Dental Students' Perceptions of Community - Semantic Scholar
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Key words: dental clinical teaching, student/clinical teacher relationship, clinical supervision, professional ..... students to clinical teams that will unite individuals.
Dentistry, Naresuan University in the academic year 2009. Methods: ... Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine ... score, the Dundee Ready Education.
Oct 2, 2008 - Family and Community Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine; Dr. Weyant is Professor and Chair, ... cal and dental schools relying more heavily.
from an article by Warman et al.9 and pilot-tested to make sure that the students' responses were reliable. The students indicated their gender, year of school,.
Nov 11, 2014 - 1138 Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy JMCP. November 2014 ... of pharmacist perceptions of, and attitudes towards, generic.
G3 students performed a greater number of endodontic treatments (p
At universities in Denmark, policies of alcohol consumption are a new phenomenon ... Keywords: Alcohol, University students, Policy development, Qualitative research, Drinking behavior ...... The co-occurrence of smoking and drinking among.
Jun 15, 2016 - School of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University Athens, Panepistimiou .... Regarding work location, graduates with a pharmacy degree are ...... requirements relating to employment (e.g., for pharmacy technicians).
Feb 1, 2017 - facial Surgery/Hospital Dentistry, University of Michigan School of Dentistry; Dr. ... of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and Arts, Uni-.
Jun 15, 2016 - of the pharmacy profession given that pharmacists educated and trained in a given member state ... by national law and the statutes of the pharmacy professional ..... In a study in Thailand, 574 pharmacy practitioners and.
Evaluation: Students reported having perceptions of decreased test anxiety, nervous- ness, self-doubt, and ... performance, too much stress or test anxiety can also hinder an ..... storage.
8, No. 1 AJHPE 33. The creating of clear and accurate patient medical records, .... a bigger role to play in record keeping but had not emphasised the aspects of.
Dental Students' Perceptions of Community - Semantic Scholar
Sep 2, 2012 - pediatric dentistry course in community-based education developing activities linked to ... holistic understanding of the provision of dental care.
Dental Students’ Perceptions of CommunityBased Education: A Retrospective Study at a Dental School in Brazil Anelise Daher, M.S.; Luciane R. Costa, Ph.D.; Geovanna C.M. Machado, D.D.S. Abstract: Community-based educational activities have been introduced into health education programs across the world. However, research on students’ perceptions of their experiences in these settings has been limited. The objectives of this study were to assess a group of Brazilian dental students’ views of their experiences in a service-learning program focusing on pediatric dental care and to explore changes in their perceptions over the course of the program. Data were collected from fifty-five fourth-year dental students, who submitted a total of 185 reports at four points in time. The students spent sixteen of the 128 hours of their pediatric dentistry course in community-based education developing activities linked to pediatric dental care. Two professors rated each report as a positive or negative experience (Kappa 0.7) and recorded whether the students’ reports reflected one or more of five types of response. The response types concerned dental treatment practice, multidisciplinary activities, observation of infant/toddler consultations, commitment of the outreach health team, and change of plans due to technical problems. The data showed that the students had a positive first impression after a short stay in a community-service program, but there was a decrease in the students’ positive experiences over time (p