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shift of C20 relative to C90 (Fig. 2 of Heckman et al. 1981). Both. S(1) and Paα have telluric absorption features along their wings,. Fig. 2. Emission-line profile of ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics

A&A 536, L5 (2011) DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201118018 c ESO 2011 

Letter to the Editor

Dense gas without star formation: the kpc-sized turbulent molecular disk in 3C 326 N N. P. H. Nesvadba1 , F. Boulanger1 , M. D. Lehnert2 , P. Guillard3 , and P. Salome4 1 2 3 4

Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France e-mail: [email protected] GEPI, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, Université Denis Diderot, 5 place Jules Janssen, 92195 Meudon, France Spitzer Science Center, IPAC, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 92215, USA LERMA Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, 61 rue de l’Observatoire, 75014 Paris, France

Received 5 September 2011 / Accepted 21 October 2011 ABSTRACT

We report the discovery of a 3 kpc disk of few 109 M of dense, warm H2 in the nearby radio galaxy 3C 326 N, which shows no signs of ongoing or recent star formation and falls a factor of 60 below the Schmidt-Kennicutt law. Our VLT/SINFONI imaging spectroscopy shows broad (FWHM ∼ 500 km s−1 ) ro-vibrational H2 lines across the entire disk, with irregular profiles and line ratios consistent with shocks. The ratio of turbulent to gravitational energy suggests that the gas is highly turbulent and not gravitationally bound. In the absence of the driving by the jet, the short turbulent dissipation times indicate that the gas should collapse rapidly and form stars, at odds with the recent star-formation history. Motivated by hydrodynamic models of rapid H2 formation boosted by turbulent compression, we propose that the molecules formed from diffuse atomic gas in the turbulent jet cocoon. Since the gas is not self-gravitating, it cannot form molecular clouds or stars while the jet is active, and is likely to disperse and become atomic again after the nuclear activity ceases. We speculate that very low star-formation rates are to be expected under such conditions, provided that the large-scale turbulence controls the gas dynamics in molecular clouds. Our results illustrate that jets may create large molecular reservoirs as expected in “positive feedback” scenarios of AGN-triggered star formation, but that this alone is insufficient to trigger star formation. Key words. galaxies: jets – galaxies: active – galaxies: ISM – galaxies: individual: 3C 326 N

1. Introduction The radio galaxy 3C 326 N at z = 0.1 is an excellent target to investigate how the mechanical energy output of radio-loud AGN affects the surrounding gas and star formation. In spite of a few ×109 M of dense H2 , akin to LIRGs, the star-formation rate (SFR ≤ 0.07 M yr−1 Ogle et al. 2007) is orders of magnitude lower than expected from the Schmidt-Kennicutt law (Nesvadba et al. 2010, N10 hereafter). With such a low SFR, an X-ray faint AGN (log LX = 40.6 erg s−1 Ogle et al. 2010), and a strong radio source (kinetic power log Lkin ≥ 44.6 erg s−1 , N10), 3C 326 N provides a rare opportunity to clearly disentangle the effects of the jet from those of star formation and AGN radiation. It is one of the largest and oldest radio galaxies in the sky, with a 2 Mpc size, dynamical and spectral ages of 6–20 × 107 yrs (Willis & Strom 1978), and a radio core at 3 mm (N10). The galaxy 3C 326 N is not an obvious member of a group or cluster, but has a similarly old (≥10 Gyr), massive (Mstellar = few × 1011 M ) companion at a projected distance of ∼20 kpc. 3C 326 N is amongst the 30% of nearby 3CR radio galaxies that have bright line emission from warm molecular hydrogen observed with Spitzer/IRS and line ratios consistent with shocks (Ogle et al. 2010). The gas kinetic energy and line luminosities exceed the energy injection rates from star formation and AGN radiation, making the deposition of mechanical energy by the radio source the only plausible culprit (N10). This energy injection does not only trigger an outflow, but also heats  Based on observations carried out with the Very Large Telescope of ESO under program ID 385.B-0809.

the ambient gas through shocks. The turbulent kinetic energy roughly equals the bulk kinetic energy of the outflowing gas. About half the molecular gas in 3C 326 N is warm (T > 100 K), a fraction which is 100 × greater than in star-forming galaxies, suggesting that mechanical heating by the jet could be an important mechanism of suppressing the overall star formation in this galaxy. We present deep imaging spectroscopy of the ro-vibrational H2 emission lines at R = 3000 and 0.7 spatial resolution, which probes the spatially resolved gas properties and kinematics, and significantly enhances and complements the analysis of N10 that relied on unresolved Spitzer/IRS spectroscopy at R = 120 (2500 km s−1 ) with 5 spatial resolution. We find a kpc-sized rotating, turbulent disk with broad complex line profiles, suggesting that the mechanical energy deposition of the jet is not restricted to a small part of the disk. We argue that finding such a disk is difficult to reconcile with the recent star-formation history of 3C 326 N unless the molecular gas formed in response to the turbulence created by the radio jet, indicating a close symbiosis between jet and molecular gas, but also suggesting that boosting the formation of molecular gas in turbulent jet cocoons is insufficient to trigger star formation as often assumed in models of positive AGN feedback. Throughout the paper, we adopt a H0 = 70 km s−1 , ΩM = 0.3, ΩΛ = 0.7 cosmology.

2. The molecular gas in 3C 326 N Data were obtained with the near-infrared imaging spectrograph SINFONI (Bonnet et al. 2004) at the Very Large Telescope of ESO with a total of 15 000 s of on-source observing time

Article published by EDP Sciences

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Fig. 1. Integrated K-band spectrum of 3C 326 N. The properties of labeled lines are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Line properties derived from the “stacked” spectrum, i.e., the integrated spectrum with the large-scale velocity gradient removed. Line Paα H2 1-0 S(1) H2 1-0 S(2) H2 1-0 S(3) H2 1-0 S(4) Brγ H2 2-1 S(3)

λ0 [μm] 1.875 2.122 2.034 1.958 1.892 2.166 2.074

λobs [μm] 2.0443 ± 0.0004 2.3132 ± 0.0005 2.2170 ± 0.0003 2.1339 ± 0.0004 2.0624 ± 0.0004

Fig. 2. Emission-line profile of H2 1–0 S(3) extracted from a 0.6 × 0.6 aperture on the northern disk (black line) fit with 3 Gaussian components (light blue line). The fit residual is shown below.

FWHM flux [km s−1 ] [10−15 erg s−1 cm−2 ] 516 ± 44 1.2 ± 0.14 534 ± 32 1.8 ± 0.13 563 ± 45 0.7 ± 0.05 594 ± 41 2.2 ± 0.2 475 ± 45 0.8 ± 0.05 ∼few ×10 yrs (N10), which is longer than the age of the radio jet. Collisions between clouds would rapidly dissipate the turbulent kinetic energy and the angular momentum of the disk in about one to a few rotational times

(Verdoes Kleijn et al. 2006; Pizzolato & Soker 2010), which is consistent with our estimates. For the measured gas surface density of Σgas = 250 M pc−2 , the Schmidt-Kennicutt law implies that SFR = 4.5 M yr−1 . This is about 60 times greater than the upper limit of SFR = 0.07 M yr−1 (Ogle et al. 2007) inferred from Spitzer 70 μm imaging1, and at odds with the recent star-formation history of 3C 326 N. To quantify the recent star formation, we repeated the population synthesis analysis of the inner 3 of 3C 326 N from N10, this time adding small fractions of light from young (3–30 × 107 yrs) stellar populations (YSPs) to the data. We found that, for SFR = 4.5 M yr−1 stars must form for a few 105 yrs to produce detectable signatures. This is very short, hence, the absence of recent star formation suggests that the gas cannot have lost turbulent support for much longer than a free-fall time (106 yrs for N = 103 cm−3 ) in the last 300 Myr. Unless the jet has been nearly continuously active during this time (which is longer than the oldest estimate of the jet age and unlike many other giant radio galaxies with signs of repeated, shorter jet outbreaks, Schoenmakers et al. 2000), then why has this gas not been forming stars? Resolving this paradox is possible if the molecules formed after the onset of AGN activity, boosted by the turbulence in the jet cocoon. Hydrodynamic simulations suggest that turbulent compression can turn a diffuse inhomogeneous, largely atomic medium within few 106 yrs into a warm, largely molecular medium (Glover & Mac Low 2007). Molecules form in rather dense regions (n ≥ 1000 cm−3 ) and are transported to regions of lower density. The total amount of H2 on macro-scales is set by the dynamic equilibrium of the rapid molecule formation and destruction on micro-scales. This gas would not be gravitationally bound and be part of a turbulent multiphase medium, where warm H2 becomes a major gas coolant (Guillard et al. 2009). In this scenario, the molecular gas only survives the radio phase if it forms self-gravitating clouds while pressurized by the cocoon. Otherwise, with decreasing pressure H2 formation rates drop, and the dynamic equilibrium between molecule formation and destruction is no longer maintained. The gas again becomes atomic. Extended reservoirs of diffuse atomic gas are not unusual in early-type galaxies (Oosterloo et al. 2007). Dust lanes in radio galaxies are often perpendicular to the jet (de Koff et al. 2000), and have masses that depend on jet power (de Ruiter et al. 2002), suggesting that the ISM “knows about the jet”.

4. Turbulence in 3C 326 N and star formation To understand more clearly how AGN and star formation in 3C 326 N may be related, we now argue that turbulence governs the gas dynamics in 3C 326 N down to the length scales of molecular clouds. In this case, finding star formation rates as low as those observed may not be so surprising after all. We quantify the ratio of turbulent to gravitational energy in terms of the virial parameter, αvir = 5σ2cl (π G Rcl Σgas )−1 (Bertoldi & McKee 1992), where Σcl and Rcl are the mass surface density and radius of individual clouds, respectively, and G is the gravitational constant. Gravitationally bound clouds have αvir ≤ 1. Hydrodynamic simulations suggest that column densities created by turbulent motion cannot greatly exceed the mean column density (e.g., Ostriker et al. 2001). We therefore use the measured Σgas = 250 M pc−2 (Sect. 2). The H2 line emission in 3C 326 N is powered by the dissipation of turbulent energy, which implies that LH2 /MH2 = 3/2 fH2 σ3cl /Rcl (McKee & Ostriker 2007), where LH2 and MH2 1 For R = 1.6 kpc. N10 found a smaller offset with a fiducial R = 2.5 kpc

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Fig. 4. Turbulent velocity as a function of size. Black symbols show our data for CO, H2 1–0 lines, and Paα, respectively. The red dotted line is for αvir = 1 for a constant mass-surface density Σgas = 250 M pc−2 and the green hatched region shows the range implied by Larson’s scaling law and the range of velocities measured on kpc scales. Black circles show the molecular clouds of Heyer et al. (2009). These points fall near the αvir = 1 relation for gas surface densities ∼5 smaller than that of 3C 326 N. The horizontal dot-dashed line shows the maximal clump size of ∼100 pc. See Sect. 4 for details.

are the H2 luminosity and mass. N10 find that LH2 /MH2 ∼ 0.06 L /M . The correction factor fH2 < ∼ 1 is necessary because H2 is the dominant, but not the only gas coolant (see also Herrera et al. 2011). We adopt fH2 = 0.5. Turbulent velocities do not scale arbitrarily with size, but approximately follow a power law σ ∝ R0.5 , as observed for molecular clouds in the Milky Way (e.g., Larson 1981) and seen in hydrodynamic simulations including simulations of jet cocoons (Krause & Alexander 2007). Figure 4 illustrates that for all cloud sizes < ∼1 kpc, the observed L/M implies line widths that are at least a factor of 10 larger than expected for αvir = 1 (red line in Fig. 4), suggesting that the turbulent kinetic energy strongly exceeds the gravitational energy on all relevant scales. This includes for example the ∼100 pc scale at which disks akin to that of 3C 326 N, but without additional turbulence from the jet, would fragment (Escala & Larson 2008, dot-dashed vertical line in Fig. 4), and the cloud sizes of few tens of parsec typically adopted in simulations of turbulent jet cocoons (Wagner & Bicknell 2011; AntonuccioDelogu & Silk 2008). Figure 4 also shows that turbulent velocities in 3C 326 N are likely much greater than those in typical molecular clouds in the Milky Way (Heyer et al. 2009, gray circles in Fig. 4). This may hold the key to explaining the low star-formation rates. Local density enhancements owing to turbulent compression may enable star formation in clouds with αvir > ∼ 1, but the star formation efficiency decreases rapidly with increasing αvir (e.g., Krumholz & McKee 2005; Padoan & Nordlund 2011). These arguments rely on the assumption that Larson’s scaling relationship approximately holds for 3C 326 N. Resolving scales of ∼100 pc will only become possible once ALMA reaches its full capabilities, although we can already see in Fig. 4 that Larson’s scaling law (green hatched area) normalized to the measured range of velocities on kpc scales falls within the range of turbulence required to account for the observed H2 luminosity.

5. Concluding remarks Our results suggest that AGN can create large reservoirs of dense, rapidly cooling molecular gas, as suggested by models of AGN-triggered star formation (e.g., Mellema et al. 2002; Fragile et al. 2004; Silk & Norman 2009), but this does not per se seem sufficient to form stars. The turbulent energy injected by the jet L5, page 4 of 4

seems capable of retaining significant fractions of the gas warm (T > 150 K) and gravitationally unbound, making star formation very inefficient. The galaxy 3C 326 N is certainly an extreme example of a gas-rich radio galaxy with a very low star-formation efficiency, although it is not unique. Thirty percent of nearby 3CR radio galaxies have bright line emission from warm H2 (Ogle et al. 2010), and emission-line diagnostics suggest that much of this gas could be heated mechanically through shocks (N10). This includes galaxies such as 3C 293, which have ongoing star formation, albeit not at the level expected from their H2 reservoirs (Papadopoulos et al. 2010). It will be interesting to investigate in more depth how star formation and molecular gas kinematics are related in these cases. Acknowledgements. We are very grateful to the staff at Paranal Observatory for carrying out the observations. Without the continuous, excellent work of the ESO staff and fellows, our analysis would not have been possible. We thank the referee for comments that helped improve the manuscript.

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