among the sciences, Geography and other disciplines, Branches and sub ...
Historical Perspective of Geography contribution of Greeks, Romans, Arabs,.
Department of Geography Faculty of Arts University of Lucknow, Lucknow- 226007 B.A.-I
Unit-I Geography: Nature, Definition, scope and objectives. Place of Geography among the sciences, Geography and other disciplines, Branches and sub Branches of Geography.
Unit-II Historical Perspective of Geography contribution of Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Indians and others, contribution in renaissance and modern periods with various schools of thought.
Unit-III Dualism in Geography Physical Vs Human, Regional Vs. systematice etc hecents trends in Geography with special reference to major themes and concepts of Geography:
Unit-IV Concept and types of regions, concepts of location, distribution and areal differentiation, concepts of spatial organization, cultural landscape, models and systems.
Department of Geography Faculty of Arts University of Lucknow, Lucknow- 226007 B.A.-I PAPER-II
Unit-I Meaning Nature an scope of Physical Geography; Interrelation of physical geography with other earth sciences ; Branches of physical geography, Geological time scale, and origin of the earth – Review and modern theories.
Unit-II Earth’s interior ; rocks ; continental drift, Plate tectonics ; earth movements – orogenic and epirogenic; Isostasy ; Earthquakes and volcanoes, Weathering and Erosion Mass wasting; concepts of cycle of erosion; Geomorphic agents and processes ; fluvial, Arid, glacial, karst and costal and land scapes, Applied Geomorphology.
Unit – III Weather and climate. composition and structure of atmosphere, Heat Budget, Atmospheric temperature, winds; Atmospheric moisture, Humidity and precipitation; Air masses and fionts , cyclones : Tropical and temperate. climatic classification.
Unit-IV Surface configuration of oceanic floor ; Relief of Atlantic, pacific and Indian ocean ; distribution of temperature and salinity in oceans and seas, waves; tides; ocean currents, currents of Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans; Marine deposits, coral reefs.
Department of Geography Faculty of Arts University of Lucknow, Lucknow- 226007 B.A.-I PRACTICAL :
Unit-I The nature and scope of cartography Types of Maps, Scales & their types Plain, digonal and comparative;
Unit-II Methods of showing relief, Representation of slope and different landforms by contours, Drawing of profiles : cross and long profiles, serial superimposed, composite and projected profiles and their relevance in land form mapping and analysis.
Unit-III Weather maps : weather maps of India published by Indian Meteorological Department specially for July and January ; Interpretation of Weather Maps. Meteorological Insturments : Thermometers (Max-Min, Wet and Dry Bulb) , Barometer, Wind Vane and Rain Gange.
Unit-IV Study of Survey of India topographical maps ; classification, extent and scale, Interpretation of SOI toposheets of a hilly and a plain area of India in respect of (i) relief (ii) drainage (iii) settlements, and (iv) transport patterns.