CAD-CAM. Dental clinic. Implant systems. Biomaterials. CAD-CAM. Digital
solutions. Services. Digital odontology, prosthetic solutions in CAD-CAM ...
Digital odontology, prosthetic solutions in CAD-CAM
Dental clinic
Implant systems
Digital solutions
Contents Dental clinic Our challenges, constant evolution
page 3
Our products and services
page 4
Our business model
page 5
What is CAD-CAM?
page 6-7
The prosthetics solutions preferred by clinicians
page 8-11
Cemented solutions
page 12-13
Restorations on implants
page 14-15
Hybrid structures and removable bars on implants.
page 16-17
Attachments for removable prostheses
page 16
Restorations in CAD-CAM
page 18
Adhoc®, versatility in screw-mounted Cobalt Chrome
page 19
Cronia®, temporary anatomic restorations
page 20
Titanium, the lightest material
page 21
Zirconia, the most aesthetic material
page 22
Quality assurance
page 23
Scientific warranty
page 24-25
The best results with Phibo® CAD-CAM: clinical case
page 26-27
Our challenges, constant evolution For Phibo ® to want a different and more humane world is to evolve. To grow with and for people to improve things. For some it may be obvious, for us it is a necessity. Our commitment. For Phibo ® science is the foundation for everything; the tenacity of our character and the talent for producing high quality products find in science the vehicle capable of giving our dental solutions proven and significant value for our public and the sector in general. Nevertheless, this is not enough for us. We are sure of the value of science, but we are also sure that this is lost if it does not lead to useful solutions that are accessible to people. And this conviction is what makes us different; it is not just about science, but above all conscience. Conscience, knowing that the responsibility of being able to improve people's quality of life is in our hands. Conscience, knowing that innovation must be within the reach of those who need it. Conscience, knowing that being in a privileged position entails an obligation to develop and share the knowledge. Conscience, knowing that clients do not just need a perfect product, but also a frank interpersonal relationship. Conscience, understanding that without science it is not possible to grow and lead. That science without conscience is a multiple of zero. And that we are all building Phibo ®; with what we are and what we can be. So this is Phibo ®. This is what makes us unique and special; what makes us Phibo ®. But it does not only reflect what we are, but also leads our future; it helps us to make decisions, it pushes us to evolve, it forces us to do so.
Dental clinic CAD-CAM Catalogue
Our products and services With 20 years of experience behind us, at Phibo® we now offer solutions from bone regeneration to the final prosthesis itself, without neglecting implant systems, and always taking patients' health, comfort and aesthetics into consideration. From the most complex treatments to the simplest ones, there is a wide range of Phibo® solutions developed on a foundation of knowledge and science. We offer predictability in the results, optimisation of treatment times, reduction of the possibility of error, in short we ensure better quality for the patient. At Phibo® we have developed dental products and services that are based on different areas of knowledge and science, from surgery, biotechnology, material physics and bioengineering, to digitisation and business management. For Phibo® investigation and development with scientific rigor and based on this knowledge are the present and future around which our whole range of products and services revolves. For Phibo® it is not about offering isolated products and services that only cover part of the process and are unrelated to each other; what is really important is offering reliable and flexible integral solutions that improve the work of our clients, making difficult work easy.
Innovative dental solutions. From bone regeneration to the final tooth.
CAD-CAM Catalogue
Dental clinic
Our business model
Dental clinic CAD-CAM Catalogue
What is CAD-CAM? The world of odontology is continually evolving, technically and scientifically, in all areas; and evidently the field of dental prosthetics is no exception. In recent years CAD-CAM technology has come to play a major role and has caused a revolution in terms of quality in the design and manufacture of dental restoration work. The CAD-CAM systems are a true revolution for everyday work with modern dental prosthetics. CAD-CAM = Computer Aided Design - Computer Aided Manufacturing. [Miy09]
Computer Aided Design CAD is a set of IT support tools for designing parts in 2D (drawings) or in 3D (solids and surfaces), originally used in engineering. For dental restoration work, these tools are applied in the design of the prosthesis, replacing manual wax modelling with a digital design with perfect control of dimensions and aesthetics.
Computer Aided Manufacturing CAM consists of using computers and calculation technology throughout the manufacturing process, from planning to production and quality control. For dental restoration work, it is applied to the manufacture of the prostheses. For example, it replaces metal casting with numerically controlled machine processes, thus achieving great accuracy, function and aesthetic finish. The combination of computer assisted design and manufacture processes allows geometric modelling, analysis, testing, documentation and control of manufacturing.
Computer aided design.
Computer aided manufacture.
CAD-CAM Catalogue
Dental clinic
In addition, it allows work on the development of new products and solutions to be performed scientifically. Thus, we obtain prostheses with better fit, aesthetics and function than those made using the traditional procedure. [Liu09]
w Biocompatible w Predictable w Reliable w Stable w Precise w Attractive w Reproducible
Dental clinic CAD-CAM Catalogue
The prosthetics solutions preferred by clinicians Phibo® CAD-CAM prostheses have many advantages for clinicians, from a wide range of products for all indications to the best materials. All these advantages translate into more satisfied patients. [Sai07, Sch10, Pje07].
1. A solution for each restoration Phibo® offers fully customised solutions in CAD-CAM that ensure very attractive, precise results. Phibo® offers you the widest range of products in CAD-CAM to satisfy any clinician's needs: from conventional prostheses to implant-mounted prostheses; from crowns to the most complex of bars.
2. Wide range of materials Phibo® manufactures prostheses in CAD-CAM using all types of materials: Zirconia in four colours, specially indicated for restorations where the aesthetic commitment is important, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) indicated for temporary aesthetic restorations, cobalt chrome, an innovative manufacturing process patented by Phibo® providing the best combination of different technology and titanium, a material that stands out for its lightness and excellent mechanical response.
3. Guaranteed biocompatibility and bioinertia The materials of the prostheses in Phibo® CAD-CAM are biocompatible and bioinert. Thanks to this these materials can withstand long periods of time in a highly corrosive liquid environment.
4. Better fit that generates clinical profits… and greater profitability
A personalised solution for each restoration
2. 3. 4.
All types of materials.
The perfect fit of our prostheses in CAD-CAM provides long-term results in terms of greater reliability and predictability. This often results in less chair time and therefore a greater number of patients. In addition, patients will be more satisfied. All this means that you will have more time for more patients, which will lead to greater profitability. Moreover, in the case of cemented structures on a natural stump, thanks to the perfect fit, our prostheses in CAD-CAM prevent leakage around the edges in the short and long term, which improves stump protection. This makes the prosthesis last longer.
Biocompatible and bioinert.
5. Optimum communication with the patient: Available soon.
The perfect fit that provides greater reliability, predictability and profitability.
Optimum communication with the patient: Phibo® Communicate.
On any implant system.
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Dental clinic
Thanks to the new Phibo® Communicate tool, you can instantly view the design that your prosthetist has made and, if you wish, share it with your clients. You can also send comments to the prosthetist, if you feel it is necessary. In addition, with Phibo® Communicate you can view before and after images of the restoration in 3D, which is a very effective sales tool for your patients.
complete versatility
Thanks to Phibo® Library, you can perform any type of restoration on any implant system.
Dental clinic CAD-CAM Catalogue
The prosthetics solutions preferred by clinicians 7. The most attractive result All Phibo® CAD-CAM prostheses are designed individually, depending on the needs of each patient. Phibo® ceramic materials such as Zirconia offer restorations with high aesthetic quality, since they provide the colour and translucence of the patient's natural teeth.
8. Restorations on implants with greater versatility Phibo® alllows you to increase your prosthetic possibilities because we can carry out any type of restoration on any implant system, whether by Phibo® or by any other brand on the market.
9. The best quality controls
Designed individually according to the needs of each patient.
8. 9.
10. The best guarantee
On any implant system.
All Phibo® CAD-CAM products are guaranteed for five years (except provisional prostheses in PMMA).
Strict quality controls. Greater durability and complete predictability of the product.
11. And without changing your normal way of working
10. 11.
When you request Phibo® prostheses in CAD-CAM, you will not have to change your working protocols at any time with respect to restorations made using conventional prostheses.
The best guarantee.
Thus, you can benefit from all the advantages of Phibo® prostheses in CAD-CAM without any additional effort.
Without changing your normal way of working. Without any additional effort.
12. Production centre equipped with the most advanced technology
Culture of total quality. Our manufacturing processes are fully focused on R+D.
Extensive network of collaborating laboratories.
The reliability of the process guarantees good results. This is why all the products developed and manufactured by Phibo® are subject to strict quality controls. In addition, our processes and materials are strictly monitored and we maintain complete traceability. All this results in greater durability and complete predictability of the product in comparison with prostheses made following the conventional procedure. [Fis09]
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Dental clinic
Phibo® has a technology system that revolves around a culture of total quality. Our manufacturing processes are fully focused on R+D and include: laser sintering to work with both metal and plastic, milling centres with 5 simultaneous axes, processes for heat and surface treatments, digital microscopes, computer vision.
13. Extensive network of collaborating laboratories You can consult the Phibo® network of collaborating laboratories at
Dental clinic CAD-CAM Catalogue
A solution for each restoration
Cemented solutions Table 1 Optical confocal contouring roughness (PLμ− neox Optical Imaging Profiler, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) of one Co-Cr structure made using the Phibo® laser sintering process and another by machining.
Machined structure
Structure with Co-Cr by Phibo®
(Ra) Exterior 3.3μm
(Ra) Interior 3.0μm
The table shows the values of Ra, average roughness as an absolute value, of a machined structure and a structure made with laser sintering.
The preservation and restoration of natural teeth with crowns or bridges is part of the clinician's everyday work. Phibo® offers a full range of prosthetic products manufactured in CAD-CAM that provide the best fit, biocompatibility, predictability and aesthetics. Phibo® cemented structures can be made with any number of parts in various materials: Cobalt Chrome, Zirconia, Titanium and PMMA. Our structures made in cemented Cobalt Chrome are manufactured using the laser sintering technique . By combining cutting-edge technology, we obtain parts with a greater roughness than those manufactured using other processes, in both the internal and external areas of the structure. This roughness leads to better metal‑ceramic adhesion outside and better cement-metal adhesion inside the structure. See Table 1. All these high quality materials provide exceptional fit, biocompatibility and aesthetics. [Liu09] Phibo® makes all types of cemented structures that provide solutions for any type of restoration: caps, anatomic caps, multiple cemented structures, structures with attachments for fixed and removable prostheses, etc.
Structure in cemented Cobalt Chrome.
Cronia® cemented.
Structure in cemented Titanium.
Structure in cemented Zirconia.
Structure in cemented Zirconia.
CAD-CAM Catalogue
Dental clinic
Cemented solutions
For any type of restoration
Fully customised design
Caps and multiple structures.
Depending on the needs of each patient to achieve the most attractive result.
Better fit
Biocompatible materials
Caps and structures that fit better
Zirconia in four tones, Cobalt
than those manufactured with
Chrome, Titanium and PMMA.
conventional casting techniques. [Liu 09]
Dental clinic CAD-CAM Catalogue
A solution for each restoration
Restorations on implants
The most extensive library on the market. More than 80 connections available with the main brands. · Nobel Biocare. · Straumann. · Astra Tech. · Biomet 3i. · Zimmer Dental. · ...
Restoration on implants is increasingly more common in dental clinic practice. For restorations on implants, Phibo® provides a wide range of CAD-CAM solutions in all types of materials. All of these can be applied on any implant system because Phibo® has the most extensive library of connections on the market, the Phibo® Library. Moreover, due to our excellent passive fit, the probability of implant failure is reduced, as there is greater stability in the prosthesisimplant connection, which leads to an absence of stresses, and better care and maintenance of the soft and hard tissues. Phibo® screw-mounted structures can be manufactured with any number of connections and can be made in various materials: Cobalt Chrome, Zirconia, Titanium and PMMA. All these high quality materials provide exceptional biocompatibility and also help care for the soft tissue. To guarantee better fit, Phibo® uses Titanium screws manufactured to the maximum quality standards.
Cronia® screw-mounted.
Restoration in screw-mounted Titanium. Adhoc® structure with 12 parts.
Restoration in screw-mounted Zirconia.
Astra Tech is a registered trademark of Astra Tech AB. Nobel Biocare is a registered trademark of Nobel Biocare AG. Straumann is a registered trademark of Straumann AG. Biomet 3i is a registered trademark of Biomet 3i, Inc. Zimmer Dental is a registered trademark of Zimmer Dental Inc. 14
CAD-CAM Catalogue
Dental clinic
Restorations on implants
Fully customised design
For any type of restoration
Depending on the needs of each
Caps and multiple structures
patient to achieve the most attractive result.
Biocompatible materials Zirconia in four tones, Cobalt Chrome, Titanium and PMMA. Excellent passive fit Greater stability in the implant‑prosthesis interface and better care and maintenance of the soft and hard tissues.
On any implant system Phibo ® has the most extensive library of connections on the market.
Dental clinic CAD-CAM Catalogue
A solution for each restoration
Hybrid structures and removable bars on implants With Phibo® you can make all types of bars and hybrid structures on implants in both Titanium and Cobalt Chrome. Our milled Titanium bars are made with grade 5 Titanium, a light and biocompatible material. These bars are delivered fully polished and prepared for use without porosity problems or veins caused by welding. Our bars and hybrid structures have an excellent fit that provide optimum long-term results. Phibo® offers all types of bars on any implant system, that offer solutions for any situation: Dolder in Titanium.
• Dolder or Ackerman bars directly on the implant. • B ars for removable overdentures with housing for Locator ® abutments and Ceka® and Bredent® attachments, etc.
Hybrid structure in Cobalt Chrome.
Attachments for removable prostheses Phibo® manufactures the innovative machined attachments for removable prostheses, especially indicated for their cemented structures in Cobalt Chrome: Machined extra-crown attachments indicated for upper and lower arches (30° and 60° Bredent®, Roach®, etc.).
Bredent®type attachment. With structure with loaded ceramic.
Roach® type attachment.
Their machined connection enables full accuracy thanks to an ideal fit (much better than that achieved with traditional casting procedures). In addition, this innovative system means that when the ball of the attachment inevitably gets worn, it is only necessary to replace the ball, without having to make a complete new structure.
Bredent® type attachment.
Bredent® is a registered trademark of Bredent GmbH & Co.KG Roach® is a registered trademark of Cendres+Métaux S.A. Locator ® is a registered trademark of Zest Anchors, Inc. Ceka® is a registered trademark of Ceka Preci-Line. 16
CAD-CAM Catalogue
Dental clinic
Hybrid structures and removable bars on implants
All types of bars and hybrids Versatility in the attachment system Wide variety of bars and attachment types to satisfy the needs of every patient.
Excellent passive fit Greater stability in the implant‑prosthesis interface and better care and maintenance of the soft and hard tissues.
On any implant system Phibo® has the most extensive library of connections on the market.
Overdenture bar with housing for Locator ® abutments. Locator ® is a registered trademark of Zest Anchors, Inc.
Dental clinic CAD-CAM Catalogue
Restorations in CAD-CAM Cobalt chrome
(4 colours)
(4 colours)
Cemented caps
Multiple cemented structures
Up to 4 parts with full guarantee.
Multiple anatomic screw‑mounted structures
ask about Syntesis® by Phibo®
ask about Syntesis® by Phibo®
ask about Syntesis® by Phibo®
ask about Syntesis® by Phibo®
ask about Syntesis® by Phibo®
Milled bars
possibility of attachments on milled Titanium bars
Attachments (removable prostheses)
Customised abutments
Anatomic customised abutments
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Dental clinic
ask about Syntesis® by Phibo®
Adhoc , versatility in screw‑mounted Cobalt Chrome ®
Phibo® presents the most revolutionary product in dental prostheses: Adhoc®, screw-mounted Cobalt Chrome by Phibo®. For all screw-mounted ceramic metal restorations that you request from your prosthetist, Phibo® offers you its most versatile product. Our screw-mounted Cobalt Chrome combines the best of different technologies to provide the best results where needed: • T he best ceramic grip where needed thanks to the greater roughness of the surface. [Liu10] • The best fit for the connection area.
Composition Cobalt (Co)
61.8-65.8 %
Chrome (Cr)
2 3.7-25.7 %
Molybdenum (Mo) Tungsten (W)
Silicon (Si) Iron (Fe)
4.6-5.6 % 4.9-5.9 %
0.8-1.2 % Max. 0.50 %
Manganese (Mn.)
Max. 0.10%
Adhoc® is a unique product in the prosthetics market because it is developed based on a manufacturing process owned by Phibo®, which is pending international patent. In addition, the Cobalt Chrome that Phibo® uses in its prostheses is 100% biocompatible and highly resistant to corrosion. Similarly, it is a material noted for its high resistance. Phibo® manufactures Cobalt Chrome for screw-mounted restorations for all types of structures: from single parts to anatomic structures with any number of parts, and complicated hybrid structures to the simplest of bars. And all of this on any implant system.
Relative density
Min. 8.50 g/cm3
Resistance to traction
Min. 900 MPa
Elastic limit (0.2%)
Min. 700 MPa
Elongation at breakage
Min. 2%
Young's modulus
Min. 180 GPa
Hardness (HV10)
Min. 350 HV
Coef. of thermal expansion (25-500°C)
14.0-14.5x10-6 m/m°C
Coef. of thermal expansion (20-600°C)
14.2-14.6x10-6 m/m°C
Melting point
n Better ceramic grip.
Approx. 100 %
n Better fit for the connection area. n Biocompatible and highly resistant to corrosion. n High resistance. n On any implant system.
The diagram shows the different surfaces of a screw-mounted prosthesis in Cobalt Chrome according to their function. A perfect fit is obtained in the connection area and the roughness necessary in the area where the ceramic load will be made (scanning electron microscopy, Universidad de Barcelona). Adhoc® structure with 14 parts.
Dental clinic CAD-CAM Catalogue
Cronia , ®
temporary anatomic restorations Composition Copolymer acrylic based on polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) > 99.9 % Pigmentation
99.9 %
Properties Density
6.05 g/cm
Grain size
450 nm
Colour White Bending strength
1000-1200 MPa
Vickers Hardness SENB Tenacity (KIC) Threshold stress intensity factor (KIO) Radioactivity
13 GPa 6 MPa m1/2
3.2 MPa m1/2 0.03 Bq/g
Tones ZR0
More and more often the clinician needs to perform restorations with high aesthetic requirements. Therefore, at Phibo® we make our prostheses in CAD-CAM with pre-sinterised Zirconia, with improved properties through the use of nanostructured starting materials. It is actually tetragonal zirconium stabilised with yttrium (Y-TZP), a ceramic material that has been used for more than 35 years in the orthopedic field to manufacture prosthetic hips and most recently to manufacture dental prostheses. Zirconium Y-TZP has the advantages -mainly biocompatibility and aesthetics-of ceramic materials used until now in the dental field without their disadvantages (low mechanical resistance, low translucence, opacity). [Den08, Sai07] Phibo® CAD-CAM offers prostheses made in Zirconia in four colours: white, pale, medium and intense to provide a result that is as similar as possible to the patient's natural teeth. Phibo® CAD-CAM offers everything from caps to complete cemented structures in Zirconia. For screw-mounted prostheses, Phibo® manufactures parts ranging from crowns to structures with a maximum of four parts with a full warranty.
n High aesthetic requirements n Biocompatibility n Resistance n Four tones
CAD-CAM Catalogue
Dental clinic
Cemented and screw-mounted Zirconia.
Quality assurance From the creation of the CAD-CAM prostheses division, our mission has been to offer customised restorations for each patient with a full warranty. Therefore, the solutions in CAD-CAM are accompanied by a warranty with maximum coverage. All Phibo® prostheses in CAD‑CAM offer a five-year warranty (except Cronia® structures, that have a warranty of 6 months because they are indicated for provisional restorations). Phibo® has a management system that revolves around total quality. The objective is excellence in all the company's activities. The Phibo® Quality System is based on managing all the processes, from the most strategic to the most operational. The products, services, installations and processes are based on ISO 9001 and EN-ISO 13485 standards. Phibo® is also FDA certified for some of our products.
ÍA RANT GA ium Titan
Titanium 5 years
ltÍA NT ba RA Co GA Chrome
Cobalt Chrome 5 years
ÍA NTia GA rcon ZiRA
Zirconia 5 years
PMMA 6 months
Dental clinic CAD-CAM Catalogue
Scientific warranty At Phibo® we do not work with science to provide answers, but always to offer the professional with useful solutions that improve patient quality of life. Numerous studies have been obtained and published in well-known international journals stemming from internal scientific development and collaboration with universities. These studies provide scientific evidence that assesses the use of techniques and/or solutions in odontology to guarantee the results expected by professionals and patients. To promote this scientific development we have the support of public and private institutions in Europe and beyond.
Bibliography [Bra88] Braden M, Some aspects of the chemistry and physics of dental resins. Adv Dent Res (1988) Aug vol2 (1): 7-93. [Den08] Denry I and Kelly J, State of the art of zirconia for dental applications. Dent Mater (2008) Mar (24(3)): 299-307. [Fis09] Fischer J, Stawarczyk B, Trottmann A and Hämmerle C, Resistencia de los armazones para puentes sinterizados por láser en aleación de CoCr. Quintessence Técnica (2009) vol.20(01): 17-26. [Has05] Haselton D, Diaz-Arnold A, Dawson D, Color stability of provisional crown and fixed partial denture resins. J Prosthet Dent (2005) Jan vol 93(1): 5-70. [Liu09] Liu Y, Wang Z, Gao B, Zhao X, Lin X, Wu J Ucar Y, Akova T, Akyil M and Brantley W, Internal fit evaluation of crowns prepared using a new dental crown fabrication technique: laser-sintered Co-Cr crowns. J Prosthet Dent (2009) Oct (102(4)): 9-253. [Liu10] Liu Y, Wang Z, Gao B, Zhao X, Lin X and Wu J, Evaluation of mechanical properties and porcelain bonded strength of nickel-chromium dental alloy fabricated by laser rapid forming. Lasers Med Sci. (2010) Nov (25(6)): 799-804. [Miy09] Miyazaki T, Hotta Y, Kunii J, Kuriyama S and Tamaki Y, A review of dental CAD/CAM: current status and future perspectives from 20 years of experience. Dent Mater J (2009) Jan (28(1)): 44-56. [Pje07] Pjetursson E, Sailer I, Zwahlen M and Hämmerle H, A systematic review of the survival and complication rates of all-ceramic and metal-ceramic reconstructions after an observation period of at least 3 years. Part I: Single crowns. Clin Oral Implants Res (2007) Jun(18) Suppl 3: 73-85. [Sai07] Sailer I, Pjetursson E, Zwahlen M, Hämmerle H, A systematic review of the survival and complication rates of all-ceramic and metal-ceramic reconstructions after an observation period of at least 3 years. Part II: Fixed dental prostheses. Clin Oral Implants Res (2007) Jun(18) Suppl 3: 86-96. [San07] Santosa R, Centre for Implant Dentistry, University of Florida, Provisional restoration options in implant dentistry. Aust Dent J (2007) Sep vol 52(3): 42-234. [Sch10] Schley S, Heussen N, Reich S, Fischer J, Haselhuhn K and Wolfart S, Department of Prosthodontics and Dental Materials, Medical Faculty, RWTH Aachen University, Survival probability of zirconia-based fixed dental prostheses up to 5 yr: a systematic review of the literature. Eur J Oral Sci (2010) Oct (118(5)): 50-443.
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Dental clinic
Bibliografía adicional [Ala10] Al-Amleh B, Lyons K, Swain M, Department of Oral Rehabilitation, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Otago, Clinical trials in zirconia: a systematic review. J Oral Rehabil (2010) Aug vol 37(8): 52-541. [Ako08] Akova T, Ucar Y, Tukay A, Balkaya M, Brantley W, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Cukurova University, Comparison of the bond strength of laser-sintered and cast base metal dental alloys to porcelain. Dent Mater (2008)Oct vol24 (10): 4-1400. [Ako09] Akova T, Ucar Y, Tukay A, Balkaya M, Brantley W, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Cukurova University, Internal fit evaluation of crowns prepared using a new dental crown fabrication technique: laser-sintered Co-Cr crowns. J Prosthet Dent (2009) Oct vol 102(4): 9-253. [Beh95] Behrendt U, Shellabear M, EOS GmbH, The EOS rapid prototyping concept. Computers in Industry (1995) Dec vol 28 (1): 57-61. [Kap09] Kapos T, Ashy LM, Gallucci GO, Weber HP, Wismeijer D, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Science, Harvard School of Odontology,
[Kum07] Kumar S, Selective laser sintering: A qualitative
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an overview. Dent Mater (2008) Mar vol 24 (3): 98-289.
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experimental considerations. Dent Mater (2011) Jan vol 27 (1): 83-96.
Dental clinic CAD-CAM Catalogue
The best results with Phibo® CAD‑CAM: clinical case Patient, 52 years of age, edentulate for more than 5 years. Implant surgery was performed with Phibo® TSA® Advance Series 3, 4 and 5, upper and lower to support fixed prostheses in the maxilla and mandible using Cobalt Chrome and Titanium in CAD-CAM.
Fitting of Dual Press abutments for impressions on implants (maxilla). Fig. 1
Fitting of Dual Press abutments for impressions on implants in the mandible. Fig. 2
Fig. 1
Fitting of impression caps for definitive imprinting (maxilla). Fig. 3
Fig. 2
Fitting of impression caps for definitive imprinting (mandible). Fig. 4
Fig. 4
Fig. 3
Splinting of impression caps (maxilla). Fig. 5
Splinting of the impression caps once the cuvette is placed in the mouth (mandible). Fig. 6
Fig. 5
CAD-CAM Catalogue
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Fig. 6
Test of teeth in wax to verify occlusion. Fig. 8
View of the imprinting. Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 7
Right side occlusion. Fig. 9
Structure in the plaster model. Fig. 10
Fig. 9
Test of structure in the mouth. Test of fit. Fig. 11
Fig. 10
Occlusal view of abutments in the mouth (cementing). Fig. 12
Fig. 12
Fig. 11
Occlusal view of abutments (ProUnic). Fig. 13
Final result of the prosthesis in the mouth. Fig. 14
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Dental clinic CAD-CAM Catalogue
CAD-CAM Dental clinic
I+D+i & Production Center Av. Mediterráneo 202-206 03725 Teulada Alicante | Spain T +34 965 740 949 F +34 965 740 441
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This document was reviewed and approved on 15.03.12.
Phibo® Headquarters