends in Organizational Behavior, Vol.7 (95-110). Chicester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. Brown, M., Gioia, D.A. & Corley, K.G. (2001) Growing pains: The Precarious Relationship between Off-line Parents and On-line Offspring. In N. Pal & J. Ray (Eds.), Pushing the Digital Frontier (pp. 117-134). New York: AMACOM. Corley, K.G., & Gioia, D.A. (2002). Semantic Learning as Change Enabler: Relating Organizational Identity & Organizational Learning. In M. Easterby-Smith & M. Lyles (Eds.) Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. (pp. 621-636) London: Blackwell. Gioia, D.A. (2004) A Renaissance Self: Prompting Personal and Professional Revitalization. In Frost, P.J. & Stablein, R.E. (Eds.) Renewing Research Practice: Scholars’ Journeys (pp. 97-114) Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Nag, R., Corley, K.G., & Gioia, D.A. (2004)). Innovation Tensions: Chaos, Structure, and Managed Chaos (pp. 607-18) In L. Shavinina & R. Sternberg (Eds.) International Handbook of Innovation. Erlbaum. Cappetta, R. & Gioia (2005) D.A. Fine fashion: Symbolic artifacts, sensegiving,and sensemaking in the construction of organizational identity and image. In Rafaeli, A. & Pratt, M. (Eds.) Artifacts and Organizations. Erlbaum. Gioia, D.A.(2007). Interpretive wisdom. In Bailey, J. & Kessler, E. (Eds.) Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Wisdom Gioia, D.A. (2007). Organizational identity as an emerging perennial domain. In Barry, D. & Hansen, H. (Eds.) Handbook of the New and Emerging in Organization Studies. Hamilton, A.L. & Gioia, D.A. (2008) Creating sustainable organizational identities. In Dutton, J.E. & Roberts, L.M. (Eds.) Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations.


PUBLICATIONS: Book Chapters (continued) Hamilton, A.L. & Gioia, D.A. (2010) Organizational identity and strategic decision making. In P.C. Nutt & D.C. Wilson (Eds.) Handbook of Decision Making. 139-152. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Corley, K.G., & Gioia, D.A. & Nag, R. (2011). Subtle learning and organizational identity change as enablers of strategic change. In M. Easterby-Smith & M. Lyles (Eds.) Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, 2nd Ed. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Pp. 349-365. [Update of the 2002 chapter] Gioia, D.A. & Patvardhan, S. (2011, in press). Identity as Process and Flow. In Maguire, S., Schultz, M., Langley, A. & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.) Constructing Identity In and Around Organizations. (Vol 3). Oxford: Oxford University Press

.PUBLICATIONS: Case Gioia, D. A. (1995) Pinto Fires. In Trevino, L. & Nelson, K. Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk About How To Do It Right. (pp.80-84) NY- Wiley. [Reprinted in all subsequent editions]

PUBLICATIONS: Book Reviews Gioia, D. A. (1992) Review of Huff, A. (Ed.) Mapping Strategic Thought (1990). Administrative Science Quarterly. 37: 515-518. Gioia, D. A. (1993) Review of Lord, R. G. & Maher, K. G. Leadership and Information Processing: Linking Perceptions and Performance (1991). Academy of Management Review, 18: 153-156. Gioia, D. A. & Mehra, A (1996) Review of: Weick, K: Sensemaking in Organizations Academy of Management Review. 21: 1226-1230.

PUBLICATIONS: Proceedings (Chronological Listing) Gioia, D.A., Brass, D.J. & Sims, H.P., Jr. (1981) The Creative Use of Short-cycle Videotape Technology: From Single Student to Large Lecture Learning. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, pp. 100-105. Gioia, D.A. (1981) Leader Evaluation Behavior: Is Reward Enhanced by Initial Punishment? Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management, pp. 152-155. Gioia, D.A. (1982) Script Processing in Organizational Interaction. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management. pp. 11-14. Gioia, D.A. & Sims, H.P., Jr. (1982) Behavioral Intent as a Consequence of Leaders' Attributions in Performance Evaluation. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management, pp. 31-33.


PUBLICATIONS: Proceedings (continued) Gioia, D.A. & Sims, H.P., Jr. (1982) An Empirical Re-examination of Implicit Leadership Theory. Proceedings of the Midwest Academy of Management, pp. 231-241 . Gioia, D.A. & Sims, H.P., Jr. (1982) Self-Serving Bias in Performance Appraisal. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, pp. 430-432. Gioia, D.A. & Sims, H.P., Jr. (1982) Leader Attribution/Behavior Relationships in Performance Evaluation. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, pp. 427-429. Longenecker, C.O., Sims, H.P., Jr. & Gioia, D.A. (1984) Consensual Managerial Prototypes of Excellent and Poor Performing Managers. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management, pp. 13-16. Jaccoud, A.J., Gioia, D.A. & Sims, H.P., Jr. (1984) Schema-Based Categorization in Personnel Decisions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Management, pp. 274-278. Gioia, D.A. & Steinhauer, S.H. (1984) On the Self-Serving Bias in Performance Attribution: A Review and Integrative Model. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management, 9-12. Poole, P.P., Gricar, B.G. & Gioia, D.A. (1985) Organizational Script Development. Proceedings of the Personnel and Human Resources/Organizational Behavior Conference. Gioia, D.A. & Sims, H.P., Jr. (1985) Superior-Subordinate Attributional and Conversational Processes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Management, pp. 230-235. (Best Paper award in the Organizational Communication division of the Academy of Management.) Longenecker, C.O., Gioia, D.A. & Sims, H.P., Jr. (1985) On Executive Affect in Performance Appraisal: A Qualitative Study. Proceedings of the Human Resources Management/Organizational Behavior Conference, pp. 80-84. Longenecker, C.O., Gioia, D.A. & Sims, H.P., Jr. (1986) Toward an Understanding of the Psychology of Performance Appraisal: A Qualitative Study of the Rater. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management, pp. 191-195. Chittipeddi, K. & Gioia, D.A. (1987) A Methodology for Studying the Strategic Change Process Based on the Interpretive Sociological Paradigm. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association. Poole, P.P. & Gioia, D.A. (1988) Organizational Schema Change. Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of Management. Longenecker, C.O. & Gioia, D.A. (1990) The Myths of Executive Appraisal. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of the Association of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior. Longenecker, C.O. & Gioia, D.A. (1991) The Myths of Managing Managers: A Qualitative Study. Proceedings of the International Academy of Management and Marketing. Ford, C. M. & Gioia, D. A. (1991) Creativity in Managerial Decision Making: An Empirical Investigation of Factors that Contribute to the Creativity of Managers' Decisions. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management. pp. 142-145. 11

PUBLICATIONS: Proceedings (continued) Corley, K.G. & Gioia, D.A. (1999) Reconciling Scattered Images: Consequences of Reputation Management for Insider Audiences. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity and Competitiveness. Corley, K.G. & Gioia, D.A. (2000) The Rankings Game: Managing Business School Reputation. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity and Competitiveness.

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY Presentations at Professional Meetings (Chronological Listing) Note: The papers listed in the proceedings section also were presented at meetings. Gioia, D.A. & Sims, H.P., Jr. Perceptions of Managerial Power as a Consequence of Managerial Behavior and Reputation. Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego, August, 1981. Gioia, D.A., Sims, H.P., Jr., Graham, K. & Manz, C. C. Modeling Effective Leader Verbal Behavior: An Approach to Individualized Management Development. Presented to the national meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, Boston, MA, November, 1981. Gioia, D.A., Brass, D.J. & Sims, H.P., Jr. The Creative Use of Short-Cycle Videotape Technology: From Single Student to Large-lecture Learning. Presented to the Eighth Annual Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Boston, MA, June, 1981. Gioia, D.A. & Brass, D.J. Teaching the TV Generation. Presented to the Ninth Annual Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Cleveland, OH, June, 1982. Poole, P.P. & Gioia, D.A. Script Processing: An Experience Based Response to Organization Cues. Presented to the 14th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, San Francisco, November, 1982. Manz, C.C. & D.A. Gioia. The Interrelationship of Power and Control. Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, New York, August, 1982. Jaccoud, A.J. & Gioia, D.A. Attribution, Social Cognition and Categorization Processes in Manager/ Subordinate Interactions. Presented to the 14th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, San Francisco, November, 1982. Jaccoud, A.J. & Gioia, D.A. Causal Attributions and Categorization in Superior/subordinate Interaction. Presented to the Eastern Academy of Management, Baltimore, May, 1982. Gioia, D.A. (Symposium Chair) Recent Developments in Cognitive Processing in Organizations. Presented to the Eastern Academy of Management, Baltimore, May 1982. 12

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Presentations at Professional Meetings (continued) Longenecker, C.O., Gioia, D.A. & Sims, H.P., Jr. Consensual Cognitive Scripts for Performance Appraisal. Presented to the Academy of Management meeting, Dallas, August, 1983. Donnellon, A., Gioia, D.A. & Sims, H.P., Jr. Scripts in Performance Appraisal: An Interpretive Framework for Analyzing Linguistic Behavior in Organizations. Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas, August, 1983. Chittipeddi, K. & Gioia, D.A. A Cognitive Psychological Perspective on the Strategic Management Process. Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas, August, 1983. Gioia, D.A. Experiential Exercises for the Masses. Part of the symposium "Avoiding the Lions in the Coliseum: Issues and Techniques for Teaching Large Classes," (with D. Brass, L. Michaelsen, and T. Serey). Presented to the Twelfth Annual Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Charlottesville, VA, 1985. Sims, H.P., Jr., Gioia, D.A., Donnellon, A. & Manz, C.C. Observations of Leader Verbal Behavior: Evolution of Methods. Presented to the First Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, April, 1986. Gioia, D.A. & Ford, C.M. Tacit Knowledge, Self-Communication, and Organizational Sensemaking. Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, 1988. Thomas, J.B. & Gioia, D.A. Strategic Sensemaking in a Top Management Team. Presented to the ORSA-TIMS meeting, Vancouver, BC, May, 1989. Gioia, D.A. Chair of a symposium entitled "Doing Qualitative and Interpretive Research" Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Washington, D.C. August, 1989, (Panelists: D. Gioia, B. Gray, A. Huff, D. Kolb, and P. Riley & T. Hollihan) Gioia, D.A. & Thomas, J.B. Strategic Sensemaking in a University Context. Presented to the Working Conference on Managerial Thought and Cognition, Washington, DC, August, 1989. Longenecker, C.O. & Gioia, D.A. The Myths of Executive Appraisal. Presented to the national conference of the Association of Human Resource Management/Organizational Behavior, Boston, November, 1989. Gioia, D.A. Chair of a symposium entitled "Bridging Strategic Thought and Action." Presented to the Strategic Management Society Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, September, 1990. Gioia, D.A. & Thomas, J.B. Strategic Sense-Making and Action-Taking. Presented as part of the symposium ""Bridging Strategic Thought and Action," Strategic Management Society Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, September, 1990. Gioia, D.A. & Thomas, J.B. Sense-Making, Sensegiving and Action-Taking in a University. Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Miami, August, 1991.


PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Presentations at Professional Meetings (continued) Gioia, D.A. Teaching a Living Case: Personal Experiences with the Pinto Fire Problem. Presented to the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June, 1992. Gioia, D.A. Insights from Interpretive Research. Part of the symposium "New Research Methods for Studying Managerial Thought and Cognition" (C. Stubbart, Chair). Presented to national meeting of the Academy of Management, Las Vegas, August, 1992. Gioia, D.A. The Chaos in Chaos Theory. Part of the symposium "Modeling the Dynamics of Transformation: Complexity, Chaos, and Drastic Change in Organizations.” Presented to the National Meeting of the Academy of Management, Las Vegas, August, 1992. Gioia, D.A. & Thomas, J.B. Organizational Transformation in Non-Profit Institutions: Sensemaking, Action, and Performance. Presented to the Strategic Management Society Conference, London, October, 1992. Gioia, D.A. & Schultz, M. Rethinking Organizational Identity and Image. Presented to the International Conference on Managerial and Organizational Cognition, Brussels, May 1994. Gioia, D.A. & Schultz, M. (Chairs) Managing Identity and Image. Symposium presented at the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August, 1995. (Panelists: S. Albert & D. Whetten; J. Dutton & M. Bergami; W. Olins; D. Gioia & M. Schultz; B. Ashforth). Gioia, D.A. & Schultz, M. Adaptive Instability: The Interrelationship of Identity and Image. Part of the symposium "Managing Identity and Image" Presented at the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August, 1995. Gioia, D.A. Organizations, Social Cognition and Ethical Behavior. Presented to the annual meeting of the Society for Business Ethics, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August, 1995. Gioia, D.A. Institutional Identity, Image, and Issue Interpretation. Presented to the conference on "Cognitive Applications to Work Behavior" (Organizational Cognition and Learning track), Penn State University, February, 1996. LaBianca, G., Fairbank, J., & Gioia, D.A. Cognitive Isomorphism in Interorganizational Emulation Networks: An Empirical Examination of Image and Identity in Academia. Paper presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Cincinnati, August, 1996. Gioia, D.A. Moral Perception and (Un?)Ethical Action in the Pinto Fires Case. Commentary for the symposium: Cognition, Emotion and Ethics (G.R. Weaver, chair). Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Cincinnati, August, 1996. Gioia D.A. & Thomas, J.B. Grounded Theorizing and Organizational Identity. (Part of the symposium, "Collaborative Theorizing: The Case of Organizational Identity Theory," (M.J. Hatch & M. Schultz, chairs). Presented at the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, August, 1997. Gioia, D.A. Organizational Cognition/Action as Organizational Learning. Presented to the Academy of Management Mid-Year Conference on Organizational Learning, Washington, D. C., March, 1998. 14

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Presentations at Professional Meetings (continued) Gioia, D.A. & Corley, K.G. Symbolism, Sensemaking, Sensegiving and Strategic Change. Part of the symposium: "Discourse and Change in Organizations" (C. Demers, J-L Denis, N. Giroux, & A. Langley, co-chairs). Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego, August, 1998. Gioia, D.A., Schultz, M. & Corley, K.G. Identity, Image and Adaptive Instability. Part of the symposium "Reflections in the Funhouse Mirrors: The Interdependence of Identity, Image and Reputation" (S. Carter & J. Dukerich, co-chairs). Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego, August, 1998 Mehra, A., Gioia, D.A. & Labianca, G. Cognition in Context: Network and Social Identity Effects on Workplace Perceptions. Part of the symposium: "Bringing the Social Back In: Network Perspectives on Organizational Cognition." (J-C Pastor, chair). Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego, August, 1998. Welcomer, S., Gioia, D.A., & Kilduff, M. Resisting the Discourse of Modernity: Rhetorics of Rationality and Emotion in Hazardous Waste Siting. Presented to the Third International Conference on Organizational Discourse, London, July, 1998. Corley, K.G. & Gioia, D.A. Reconciling Scattered Images: The Consequences of Reputation Management for Insider Audiences. Presented at the 3' International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity, and Competitiveness, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January, 1999. Gioia, D.A. & Corley, K.G. Linguistic Ambiguity and Strategic Change. Presented to the Ohio State Conference on Discourse in Organizations, Columbus, May, 1999. Gioia, D.A. Individual and Collective Change and Development Journeys in the Study of Cognition in Organizations. Part of the showcase symposium: "Cognition's Evolution in the Academy: A Journey into the new Millennium' (C.G.Emrich & M.D. Gorman, co-chairs; (Panelists: M. Fiol, D. Gioia, A. Huff, W. Starbuck, K. Weick). Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, August, 1999. Gioia, D.A. “Organizational Learning  Learning Organizations.” Presentation at the Olin Professorship Conference on Learning in Organizations, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, February, 2000. Gioia, D.A. “Cognitive Implications for Practice.” Part of the symposium “From the Halls of Ivey to the Boardroom: Conversations between Academicians and Practitioners” (A. Casey & M. Gorman, co-chairs; D. Gioia, D. Schwandt & K. Weick, academic panelists; S. Geigle, T. Martin & T. Sablo, practitioner panelists). Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Toronto, August, 2000. Gioia, D.A. & Corley, K.G. Revising the Past (But Thinking in the Future Perfect Tense). Part of the symposium “The Strategic Use of the Past for the Present and the Future” (Carroll, C. chair; H. Bouchikhi, S. Chraim, J. Kimberly, E. O‟Connor, panelists). Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Toronto, August, 2000. Corley, K.G., Gioia, D.A. & Fabbri, T.M. Organizational Identity and Learning: Uncovering the Subtle Aspects of Organizational Learning. Presented to the 4th international conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, University of Western Ontario, Canada, June, 2001. 15

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Presentations at Professional Meetings (continued) Brown, M. E., Corley, K.G. & Gioia, D.A. Managing Dual Organizational Identities in a LooselyCoupled System: A Qualitative Study of a Bricks and Clicks Organization. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Washington, D.C., August, 2001. Gioia, D. A. “Business education‟s role in the crisis of corporate confidence.” Part of the Academy of Management‟s special Presidential Blue Ribbon Panel on the Crisis in Corporate Confidence (Panel members: Jean Bartunek, president and chair; John Child, Dennis Gioia & Tom Kochan, commentators). Presented to the Academy of Management meeting, Denver, CO, August, 2002. Gioia, D.A Identity Provocateur. Part of the symposium: “The Dynamics of Organizational Identity: Formation and Change in New Organizations” (K. Corley, chair; Panelists: K. Golden-Biddle, C.V. Harquail, H. Rao, T. Tobin). Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Denver, CO, August, 2002. Gioia, D. A. (Discussant). Part of the symposium: Making Sense in the Field: Approaches and Implications for Researchers and Practitioners.” (B. Bryant & J. Balogun, Chairs; Panelists: C. Eden, A. Huff, G. Johnson, P. Johnson). Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Denver, CO, August, 2002. Nag, R., Corley, K.G., & Gioia, D.A. 2002. Innovation Tensions: Chaos, Structure, and Managed Chaos. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Denver, CO, August, 2002. Corley, K.G & Gioia, D.A. Organizational identity fragmentation during a spin-off: Hierarchical differences in perceptions of identity change. Presented to the European Academy of Management, Milan, Italy, April, 2003. Gioia, D.A. Media rankings of business schools. Part of the symposium, “Reporting on organizations: New perspectives on the media and organizing. (M.A. Glynn & K.G. Corley, chairs; C.E. Carroll, D.L. Deephouse, D.A. Gioia, H.A. Haveman, J. Margolis, M.E. McCombs, J. Meindl, & J.P. Walsh, panelists) Presented at the national Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, WA, August, 2003. Corley, K.G. & Gioia, D.A. Positive organizational identity, positive organizational orientation. Part of the symposium “Organizational identity through a POS [Positive Organizational Study] Lens (S. Brickson, chair). Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Honolulu, August, 2005. Gioia, D.A. & Corley, K.G. “Business school rankings and their implications for education” Part of the Showcase Symposium “Perils and possibilities for publishing the scholarship of teaching, learning, and education.” Arbaugh, J.B. & Bailey, J. (chairs) Panelists: S. Rynes, C.Q. Trank, J. Pfeffer, and C. Fong. (invited). Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Honolulu, August, 2005. Mehra, A. & Gioia, D.A. Self-Monitoring and Leadership Emergence: Evidence from a High-Technology Firm. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Honolulu, August, 2005. Nag, R., Corley, K.G. & Gioia, D.A. The intersection of organizational learning and identity in new capability development: Attempting strategic change via capability grafting. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Honolulu, August, 2005. 16

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Presentations at Professional Meetings (continued) Gajendran, R.S. & Gioia, D.A. Technology and information as virtual theatre: Impression management in virtual environments. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Atlanta, August, 2006. Gioia, D.A. Interpretive wisdom. Part of the All-Academy Symposium, “Organization and Managerial Wisdom.” (J. Bailey & E. Kessler, co-chairs). Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Atlanta, 2006. Gioia, D.A. Studying organizational identity. Part of the pre-conference workshop, “Pushing the Frontiers of Organizational Identity: Creative and Multi-level Research (K. Price, chair). Presented to the Academy of Management meeting, Atlanta, 2006. Gioia, D.A., Nag, R. & Corley, K.G. Visionary ambiguity and strategic change: The virtue of vagueness in the revision of organizational knowledge. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Atlanta, August, 2006 Nag, R. & Gioia, D.A. From common to uncommon knowledge: Foundations of knowledge as a strategic resource. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Atlanta, August, 2006. Price, K., Corley, K. & Gioia, D.A. The scattered images problem. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Atlanta, August, 2006. Gioia, D.A. Studying my own organization. Part of the symposium, “Beyond the Fortune 500: Nontraditional research contexts as rich sources of organization theory,” (E. Bridwell-Mitchell, chair). Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Philadelphia, August, 2007. Nag, R. & Gioia, D.A. The socio-cognitive foundations of interfirm heterogeneity in the use of knowledge as a resource. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Philadelphia, August, 2007. Price, K. Gioia, D.A. & Thomas, J.B. Forging an identity: Reflexive processes in the formation of organizational identity. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Philadelphia, August, 2007. Gajendran, R., Delaney-Klinger, K., & Gioia, D.A. Impression management in IT settings. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Anaheim, CA, August, 2008. Gioia, D.A. OMT/MOC Doctoral Consortium [Distinguished Speaker] Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Chicago, IL, August, 2009. Nag, R. & Gioia, D.A. Top management teams: Identity, scanning, power, and knowledge structures. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Anaheim, CA, August, 2008. Nag, R. & Gioia, D.A. Knowledge as a meta-resource: Managerial sensemaking about knowledge as a strategic resource. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Chicago, IL, August, 2009. 17

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Presentations at Professional Meetings (continued) Hamilton, A. & Gioia, D.A. Professional identity, organizational identity and scientific innovation. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Chicago, IL, August, 2009. Gioia, D.A. Who We Are. [Distinguished Scholar Address]. Presented to the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division of the Academy of Management, national Academy of Management meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August, 2010. Gioia, D.A. The Gioia Methodology: Origins and Evolution. Part of the Professional Development Workshop, “The „Gioia Methodology‟ of qualitative iterative inductive analysis.” Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August, 2010. Hamilton, A.L. & Gioia, D.A. (Symposium co-chairs) Bridging the Micro and Macro Levels in the Study of Identity. Showcase Symposium Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August, 2010. Hamilton, A.L. & Gioia, D.A. Organizational Identity Formation through a Narrative Lens. Part of the Showcase Symposium, “The Role of Narratives in Identity Construction: Insights from Research on Individuals and Organizations” (R. Barbulescu & J. Tost-Kharas, co-chairs). Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August, 2010. Hamilton, A.L. & Gioia, D.A. Organizational identity and strategic decision making. Part of the Professional Development Workshop, “Does Decision Making Research Matter: Some Issues and Remedies” (P.L. Nutt & D.E. Wilson, co-chairs). Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August, 2010.

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Invited Presentations (Chronological Listing) Responding to Reviewer Comments. Part of Women in Management Division Workshop, "Research Ideas and Publishing Strategies." Presented at the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, August, 1988. (With Hank Sims) Keynote speaker. "Cognition - Action Precedence." Scandinavian International Conference on Thinking and Acting in Organizations. Helsinki, Finland, August, 1989. Symbolism and Strategic Change," Presented at Linkoping University, Linkoping Sweden, August, 1989. (Also presented at The Stockholm School of Economics, , August, 1989). Sensemaking and Sensegiving in Strategic Change. Presented to the Scandinavian International Conference on Thinking and Acting in Organizations, Helsinki, Finland, September, 1989. CEO as Sensemaker and Sensegiver in the Strategic Change Process, Presented at the University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, November, 1989. Strategic Sense-Making and Action-Taking. Presented at The Stockholm School of Economics, September, 1990. [Also presented at the Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norway] (With Jim Thomas) 18

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Invited Presentations (continued)

Gioia, D. A. Panelist for the pre-conference workshop “Cognition in the rough.” Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Denver, CO, August, 2002. Gioia, D.A. Panelist for the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division PDW workshop “Organizational identity and image: Research methods at work. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Denver, CO, August, 2002. Gioia, D.A. Managerial and Organizational Cognition division PhD consortium faculty leader. National Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, WA, August, 2003. Gioia, D. A. Panelist for the pre-conference workshop “Cognition in the rough.” Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Seattle, WA, August, 2003. Gioia, D. A. Panelist for the pre-conference workshop “Cognition in the rough.” Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division. To be presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, New Orleans, LA, August, 2004. Organizational Cognition and Artificial Intelligence: Common Themes and Questions. Concluding Address to the International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Organization and Management Theory. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June, 1990. Interpretive Approaches to Studying Cognition in Organizations. Presented to the Research Workshop of the Managerial Cognition Interest Group of the Academy of Management, Miami, August, 1991. Sensemaking in Academic Administration. Presented at The Stockholm School of Economics, May, 1992, Stockholm, Sweden. (Also presented at the Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, and at the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland.) Writing and Publishing in the Organizational Sciences. Workshop conducted for the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland, June 1-5, 1992. Multiparadigm Perspectives. Presented as part of a pre-conference consortium entitled "Multiplicities in OC/IS Research" at the National Academy of Management, Las Vegas, August, 1992. Doing Interpretive Research in Strategy. Presented to the Cranfield Workshop (on cognitive approaches to strategy research). Cranfield School of Management. Cranfield, England. October, 1992. Presenting Credible Qualitative Research. Presented to the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Interest Group pre-conference workshop, national meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas, August, 1993. Writing and Publishing in the Organizational Siences. Workshop conducted for Ph.D. students at Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, February, 1994 (also conducted for faculty, February, 1994, and for Ph.D. students in Denmark, April, 1994). 19

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Invited Presentations (continued)

Seminar in Organizational Cognition. Conducted for Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden, March 14-15, 1994. Writing and Publishing in the Organizational Sciences. Workshop conducted for the Work Research Institute, Oslo, Norway, March, 1994) Seminar in Organizational Cognition. Conducted for Ph.D. students in Denmark, April 18-20, 1994. Seminar on Image and Identity in Organizations" Conducted for Copenhagen Business School, April 21, 1994. (With Majken Schultz) Seminar on Competitive Sensemaking and Hazardous Waste Siting." Presented to the Swedish School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland, April, 1994. Seminar in Organizational Cognition. Conducted for Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden, April 27-28, 1994. Qualitative Rigour. Lecture delivered at Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, England, May, 1994. On the Ephemerality of Organizational Identity. Presented to the Working Conference on Organizational Identity, Sundance, Utah, September, 1994. Qualitative Rigor. Presented to the pre-conference workshop for the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Interest Group. National meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas, August, 1994. Using a Living Case to Demonstrate Cognitive Processes. Presentation to the pre-conference workshop of the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Interest Group. National meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August, 1995. Executive Cognition to Executives. Presentation to the pre-conference workshop of the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Interest Group. National meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August, 1995. Writing a Research Paper. Workshop conducted at the University of Modena, Italy, April, 1996. Cognitive Approaches to Organization. Seminar conducted at the University of Modena, Italy, April, 1996. Writing for Organizational Journals. Workshop conducted at Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, May, 1996. Doing Credible Qualitative Research. Seminar conducted at Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, May, 1996.


PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Invited Presentations (continued)

Cognitive Theories of Organization. Lecture delivered at Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, May, 1996. Cognitive Approaches to Decision Making. Lecture delivered at Profingest, Bologna, Italy, May, 1996. Cognitive Approaches to Organization. Seminar conducted at the University of Trento, Italy, May, 1996. Sensemaking in Organizations. Lecture delivered at the University of Trento, Italy, May, 1996. Sensemaking in Organizations. Lecture delivered at the University of Siena, Italy, May, 1996. Interactive discussant/provocateur for the session "Shared Cognition within Teams.” Presented to the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Cincinnati, August, 1996. Tips on Teaching Large Classes. Presented to the Management Education and Development division doctoral consortium at the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, August, 1997. Attempting Strategic Change in a University. Presented to a joint consortium of the University of Quebec-Montreal, McGill University, Concordia University, and HECMontreal, March, 1998 Doing Interpretive Research on Strategic Change. Presented to the University of Quebec Montreal, Montreal, March, 1998. Interpretive Approaches to Researching Cognition in Organizations. Presented to the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Conference, New York, May, 1998. Insider-Outsider Research in Strategic Change. Presented at a pre-conference workshop at the national meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego, August, 1998. Cognition in the Rough. Presented to the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division preconference workshop at the national meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, August, 1999. Cognition in the Rough II. Presented to the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division preconference workshop at the national meeting of the Academy of Management, August, 2000. Gioia, D.A. Politics in Performance Appraisal. Presented to the 22nd annual Industrial/Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior Conference. Penn State University, University Park, PA, March 2001. Gioia, D.A. A Renaissance self: Prompting personal and professional rejuvenation. Presented to a preconference workshop, “Scholars Journeys: Research, Renewal and Values.” P. Frost and R. Stablein, organizers, at the national Academy of Management meeting, Washington, D.C., August, 2001.


PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Invited Presentations (continued)

Gioia, D.A. Using Photo Imagery to Provoke Aesthetic Reflection and Concern. Presented to a preconference workshop, “States of the Art: The Theory, Practice, and Research of Artful Inquiry and Intervention.” D. Barry and N. Nissley organizers, at the national Academy of Management meeting, Washington, D.C., August, 2001. Writing and Publishing in the Organizational Journals. Workshop conducted for the Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, May, 2002. Gioia, D. A. Panelist for the pre-conference workshop “Cognition in the Rough.” Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Denver, CO, August, 2002. Gioia, D. A. Panelist for the pre-conference workshop “Cognition in the Rough.” Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division. To be presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Seattle, WA, August, 2003. Gioia, D. A. Panelist for the pre-conference workshop “Cognition in the Rough.” Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division. To be presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, New Orleans, August, 2004. Gioia, D. A. Panelist for the pre-conference workshop “Cognition in the Rough.” Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Denver, CO, August, 2005. Gioia, D.A. Interpretive methodologies in the study of organizational identity. Part of the Professional Development Workshop, “Pushing the Frontiers of Organizational Identity” (K.N.Price, chair) Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Atlanta, August, 2006 Gioia, D.A. Writing and publishing in organization study. Presented at Copenhagen Business School, June, 2007. Gioia, D.A. Social cognition and strategy. Presented at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, November, 2007 Gioia, D.A. The great questions. Part of a panel on “The Questions We Have Asked, Now Ask, and Should Ask.” Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Anaheim, CA, August, 2008. Gioia, D.A. The missing questions about leadership. Part of a Professional Development Panel, Leadership Think Tank: The Questions We Don‟t Ask. Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Anaheim, CA, August, 2008. Gioia, D.A. Pinto Fires. Presented at Rice University, Houston TX, March, 2009. Gioia, D.A. OMT/MOC Doctoral Consortium [Distinguished Speaker] Presented to the national Academy of Management meeting, Chicago, IL, August, 2009.


PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Invited Presentations (continued)

Gioia, D.A. Pinto Fires. Presented at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, December, 2009. Gioia, D.A. Writing and publishing in organization study. Presented at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, December, 2009. Gioia, D.A. Pinto Fires. Presented at Boston College, Boston, MA, February, 2010.. Gioia, D.A. Writing and publishing in organization study. Presented at Boston College, Boston, MA, February, 2010. Gioia, D.A. Transitional Identity as a Facilitator of Organizational Identity Change during a Merger. Presented at the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, June, 2010 Gioia, D.A. Pinto Fires. Presented at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, September, 2011..

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Service to the Field Editorships Journal of Management Inquiry (Editor for “Provocations and Provocateurs” section, 2005-) Academy of Management Review (Co-Editor for Special Topic Forum on Corruption in Organizations, 2008) Journal Reviewing Review boards: Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2001- 2011

Academy of Management Review, 1993-1999, 2002Administrative Science Quarterly, 2011-

Corporate Reputation Review, 2000- 2005 Journal of Management, 1988-92 Organization, 1995-2009 Organization Studies, 2003-


PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Service to the Field (continued) Reviewer for Journal of Management special issue on org symbolism, 1985. Reviewer for the National Academy of Management Meeting, 1983, 85-87, 89-05. Reviewer for the Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, 1983-84, 86, 89.

Conference Administration Track chair (Cognition) for Strategic Management Society Conference, 1990. Track chair (Organizational Behavior) for Eastern Academy of Management, 1991. Program chair, Managerial and Organizational Cognition Interest Group, Academy of Management, 1992-93. Chair, Managerial and Organizational Cognition Interest Group, Academy of Management, 1994-95. Chair of Art and Poetry Division of the Academy of Management, 2000-01 PhD Committees Kumar Chittipeddi (chair) Shawn Clark (Co-Chair with J. Thomas) Kevin Corley (chair) Anne Donnellon Cameron Ford (chair) Alfredo Jaccoud (co-chair with H. Sims) Clint Longenecker (co-chair with H. Sims) Ajay Mehra (Co-Chair with M. Kilduff) Evelyn Pitre (Chair) Judy Ray Kristin Price (Chair) Aimee Hamilton (Chair)

Michael Brown William Brashears (Psychology) Erwin Danneels (Marketing) Michael Fischer (Accounting) Tara Lynn Fulton (Higher Ed) John Shishoff (Accounting) Jay Silva (Psychology) Rajiv Nag (Chair) Peter Poole (chair) Stephanie Welcomer Emily Janke Shubha Patvardhan (Chair)


Executive Education Faculty Leader: Developing Managerial Effectiveness Program Engineer/Scientist as Manager Program Executive Management Program Highway and Transportation Engineers Program Human Resources Managers Program Management of Managers Program Natural Resources Managers Program Young Executives Program Harrison & Crossfield Custom Program (1992) Carpenter Tech Custom Program: Developing Influential Leadership (1999-2000) Junior Achievement Custom Program (2005- ) Faculty Director: Human Resources Managers Program (1982); Developing Managerial Effectiveness Program (2000- 07)

CREATIVE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY Administrative Science Quarterly Photo Covers Monteriggioni (September, 1996) Orta San Giulio (December, 1996) Hong Kong Aviary (December, 1997) Watkins Glen Gorge (March, 2001) Ice Storm on Nittany Mountain (Dec, 2002) Taverna Adelphia (September, 2004) Pace, Spoleto (March, 2005) Santa Fe Reflections (March, 2006) Florence Side Street (September, 2010)

Helsinki Street Scene (September, 1998) Christmas in Rome (December, 1998) Athens from Likabatos (September, 1999) Aunt Cora‟s Barn (June, 2001) Via Emilia (June, 2004) Winter in Bergamo (December, 2004) Basso Bergamo (December, 2005) Wykoff Run, (March, 2010) Potters Mills Pond in Winter (Dec, 2010)

Refereed Photomural Essays at the Academy of Management Conference Patterns of Organized Activity: Ancient Times to Postmodern Times (1st Millennium BCE to 3rd Millennium CE). Toronto, August, 2000. Transitions to New Times: From Industrial Age to Information Age / From Manufacturing to Service Economy. Toronto, August, 2000. The Globalization of Commercialization, Washington, DC, 2001 Macro Network Manifestations, Denver, CO, 2002 Networks of Organized Anarchy, Denver, CO, 2002 25

Triumvirate. Seattle, WA, August, 2003 Turbulence. Seattle, WA, August, 2003 Actionable knowledge as art and science, New Orleans, August, 2004 Shop windows. New Orleans, LA, August, 2004 Micro/Meso/Macro/Meta. Honolulu, August, 2005 Structuring Ambiguity. Honolulu, August, 2005

HONORS AND AWARDS Research Fellow, College of Business Administration Center for Research, 1985-87 Fred Brand, Jr. Award as the Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher in the College of Business, 1990. MBA Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Business, 1990, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2011 Sigma Iota Epsilon Outstanding Instructor Award, 1983, 1986, 1991 (undergraduate) Honorary speaker and initiate into Phi Eta Sigma, National Honorary Society, 1992. Diversity Appreciation Award 2000 (MBA Program) E-Business Research Center research fellow, 2001- 2005 “Identity, Image and Adaptive Instability” by D.A. Gioia, M. Schultz, and K. G. Corley (Academy of Management Review, 2000) nominated as “Best Paper” Finalist. "Give It Up!" finalist for the "Breaking the Frame" Award for the Journal of Management Inquiry, 2003. Contributor to the Smeal College of Business effort that successfully secured a $2.5 million gift from John and Kara Arnold as endowment support for the M&O Department. Named as the Robert and Judith Klein Professor of Management, Smeal College of Business, May, 2010. Distinguished Scholar, 2010, Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division, Academy of Management Scholarly Contribution Award for the most significant paper published five years earlier in Administrative Science Quarterly. (Corley, K.G. & Gioia, D.A. 2004. Identity ambiguity and change in the wake of a corporate spin-off. Administrative Science Quarterly, 49: 173-208. Top 100 list of most cited authors of the last 20 years Inducted into the Macro Organizational Behavior Society Elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Management 26

[Sept, 2011]